Update shiiiit

Miloslav Ciz 3 years ago
parent 4557e3b8bb
commit db69d38bf9

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# Frequently Asked Questions
### How does LRS differ from suckless, KISS and similar types of software?
### How does LRS differ from [suckless](suckless.md), [KISS](kiss.md) and similar types of software?
These sets largely overlap and LRS is often just a slightly different angle of looking at the same things. However LRS does have its specific ideas and areas of focus such as its stress on public domain and legal safety, altruism, anti-capitalism, embracing entertainment software such as games, NOT joining the [productivity cult](productivity_cult.md) etc.
### Why not keep politics out of this Wiki and make it just about tech?
Politics ultimately significantly affects what technology looks like ([capitalist SW](capitalist_software.md), [bloat](bloat.md), ...), what goals it serves and how it is developed ([COCs](cos.md), [free software](free_software.md), ...), so diving deeper into the topic requires also diving into politics. I hate arguing about politics, trust me, but it is inevitable to define real-life goals clearly if we're to create good technology as these goals guide us in making important design decisions about features, [tradeoffs](tradeoff.md) and other attributes.
### Are you retarded?
Yes, but probably not as much as you.

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KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) is a design philosophy that favors simplicity, solutions that are as as simple as possible to achieve given task, and no more. This comes from the fact that higher [complexity](complexity.md) comes with increasing negative effects such as cost of development, cost of [maintenance](maintenance.md), greater probability of bugs and security vulnerabilities. More about this in [minimalism](minimalism.md) article.
Compared to [suckless](suckless.md), [unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md) and [LRS](lrs.md), KISS is a more general term, it doesn't imply any specifics but rather the general overall idea of simplicity being an advantage ([less is more](less_is_more.md)).
[KISS Linux](kiss_linux.md) is an example of software developed under this philosophy.

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# Linux
Linux is a [FOSS](foss.md) [unix-like](unix_like.md) [operating system](operating_system.md) [kernel](kernel.md), probably the most successful and famous non-[proprietary](proprietary.md) kernel. Linux is NOT a whole operating system, only its basic part -- for a whole operating system more things need to be added, such as some kind of [user interface](ui.md) and actual user programs, and this is what [Linux distributions](linux_distro.md) do (there are dozens, maybe hundreds of these) -- Linux distributions, such as [Debian](debian.md), [Arch](arch.md) or [Ubuntu](ubuntu.md) are complete operating systems (but beware, most of them are not fully [FOSS](foss.md)).
Linux is typically combined with a lot of [GNU](gnu.md) software and the [GNU](gnu.md) project (whose goal is to create a [free](free_software.md) OS) uses Linux as its official kernel, so in the wild we usually encounter the term [GNU/Linux](gnu_linux.md). Some people just can't be bothered to acknowledge the work of GNU and just call GNU/Linux systems "Linux" (without GNU/). **Fuck them**.
Linux is sometimes called [free as in freedom](free_software.md), however it is hardly deserving the label, it is more of an [open-source](open_source.md) or [FOSS](foss.md) project because:
- It actually includes [proprietary](proprietary.md) software in the form of [binary blobs](blob.md) ([drivers](drivers.md)). The [Linux-libre](linux_libre.md) project tries to fix this.
- It's development practices are [sus](sus.md), it is involved with many unethical corporations (through the [linux foundation](linux_foundation.md)) including [Microsoft](microsoft.md) (one of the greatest enemies of free software) who is trying to take control over it, [Google](google.md), [Intel](intel.md), [IBM](ibm.md) and others. It includes a fascist [code of conduct](coc.md) (`linux/Documentation/process/code-of-conduct.rst`).
- It doesn't really enforce it's license ([GPL](gpl.md)) legally -- we're not advocating legal battles, but the fact that they entertain a license and then don't use it indicates it may be there just for good image.
- It is [bloat](bloat.md) and in some ways [capitalist software](capitalist_software.md) (just try to fork Linux, maintain it and add/modify actual features).
Nevertheless, despite its mistakes, Linux offers a relatively comfy, powerful and (still) safe [unix](unix.md)/[POSIX](posix.md) environment which means it can be drop-in replaced for another unix-like system without this causing you many trouble, so using Linux is at this point considered OK (until Microsoft completely seizes it at which point we migrate probably to [BSD](bsd.md)). It can be made fairly [minimal](minimalism.md) and [LRS](lrs.md)/[suckless](suckless.md) friendly.
Linux is so called monolithic kernel and is more or less [bloat](bloat.md). However it "[just works](just_works.md)" and has a great [hardware](hardware.md) support so it wins many users over alternatives such as BSD.
Some alternatives to Linux are:
- [GNU Hurd](hurd.md), an unfinished (but somewhat usable) kernel developed by [GNU](gnu.md) itself.
- [BSD](bsd.md) operating systems such as [FreeBSD](freebsd.md), [NetBSD](netbsd.md) and [OpenBSD](openbsd.md) (best from the [LRS](lrs.md) point of view)
- [bare metal](bare_metal.md) UwU
## History