This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-09-13 20:53:41 +02:00
parent c726b96aeb
commit d2cc338141
14 changed files with 1861 additions and 1826 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Art is an endeavor that seeks discovery and creation of [beauty]( and
**Good art always needs time**, usually a lot of time, and you cannot predict how much time it will need, **art cannot be made on schedule** or as a product. By definition creating true art is never a routine (though it requires well trained skills in routine tasks), it always invents something new, something no one has done before (otherwise it's just copying that doesn't need an artist) -- in this sense the effort is the same as that of research and science or exploring previously unwalked land, you can absolutely never know how long it will take you to invent something, what complications you will encounter or what you will find in an unknown land. You simply do it, fail many times, mostly find nothing, you repeat and repeat until you find the good thing. For this art also requires a lot of effort -- yes, there are cases of masterpieces that came to be very casually, but those are as rare as someone finding a treasure by accident. Art is to a great degree a matter of chance, trial and error, the artist himself doesn't understand his own creation when he makes it, he is only skilled at searching and spotting the good, but in the end he is just someone who invests a lot of time into searching, many times blindly.
Mastery of art comes with **transcending the tool** in the sense of no longer being focused on the tools as well as no longer being its [slave]( An amateur is obsessed with his tools, he keep [hopping]( editors, [languages](, distros, keyboards, headphones, drills, clothes, he says he can't work without his specific tools; a master comes and creates the art -- if he has no paintbrush, he does it with a pencil and if he doesn't have a pencil, he draws it in the sand. Master is only thinking about art and he can achieve it with most tools he can get his hands on. Chess master doesn't need a chessboard, football master can play barefoot, master climber doesn't need climbing equipment, master drummer can play with a stick he picks from the ground. This means a mastery of art is a form of [freedom](
**Art is discovered**, not made. The author of art is merely a discoverer of some beautiful pattern of nature, he may not even fully comprehend or understand that which he discovered, he must in no way be its owned or arbiter (as capitalism wants to make it with bullshit such as [copyright]( Author has no higher authority in interpretation of his art than anyone else.
Art, like a [woman](, is beautiful and just like a woman it too often sells itself and becomes a whore, it is too difficult to find sincere, pure art like it is difficult to find a sincere love of a woman.

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# Audiophilia
Audiophilia is a mental disorder, similar to other diseases such as [distrohopping]( and chronic [ricing](, that makes one scared of low or normal quality audio. Audiophiles are scared of lossy [compression]( and so harm society by wasting storage space. Audiophilia, similarly to e.g. the business with [mechanical keyboards](, is the [astrology]( of technology, it is an arbitrarily invented bullshit business creating an artificial need that makes people wanna buy golden cables and similar shit in belief that it will make their life happier, perpetuation consumerism and [capitalism](
Audiophilia is a mental disorder, similar to other diseases such as [distrohopping]( and chronic [ricing](, that makes one scared of low or normal quality audio. Audiophiles are scared of lossy [compression]( and so harm society by wasting storage space. Audiophilia, similarly to e.g. the business with [mechanical keyboards](, is the [astrology]( of technology, it is an arbitrarily invented bullshit business creating an artificial need that makes people wanna buy golden cables and similar shit in belief that it will make their life happier, perpetuation consumerism and [capitalism](
## See Also
- [disease](

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@ -29,4 +29,6 @@ When Bill Gates and [Steve Jobs]( saw how enormously rich they got
## See Also
- [voldemort](
- [hitler](
- [biotrash](

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
- **need for extremely complex market control and laws, burdening society**: As corporations are absolutely unethical and pursue evil goals such as enslaving workers and abuse of consumers, there have to be an extremely complex set of constantly evolving laws and bureaucracy just to somehow "make corporations behave". However laws are imperfect and corporations work 24/7 on bypassing them as well as on attacking and eliminating the laws themselves via lobbyist etc. This creates a constant, extremely expensive legal war-like game in which everyone has to take part, which is completely arbitrary and unnecessary and which eventually corporations will likely win.
- **uncontrolled growth**: Capitalism is likened to [cancer]( as it requires a constant uncontrolled growth which on a planet of limited resources inevitably leads to a catastrophic scenario.
- **hyperspecialization, loss of self sufficiency**: Entities (people, cities, companies, states, ...) lose self sufficiency as they hyperspecialize in some task and in everything else rely on someone else. This complete dependence creates slavery and danger -- in an event of a blackout for example people cannot survive as they cannot make their own food, they can't repair their basic tools etc.
- **loss of humanity, human values, virtues, good relationships and higher goals**: In capitalism humans are just [consumers](, machines for production and "resources" -- corporations now routinely use these terms (*human resources department* etc.). People are brainwashed to no longer even see it as concerning to be called such terms. People's worth is only in how much they can work or consume. ALL things become a matter or business and competition, both economically and psychologically -- even romantic love becomes more akin a business partnership, people sign contracts before marriage and with any material hardship divorce comes inevitably, calculation prevails over feelings and it's seen as a completely normal thing. **Truth itself is destroyed in capitalism**, information and public opinion become so valuable to business that truth is something that gets sold by "[scientists](", [marketing]( and public media propaganda, whatever "fact" a politician needs to be true, he can make it so just by paying money -- that is why people become paranoid, "conspiracy theories" flourish because science has sold itself like a whore and there is no one to trust, gone are the times when people had higher shared goals such as exploration, creation of art, want of seeking the truth, when a science authority or newspaper could be trusted because one might rely on scientists and journalists to have at least some virtues and love for their craft. A science authority or famous journalist is nowadays just an expensive prostitute.
- **loss of humanity, human values, virtues, good relationships and higher goals**: In capitalism humans are just [consumers](, machines for production and "resources" -- corporations now routinely use these terms (*human resources department* etc.). People are brainwashed to no longer even see it as concerning to be called such terms. People's worth is only in how much they can work or consume. ALL things become a matter or business and competition, both economically and psychologically -- even romantic love becomes more akin a business partnership, people sign contracts before marriage and with any material hardship divorce comes inevitably, calculation prevails over feelings and it's seen as a completely normal thing. **Truth itself is destroyed in capitalism**, information and public opinion become so valuable to business that truth is something that gets sold by "[scientists](", [marketing]( and public media propaganda, whatever "fact" a politician needs to be true, he can make it so just by paying money. All information gets highly distorted by business -- for example news will always keep exaggerating warnings about various threats to keep people watching; if for example you warn about giant floods and urge people to stay alert, they will keep watching the news in fear (see also [fear culture]( Then of course you can never be sure how serious an announced threat is, when it gets real people may ignore it as just another false warning. All in all truth gets lost, no one can be trusted and people become paranoid, "conspiracy theories" flourish because science has sold itself like a whore and there is no one to trust, gone are the times when people had higher shared goals such as exploration, creation of art, want of seeking the truth, when a science authority or newspaper could be trusted because one might rely on scientists and journalists to have at least some virtues and love for their craft. A science authority or famous journalist is nowadays just an expensive prostitute.
- **abuse of animals**: In capitalism animals are just products and resources, they are kept in very bad conditions just to be killed for meat or other purpose. They are slaughtered by millions just so we can overeat to morbid obesity. Maximizing profit dictates no money should be spent on animal comfort.
- **[productivity cult](**: People are brainwashed and forced into becoming robots whose sole purpose is to produce. Working overtimes, skipping lunch, minimizing sleep etc. has already become part of the work culture for example in USA and Japan.
- **financial crises**: Crises are as regular and certain in capitalism as rain is in the nature, and possibly much more unpredictable; every crisis hurts everyone but the strongest corporations, whom it in turn makes stronger. People become poorer and great many small and mid-size businesses, i.e. potential competition to the big guys, either die to a bankrupt or are forced to let themselves be devoured by the big guys. This further accelerated the scissors effect, making poor poorer (i.e. better abusable) and rich richer. This is also yet another reason why the small "good guy"/"not only for profit" companies always lose, they simply refuse to steal the food of others to eat themselves obese before a famine and so they will die during the next famine or the next or the one after it. Only the bad guys survive many series of crises.

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [retardation](
- [self interest](
- [schizophrenia](
- [tool slavery](
- [troll personality disorder](
- Unix [ricing](
- ...

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ TODO: cure? take the bsd pill? :-)
## See Also
- [tool slavery](
- [editorhopping](
- [genderhopping](
- [hopping]( as a disease in general

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@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave
- Similarly **avoid [toxic]( communities**, don't argue, just leave, it's better to be alone than in bad company. Basically anything with a [COC](, language filter, SJW vibe, rainbow etc. isn't even worth checking out.
- **Be a [generalist](, see the big picture, study the whole world, educate yourself** -- tantum possumus quantum scimus, what we can do is given by what we know. Do not become overspecialized in the capitalist way. Sure you may become an expert at something, but not for the price of making your view of the world too narrow. You may spend most of your time studying and programming computer compilers for example, but still do (and enjoy) other things, for example reading fiction, studying religions, languages, psychology, playing [go](, making music, building houses, painting, doing sports, ... Learn to enjoy to educate yourself! Education (not necessarily formal) is one of the most valuable things you can get -- no one can take it away from you, it makes you see truth more clearly and though this itself makes you more depressed, it also frees you in many ways, for example knowing languages enables you to read more books and live in more places and talk to more people and you can get a comfy job as a translator if you need money, knowing chess makes you able to entertain yourself without a computer, knowing programming enables you to write your own programs if good ones aren't available, and so on. Education makes you see through other people's lies. It is fine to be retarded, remain ignorant and just play video games all days, your value as a living being will lower that way, but you will forever remain among the retarded majority manipulated by the tides of society, even if you have good opinions and correct views, you'll stay just another retard, you won't be able to help others, you'll be paralyzed, leaving the burden and joy of helping the world on others -- just decide if that is what you want. Have you always admired that someone can play a piano? Why not learn it then? Get some cheap keyboard and make it a habit to practice playing it at least 20 minutes every other day, see how good you become in a year. Were you always bad at chemistry? Why not fix it a bit? Get some chemistry for dummies book and read it every day before sleep, you will go from absolute chemistry retard to well above average soon. You can learn about start constelations, biology, history, train card games, memorize pi digits, run half marathon, learn juggling, write your own small book etcetc. A nice life hack is to **see life as an RPG game**, see yourself as a character you are improving, by improving skills you are unlocking new abilities, enabling new options, increasing your stats -- however be very careful to not become competitive or fall victim to the ["self-improvement" cult](! The key is to not start comparing yourself to other, or rather to not have it as a goal to be better than someone else, the goal should be just your happiness of becoming a higher level living entity that has more abilities for helping other, enjoy the universe and so on.
- **Limit your meat consumption**. If you can, become [vegetarian]( or even [vegan](; if you can't go as far it will still be awesome if you just reduce meat consumption to let's say once or twice per week. Purpose of this isn't physical health, it's avoiding harm to other living beings -- consider that a living being who could live a long, happy life has to die just for you to have a few slightly tastier meals. Just don't do that. If you are still worried about negative effects of vegetarianism on your health, know that eating too much meat is probably more dangerous than eating no meat, AND if you eat meat every day, you are already eating too much of it, humans aren't built for that -- until very recently meat was kind of a luxury and people ate it only on special days, so reducing your meat consumption will likely improve your health. { I personally knew two butchers who basically had to have meat in every meal, one had a heart attack before the age of 30, the other one died in his 40s. Again, we choose vegetarianism for ethical reasons, but if your argument is health, it's probably not a good argument. ~drummyfish }
- **Don't become a [tool slave](**
- **Stop just bitching around and DO SOMETHING** -- don't get this wrong, bitching around and ranting is great, this whole wiki is just one huge wall of rage bitching, however if it's all you do, it literally achieves nothing, it won't convince a single man, no one will read that shit, you are just wasting huge part of your life by being angry on the Internet. First thing you have to do is DO SOMETHING, e.g. if you promote minimalism, go and make a minimalist game, show others it works, prove (even to yourself) the thing you believe in is good, bitching about the world is only to come as a supplement to your main work -- your rants aren't there to convince anyone, your art does that, your writings are there for the people who are already convinced to help them educate themselves further. Consider this: you may spend whole life writing 100 books about how minimalism is awesome, you may examine the whole history in detail, provide mathematical proofs of everything and suggest a completely working system that could be established to solve all the problems in the world -- no one is going to read this. Literally not a single man will give a shit. On the other hand you can take a year to program a minimalist operating system, one that is 1000 times smaller than Linux and is 10 times faster and is completely public domain and basically rapes Linux in every other way, you just post that somewhere and people just can't ignore it, you put before their eyes something they can literally see is infinitely better than what was there before, you instantly get thousands of people hooked and they start creating more art like this. You just changed the world significant for the better in just one year. Note this isn't an argument for chasing popularity at all, on the contrary, your actions will likely contradict the popular and even cause a lot of hate, however realize that words are just words, there are too many words everywhere, words can lie and they never achieve anything by themselves, good is achieved and proven by actions.
- **Should you go vote?** The safe answer is no, most likely you shouldn't vote, not voting is in 99.99% cases the best thing as you can just avoid all noise and stress of watching politics at all, you won't waste your time and you also actively vote against the current system by not voting: you decrease the voter turnout, decreasing trust in the system -- there is a reason all politics agree on the one thing that "you should go vote" -- they do because that sustains trust that gives them power, so as it's mostly the case, mainstream clearly pushing you to something basically means it's the one thing you should almost definetely NOT do. A deeper answer to the question of voting is again that you should weight all pros and cons, but you will conclude the pros are so unlikely to prevail that only in an extremely rare situation it would make sense to go vote. You should go vote only if there appears a "party" that's extremely based -- this party should be extremely aligned with LRS, wanting to end all work, military, money, police, all by strictly peaceful ways and eventually end even state and itself too -- something we have practically a zero chance of seeing in the next few hundred years, and even if such "party" appeared in theory and you went vote for it, it almost definitely won't win as normies just won't vote for it, so you change nothing anyway. Definitely do NOT go vote for lesser evil, that's just strengthens the system. Just stop watching politics and let the system destroy itself, you won't be able to influence it by voting in any way no matter what, even if your voting power was multiplied by one million, it just doesn't even matter which party is ruling nowadays. Stop caring about current politics, spend the time on better things. If the base party appears, the news will get to you anyway.
- **Live your life as you want**, don't let someone else control your life and manipulate you, e.g. with feelings of guilt -- this often happens with your parents, partner, friends, culture, laws, ... This isn't an argument for self interest! On the contrary, most people nowadays will try to push you to following self interest or fascist goals that will also benefit them. You only have one life, others have theirs, so listen to advice but remember to always make your own decisions in important things. If you feel you don't want to go to school or that you don't want to work or that you want to do something that people despise or you want to do something that you've read is wrong, just do what you feel is best, even if it's a let down for your family or if it contradicts what the whole society is telling you.

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@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ NPC (non-player character) is a character in a video [game]( that's not
## See Also
- [normie](
- [muggle](
- [muggle](
- [tool slave](

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Also let it be said that everyone has to find his own way of doing projects, it'
- **As always, keep everything [free](, [LRS](, well designed, non-commercial etcetc.** Minimize [dependencies](; dependencies of your project are for example the [programming language]( you use, libraries for formats that you use, assets of third parties you use, minimum hardware demands of a computer that can handle the project etc. Just a reminder. Also think with your brain.
- **Prefer one man projects to many men projects**: Firstly LRS projects should be simple enough to be manageable by a single man, which has many advantages, for example ensuring a coherent artistic vision without any compromise, legal simplicity (e.g. with relicensing), ensuring that the project can REALLY be controlled by a single man (true [freedom](, and also very importantly the cost of collaboration. Multiple people on a project -- even just two -- introduce many inconveniences, issues and [friction](, e.g. that of communication (every thought has to be explained, put into words for others and they still may not completely get it, communication tools will have to be set up and maintained, ...), resolving editing conflicts (multiple people working on the same thing at once), making decisions (voting? discussions?), disagreements, arguments, "codes of conducts" and similar bullcrap. LRS does value collaboration, but mainly loose collaboration, i.e. making bigger things out of smaller things that are made by single people. But more people projects are cool, e.g. wikis or maybe projects by very close people who are already used to working together efficiently.
- **Do NOT be too ambitious, especially with first projects.** This is EXTREMELY important and you have to realize that even if you think something will be easy, it won't be so, a project will always be at least 20 times harder than you estimate (even if you already have experience in estimating project difficulty). Making a game is not just about programming it (which itself means debugging, refactoring, writing tests, debugging tests, organizing repos, designing APIs, studying libraries, ...), you'll also have to document it, play test it (many, many times over), debug it, optimize it, package it, make a website for it and a billion other things. If you decide to make a game like GTA (or even just Pokemon clone or something) but you haven't made at least 10 games already, YOU WILL FAIL, it will be a disaster and completely wasted time. Unless you've done like 10 projects already, choose dead simple things like Tetris clone or something (see [exercises]( for beginner project tips). Remember, the goal of your first project isn't the thing in question but rather learning about making a project and finishing it.
- **[FINISH]( THE FUCKING PROJECT.** Unfinished project will just have wasted your time, it will leave you disgusted, broken, depressed and defeated, it will be of no use to anyone, you'll just feel like [shit]( For this it is important to choose something simple -- if you finish the thing, you'll be happy regardless of how simple it really was, you'll be eager to make more things, people will be able to use your project, they'll be thanking you for it which will further make you more happy and so on. Even if it's a freaking minesweeper, you've made your own game now, it brings happiness to people, you can take a look at it every time you'll feeling down and be a bit happier.
- **[FINISH]( THE FUCKING PROJECT.** Unfinished project will just have wasted your time, it will leave you disgusted, broken, depressed and defeated, it will be of no use to anyone, you'll just feel like [shit]( For this it is important to choose something simple -- if you finish the thing, you'll be happy regardless of how simple it really was, you'll be eager to make more things, people will be able to use your project, they'll be thanking you for it which will further make you more happy and so on. Even if it's a freaking minesweeper, you've made your own game now, it brings happiness to people, you can take a look at it every time you'll be feeling down and be a bit happier. On the other hand however if your project still ends up failing don't become too depressed and try to take the best of it -- it's not the end of the world, you have acquired some experience and you may still try to reuse parts of the failed project elsewhere, just try to extract maximum good.
- **Take long breaks**, enjoy the fact this is not a "[job](" -- when you've become fed up with your project, take a pause. If you have other projects, you may hop onto another one (but if you're simply overall tired, just take a full vacation, go play games or whatever). In a week, month or a year you'll start to feel the urge to get back to it and when you do, it's a sign you'll be enjoying doing it again, it's very likely you'll then get a period of """[productivity](""" (better said just enjoyment) and inspiration. Also when you get stuck or stand before an important decision taking a break is very much advised, you need a fresh mind and even if you make a decision, take a few more days to see if you still think it's good after some time.
- **Have multiple projects in progress**. This is cool for several reasons, for example it prevents a burn out of a single project -- if one projects becomes boring, shows to lead nowhere or you simply get tired of it for a while, you switch to a different one. Even if it fails completely and you delete it, you still have many other "children", it won't be a disaster. Sometimes you have a period when you want to program, so there's a programming project waiting for you, other times you feel like you wanna do music, and there is the project that needs some music, just ready for you. So this also stimulates you in different ways. And sometimes you get surprised if some small project turns into something unexpected maybe. It's just good to have this diversity in your art.
- **Do everything yourself and keep switching tasks**. This is similar to the other point about having multiple projects, just within a single project. Be your own programmer, graphic designer, musician, tester, writer and so on -- at least as much as possible. This not only helps you become a cool generalist, an independent, non-capitalist living being, but also prevents burn out from doing the same activity over and over.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Tool Slave
*Amateur is obsessed with tools. Master is obsessed with art itself.*
Tool slave is someone who, instead of being focused on creating [art](, is rather overly focuses on his tools, he is too dependent on his specific tools of choice, has a fanboy mentality about his favorite brand and rarely creates something because he is too busy just configuring his tools and arguing with others. Typical examples are for example the [Emacs]([Vim]( fanboys, Unix [ricing]( addicts, [GNU]([Linux]( distro [fighters]( etc. Remember that art is the true goal, a tool is only there to help you make it happen -- a good tool is not that over which you masturbate but rather that which you hardly even notice is there, it's in the background and doesn't bother you as you're being focused on creation of your art. If you spend 80 years looking for the right tools to create something and suddenly you find it's too late to put the tools to good use, you have lived your life wrong, you completely wasted all of it by getting ready to do good instead of doing good. Only a reasonable time should be spent on finding a [good enough]( tool, then one must start creating in order to become a master -- a master will transcend his tools and won't even care anymore about which tools he's using -- a mediocre musician will refuse to play music with a cheap instrument, a master will play beautiful music with any instrument you give him. A tool must be slave to you, not vice versa. Tool is not you [tamagotchi]( pet -- once you start to feel emotion, [pride]( or attachment to your tool, something is wrong.
NOTE: a tool however may itself also be a piece of art of course -- the creator of the tool is the artist, but the users of that tool must still treat it only as a tool. The distinction is therefore in the role: the creator of the tool may rightfully be focused on this tool as a fruit of his genius, it is justified for him to spend most of his time on studying the tool and making it so that it can serve others well; the users on the other hand should just take it and in turn use it to create something else.
## See Also
- [disease](
- [holy war](
- [consumerism](

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 593
- number of commits: 880
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4313662
- total number of lines of article texts: 32993
- number of commits: 881
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4326688
- total number of lines of article texts: 33028
- number of script lines: 294
- occurrences of the word "person": 8
- occurrences of the word "nigger": 93
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ longest articles:
- [c_tutorial]( 124K
- [exercises]( 112K
- [how_to]( 72K
- [capitalism]( 72K
- [how_to]( 72K
- [less_retarded_society]( 64K
- [3d_rendering]( 56K
- [chess]( 56K
- [faq]( 52K
- [3d_rendering]( 56K
- [faq]( 56K
- [number]( 52K
- [c]( 44K
- [programming_language]( 44K
@ -35,60 +35,84 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2431)
- there (1866)
- people (1663)
- example (1455)
- other (1323)
- number (1238)
- about (1169)
- software (1157)
- program (981)
- because (907)
- their (893)
- would (889)
- language (833)
- called (829)
- being (816)
- something (813)
- things (806)
- which (2438)
- there (1871)
- people (1678)
- example (1459)
- other (1328)
- number (1239)
- about (1176)
- software (1159)
- program (982)
- because (917)
- their (898)
- would (891)
- language (834)
- called (830)
- something (822)
- being (818)
- things (812)
- numbers (802)
- simple (778)
- computer (757)
- without (727)
- programming (718)
- function (713)
- simple (779)
- computer (758)
- without (730)
- programming (719)
- function (714)
- these (684)
- different (681)
- however (673)
- different (684)
- however (677)
- system (651)
- world (630)
- doesn (620)
- should (618)
- while (601)
- point (594)
- games (584)
- society (583)
- drummyfish (565)
- simply (559)
- using (555)
- still (553)
- though (550)
- possible (542)
- should (619)
- while (602)
- point (598)
- games (587)
- society (585)
- drummyfish (566)
- simply (560)
- using (557)
- still (555)
- though (552)
- possible (545)
- memory (525)
- similar (520)
- similar (521)
- https (517)
- course (515)
- value (507)
- always (500)
- course (517)
- value (508)
- always (501)
- technology (498)
- basically (490)
- basically (491)
- really (486)
- probably (478)
- probably (481)
latest changes:
Date: Thu Sep 12 20:17:25 2024 +0200
Date: Mon Sep 9 14:10:06 2024 +0200
@ -101,25 +125,6 @@ Date: Mon Sep 9 14:10:06 2024 +0200
Date: Sun Sep 8 02:25:27 2024 +0200
Date: Sat Sep 7 16:47:08 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -136,10 +141,10 @@ most wanted pages:
- [meme]( (10)
- [drm]( (10)
- [pointer]( (9)
- [hitler]( (9)
- [emacs]( (9)
- [syntax]( (8)
- [sdl]( (8)
- [hitler]( (8)
- [gpu]( (8)
- [gpl]( (8)
- [comun_shell]( (8)
@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (299)
- [capitalism]( (248)
- [capitalism]( (250)
- [c]( (225)
- [bloat]( (214)
- [free_software]( (179)
@ -178,6 +183,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [programming_language]( (75)
- [internet]( (73)
- ...
- [backpropagation]( (5)
- [atan]( (5)
- [anal_bead]( (5)
- [adam_smith]( (5)
@ -190,7 +196,6 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [README]( (4)
- [primitive_3d]( (4)
- [openai]( (4)
- [nord_vpn]( (4)
- [myths]( (4)
- [murderer]( (4)
- [monad]( (4)

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@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ Of course, [LRS]( loves all living beings equally, even women. In order t
**Can women be allowed in technology?** Well yes, sure, we don't forbid anyone from doing anything. Can a [dog]( become a writer? Maybe -- it'll be awesome when he does, but we shouldn't encourage dogs to become writers or see lack of dog writers as a problem. In any case **we need fewer women doing important intellectual tasks**, forcing women to do tasks vital for functioning of society has led to those tasks being done poorly and society is getting destroyed, it's not [fun]( anymore, the world is literally [collapsing]( because women were forced to do important tasks for [political reasons](, it is now time to prioritize saving society before [political correctness]( Just admit women are dumb, stop forcing women everywhere and the numbers will get back to healthy levels. In general something like 1 woman for 1000 men doing intellectual task such as [programming](, writing or [science]( is about the ratio we are probably looking for.
Also **women aren't funny** for some reason (with one possible exception of [Ashley Jones]( -- somehow it's very very difficult to find a woman with comedic talent and if very rarely at least a somewhat funny girl appears, it seems she has to be extremely ugly for it to work. It's hard to say if it's because of their low intelligence or due to the natural perception of women (e.g. when a woman is attempting comedy it's still very hard for a man not just focus on imagining sex with her).
also :D
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ also :D
- Try to get smart: You can get quite smart even as a woman -- at least if you're white, Jewish or Asian -- you won't match men but that doesn't matter, you can still get quite smart.
- Just do woman things: Be just a normal woman, learn cooking, cleaning and so on.
- Don't try to be an imperfect man. Be a perfect woman.
- Just chill and enjoy your privileges, find a man who will feed you so that you don't have to work, have kids, be a good mother, just be cool.
- ...
## Men Vs Women In Numbers
@ -100,8 +103,9 @@ In the related field of [free culture]( there is a notable woman
Here is a list of almost all historically notable women (this is NOT cherrypicked, it's randomly sampled):
- **[Ada Lovelace](**: female nobleman who didn't have to work, once scribbled a note to a notebook about a computer made by a man. For this she enjoys endless glory among [feminists](
- **Agatha Christie**: one of the most famous UK writers, wrote books such as *Ten Little Niggers*, one day went nuts and ran somewhere into woods.
- **Beth Harmon**: female who was as good at chess as men, also a completely fictional character who never existed.
- **Agatha Christie**: one of the most famous UK writers, wrote books such as *Ten Little [Niggers](*, one day went nuts and ran somewhere into woods.
- **Anne Frank**: famous for having been killed by [Nazis]( while being young.
- **Beth Harmon**: female who was as good at [chess]( as men, also a completely fictional character who never existed.
- **Elizabeth II**: queen of [England](, managed to stay alive for a long time.
- **[Elizabeth Holmes](**: cringe and creepy psychopath who obsessively tried to imitate [Steve Jobs](, started a huge [corporation]( and manipulated uncountable people into a huge fraud, sentenced to 11 years in jail.
- **[Girlvinyl](**: started [Encyclopedia Dramatica](, then went 180 degrees, tried to kill it, failed.
@ -118,12 +122,13 @@ Here is a list of almost all historically notable women (this is NOT cherrypicke
- **Lisa Simpson**: smart girl, fictional.
- **Mary**: famous for giving birth to [most famous man in history](
- **Miss Marple**: smart woman detective, fictional.
- **[Mother Teresa](**: maybe also based? TODO: research
- **Olga Hepnarova**: ran over 8 people with a truck, later executed.
- **Sharon Stone**: showed vagina on camera
- **Sharon Stone**: showed vagina on camera.
- **Yoko Ono**: destroyed the most famous music band in history.
- ...
{ People ask me why I'm bashing women so much here :D Basically for [fun](, but the main reason is probably [feminism]( -- the more they try to make women godlike, the more fun I make of them. So blame feminists basically. ~drummyfish }
{ People ask me why I'm bashing women so much here :D Basically for [fun](, but the main reason is probably [feminism]( -- the more they try to make women godlike, the more fun I make of them. So blame feminists basically. But it is definitely true women are dumb and less skilled at everything, propaganda just tries to cover the truth so I uncover it here again. ~drummyfish }
## Drummyfish's Official Apologies To Based Women