diff --git a/anarch.md b/anarch.md index 6727c53..c40e9e0 100644 --- a/anarch.md +++ b/anarch.md @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ In the suckless fashion, mods are recommended to be made and distributed as [pat *written by [drummyfish](drummyfish.md)* -Though retrospectively I can of course see many mistakes and errors about the game and though it's not nearly perfect, I am overall quite happy about how it turned out and for what it is overall, it got some attention among the niche of suckless lovers and many people have written me they liked the game and its philosophy. Many people have ported it to their favorite platforms, some have even written me their own expansions of the game lore, tricks they found etc. Some even created small mods. If you're among them, thank you :) +Though retrospectively I can of course see many mistakes and errors about the game and though it's not nearly perfect, I am overall quite happy about how it turned out and for what it is overall, it got some attention among the niche of suckless lovers and many people have written me they liked the game and its philosophy. It's not nearly a peak of minimalism or highest LRS ideal, but definitely shows how mixing minimalism into a project can make it so much nicer. Many people have ported Anarch to their favorite platforms, some have even written me their own expansions of the game lore, tricks they found etc. Some even created small mods. If you're among them, thank you :) There were also a few people I've heard criticism from -- and that's absolutely fine -- that the game is just shit, too simple, badly designed, boring and so on. Indeed, about the quality of the game as such (from the "consumer's" point of view) I actually agree, the game isn't the most fun one to play, but when judging it please keep in mind the following. Firstly it was ALL made by a single man, absolutely from scratch -- if you've ever tried to create something from nothing, you know that despite it not looking that hard, it is indeed extremely difficult and time consuming to make something from the ground up, AND I couldn't even use any free assets, sound samples, game engines, not even fonts -- except for the programming language I had to create EVERYTHING from nothing, which required not only great amount of time, but also skills which I cannot master all: that of a visual artist, engineer, level designer, sound artist and so on and so forth. You only see the result but not the dozens of blind paths, hundreds of lines of rewritten code that was thrown to trash, hours and hours spent hunting down silly little bugs. All the skills needed for making a complete game are so vastly different that unless one is a genius, they cannot be mastered at once, one would simply have to be an excellent painter, writer, musician, mathematician, programmer, psychologist and many different things at once. Secondly I didn't work on it full time, I worked on other things, went to work, I was even hospitalized etc. Thirdly the goal wasn't to make a game that would be excellent by its gameplay AT ALL, the context of its creation was absolutely different from that of a typical game that has to try to appeal to many people, Anarch was focused on showing the technological side, prove a point of a certain development philosophy, and that mostly to rather a few people who want to make games themselves. By its philosophy it's also not meant to be a "fixed product" as is, again, common to think of games nowadays, it is really meant to be a basis for improvement, mods, a starting codebase for [forks](fork.md) and so on. So even though there are many shortcomings and things done plainly wrong, I think the main goal was more or less achieved, though some people miss to see that goal. If this philosophy of simplicity allows a single guy (quite average and in many ways retarded and that) to make a WHOLE game completely from scratch, with zero budget, only over weekend evenings, and that game is additionally very well made (extremely small, portable, modifiable, free, ...), what if let's say three brilliant people worked on it? What if five people worked on something similar full time? What marvels would we see? This is the number one question I wanted to highlight. diff --git a/bytebeat.md b/bytebeat.md index b28baf2..0e43a9d 100644 --- a/bytebeat.md +++ b/bytebeat.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Bytebeat -Bytebeat is a [procedural](procgen.md) [chiptune](chiptune.md)/8bit style music generated by a short expression in a [programming language](programming_language.md); it was discovered/highlighted in 2011 by [Viznut](viznut.md) (author of [countercomplex](countercomplex.md) blog) and others, and the technique capable of producing quite impressive music by single-line code has since caught the attention of many programmers, especially in [demoscene](demoscene.md). There has even been a [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1112.1368) written about bytebeat. Bytebeat can produce music similar (though a lot simpler) to that created e.g. with [music trackers](music_tracker.md) but with a lot less complexity and effort. +Bytebeat is a [procedural](procgen.md) [chiptune](chiptune.md)/8bit style [music](music.md) generated by a short expression in a [programming language](programming_language.md); it was discovered/highlighted in 2011 by [Viznut](viznut.md) (author of [countercomplex](countercomplex.md) blog) and others, and the technique capable of producing quite impressive music by single-line code has since caught the attention of many programmers, especially in [demoscene](demoscene.md). There has even been a [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1112.1368) written about bytebeat. Bytebeat can produce music similar (though a lot simpler) to that created e.g. with [music trackers](music_tracker.md) but with a lot less complexity and effort. These techniques can also be used to produce non-musical sounds, one may imagine for example imagine a racing game where the sound of car engine is created this way. This is a [beautiful](beauty.md) [hack](hacking.md) for [LRS](lrs.md)/[suckless](suckless.md) programmers because it takes quite a tiny amount of code, space and effort to produce nice music, e.g. for [games](game.md) (done e.g. by [Anarch](anarch.md)). diff --git a/cheating.md b/cheating.md index ae22a20..c0ff0d2 100644 --- a/cheating.md +++ b/cheating.md @@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ Official [LRS](lrs.md) stance on cheating is the following: **Cheating is fine.* The truth is that **cheating is only an issue in a [shitty](shit.md) society** that is driven by [competition](competition.md) (even if you disagree). Indeed, in such society there is a huge motivation for cheating (sometimes literally physical survival) as well as potentially disastrous consequences of it. Under the tyranny of capitalism we are led to worship [heroes](hero_culture.md) and high achievers and everyone gets pissed when we get fooled. Corporations go "OH NOES our multi billion dollar entertainment industry is going to go bankrupt if consoomers get annoyed by cheaters! People are gonna lose their bullshit jobs! Someone is going to get money he doesn't deserve! Our customers may get butthurt!!!" (as if corporations themselves weren't basically just stealing money and raping people lol). So they start a huge brainwashing propaganda campaign, a cheater witch hunt. States do the same, communities do the same, everyone wants to stone cheaters to death but at the same time the society pressures all of us to compete to death with others or else we'll starve. We reward winners and torture the losers, then bash people who try to win -- and no, many times there is no other choice than to cheat, the top of any competition is littered with cheaters, most just don't get caught, so in about 99% of cases the only way to the top is to cheat and try to not get caught, just to have a shot at winning against others. It is proven time after time, legit looking people in the top leagues of sports, business, [science](science.md) and other areas are constantly being revealed as cheaters, usually by pure accident (i.e. the number of actual cheater is MANY times higher). Take a look for instance at the [Trackmania](trackmania.md) cheating scandal in which after someone invented a replay analysis tool he revealed that a great number or top level players were just cheaters, including possibly the GOAT of Trackmania [Riolu](riolu.md) (who just ragequit and never showed again lol). Of course famous cases like Neil Armstrong don't even have to be mentioned. { I just randomly found out that in the world of Pokemon tournaments cheating at top level also showed to be a huge issue lol. ~drummyfish } Cheater detection systems are (and always will be) imperfect and try to minimize [false positives](false_positive.md), so only the cheaters who REPEATEDLY make MANY very OBVIOUS mistakes get caught, the smart cheaters stay and take the top places in the competitive system, just as surely as natural selection leads to the evolution of organisms that best adapt to the environment. Even if perfect cheat-detection systems existed, the problem would just shift from cheating to immoral unsportmanship, i.e. abuse of rules that's technically not cheating but effectively presents the same kind of problems. How to solve this enormously disgusting mess? We simply have to stop desperately holding to the system itself, we have to ditch it. +**Why is cheating such a big deal now when it didn't used to be so?** One reason: commercialization, i.e. [capitalism](capitalism.md). Cheating is never an issue in small, noncommercial communities. **Cheating doesn't hurt the game, it hurts commercial industries that try to own the game** -- only multibillion dollar [corporations](corporation.md) whose success depends on hoarding thousands and thousands of casual customers to whom they have to guarantee a "fun experience" have to become serious about cheating. Take a small chess club or park with chess tables, or maybe a mailing list where people know each other, play without any financial rewards and only participate for the pure joy of the game -- those who don't play for pure statistics, those made of people whose income doesn't depend on their rating and who rather play for the fun moments, for time spent together with others. Will anyone give a single shit about a tryhard who sweats to win every game? No, there is no reason to, the guy will probably just build a reputation of a childish tryhard, no one will take his wins seriously, people will laugh at him or refuse to play him at worst and even if he cheats his way to a victory in a local tournament, so what? Will anyone commit sudoku over it? It's just a fucking game, only children cry when they get beaten. Good, honest players will be known. In such a community will there be such paranoia and demonization of cheating as we see in big commercial industry? Absolutely not. Hence the situation turns around: **cheating HELPS the game by destroying commercial industries**, it helps society keep the small, sincere, noncommercial communities that aren't owned by anyone. And so the question of whether you really are against cheating is the question of whether you want your game commercialized. The correct answer is of course: no, commercialization is always [evil](evil.md), it destroys everything -- for proof take a look at literally anything that a corporation ever took hold of, there is no need to even discuss this. Is a small community less fun than a worldwide commercialized CocaCola-style police state owning your favorite game? No, on the contrary! Is it less fun to see the two champions of your village face each other in a park tournament than it is watching two world class champions face each other on the other side of the planet through the Internet? No, it's probably MORE fun. + **Anticheating is a totalitarian [cancer](cancer.md)** and has to be ended. Anticheating goes strictly against freedom and [anarchist](anarchism.md) ideas because it requires an authority, a kind of police, surveillance, punishment mechanisms and so on. Technically speaking anticheating can be implemented in two main ways, both of which are highly [harmful](harmful.md). First one is the [antivirus](antivirus.md)/[DRM](drm.md) way and requires invading the player's computer with spyware that checks he is not running any cheating programs -- this of course comes with ensuring the player is rid of control over his own machine so that he's not able to prevent the anticheating program to do its job, so this is absolutely unacceptable for anyone supporting [free software](free_software.md). The other way is [mathematical](math.md), based on just observing the games and [statistically](statistics.md) deciding whether the player cheats or not -- this is better in not having to take away the user's freedom over his own machine, however it takes away the freedom to behave however one desires and it dictates you always have to play the same way (and, naturally, is imperfect and comes with false positives etc.). For example a great indicator of cheating in chess is that someone takes the same time to think about every move, it's unnatural and not how normal humans plays, so if someone plays like it he is labeled a cheater. But what if someone WANTS to play like it? What if someone makes it a self imposed challenge to make every move in exactly three seconds? Anticheater cults says you mustn't do it and you have to conform to how everyone else plays, that if you're just an amateur trying to have fun in unconventional ways you're unimportant and must try to approach the game how professionals approach it: the game suddenly becomes a tyranny of the people who are serious about it, fun and creativity disappears. Similarly they say that it is, for example, statistically impossible for a 1500 rated player to suddenly play ten moves in a row like a 2500 rated player so if this occurs, you're again labeled a cheater and banned. But what if someone is 2500 rated and has been purposefully playing like a 1500 until now to keep a moment of surprise for a difficult opponent? Then we observe the same thing under completely legit circumstances. Now the anticheating cult will even go aggressive on you and they will attack you for breaking their badly designed system (which is designed to abuse you in the first place), they will ban you for [trolling](trolling.md) and advise you to kill yourself. No [fun](fun.md) or diversity of play is allowed in anticheating world, only normality is allowed, otherwise statistics won't work. But people who accept anticheating measures are much more likely to later on accept the same measures implemented in other parts of their life as well (see also [slowly boiling the frog](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md)). In a good society, such as [LRS](less_retarded_society.md), cheating is not an issue at all, there's no incentive for it (people don't have to prove their worth by their skills, there are no money, people don't worship heroes, ...) and there are no negative consequences of cheating worse than someone [ragequitting](ragequit.md) an online game -- which really isn't an issue of cheating anyway but simply a consequence of unskilled player facing a skilled one (whether the pro's skill is natural or artificial doesn't play a role, the nub will ragequit anyway). In a good society cheating can become a mild annoyance at worst, and it can really be a positive thing, it can be [fun](fun.md) -- seeing for example a skilled pro face and potentially even beat a cheater is a very interesting thing. If someone wants to win by cheating, why not let him? Valid answers to this can only be given in the context of a shit society that creates cults of personality out of winners etc. In a good society choosing to cheat in a game is as if someone chooses to fly to the top of a mountain by helicopter rather than climbing it -- the choice is everyone's to make. The fact that cheating isn't after all such an issue is supported by the hilariously vastly different double standards applied e.g. by chess platforms in this matter, on one hand they state in their TOS they have absolutely 0% tolerance of any kind of cheating/assistance and will lifeban players for the slightest suspicion of cheating yelling "WE HAVE TO [FIGHT](fight.md) CHEATING", on the other hand they allow streamers literally cheat on a daily basis on live stream where everyone is seeing it, of course because streamers bring them money -- ALL top chess streamers (chessbrah, Nakamura, ...), including the world champion Magnus Carlsen himself, have videos of themselves getting advice on moves from the chat or even from high level players present during the stream, Magnus Carlsen is filmed taking over his friend's low rated account and winning a game which is the same as if the friend literally just used an engine to win the game, and Magnus is also filmed getting an advice from a top grandmaster on a critical move in a tournament that won him the game and granted him a FINANCIAL PRIZE. **World chess champion is literally filmed winning money by cheating and no one cares** because it was done as part of a highly lucrative stream "in a fun/friendly mood". Chessbrah streams ordinarily consist of many viewers in the room just giving advice on moves to the one who is currently playing, of course they censor all comments that try to bring up the fact that this is 100% cheating directly violating the platform's TOS. People literally have no brains, they only freak out about cheating when they're told to by the industry, when cheating is good for business people are told to shut up because it's okay and indeed they just shut up and keep consuming. -**It's impossible to prevent cheating**, contrary to what capitalists want you to believe. As always a capitalist will want to sell you the idea that anything can be achieved by investing enough money, that if they pay 100 experts on cheating and 100 experts on programming, they will create a miraculous algorithm that will catch any cheater. This is just theatre like any other business, we must realize that some things simply cannot be done. Even if you pay 100 experts on mathematics, you won't be able to solve something that's mathematically impossible -- but for the same amount of money you can convince people that you can. Let's continue with chess -- to prevent cheating, two players would have to be seated naked in an electromagnetically isolated soundproof box with no view outside, only with the chessboard. We know we can't do this, maybe we can come close during world championship, a match between two physically present humans, but not so much in over the board tournaments with hundreds of people around, players and spectators, who can freely walk around, go to the toilet, privacy has to be respected, people can communicate with undetectable visual signals, security and arbiters make errors, they're tired, under stress, lazy and negligent, can be bribed (or you may simply bribe a poor cleaning lady to smuggle you a phone to the toilet) and so on. However that's still nothing compared to online chess -- to think cheating can be prevented there is absolute madness and stupidity. All that can be done is to show exemplary punishments of a few blatant cheaters to create the illusion that cheating is eliminated. Cheating can't be prevented, you can only make people not notice them too much by eliminating those whose cheating is too obvious. There can exist no algorithm that will reliably detect a cheater from play alone (or even from a huge set of games), it's mathematically impossible -- like Daniil Dubov said: "the algorithms only detect idiots" and likewise it can be said that the existence of such algorithms only comforts idiots. A smart cheater won't be caught, only the stupidest that copy paste every single move from the latest stockfish will be spotted and publicly executed to assure the audience that "cheaters will get caught", but the smart ones won't be, those that will use the engine only sometimes, in critical situations, who will combine different engines and their older versions so that the moves will never match an output of any single one. There is no way to tell if a player is simply good because he sees the moves with his brain or because he sees them with an aid of a computer. Not even multi angle cameras all around watching the player would prevented cheating, there are thousands of ways to cheat this (feed false video, feed false audio while listening to advice, buy a miniature earbud, [anal bead](anal_bead.md), use Morse code tapping on the floor, let someone wave you signals through the window from the camera's blind spot, let someone communicate you advice through a single pixel on your screen that will get lost in video compression, ...). Of course the capitalist won't let you see the algorithms or his data, he'll say "trust us, we have a good algorithm and we are reducing cheating to minimum", he'll say the details can't be made public so that cheaters won't exploit the knowledge ([security through obscurity](security_through_obscurity.md)), but the real reason is simply that revealing the details would show their system doesn't really work. As always, they're only selling you an illusion. +**It's impossible to prevent cheating**, contrary to what capitalists want you to believe. Even the people who specialize in "catching cheaters", such as the [YouTuber](youtube.md) Karl Jobst, admit there are always ways of cheating in undetectable ways if one is smart, which could potentially only be addressed by taking absolute control of the player's computer (removing [freedom](free_software.md)) and implementing absolute surveillance (remote surveillance over cameras is NOT sufficient) -- he even made a video about Minecraft cheaters who admitted to their cheating and revealed their methods which have shown that while they made one fatal mistake that gave them away, they were also using many methods that simply went undetected because they were undetectable, such as slight probability manipulations, and they weren't detected even when their cheated speedruns were already known to be faked and were put under a microscope, i.e. the methods were revealed ONLY because the cheater revealed them. As always a capitalist will want to sell you the idea that anything can be achieved by investing enough money, that if they pay 100 experts on cheating and 100 experts on programming, they will create a miraculous algorithm that will catch any cheater. This is just theatre like any other business, we must realize that some things simply cannot be done. Even if you pay 100 experts on mathematics, you won't be able to solve something that's mathematically impossible -- but for the same amount of money you can convince people that you can. Let's continue with chess -- to prevent cheating, two players would have to be seated naked in an electromagnetically isolated soundproof box with no view outside, only with the chessboard. We know we can't do this, maybe we can come close during world championship, a match between two physically present humans, but not so much in over the board tournaments with hundreds of people around, players and spectators, who can freely walk around, go to the toilet, privacy has to be respected, people can communicate with undetectable visual signals, security and arbiters make errors, they're tired, under stress, lazy and negligent, can be bribed (or you may simply bribe a poor cleaning lady to smuggle you a phone to the toilet) and so on. However that's still nothing compared to online chess -- to think cheating can be prevented there is absolute madness and stupidity. All that can be done is to show exemplary punishments of a few blatant cheaters to create the illusion that cheating is eliminated. Cheating can't be prevented, you can only make people not notice them too much by eliminating those whose cheating is too obvious. There can exist no algorithm that will reliably detect a cheater from play alone (or even from a huge set of games), it's mathematically impossible -- like Daniil Dubov said: "the algorithms only detect idiots" and likewise it can be said that the existence of such algorithms only comforts idiots. A smart cheater won't be caught, only the stupidest that copy paste every single move from the latest stockfish will be spotted and publicly executed to assure the audience that "cheaters will get caught", but the smart ones won't be, those that will use the engine only sometimes, in critical situations, who will combine different engines and their older versions so that the moves will never match an output of any single one. There is no way to tell if a player is simply good because he sees the moves with his brain or because he sees them with an aid of a computer. Not even multi angle cameras all around watching the player would prevented cheating, there are thousands of ways to cheat this (feed false video, feed false audio while listening to advice, buy a miniature earbud, [anal bead](anal_bead.md), use Morse code tapping on the floor, let someone wave you signals through the window from the camera's blind spot, let someone communicate you advice through a single pixel on your screen that will get lost in video compression, ...). Of course the capitalist won't let you see the algorithms or his data, he'll say "trust us, we have a good algorithm and we are reducing cheating to minimum", he'll say the details can't be made public so that cheaters won't exploit the knowledge ([security through obscurity](security_through_obscurity.md)), but the real reason is simply that revealing the details would show their system doesn't really work. As always, they're only selling you an illusion. Back in the day of early Internet there were practically no anticheating measures in online games and everything worked -- yes, cheaters did appear, but we must realize that it's not like EVERYONE will start to cheat immediately if there are no anticheat mechanisms. If you swim in a pool, you may sometimes drink someone's piss and if you play online games, you may sometimes meet a cheater -- unless you're a mentally unstable pussy, you can take it no problem. The existence of anticheat mechanisms may itself incite cheating even more by the effect of forbidden fruit, it becomes a challenge (and to some even business) to beat the system. If top 100 places in the ladder are all obvious cheaters, will anyone see any more fun joining them? No. If you have the need to compare yourself to others, just form a group of friends who you know don't cheat and compare your score or ratings among each other, ignore the anonymous cheaters. "B-but I want a whole multibillion dollar capitalist industry existing around my gayme else I can't enjoy it properly" -- well, then fuck you, you're broken and beyond saving, you are why everything sucks nowadays. @@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ NOTE: obviously a lot of this advice revolves around [competition](competition.m - **Be good with technology, know your shit.** If you're a [Windows](windows.md) used who tries to cheat by googling "minecraft cheating programs free download", you probably don't know shit about technology, you have to actually learn something. Many get caught for stupid shit like leaving metadata in their video that says the video is edited, or they have no clue that cheating software leaves [watermarks](watermark.md) in videos (this actually caught many geometry dash cheaters). Ideally you want to [program](programming.md) YOUR OWN tools, develop your own methods of modifying the game etc. - **Check out how professional cheating is done**, especially for real life games such as OTB chess; for example cheating on exams, illusionists, spies during world wars etc. There are now businesses around cheating, you can get books, tools, training etc. - **Don't overcomplicate it, [keep it simple](kiss.md).** Remember that less is more, a complex way of cheating is probably more likely to fail due to just one part failing. +- **Manipulated [probability](probability.md) is hard to detect, statistical proofs are hard.** Again, less is more: if you modify your game, don't give yourself godlike abilities such as 100% accurate aimbot or 200% health, it's better to create a subtle advantage e.g. by slightly increasing drop rates of good items, or decreasing probability of enemy AI doing something undesirable. If you submit a speedrun done offline this way, it's impossible to tell if your drop was normal luck or slightly boosted luck. Minecraft infamously has this issue, this kind of cheating cannot be detected. But watch out if you're streaming: if you provide a lot of footage of your game, you reveal a big number of samples from which statistical proofs can be made -- here the smaller the modification, the more samples are needed to have a statistically significant proof. - **Practice**, a cheater is like illusionist, he comes up with a trick but then also has to perfect its execution, he must NEVER fail it in public, else he gives it away. However practice in a way that doesn't pose risk, i.e. don't practice online against other people; instead practice offline, record yourself and see if you look convincing, if there is something suspicious etc. There may be a good way to e.g. fake blindfold plays by hiding a secondary monitor somewhere while wearing fake blindfold, however it's extremely hard to do many things at once so that you don't fuck anything up, some got caught like this because they were blatantly staring in the direction of the monitor and then sitting in very weird positions to see through the blindfold; one shitty [female](woman.md) streamer actually even fucked up by responding to Twitch chat she was reading on her hidden monitor when she was supposed to no longer see the monitor. You think it's stupid -- it is -- but under pressure it's extremely hard to do many things simultaneously correctly, you absolutely must train to avoid this kind of fuckup. - **Plan and be ready**, think ahead. If one day you play like a beginner and next week you're beating the champion, you're in trouble: plan your progression, progress slowly, make it look natural. Don't go from not cheating to full cheating mode, incorporate cheating by small doses, big spikes in performance are suspicious. Be ready for accusations and ways they might check you, anticipate that they may for example suddenly ask you to send a replay file of a record you just achieved: forge the replay, make sure it's good and have it ready. Prepare answers to interrogation questions, prepare ways to cover up your fuck ups if they happen, you don't want to be making up weak excuses on the spot. Take this as part of the whole cheating [project](project.md), every project requires planning, risk assessment, backup plans and so on. - **Don't overdo it** -- once again, it's tempting to become the absolute number one and GOAT if you can, but that also puts you in greater risk and under bigger scrutiny, number one is a dangerous spot, greed also got too many people caught. Lose sometimes on purpose. Achieve only as much as you need -- if you just stay in top 10, you will still be famous, get a lot of attention (if that's what you're after) with a lot less risk, AND you still keep a valuable excuse card: you may actually argue: "if I am cheating, why am I not number one?". diff --git a/chess.md b/chess.md index 8d839ab..d5f71ad 100644 --- a/chess.md +++ b/chess.md @@ -502,6 +502,7 @@ Chess is only mildly [bloated](bloat.md) but what if we try to unbloat it comple - [checkers](checkers.md) - [advance wars](advance_wars.md) - [backgammon](backgammon.md) +- [solitaire](solitaire.md) - [Catan](catan.md) - [Deep Blue](deep_blue.md) - [stockfish](stockfish.md) diff --git a/disease.md b/disease.md index 1a11725..b1ba952 100644 --- a/disease.md +++ b/disease.md @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne - [depression](depression.md) - [egoism](egoism.md) - [Emacs](emacs.md) +- epilepsy [LMAO](lmao.md) imagine being so gay that bright colors make you faint - [euphoria](atheism.md) over one's own intelligence - excessive [lurking](lurking.md) - extra chromosomes diff --git a/game.md b/game.md index 39f0b6a..a36a3ee 100644 --- a/game.md +++ b/game.md @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ As for the [free (as in freedom)](free_software.md) libre games, let the followi **Computer games:** [Anarch](anarch.md) and [microTD](utd.md) are examples of games trying to closely follow the [less retarded](lrs.md) principles while still being what we would normally call a computer game. [SAF](saf.md) is a less retarded game library/fantasy console which comes with some less retarded games such as [microTD](utd.md). If you want something closer to the mainstream while caring about freedom, you probably want to check out libre games (but keep in mind they are typically not so LRS and do suck in many ways). Some of the highest quality among them are [Xonotic](xonotic.md), 0 A.D., [openarena](openarena.md), [Freedoom](Freedoom.md), Neverball, SupertuxKart, [Minetest](minetest.md), The Battle for Wesnoth, Blackvoxel, [Lix](lix.md) etcetc. -- these are usually quite [bloated](bloat.md) though. -As for **non-computer games**: these are usually closer to LRS than any computer game. Many old board games are awesome, including [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md), [shogi](shogi.md), [xiangqi](xiangqi.md), [backgammon](backgammon.md), [checkers](cheskers.md) etc. [Gamebooks](game_book.md) can be very LRS -- they can be implemented both as computer games and non-computer physical books, and can further be well combined with creating a [free universe](free_universe.md). Some card games also, TODO: which ones? :) Some games traditionally played on computers, such as [sokoban](sokoban.md), can also be played without a computer. Pen and pencil games that are amazing include [racetrack](racetrack.md), pen and pencil football etc. Nice real life physics games include [football](football.md), [marble racing](marble_racing.md) etc. +As for **non-computer games**: these are usually closer to LRS than any computer game. Many old board games are awesome, including [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md), [shogi](shogi.md), [xiangqi](xiangqi.md), [backgammon](backgammon.md), [checkers](cheskers.md) etc. [Gamebooks](game_book.md) can be very LRS -- they can be implemented both as computer games and non-computer physical books, and can further be well combined with creating a [free universe](free_universe.md). Card games are also very nice; interesting are for example [solitaire](solitaire.md) (single player card games) games such as Klondike and Freecell. Some games traditionally played on computers, such as [sokoban](sokoban.md), can also be played without a computer. Pen and pencil games that are amazing include [racetrack](racetrack.md), pen and pencil football etc. Nice real life physics games include [football](football.md), [marble racing](marble_racing.md) etc. ## See Also @@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ As for **non-computer games**: these are usually closer to LRS than any computer - [fantasy console](fantasy_console.md) - [SAF](saf.md) - [chess](chess.md) +- [solitaire](solitaire.md) - [gamebook](gamebook.md) - [tangram](tangram.md) - [game of life](game_of_life.md) diff --git a/hitler.md b/hitler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..862ab97 --- /dev/null +++ b/hitler.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Hitler + +WORK IN PROGRESS + +Adolf Hitler was a painter who killed several million [jews](jew.md).^([citation needed]) He is widely regarded as the worst human in whole [history](history.md). How many jews exactly he killed is a subject of very controversial debates and speculations, but for example in many parts of Europe it is now REQUIRED BY [LAW](law.md) to acknowledge at least 6 million OR ELSE -- if you argue it was fewer, even by ONE single jew, you are officially committing the crime of "Holocaust denial" (see also [wrongthink](wrongthink.md)). In any case the facts speak that he was the **head of the [Nazi](nazi.md) party** (NSDAP), later on also the head of whole Germany -- there he was called *Fuhrer* ("leader") -- and, most importantly, **started [World War II](ww2.md)**, the deadliest conflict in whole [history](history.md) with countless millions of victims on all sides; he was a [militant](military.md) [nationalist](nationalism.md) [fascist](fascism.md), [racist](racism.md) (in the TRUE sense of the world) and a state [capitalist](capitalism.md) -- probably incarnation of devil himself. In reality he was no different from your average [CEO](ceo.md) in our [current times](21st_century.md): a great, highly respected [leader](hero_culture.md), patriot loving his country above all, an amazing inspirational speaker with unique, memorable image, a charismatic, confident, assertive psychopath who followed his goal tirelessly by any means necessary, who dedicated everything to his vision and worked day and night to achieve it, who created order by force, gave people great many [jobs](work.md) and made technological [progress](progress.md) skyrocket, created many industries and on top he was a [war](war.md) [hero](hero_culture.md.md) -- this is what every [American](usa.md) ever strives to be. His methods for maximizing self interest through populism, force, fear and political flexibility were so successful in fact that they were subsequently adopted by the whole western world, our [current society](21st_century.md) can be seen as consisting solely of aspiring Hitlers: everyone who means anything in our highly competitive [capitalist](capitalism.md) society has to master the essential skills of lying, manipulation, populist rhetoric, abuse of power, dirty political games, [propaganda](marketing.md), scaremongering and a myriad of others. In this Hitler was very ahead of his time and did away with all the naive thinkers who thought it was possible to achieve things by legitimate, even ethical means. + +Just like every capitalist he only lived thinking about [competition](competition.md) and showed us what is needed if you take competing seriously and truly WANT to win, not just participate. Hitler was basically a **[pseudoleftist](psedoleft.md)** and **his methods are mimicked by modern pseudoleft, most notably [LGBT](lgbt.md) and [feminism](feminism.md)**. For example: + +- He misleadingly called himself a "[socialist](socialism.md)" (his party was called "National Socialist German Workers' Party") despite being a pure example of rightism (e.g. by arguing for strong hierarchies everywhere in society: in state, among races, in military etc.), a [fascist](fascism.md) aiming to benefit the group he belonged to (Germans, white [race](race.md)), just as LGBT/feminists call themselves "leftist" and "socialist" despite actually being fascists who want to benefit the group they belong to (gays/females). +- He brainwashed children: see Hitlerjugend. He knew children are an easy target for propaganda and that they would grow up to be soldiers [fighting](fight_culture.md) for whatever they were taught as young. This is what LGBT/feminism does nowadays with all the woke children fairytales etc. +- He manipulated [science](science.md), for example he refused discoveries made by Jewish scientists. Similar things are happening with [soyence](soyence.md). +- He absolutely loved propaganda, especially movies, he knew that's how you brainwash the masses very effectively. This is exactly what LGBT/feminism does with all the woke movies etc. +- He practiced hardcore [censorship](censorship.md) and ritual destruction of works deemed "harmful" to the regime, famously supporting public burning of books that were not aligned with his ideology, such as those written by Jews. This is the same as what LGBT/feminists nowadays do with old works that are "too focused on white men" etc. +- He loved military parades, demonstrations of power, waving flags and creating [fear](fear_culture.md) -- again, just like what we see with all the gay parades, gay flags, [cancel culture](cancel_culture.md) etc. +- ... + +His life in tl;dr: he was born on 20 April 1889 in Austria (which back then was part of Austria-Hungary empire). He was interested in painting but wasn't successful, he got rejected from art school. He fought in World War I. Then he joined a small political party of which he became a leader and renamed it to *National Socialist German Workers' Party*, also known as *Nazi* party. Meanwhile he also managed to get into some trouble trouble and get into prison for a while where he wrote his famous book called *Mein Kampf* ("My [Fight](fight_culture.md)") -- this was kind of his "manifesto". The Nazi party went on to become very successful, owing a lot to the fact that after the lost war Germany was bullied and people were quite miserable, Hitler promised to "make Germany great again", to give everyone "[jobs](work.md)", he blamed all the problems on [Jews](jew.md) etc. (see also [Trump](trump.md)). He was also a very good public speaker who put stress on his image -- the most memorable part of it was, of course, his toothbrush mustache. All in all he got very popular and ended up being the head of the state (chancellor) and in 1939 started the war by invading Poland. On 30 April 1945 it was clear he lost the war -- hidden in an underground bunker in Berlin, knowing all hope was lost, he [killed himself](suicide.md) -- he took poison and then shot himself; immediately after this his body was burned as he ordered. + +TODO + +## See Also + +- [Trump](trump.md) +- [Voldemort](voldemort.md) +- [Bill Gates](bill_gates.md) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/island.md b/island.md index 06f87bb..7e65a56 100644 --- a/island.md +++ b/island.md @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Also the image of this place is not necessarily what fully established LRS would **Houses and shelters** are the easiest issue to solve, given the hot tropical climate. No heating or heat isolation is needed, houses can be very simple, built manually only from wood and [stone](rock.md). It suffices to have a roof protecting against rain and a few walls allowing some intimacy and personal space, although [privacy](privacy.md) is not really a thing here, even sex and defecation is commonly seen in public, it's a natural thing. No door locks are needed of course. The sea, caves and natural pools and waterfalls of sweet water in the jungle allow some calming on very hot days, and they serve to maintain hygiene as well, we need no showers or toilets in most houses. -We do also have **[computers](computer.md) and [electricity](electricity.md)**, mainly thanks to sunny weather and solar panels, however everything's extremely scaled down compared to what a normie is used to, we have to use electricity sparingly and plan a bit -- we intentionally want to minimize use of batteries and being [dependent](dependency.md) on electricity overall, so we rather try to find [lower tech](low_tech.md) ways where possible -- as an example we learned to play desktop [games](game.md) rather than multiplayer computer games. Some are also exploring ways of making computation without electricity, with pen and paper, [mechanical](mechanical.md) computers and so on. Where we need an electronic computer we only use ones with very low power consumption, like [raspberry pi](rpi.md), and [good software](lrs.md) so that a small power bank keeps it usable for several days before needing a recharge. Some buy old laptops and phones in Normieland and then try to repair and [hack](hacking.md) them to be of use to us. [Arduinos](arduino.md) and [open consoles](open_console.md) are quite a popular choice. We absolutely NEVER make use of any consumer type desktops with power hungry [GPUs](gpu.md) and similar stuff. There is not a single instance of a computer running [Windows](windows.md) or [Mac](mac.md) on the entire Island -- in the few cases where it appeared it was destroyed immediately, then taken apart for spare computer parts. We also don't have constant access to the **[Internet](internet.md)**, at least not yet -- although we might be able to set it up, the consensus is we simply don't need it OR want it anyway, we're even much happier without it. We CAN access the Internet through [data mules](data_mule.md) carried to Normieland -- it's a high delay, low bandwidth way of Internet access, but completely sufficient for email communication, updating git repositories and downloading sites for offline browsing. Important information from the world can reach us through radio, [AM](am.md) broadcasts have very long range, so we get the news (at least those who decide they want to hear it -- many don't). We don't really need anything more. We share data freely and have many websites and other resources downloaded, on disks or simply printed out on paper so that we don't even need electricity to read them. We have quite large libraries of books, especially [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) and books containing useful practical information, but entertainment is important too. +We do also have **[computers](computer.md) and [electricity](electricity.md)**, mainly thanks to sunny weather and solar panels, however everything's extremely scaled down compared to what a normie is used to, we have to use electricity sparingly and plan a bit -- we intentionally want to minimize use of batteries and being [dependent](dependency.md) on electricity overall, so we rather try to find [lower tech](low_tech.md) ways where possible -- as an example we learned to play desktop [games](game.md) rather than multiplayer computer games. We face challenges that we're trying to find solutions to, for example that of humidity which is not friendly to electronic devices. Some are also exploring ways of making computation without electricity, with pen and paper, [mechanical](mechanical.md) computers and so on. Where we need an electronic computer we only use ones with very low power consumption, like [raspberry pi](rpi.md), and [good software](lrs.md) so that a small power bank keeps it usable for several days before needing a recharge. Some buy old laptops and phones in Normieland and then try to repair and [hack](hacking.md) them to be of use to us. [Arduinos](arduino.md) and [open consoles](open_console.md) are quite a popular choice. We absolutely NEVER make use of any consumer type desktops with power hungry [GPUs](gpu.md) and similar stuff. There is not a single instance of a computer running [Windows](windows.md) or [Mac](mac.md) on the entire Island -- in the few cases where it appeared it was destroyed immediately, then taken apart for spare computer parts. We also don't have constant access to the **[Internet](internet.md)**, at least not yet -- although we might be able to set it up, the consensus is we simply don't need it OR want it anyway, we're even much happier without it. We CAN access the Internet through [data mules](data_mule.md) carried to Normieland -- it's a high delay, low bandwidth way of Internet access, but completely sufficient for email communication, updating git repositories and downloading sites for offline browsing. Important information from the world can reach us through radio, [AM](am.md) broadcasts have very long range, so we get the news (at least those who decide they want to hear it -- many don't). We don't really need anything more. We share data freely and have many websites and other resources downloaded, on disks or simply printed out on paper so that we don't even need electricity to read them. We have quite large libraries of books, especially [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) and books containing useful practical information, but entertainment is important too. Internet to us is mostly replaced by our own island "[network](network.md)" -- network in quotes as it's more like a shared repository of files; we rarely use true computer networks, people have their own computers that keep their personal files locally, and we exchange data with others using physical media such as USB flash drives, CDs or even paper. Instanteneous exchange of data is rarely needed and so the infrastructure would be an unnecessary burden, we live slow lives and the Island is small enough to hear someone shouting if something gets urgent -- of course, we do have wifis, but they simply waste power (and possibly cause [cancer](cancer.md)), so we keep them turned off. We sometimes use analog radio to talk over longer distances, but not for computers. Our shared repository works like this: we have a total maximum size allocated, currently 16 GB (enough to fit on a cheap USB drive or SD card), out of which only a small fraction is currently used -- the size limit may be increased in the future, but having the limit in place helps us select only the important data, AND keeping the data small is extremely important for freedom. Small data is easily backed up, it can be searched quickly even without indexing, the storage is cheap and it will fit on more media and computers, will be copied quickly, can be transmitted faster, with lower bandwidth etcetc. It turns out that once you remove [bloat](bloat.md) and only extract the important, you can fit most of what you need into extremely small space -- from most websites and books we extract only plaintext, we store images in right formats and minimize their size (many images can be stored in [vector](vector.md) formats, black and white or even 1bit, low resolution is mostly sufficient) and so on. Anyway... in the repository majority of space is allocated for common, general files -- these are files generally useful to everyone, highly organized, well named, tagged and added by consensual agreement. This includes for example downloaded websites, software, [books](books.md), digitized works of art, but also files we collectively edit, e.g. discussion files or software source code. And then there are directories of individual people -- everyone gets his own directory, like an own "domain", with relatively small space allocated, where he can share whatever he wishes without asking others: basically an equivalent of a personal website. This space is relatively small but it's absolutely sufficient; bear in mind that anyone can store many more data on his own personal computer, here we are talking only about SHARED files. [Intellectual property](intellectual_property.md) doesn't exist on the Island, so to us everything is [free](free_software.md), we don't need any [licenses](license.md) or [waivers](waiver.md) and we can treat even [proprietary](proprietary.md) data from the Normieland as public domain; however for the sake of people in Normieland we still separate free and proprietary data and use [public domain](public_domain.md) waivers for our works -- we still attempt to be helpful even to the people in the lands of intellectual slavery. Maybe you are now asking where we keep this "internet" of files. It's distributed, i.e. we keep it everywhere, people walk around with with disks and SD cards where it is stored and they have stored it on their computers. The only challenge is synchronization, but that's usually pretty easy: if someone happens to have a new file, or a newer version of an older file, he simply rewrites it, and that's basically it. There are no "safety" mechanism to "protect" directories or even "[encryption](encryption.md)" of files, there is nothing to hide, you can see anyone have sex in real life if you want, so no one bothers about "[privacy](privacy.md)"; there aren't really any [trolls](trolling.md) either: if someone starts rewriting other people's files or just destroys stuff, others will likely stop exchanging disks with that guy :-) And we have literally dozens of backups of the whole repository all over the island, so destroying something would cause someone just a slight inconvenience of having to ask a friend for a new copy. In a good society things simply are simply solved by default. diff --git a/jesus.md b/jesus.md index c5a4d08..191e65c 100644 --- a/jesus.md +++ b/jesus.md @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ As perhaps the most influential man in history whose image has been twisted, use (Americans are stupid idiots who say they love Jesus but rather love to reference Old Testament for their pragmatics life decisions, however the law of Old Testament was explicitly cancelled by Jesus and [updated](update_culture.md) to a new one, based on love and nonviolence rather than violence, punishment and revenge -- this is the whole point of why Jesus came to [Earth](earth.md) in the first place. Old testament is basically the Jewish part of the Bible, obsolete for Christians -- some Christians even completely reject Old testament, e.g. Cathars. It's why the book is called *New Testament*, it means "The New Law". But as it's been said, Americans are stupid.) +It's said that [Gandhi](gandhi.md) once stated this much: "I like your Christ but I don't like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." { Thanks to Amlux for highlighting the quote in a video. ~drummyfish } + **[fun](fun.md) facts about Jesus**: - **He had siblings** (or at least half-siblings), according to both the Bible and historians: brothers James (who after Jesus's death took over his "movement" which is a fact suppressed by mainstream Christianity), Joses, Simon, Jude and some sisters. diff --git a/loquendo.md b/loquendo.md index 9e06ae5..049ab47 100644 --- a/loquendo.md +++ b/loquendo.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ { This is research in progress, please send me notes on this etc. I discovered this awesome rabbithole while learning Spanish -- if you can, try to learn some foreign language, it really does bring to you a whole new culture. ~drummyfish } -Loquendo is a (sadly [proprietary](proprietary.md)) [text-to-speech](text_to_speech.md) technology (made by some Italian company) used by the company's TTS software such as *Loquendo TTS Director*, which gave rise (around the year 2007) to an awesome -- but in [English](english.md) speaking countries practically completely unknown -- underground Spanish speaking Internet group called *loquenderos* who use said iconic robotic low quality loquendo voices to create absolutely precious [meme](meme.md) [YouTube](youtube.md) videos that are not just extremely entertaining and hilarious by the combination of the funny voices with quite stupid improvised video (usually some gameplay of GTA San Andreas), but also immensely important for at least somewhat continuing the [culture](culture.md) of [free speech](free_speech.md) on the Internet. If you watch a random Spanish meme video, chances are quite high it will be dubbed with loquendo. It's hard to accurately describe the mood and vibes around the group -- it's a bit similar to [4chan](4chan.md) maybe -- the videos are oftentimes very silly, just someone's random gameplay of GTA with a robotic voice over it cursing in Spanish, as if a kid is playing the game and just commenting on it, insulting everyone and dropping random shit and slurs, insulting [transsexuals](tranny.md), [furries](furry.md), otakus, [gays](gay.md), [women](woman.md) and blacks and basically the whole world, but then there are also videos with a lot of energy put into it (but still keeping a similar style) -- for example whole movies or serious political commentaries. Part of the feeling is that the voices are not just extremely funny (imagine someone just doing extreme pitch shifts of a basic robotic voice to create different voices for a movie dubbing) but also completely emotionless and always the same, so you don't know who's behind them and it's pretty funny to hear all the nasty shit being said in complete serious tone. There are several male and female loquendo voices, most famous of which is probably Jorge, followed by others such as Carlos and Diego. Over time there have also evolved characters that reappear in the videos (such as Tio Gilipollas), they have their own personalities, inside jokes and so on. The group has even taken it so far as establishing a fictional *Loquendo City* based on ideals of free speech -- a thing similar to our [freedom island](island.md). +Loquendo is a (sadly [proprietary](proprietary.md)) [text-to-speech](text_to_speech.md) [technology](tech.md) (made by some Italian company) used by the company's TTS software such as *Loquendo TTS Director*, which gave rise (around the year 2007) to an awesome -- but in [English](english.md) speaking countries practically completely unknown -- underground Spanish speaking Internet group called *loquenderos* who use said iconic robotic low quality loquendo voices to create absolutely precious [meme](meme.md) [YouTube](youtube.md) videos that are not just extremely entertaining and hilarious by the combination of the funny voices with quite stupid improvised video (usually some gameplay of GTA San Andreas), but also immensely important for at least somewhat continuing the [culture](culture.md) of [free speech](free_speech.md) on the Internet. If you watch a random Spanish meme video, chances are quite high it will be dubbed with loquendo. It's hard to accurately describe the mood and vibes around the group -- it's a bit similar to [4chan](4chan.md) speak maybe -- the videos are oftentimes very silly, just someone's random gameplay of GTA with a robotic voice over it cursing in Spanish, as if a kid is playing the game and just commenting on it, insulting everyone and dropping random shit and slurs, insulting [transsexuals](tranny.md), [furries](furry.md), otakus, [gays](gay.md), [women](woman.md) and blacks and basically the whole world, but then there are also videos with a lot of energy put into it (but still keeping a similar style) -- for example whole movies or serious political commentaries. Part of the feeling is that the voices are not just extremely funny (imagine someone just doing extreme pitch shifts of a basic robotic voice to create different voices for a movie dubbing) but also completely emotionless and always the same, so you don't know who's behind them and it's pretty funny to hear all the nasty shit being said in complete serious tone. There are several male and female loquendo voices, most famous of which is probably Jorge, followed by others such as Carlos and Diego. Over time there have also evolved characters that reappear in the videos (such as Tio Gilipollas), they have their own personalities, inside jokes and so on. Besides GTA San Andreas other popular games and character appear in loquendo videos, for example different games from the GTA series, Pikachu, Sonic and so on. The group has even taken it so far as establishing a fictional *Loquendo City* based on ideals of free speech -- a thing similar to our [freedom island](island.md). ## See Also diff --git a/lrs.md b/lrs.md index c662b95..9013d6b 100644 --- a/lrs.md +++ b/lrs.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Less Retarded Software -Less [retarded](retard.md) software (LRS) is a specific kind of [software](software.md) aiming to be a truly good technology maximally benefiting and respecting its users, following the philosophy of extreme [minimalism](minimalism.md) ([Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md), [suckless](suckless.md), [KISS](kiss.md), ...), [anarcho pacifism](anpac.md), [communism](communism.md) and [freedom](free_software.md). The term was invented by [drummyfish](drummyfish.md). +Less [retarded](retard.md) software (LRS) is a specific kind of [software](software.md) aiming to be a truly good [technology](tech.md) maximally benefiting and respecting its users, following the philosophy of extreme [minimalism](minimalism.md) ([Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md), [suckless](suckless.md), [KISS](kiss.md), ...), [anarcho pacifism](anpac.md), [communism](communism.md) and [freedom](free_software.md). The term was invented by [drummyfish](drummyfish.md). By extension LRS can also stand for *[less retarded society](less_retarded_society.md)*, a kind of ideal society which we aim to achieve with our technology. diff --git a/programming_language.md b/programming_language.md index 761b97d..bd525fd 100644 --- a/programming_language.md +++ b/programming_language.md @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ Programming language is an artificial [formal](formal_language.md) (mathematically precise) language created in order to allow humans to relatively easily write [algorithms](algorithm.md) for [computers](computer.md). It basically allows a human to very specifically and precisely but still relatively comfortably tell a computer what to do. We call a program written in programming language the program's **[source code](source_code.md)**. Programming languages often try to mimic some human language -- practically always [English](english.md) -- so as to be somewhat close to humans but programming language is actually MUCH simpler so that a computer can actually analyze it and understand it precisely (as computers are extremely bad at understanding actual [human language](human_language.md)), without ambiguity, so in the end it all also partially looks like [math](math.md) expressions. A programming language can be seen as a middle ground between pure [machine code](machine_code.md) (the computer's native language, very hard to handle by humans) and natural language (very hard to handle by computers). -For beginners: a programming language is actually much easier to learn than a foreign language, it will typically have fewer than 100 "words" to learn (out of which you'll mostly use like 10) and once you know one programming language, learning another becomes a breeze because they're all (usually) pretty similar in basic concepts. The hard part may be learning some of the concepts. +For beginners: a programming language is actually much easier to learn than a [foreign language](human_language.md), it will typically have fewer than 100 "words" to learn (out of which you'll mostly use like 10) and once you know one programming language, learning another becomes a breeze because they're all (usually) pretty similar in basic concepts. The hard part may be learning some of the concepts if you encounter them for the first time. This is not to say programming is easy -- it is hard, but not because learning the language would be difficult; learning the language is relatively the easier part of programming, the hard parts are for example designing the program's architecture well, designing good protocols and interfaces, learning the math behind the problems you're solving, creating good mathematical models, optimizing and debugging your program well and so on. -A programming language is distinct from a general computer language by its purpose to express algorithms and be used for creation of [programs](program.md). This is to say that there are computer languages that are NOT programming languages (at least in the narrower sense), such as [HTML](html.md), [json](json.md) and so on. +A programming language is distinct from a general computer language by its purpose to express algorithms and be used for creation of [programs](program.md). In other words: there are computer languages that are NOT programming languages (at least in the narrower sense), such as [HTML](html.md), [json](json.md) and so on. So you shouldn't be calling yourself a programmer if you're just manually writing a website in HTML, people will laugh at you. -We write two basic types of programs in these languages: executable programs (programs that can actually be directly run) and [libraries](library.md) (code that cannot be run on its own but is supposed to be used in other programs, e.g. library for mathematical functions, networking, [games](game.md) and so on). +We use programming languages to write two basic types of programs: executable programs (programs that can actually be directly run) and [libraries](library.md) (code that cannot be run on its own but is supposed to be reused in other programs, e.g. library with mathematical functions, networking, [games](game.md) and so on). A **simple example** of source code in the [C](c.md) programming language is the following: @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ We divide programming languages into different groups. Perhaps the most common d - **compiled** languages: Meant to be transformed by a [compiler](compiler.md) to a [native](native.md) (directly executable) binary program, i.e. before running the program we have to run it through the process of compilation into runnable form. These languages are typically more efficient but usually more difficult to program in, less flexible and the compiled programs are non-portable (can't just be copy-pasted to another computer with different [architecture](isa.md) and expected to run; note that this doesn't mean compiled languages aren't [portable](portability.md), just that the compiled EXECUTABLE is not). These languages are usually [lower level](low_level.md), use static and strong [typing](typing.md) and more of manual [memory management](memory_management.md). Examples: [C](c.md), [C++](cpp.md), [go](go.md), [Haskell](haskell.md) or [Pascal](pascal.md). - **interpreted** languages: Meant to be interpreted by an [interpreter](interpreter.md) "on-the-go", i.e. what we write we can also immediately run; these languages are often used for **[scripting](scripting.md)**. To run such program you need the interpreter of the language installed on your computer and this interpreter reads the [source code](source_code.md) as it is written and performs what it dictates (well, this is actually simplified as the interpreter normally also internally does a kind of quick "lightweight" compilation, but anyway...). These languages are generally less efficient (slower, use more RAM) but also more flexible, easier to program in and [independent of platforms](platform_independent.md). These languages usually [higher-level](high_level.md), use weak and dynamic [typing](typing.md) and automatic [memory management](memory_management.md) ([garbage collection](garbage_collection.md), ...). Examples: [Python](python.md), [Perl](perl.md), [JavaScript](js.md) and [BASH](bash.md). -Sometimes the distinction here may not be completely clear, for example Python is normally considered an interpreted language but it can also be compiled into [bytecode](bytecode.md) and even native code. [Java](java.md) is considered more of a compiled language but it doesn't compile to native code (it compiles to bytecode). [C](c.md) is traditionally a compiled language but there also exist C interpreters. [Comun](comun.md) is meant to be both compiled and interpreted etc. +Sometimes the distinction between compiled and interpreted languages is not completely clear, for example Python is normally considered an interpreted language but it can also be compiled into [bytecode](bytecode.md) and even native code. [Java](java.md) is considered more of a compiled language but it doesn't compile to native code (it compiles to bytecode). [C](c.md) is traditionally a compiled language but there also exist C interpreters. [Comun](comun.md) is meant to be both compiled and interpreted etc. So calling a language interpreted vs compiled is more about what it was designed for, what its priorities are, if the designers made it highly flexible and friendly for interpreting or if they rather intended the code to be efficiently compiled into fast and compact native code. Another common division is by **level of [abstraction](abstraction.md)** roughly to (keep in mind the transition is gradual and depends on context, the line between low and high level is extremely fuzzy): diff --git a/pseudorandomness.md b/pseudorandomness.md index 9bc41e9..b0b9f53 100644 --- a/pseudorandomness.md +++ b/pseudorandomness.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Pseudorandomness -Pseudorandom data is [data](data.md) that appears (for example by its statistical properties) to have been generated by a [random](random.md) process despite in fact having been generated by a [deterministic](determinism.md) (i.e. non-random) process. I.e. it's a kind of "fake" but mostly [good enough](good_enough.md) randomness that arises from [chaotic](chaos.md) systems -- systems that behave without randomness, by strict rules, but which scramble, shuffle, twist and transform the numbers in such a complicated way that they eliminate obvious patterns and leave the data looking very "random", though the numbers would be scrambled exactly the same way if the process was repeated with the same conditions, i.e. it is possible (if we know how the generator works) to exactly predict which numbers will fall out of a pseudorandom generator. This is in contrast to "true randomness" that (at least to what most physicists probably think) appears in some processes in nature (most notably in [quantum physics](quantum.md)) and which are absolutely unpredictable, even in theory. Pseudorandomness is typically used to emulate true randomness in [computers](computer.md) because for many things ([games](game.md), [graphics](graphics.md), audio, random sampling, ...) it is absolutely sufficient, it is easy to do AND the repeatability of a pseudorandom sequence is actually an advantage to engineers, e.g. in [debugging](debugging.md) in which we have to replicate bugs we find, or in programs that simply have to behave deterministic (e.g. many network games). True randomness is basically only ever needed for [cryptography](cryptography.md)/[security](security.md) (or possibly for rare applications where we absolutely NEED to ensure lack of any patterns in the data), it is a bit harder to achieve because we need some unbiased source of real-world random data. Pseudorandom generators are so common that in most contexts in programming the word "random" silently actually means just "pseudorandom". +Pseudorandom data is [data](data.md) that appears (for example by its statistical properties) to have been generated by a [random](randomness.md) process despite in fact having been generated by a [deterministic](determinism.md) (i.e. non-random) process. I.e. it's a kind of "fake" but mostly [good enough](good_enough.md) randomness that arises from [chaotic](chaos.md) systems -- systems that behave without randomness, by strict rules, but which scramble, shuffle, twist and transform the numbers in such a complicated way that they eliminate obvious patterns and leave the data looking very "random", though the numbers would be scrambled exactly the same way if the process was repeated with the same conditions, i.e. it is possible (if we know how the generator works) to exactly predict which numbers will fall out of a pseudorandom generator. This is in contrast to "true randomness" that (at least to what most physicists probably think) appears in some processes in nature (most notably in [quantum physics](quantum.md)) and which are absolutely unpredictable, even in theory. Pseudorandomness is typically used to emulate true randomness in [computers](computer.md) because for many things ([games](game.md), [graphics](graphics.md), audio, random sampling, ...) it is absolutely sufficient, it is easy to do AND the repeatability of a pseudorandom sequence is actually an advantage to engineers, e.g. in [debugging](debugging.md) in which we have to replicate bugs we find, or in programs that simply have to behave deterministic (e.g. many network games). True randomness is basically only ever needed for [cryptography](cryptography.md)/[security](security.md) (or possibly for rare applications where we absolutely NEED to ensure lack of any patterns in the data), it is a bit harder to achieve because we need some unbiased source of real-world random data. Pseudorandom generators are so common that in most contexts in programming the word "random" silently actually means just "pseudorandom". A saying about psedorandom numbers states that "randomness is a task too important to be left to chance". diff --git a/random_page.md b/random_page.md index f511bc5..4310d8c 100644 --- a/random_page.md +++ b/random_page.md @@ -2,1821 +2,1821 @@ Please kindly click random link. -[*](quantum_gate.md) -[*](wiki_pages.md) -[*](mouse.md) -[*](democracy.md) -[*](low_poly.md) -[*](cloudflare.md) -[*](rights_culture.md) -[*](books.md) -[*](compsci.md) -[*](smallchesslib.md) -[*](sin.md) -[*](phd.md) -[*](hacker_culture.md) -[*](number.md) -[*](openai.md) -[*](raycasting.md) -[*](jesus.md) -[*](lil.md) -[*](saf.md) -[*](graphics.md) -[*](sin.md) -[*](capitalism.md) -[*](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md) -[*](kiss.md) -[*](greenwashing.md) -[*](wikipedia.md) -[*](backgammon.md) -[*](prime.md) -[*](right.md) -[*](faq.md) -[*](gopher.md) -[*](digital_signature.md) -[*](education.md) -[*](memory_management.md) -[*](settled.md) -[*](programming.md) -[*](collapse.md) -[*](niger.md) 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-[*](dynamic_programming.md) -[*](neural_network.md) -[*](gopher.md) -[*](pokitto.md) -[*](bit_hack.md) -[*](double_buffering.md) -[*](formal_language.md) -[*](microtransaction.md) -[*](javascript.md) -[*](90s.md) -[*](xxiivv.md) -[*](go.md) -[*](atan.md) -[*](watchdog.md) -[*](hyperoperation.md) -[*](venus_project.md) -[*](geek.md) -[*](unary.md) -[*](hyperoperation.md) -[*](sudoku.md) -[*](ssao.md) -[*](internet.md) -[*](compression.md) -[*](piracy.md) -[*](cache.md) -[*](game_of_life.md) -[*](global_discussion.md) -[*](portability.md) -[*](demo.md) -[*](normalization.md) -[*](vim.md) -[*](hacking.md) -[*](distrohopping.md) -[*](malware.md) -[*](arduboy.md) -[*](rgb332.md) -[*](world_broadcast.md) -[*](pseudominimalism.md) -[*](tech.md) -[*](implicit.md) -[*](gemini.md) -[*](soydev.md) -[*](unary.md) -[*](fight.md) -[*](trash_magic.md) -[*](twos_complement.md) -[*](semiconductor.md) -[*](xxiivv.md) -[*](pseudorandomness.md) -[*](law.md) -[*](acronym.md) -[*](backpropagation.md) 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+[*](myths.md) +[*](niger.md) +[*](soydev.md) +[*](turing_machine.md) +[*](javascript.md) +[*](jokes.md) +[*](graveyard.md) +[*](double_buffering.md) +[*](aaron_swartz.md) +[*](ancap.md) +[*](human_language.md) +[*](kids_these_days.md) +[*](law.md) +[*](turing_machine.md) +[*](noise.md) +[*](world_broadcast.md) +[*](maintenance.md) +[*](everyone_does_it.md) +[*](chess.md) +[*](fear_culture.md) +[*](tranny.md) +[*](coc.md) +[*](fear_culture.md) +[*](randomness.md) +[*](temple_os.md) +[*](reddit.md) +[*](countercomplex.md) +[*](atan.md) +[*](sjw.md) +[*](brainfuck.md) +[*](openai.md) +[*](tor.md) +[*](music.md) +[*](float.md) +[*](shader.md) +[*](abstraction.md) +[*](boot.md) +[*](foss.md) +[*](capitalism.md) +[*](wow.md) +[*](docker.md) +[*](troll.md) +[*](windows.md) +[*](chess.md) +[*](ssao.md) +[*](trump.md) +[*](unix_philosophy.md) +[*](distrohopping.md) +[*](oop.md) +[*](hack.md) +[*](sigbovik.md) +[*](teletext.md) +[*](productivity_cult.md) +[*](selflessness.md) +[*](intellectual_property.md) +[*](backgammon.md) +[*](chaos.md) +[*](usa.md) +[*](niger.md) +[*](music.md) +[*](graphics.md) +[*](kiss.md) +[*](steve_jobs.md) +[*](windows.md) +[*](usa.md) +[*](toxic.md) +[*](gopher.md) +[*](ubi.md) +[*](shitword.md) +[*](motivation.md) +[*](cos.md) +[*](deferred_shading.md) +[*](bullshit.md) +[*](political_correctness.md) +[*](paradigm.md) +[*](piracy.md) +[*](unretard.md) +[*](quaternion.md) +[*](race.md) +[*](doom.md) +[*](bill_gates.md) +[*](git.md) +[*](golang.md) +[*](cloud.md) +[*](dependency.md) +[*](rationalwiki.md) +[*](usenet.md) +[*](capitalist_singularity.md) +[*](explicit.md) +[*](data_structure.md) +[*](culture.md) +[*](wikipedia.md) +[*](zuckerberg.md) +[*](demoscene.md) +[*](liberalism.md) +[*](exercises.md) +[*](altruism.md) +[*](plan9.md) +[*](wikiwikiweb.md) +[*](chinese.md) +[*](quine.md) +[*](throwaway_script.md) +[*](science.md) +[*](lrs.md) +[*](programming.md) +[*](magic.md) +[*](bootstrap.md) +[*](antialiasing.md) +[*](uxn.md) +[*](books.md) +[*](needed.md) +[*](girl.md) +[*](pseudoleft.md) +[*](goodbye_world.md) +[*](wiki_style.md) +[*](wiby.md) +[*](golang.md) +[*](bill_gates.md) +[*](sin.md) +[*](formal_language.md) +[*](determinism.md) +[*](apple.md) +[*](capitalism.md) +[*](game_of_life.md) +[*](anarchism.md) +[*](42.md) +[*](cat_v.md) +[*](billboard.md) +[*](combinatorics.md) +[*](smol_internet.md) +[*](unix_philosophy.md) +[*](xxiivv.md) +[*](programming_tips.md) +[*](ui.md) +[*](hero_culture.md) +[*](comun.md) +[*](race.md) +[*](npc.md) +[*](rsa.md) +[*](physics.md) +[*](dog.md) +[*](lotr.md) +[*](frameless.md) +[*](gnu.md) +[*](mud.md) +[*](lrs_wiki.md) +[*](determinism.md) +[*](data_hoarding.md) +[*](used.md) +[*](oop.md) +[*](transsexual.md) +[*](plusnigger.md) +[*](bit_hack.md) +[*](pokitto.md) +[*](bytebeat.md) +[*](version_numbering.md) +[*](tattoo.md) +[*](charity_sex.md) +[*](chaos.md) +[*](elo.md) +[*](loquendo.md) +[*](finished.md) +[*](paywall.md) +[*](bit_hack.md) +[*](interplanetary_internet.md) +[*](fail_ab.md) +[*](censorship.md) +[*](anarch.md) +[*](leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse.md) +[*](pseudo3d.md) +[*](beauty.md) +[*](tattoo.md) +[*](exercises.md) +[*](crow_funding.md) +[*](consumerism.md) +[*](pride.md) +[*](tangram.md) +[*](capitalist_software.md) +[*](jargon_file.md) +[*](mechanical.md) +[*](human_language.md) +[*](game.md) +[*](game_engine.md) +[*](open_source.md) +[*](reactionary_software.md) +[*](coding.md) +[*](portal_rendering.md) +[*](less_retarded_software.md) +[*](gender_studies.md) +[*](education.md) +[*](approximation.md) +[*](prime.md) +[*](linux.md) +[*](digital_signature.md) +[*](digital_signature.md) +[*](tor.md) +[*](javascript.md) +[*](myths.md) +[*](fascism.md) +[*](cache.md) +[*](shogi.md) +[*](minimalism.md) +[*](bbs.md) +[*](tor.md) +[*](freedom.md) +[*](complexity.md) +[*](interpolation.md) +[*](fight_culture.md) +[*](randomness.md) +[*](low_poly.md) +[*](neural_network.md) +[*](jokes.md) +[*](pseudominimalism.md) +[*](hero.md) +[*](c.md) +[*](forth.md) +[*](femoid.md) +[*](altruism.md) +[*](fun.md) +[*](byte.md) +[*](neural_network.md) +[*](saf.md) +[*](minimalism.md) +[*](os.md) +[*](social_inertia.md) +[*](faggot.md) +[*](build_engine.md) +[*](maintenance.md) +[*](pride.md) +[*](macrofucker.md) +[*](real_number.md) +[*](bloat_monopoly.md) +[*](ashley_jones.md) +[*](rust.md) +[*](sqrt.md) +[*](3d_model.md) +[*](transistor.md) +[*](dramatica.md) +[*](backpropagation.md) +[*](mouse.md) +[*](byte.md) +[*](antivirus_paradox.md) +[*](css.md) +[*](steve_jobs.md) +[*](unary.md) +[*](attribution.md) +[*](ashley_jones.md) +[*](universe.md) +[*](geek.md) +[*](pokitto.md) +[*](main.md) +[*](modern_software.md) +[*](memory_management.md) +[*](project.md) +[*](implicit.md) +[*](teletext.md) +[*](tool_slave.md) +[*](gopher.md) +[*](information.md) +[*](interesting.md) +[*](body_shaming.md) +[*](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md) [*](john_carmack.md) [*](3d_rendering.md) -[*](microtheft.md) -[*](easier_done_than_said.md) -[*](woman.md) -[*](qubit.md) -[*](explicit.md) -[*](gnu.md) -[*](how_to.md) -[*](bit_hack.md) -[*](explicit.md) -[*](hard_to_learn_easy_to_master.md) -[*](coc.md) -[*](interaction_net.md) -[*](sorting.md) -[*](dependency.md) -[*](README.md) -[*](ascii.md) -[*](js.md) -[*](raylib.md) -[*](dick_reveal.md) -[*](githopping.md) -[*](suckless.md) -[*](steganography.md) -[*](wiki_rights.md) -[*](modern.md) -[*](distance.md) -[*](dinosaur.md) -[*](acronym.md) -[*](cancel_culture.md) -[*](framework.md) -[*](steganography.md) -[*](wow.md) -[*](often_misunderstood.md) -[*](egoism.md) -[*](tor.md) -[*](crime_against_economy.md) -[*](minesweeper.md) -[*](race.md) -[*](capitalist_singularity.md) -[*](fsf.md) -[*](interpolation.md) -[*](100r.md) -[*](feminism.md) -[*](goodbye_world.md) -[*](rgb565.md) -[*](capitalism.md) -[*](boot.md) -[*](lambda_calculus.md) -[*](pseudo3d.md) -[*](culture.md) -[*](physics_engine.md) -[*](autoupdate.md) -[*](nokia.md) -[*](social_inertia.md) -[*](io.md) -[*](copyleft.md) -[*](love.md) -[*](antivirus_paradox.md) -[*](technology.md) -[*](paywall.md) -[*](dependency.md) -[*](sudoku.md) +[*](rgb332.md) +[*](duskos.md) +[*](entropy.md) [*](zuckerberg.md) -[*](race.md) -[*](fractal.md) -[*](steve_jobs.md) -[*](toxic.md) -[*](version_numbering.md) -[*](tech.md) -[*](disease.md) -[*](freedom_distance.md) -[*](zoomer.md) +[*](free_speech.md) +[*](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md) +[*](portability.md) +[*](math.md) +[*](faq.md) +[*](firmware.md) +[*](www.md) +[*](loquendo.md) +[*](splinternet.md) +[*](raycastlib.md) +[*](io.md) +[*](progress.md) +[*](ascii_art.md) +[*](ai.md) +[*](libre.md) +[*](bs.md) +[*](21st_century.md) +[*](cyber.md) +[*](ssao.md) +[*](duke3d.md) +[*](esolang.md) +[*](work.md) +[*](uxn.md) +[*](communism.md) +[*](lgbt.md) +[*](bilinear.md) +[*](leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse.md) +[*](nanogenmo.md) +[*](entrepreneur.md) +[*](digital.md) +[*](wiki_stats.md) +[*](reddit.md) +[*](markov_chain.md) +[*](public_domain.md) +[*](wiki_pages.md) +[*](apple.md) +[*](marble_race.md) +[*](wiki_post_mortem.md) +[*](progress.md) +[*](mouse.md) +[*](systemd.md) +[*](trash_magic.md) +[*](mechanical.md) +[*](left_right.md) +[*](nokia.md) +[*](crypto.md) +[*](money.md) +[*](trash_magic.md) +[*](ted_kaczynski.md) +[*](lil.md) +[*](gnu.md) +[*](interesting.md) +[*](greenwashing.md) +[*](demo.md) [*](githopping.md) -[*](unary.md) -[*](bloat_monopoly.md) -[*](robot.md) +[*](zoomer.md) +[*](byte.md) +[*](harry_potter.md) +[*](dinosaur.md) +[*](mud.md) +[*](deep_blue.md) +[*](prime.md) +[*](tech.md) +[*](fixed_point.md) +[*](free_software.md) +[*](pseudominimalism.md) [*](gigachad.md) -[*](books.md) -[*](compiler_bomb.md) -[*](julia_set.md) -[*](assembly.md) -[*](open_console.md) -[*](boat.md) +[*](fixed_point.md) +[*](democracy.md) +[*](algorithm.md) +[*](f2p.md) +[*](e.md) +[*](minesweeper.md) +[*](racetrack.md) +[*](markov_chain.md) +[*](sw_rendering.md) +[*](tinyphysicsengine.md) +[*](bitreich.md) +[*](cheating.md) +[*](microtheft.md) +[*](fight.md) +[*](programming_tips.md) +[*](wavelet_transform.md) +[*](fight_culture.md) +[*](fizzbuzz.md) +[*](bytecode.md) +[*](nonogram.md) +[*](wikidata.md) +[*](complexity.md) +[*](hard_to_learn_easy_to_master.md) diff --git a/soyence.md b/soyence.md index 4ba52a4..1cc0e22 100644 --- a/soyence.md +++ b/soyence.md @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Here are a few tips on how to spot soyence: - Is trust involved? Things like authority of publishers, censorship, reviews etc.? If so, it is by definition NOT science. - Is questioning anything at all prevented and/or punished? It is [dogma](dogma.md), not science. True science encourages questioning EVERYTHING. -- Is emotion involved? Is someone putting energy into promoting it? If yes, it's probably a preparation of business/politics grounds, not science. +- Is emotion involved? Is someone putting energy into promoting it? Are they waving their hands in air and making content creator faces when explaining something to convince you by excitement rather than by pure logical arguments? If yes, it's probably a preparation of business/politics grounds, not science. - Is money involved? Is any form of [capital](capital.md) (money, attention, power, ...) in play? Is there any form of business connected? If so, it is business, not science. - Is politics involved? Will the results help some currently active political group? It's highly suspicious, it almost definitely can't be trusted, it's most likely not science. - ... diff --git a/unretard.md b/unretard.md index 0535c48..386ece3 100644 --- a/unretard.md +++ b/unretard.md @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ # Unretard -Unretarding means aligning oneself with the *less retarded [software](lrs.md) and [society](less_retarded_society.md)* after acquiring necessary education and mindset. This [wiki](lrs_wiki.md) should help with achieving the goal -- or rather getting closer to it, as perfection can never be truly achieved. +Unretarding means aligning oneself with the *less retarded [software](lrs.md) and [society](less_retarded_society.md)* after acquiring necessary [education](education.md), mental maturity and the right mindset. This [wiki](lrs_wiki.md) should help with achieving the goal -- or rather getting closer to it, as perfection can never be truly achieved. -In your life there will likely come a moment of sudden realization -- enlightenment of a sort -- often once the bucket of patience and frustration overflows while at the same time you've soaked up a lot of facts and knowledge you previously didn't pay too much attention to but which nonetheless accumulated and now makes everything "click" -- then suddenly there's a jump or rapid turn after which you'll never be the same, the curtain of lies is lifted and you see the world in a completely new way. Despite this however remember: this mustn't be the end. We must constantly keep on our mind that this is ultimately a **continuous, lifelong process**, like all kind of education and improvement. +If, unlike almost all people, you are in fact not a joyful ignorant and are cursed with the possession of an independently thinking brain, in your life there will likely come a moment of sudden realization (see also [red pill](red_pill.md)) -- enlightenment of a sort -- often once the bucket of patience and frustration overflows while at the same time you've soaked up a lot of facts and knowledge you previously didn't pay too much attention to but which nonetheless accumulated in the back of your mind and now makes everything "click" -- then suddenly there's a jump or rapid turn after which you'll never be the same, the curtain of lies is lifted and you see the world in a completely new way. Despite this however remember: this mustn't be the end. We must constantly keep on our mind that this is ultimately a **continuous, lifelong process**, like any other kind of education and improvement. -These days unretarding is almost a synonym to learning to live and think in exact opposite ways we have been taught to by [modern](modern.md) society. What you've been told is good is in fact bad, what they call love is hate and vice versa. Not always but mostly it is so. +We live in a highly developed dystopia that brainwashes us from the day we take our first breath so that we do bad things and reject good things: practically 100% people in the western world are taught to act and think in EXACT OPPOSITE ways than they should be. Unretarding means unlearning these harmful ways, and this can be very difficult -- it is hard enough to try to reverse all your habits and patterns of thinking, but in addition doing so will make you seem like someone who has gone mad or is just [joking](jokes.md), which is why it will be extremely difficult to convince anyone you're serious and to find anyone who will understand you. What you have been taught is "good" is in fact usually bad and vice versa -- this is a pattern you will recognize very quickly once you adopt [LRS](lrs.md) thinking. For example most common people would probably say that [justice](justice.md), fairness, [laws](law.md), optimism, [competition](competition.md), anti-[cheating](cheating.md) measures, more computer [security](security.md) and [modern](modern.md) technology are all clearly good things -- LRS reveals they are in fact NOT, they are very bad things. + +To start seeing through the propaganda we advice to start with the hint we just mentioned: if they system supports something and/or encourages you to do something ("Buy this!", "Go vote!" etc.) or if it rewards something or someone (i.e. someone being a celebrity, proclaimed [hero](hero_culture.md), ...), it's very likely a bad thing and vice versa; but of course we have to always confirm this using critical thinking -- for this we firstly have to know what our goal is (for us it's well being and happiness of all life), then we must turn off our [shortcut thinking](shortcut_thinking.md) and turn on [critical thinking](critical_thinking.md), and then we must start thinking the concept in question through and evaluate whether it helps our goal or not. Of course matters are not always so simple, for example recognizing who and what is part of the "system" and who is part of the opposition may not be easy and may not even have a clear yes/no answer -- many people and things are both part of the system and part of the opposition to various degrees. Nevertheless a good advice for a beginner is to consider practically everything to be part of the system, even things that to normal people look like the opposition, for example "[open source](open_source.md) communities" etc. -- part of the system is also creating an ILLUSION of opposition, people are led to believe there exists good, the system creates "fake good" to keep people optimistic and busy so that they can't truly revolt, it just makes them think they're revolting. I.e. we must adopt a presumption of [evil](evil.md), be suspicious of everything, the system is powerful, widespread and [cancerous](cancer.md), by now it has infected practically everything, at least in the western world. ## See Also diff --git a/usa.md b/usa.md index d61ec92..849a0ec 100644 --- a/usa.md +++ b/usa.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # USA -United States of America (also United Shitholes of America, burgerland, USA, US or just "murika") is the biggest [tumor](cancer.md) on [Earth](earth.md), a [dystopian](dystopia.md) imperialist country of fat, stupid idiots enslaved by [capitalism](capitalism.md), either rightist or [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) [fascists](fascism.md) endlessly obsessed with [money](money.md), [wars](war.md), [fighting](fight_culture.md), shooting their presidents and shooting up their schools. Other things they like include guns, oil, throwing nuclear bombs on cities, detonating nuclear bombs in the sea and crashing planes into their own skyscrapers so that they can invade other countries. USA consists of 50 states located in North America, a continent that ancestors of Americans invaded and have stolen from Indians, the natives whom Americans mass murdered. Americans are stupid idiots with guns who above all value constant societal conflict and make the world so that all people are dragged into such conflict. It's the land of [NPC](npc.md) and home of the [slave](work.md). +United States of America (also United Shitholes of America, burgerland, USA, US or just "murika") is the biggest [tumor](cancer.md) on [Earth](earth.md), a [dystopian](dystopia.md) imperialist country of fat, stupid idiots enslaved by [capitalism](capitalism.md), either rightist or [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) [fascists](fascism.md) endlessly obsessed with [money](money.md), [wars](war.md), [fighting](fight_culture.md), shooting their presidents and shooting up their schools. Other things they like include guns, oil, throwing nuclear bombs on cities, detonating nuclear bombs in the sea and crashing planes into their own skyscrapers so that they can invade other countries. Spread of the toxic American culture over whole world is now like a plague, but it's yet worse than cholera and black death combined. USA consists of 50 states located in North America, a continent that ancestors of Americans invaded and have stolen from Indians, the natives whom Americans mass murdered. Americans are stupid idiots with guns who above all value constant societal conflict and make the world so that all people are dragged into such conflict. It's the land of [NPC](npc.md) and home of the [slave](work.md). You may have been led to naively believe USA is something of a superior country but it's a beginner mistake to think that, it's merely a country that's shouting the loudest and tries to be seen as much as possible, it is like the popular blonde [chick](woman.md) in your class that everyone is giving attention because she's wearing tons of makeup and is bitching and crying all the time, however despite the attention you can bet in any other way she's most definitely the stupidest, least interesting human in the room. diff --git a/wiki_pages.md b/wiki_pages.md index fb82705..fd8e76b 100644 --- a/wiki_pages.md +++ b/wiki_pages.md @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This is an autogenerated page listing all pages. -**[100r](100r.md)** (10) -- **[21st_century](21st_century.md)** (46) -- **[3d_model](3d_model.md)** (256) -- **[3d_modeling](3d_modeling.md)** (2) -- **[3d_rendering](3d_rendering.md)** (590) -- **[42](42.md)** (14) -- **[4chan](4chan.md)** (34) -- **[90s](90s.md)** (59) -- **[README](README.md)** (9) -- **[aaron_swartz](aaron_swartz.md)** (4) -- **[abstraction](abstraction.md)** (20) -- **[acronym](acronym.md)** (391) -- **[adam_smith](adam_smith.md)** (37) -- **[ai](ai.md)** (30) -- **[algorithm](algorithm.md)** (367) -- **[aliasing](aliasing.md)** (61) -- **[altruism](altruism.md)** (6) -- **[anal_bead](anal_bead.md)** (8) -- **[analog](analog.md)** (2) -- **[analytic_geometry](analytic_geometry.md)** (72) -- **[anarch](anarch.md)** (107) -- **[anarchism](anarchism.md)** (17) -- **[ancap](ancap.md)** (31) -- **[anpac](anpac.md)** (6) -- **[antialiasing](antialiasing.md)** (157) -- **[antivirus_paradox](antivirus_paradox.md)** (8) -- **[app](app.md)** (10) -- **[apple](apple.md)** (6) -- **[approximation](approximation.md)** (20) -- **[arch](arch.md)** (6) -- **[arduboy](arduboy.md)** (39) -- **[art](art.md)** (20) -- **[ascii](ascii.md)** (149) -- **[ascii_art](ascii_art.md)** (206) -- **[ashley_jones](ashley_jones.md)** (27) -- **[assembly](assembly.md)** (262) -- **[assertiveness](assertiveness.md)** (2) -- **[atan](atan.md)** (23) -- **[atheism](atheism.md)** (25) -- **[attribution](attribution.md)** (16) -- **[audiophilia](audiophilia.md)** (6) -- **[autostereogram](autostereogram.md)** (120) -- **[autoupdate](autoupdate.md)** (2) -- **[avpd](avpd.md)** (6) -- **[axiom_of_choice](axiom_of_choice.md)** (10) -- **[backgammon](backgammon.md)** (58) -- **[backpropagation](backpropagation.md)** (87) -- **[bazaar](bazaar.md)** (8) -- **[bbs](bbs.md)** (29) -- **[beauty](beauty.md)** (25) -- **[bilinear](bilinear.md)** (124) -- **[bill_gates](bill_gates.md)** (35) -- **[billboard](billboard.md)** (59) -- **[binary](binary.md)** (138) -- **[bit](bit.md)** (10) -- **[bit_hack](bit_hack.md)** (172) -- **[bitreich](bitreich.md)** (28) -- **[black](black.md)** (2) -- **[blender](blender.md)** (10) -- **[bloat](bloat.md)** (197) -- **[bloat_monopoly](bloat_monopoly.md)** (14) -- **[boat](boat.md)** (34) -- **[body_shaming](body_shaming.md)** (91) -- 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(136) -- **[primitive_3d](primitive_3d.md)** (2) -- **[privacy](privacy.md)** (32) -- **[procgen](procgen.md)** (387) -- **[productivity_cult](productivity_cult.md)** (27) -- **[programming](programming.md)** (44) -- **[programming_language](programming_language.md)** (174) -- **[programming_style](programming_style.md)** (119) -- **[programming_tips](programming_tips.md)** (17) -- **[progress](progress.md)** (30) -- **[project](project.md)** (31) -- **[proof](proof.md)** (4) -- **[proprietary](proprietary.md)** (12) -- **[proprietary_software](proprietary_software.md)** (2) -- **[pseudo3d](pseudo3d.md)** (13) -- **[pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md)** (2) -- **[pseudominimalism](pseudominimalism.md)** (10) -- **[pseudorandomness](pseudorandomness.md)** (152) -- **[public_domain](public_domain.md)** (88) -- **[public_domain_computer](public_domain_computer.md)** (56) -- **[python](python.md)** (66) -- **[quantum_gate](quantum_gate.md)** (64) -- **[quaternion](quaternion.md)** (32) -- 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(235) -- **[soydev](soydev.md)** (42) -- **[soyence](soyence.md)** (78) -- **[speech_synthesis](speech_synthesis.md)** (85) -- **[splinternet](splinternet.md)** (2) -- **[sqrt](sqrt.md)** (116) -- **[ssao](ssao.md)** (15) -- **[steganography](steganography.md)** (225) -- **[stereotype](stereotype.md)** (283) -- **[steve_jobs](steve_jobs.md)** (36) -- **[suckless](suckless.md)** (50) -- **[sudoku](sudoku.md)** (213) -- **[suicide](suicide.md)** (13) -- **[sw](sw.md)** (10) -- **[sw_rendering](sw_rendering.md)** (64) -- **[systemd](systemd.md)** (6) -- **[tangram](tangram.md)** (72) -- **[tas](tas.md)** (22) -- **[tattoo](tattoo.md)** (4) -- **[tech](tech.md)** (2) -- **[technology](technology.md)** (8) -- **[ted_kaczynski](ted_kaczynski.md)** (29) -- **[teletext](teletext.md)** (18) -- **[temple_os](temple_os.md)** (33) -- **[tensor_product](tensor_product.md)** (4) -- **[terry_davis](terry_davis.md)** (20) -- **[thrembo](thrembo.md)** (16) -- **[throwaway_script](throwaway_script.md)** (7) -- **[tinyphysicsengine](tinyphysicsengine.md)** (6) -- **[tom_scott](tom_scott.md)** (4) -- **[tool_slave](tool_slave.md)** (14) -- **[tor](tor.md)** (15) -- **[toxic](toxic.md)** (2) -- **[tpe](tpe.md)** (2) -- **[tranny](tranny.md)** (2) -- **[tranny_software](tranny_software.md)** (31) -- **[transistor](transistor.md)** (29) -- **[transsexual](transsexual.md)** (50) -- **[trash_magic](trash_magic.md)** (21) -- **[triangle](triangle.md)** (84) -- **[troll](troll.md)** (4) -- **[trolling](trolling.md)** (46) -- **[trom](trom.md)** (32) -- **[trump](trump.md)** (8) -- **[trusting_trust](trusting_trust.md)** (6) -- **[turing_machine](turing_machine.md)** (220) -- **[twos_complement](twos_complement.md)** (34) -- **[ubi](ubi.md)** (34) -- **[ui](ui.md)** (8) -- **[unary](unary.md)** (8) -- **[unfuck](unfuck.md)** (18) -- **[unicode](unicode.md)** (86) -- **[universe](universe.md)** (4) -- **[unix](unix.md)** (28) -- **[unix_philosophy](unix_philosophy.md)** (55) -- **[unretard](unretard.md)** (15) -- **[update_culture](update_culture.md)** (24) -- **[usa](usa.md)** (68) -- **[used](used.md)** (2) -- **[usenet](usenet.md)** (147) -- **[uxn](uxn.md)** (45) -- **[vector](vector.md)** (109) -- **[venus_project](venus_project.md)** (61) -- **[version_numbering](version_numbering.md)** (88) -- **[vim](vim.md)** (80) -- **[viznut](viznut.md)** (10) -- **[watchdog](watchdog.md)** (10) -- **[wavelet_transform](wavelet_transform.md)** (35) -- **[web](web.md)** (4) -- **[whale](whale.md)** (13) -- **[wiby](wiby.md)** (14) -- **[wiki_authors](wiki_authors.md)** (10) -- **[wiki_pages](wiki_pages.md)** (4) -- **[wiki_post_mortem](wiki_post_mortem.md)** (15) -- **[wiki_rights](wiki_rights.md)** (10) -- **[wiki_stats](wiki_stats.md)** (219) -- **[wiki_style](wiki_style.md)** (76) -- **[wiki_tldr](wiki_tldr.md)** (65) -- **[wikidata](wikidata.md)** (55) -- **[wikipedia](wikipedia.md)** (97) -- **[wikiwikiweb](wikiwikiweb.md)** (32) -- **[windows](windows.md)** (59) -- **[wizard](wizard.md)** (27) -- **[woman](woman.md)** (174) -- **[work](work.md)** (49) -- **[world_broadcast](world_broadcast.md)** (13) -- **[wow](wow.md)** (10) -- **[www](www.md)** (122) -- **[x86](x86.md)** (4) -- **[xd](xd.md)** (0) -- **[xonotic](xonotic.md)** (114) -- **[xxiivv](xxiivv.md)** (32) -- **[yes_they_can](yes_they_can.md)** (10) -- **[youtube](youtube.md)** (29) -- **[zen](zen.md)** (16) -- **[zero](zero.md)** (31) -- **[zoomer](zoomer.md)** (38) -- **[zuckerberg](zuckerberg.md)** (2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/wiki_post_mortem.md b/wiki_post_mortem.md index 0e75b25..2ae28e1 100644 --- a/wiki_post_mortem.md +++ b/wiki_post_mortem.md @@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ I am hoping to possibly get a few more years of writing, however eventually [thi - **This work will be modified with malicious intents** by those who dislike it, it will either be censored by removing what they deem unacceptable, or it will be changed so as to rather help promote their views; they will put words in my mouth to make it seem I supported something I actually opposed, to make me seem more insane than I actually was etc. -- again, forget I existed, view the ideas and judge them by clear logic; logic will help you reveal any edits made to this work, as this work is build on top of pure truth and logic, it is impossible to change something so as to keep it fitting in. - Similarly if this work gets wider attention -- which is unlikely but possible, for example if some famous YouTuber makes a video about the schizo who made it or something -- it may be used to kickstart a harmful movement completely contradicting the original ideas -- therefore beware this, do not follow a "LRS" brand but only the ideas. This pattern is repeating in history: someone comes up with a good idea that gains some popularity, then someone else takes the popularity of it as capital, takes the idea and turns it completely on its head while keeping the majority of brand-following sheeps as supporters, while the original creator or the minority of original supporters of the true, pure idea are forgotten, suffocated by the majority of idiots, oftentimes ridiculed, censored, bullied, canceled and even removed. It happens over and over, typical example being e.g. open source, a capitalist movement, being spawned from free software, an anticapitalist movement, or with suckless, an anti-consumerist movement, spawning a ricing consumerist craziness, or with China successfully building capitalist society on top of "communism", or with militant, capitalist "Christians" riding on top of non-violent, anticapitalist teaching of Jesus and so on. Never follow the brand or a word, follow individual pure ideas. - Also, especially for the readers in further [future](future.md), remember the message of this work will naturally be becoming more obscured and distorted just by the change of [human language](human_language.md) itself. Words slightly change meanings and sometimes shift by a lot, slight contemporary connotations and associations get lost and new ones arise so the meaning of every single word I use nowadays may differ significantly from your meaning of the word (this is always a problem with trying to understand ancient texts, see e.g. interpretations of [Bible](bible.md), quotes of [Jesus](jesus.md) and so on). Just as with intentional distortions though, logic should help you reveal them. This text is meant to point in the direction of truth and if it gets fuzzy, the direction will be more unclear, but you should be able to tell if it's pointing in the wrong direction because you can look there and you will simply find nothing. +- To those whom I may have hurt with my writings (despite still supporting absolute freedom of speech and thinking it's a personality defect to be hurt by mere speech): please forgive me if you can -- or don't, just know that I am honestly sorry, I never intended harm to you, only to wake you up. All actions come with collateral damage -- even just sitting and doing nothing -- I chose to do what I saw as a best way to live, but still I feel sorry if someone suffers as a consequence of that choice, even if I feel it was a good decision and I am not to be held responsible, I just feel sorry for whoever suffers for any reason, no matter who's "fault" it is. I only wish now you may find peace and your scars will heal better knowing that I didn't hurt you out of hatred or hostility towards you, it wasn't my goal to hurt you, I really mean it when I say I love all life without exception. - Remember to not become like them, do not use violence, do not become a fascist, do not fight them or wish them ill, be loving and peaceful, help everyone and be selfless. If against my advice you still choose to keep some memory of me, then please mainly remember that I loved you :) <3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/wiki_stats.md b/wiki_stats.md index dda846f..25c36e9 100644 --- a/wiki_stats.md +++ b/wiki_stats.md @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. - number of articles: 607 -- number of commits: 931 -- total size of all texts in bytes: 4665729 -- total number of lines of article texts: 34824 +- number of commits: 932 +- total size of all texts in bytes: 4677990 +- total number of lines of article texts: 34879 - number of script lines: 294 - occurrences of the word "person": 9 - occurrences of the word "nigger": 101 @@ -35,52 +35,52 @@ longest articles: top 50 5+ letter words: -- which (2589) -- there (2015) -- people (1877) -- example (1575) -- other (1464) -- about (1289) +- which (2591) +- there (2019) +- people (1884) +- example (1583) +- other (1467) +- about (1302) - number (1280) -- software (1221) -- because (1025) -- program (1018) -- their (996) +- software (1223) +- because (1026) +- program (1019) +- their (998) - would (966) -- being (918) -- something (911) -- things (895) +- being (921) +- something (917) +- language (901) +- things (897) - called (876) -- language (859) - numbers (812) - simple (811) - computer (809) -- without (788) -- programming (743) -- however (740) +- without (791) +- programming (745) +- however (742) - different (737) -- these (725) +- these (724) - function (722) -- world (697) -- system (674) -- doesn (663) +- world (702) +- system (675) +- doesn (666) - should (660) -- still (643) -- while (639) -- games (639) -- point (628) -- drummyfish (618) +- still (644) +- games (642) +- while (640) +- point (629) +- drummyfish (619) - society (612) -- simply (611) +- simply (612) - possible (595) -- using (587) -- though (562) +- using (588) +- though (563) - https (560) -- always (556) +- always (558) - course (554) +- probably (553) - similar (551) -- probably (547) -- basically (546) +- basically (548) - memory (535) - really (530) - technology (524) @@ -89,6 +89,28 @@ top 50 5+ letter words: latest changes: ``` +Date: Tue Nov 26 14:13:37 2024 +0100 + body_shaming.md + bullshit.md + c_tutorial.md + cache.md + capitalism.md + cheating.md + chess.md + geek.md + how_to.md + human_language.md + jokes.md + main.md + needed.md + random_page.md + shitword.md + stereotype.md + unicode.md + wiki_pages.md + wiki_stats.md + woman.md + youtube.md Date: Sat Nov 23 23:30:27 2024 +0100 100r.md 90s.md @@ -106,34 +128,15 @@ Date: Sat Nov 23 23:30:27 2024 +0100 portability.md race.md random_page.md - twos_complement.md - unretard.md - wiki_pages.md - wiki_stats.md - wikipedia.md - xxiivv.md - zoomer.md - zuckerberg.md -Date: Fri Nov 22 17:05:15 2024 +0100 - algorithm.md - art.md - bloat.md - c_tutorial.md - cheating.md - race.md - random_page.md - tas.md - wiki_pages.md - wiki_stats.md ``` most wanted pages: - [data_type](data_type.md) (14) - [embedded](embedded.md) (13) +- [meme](meme.md) (12) +- [irl](irl.md) (12) - [hitler](hitler.md) (12) -- [meme](meme.md) (11) -- [irl](irl.md) (11) - [complex_number](complex_number.md) (11) - [cli](cli.md) (11) - [buddhism](buddhism.md) (11) @@ -153,35 +156,35 @@ most wanted pages: most popular and lonely pages: - [lrs](lrs.md) (320) -- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (268) +- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (269) - [c](c.md) (233) - [bloat](bloat.md) (225) - [free_software](free_software.md) (191) +- [game](game.md) (146) - [suckless](suckless.md) (145) -- [game](game.md) (145) -- [proprietary](proprietary.md) (130) +- [proprietary](proprietary.md) (131) - [minimalism](minimalism.md) (112) - [modern](modern.md) (107) -- [computer](computer.md) (106) +- [computer](computer.md) (107) - [censorship](censorship.md) (106) - [fun](fun.md) (103) - [kiss](kiss.md) (102) - [math](math.md) (99) -- [programming](programming.md) (97) +- [programming](programming.md) (98) - [gnu](gnu.md) (96) - [linux](linux.md) (95) - [shit](shit.md) (93) - [fight_culture](fight_culture.md) (90) - [bullshit](bullshit.md) (90) - [hacking](hacking.md) (88) -- [woman](woman.md) (85) +- [woman](woman.md) (86) - [corporation](corporation.md) (85) - [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md) (84) - [free_culture](free_culture.md) (84) - [public_domain](public_domain.md) (83) - [art](art.md) (83) - [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md) (82) -- [chess](chess.md) (81) +- [chess](chess.md) (82) - ... - [charity_sex](charity_sex.md) (5) - [bilinear](bilinear.md) (5) diff --git a/woman.md b/woman.md index 586c2c2..aa2e1e1 100644 --- a/woman.md +++ b/woman.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The symbol for woman is a circle with cross at its bottom ([Unicode](unicode.md) **Even mainstream science acknowledges women are dumber than men**: even the extremely politically correct [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) states TODAY in the article on human brain that male brain is on average larger in volume (even when corrected for the overall body size) AND that there is correlation between volume and intelligence: this undeniably implies women are dumber. Men also have faster reaction times. On average male brain weights 10% more than woman's and has 16% more brain cells. The Guinness book of 1987 states the average male brain weight being 1424 grams and that of a female being 1242 grams; the averages both grow with time quite quickly so nowadays the numbers will be higher in both sexes, though the average of men grows faster. The heaviest recorded brain belonged to a man (2049 grams), while the lightest belonged to a woman (1096 grams). Heaviest woman brain weighted 1565 grams, only a little more than men's average. [IQ](iq.md)/intelligence measured by various tests has been consistently significantly lower for women than for men, e.g. the paper named *Sex differences in intelligence and brain size: A paradox resolved* found a 4 point difference, noting that in some problems such as 3D spatial rotations males score even 11 points higher average. -[Historically](history.md) in every [culture](culture.md) women have been privileged over men, and they still are: being a woman means playing life on low difficult (women for example commit [suicides](suicide.md) much less often, much less frequently end up being homeless and so on) -- while men always had to [work](work.md) their asses off, go to [wars](war.md), explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism](capitalism.md) which aims to simply enslave everyone, nowadays mostly through the [feminist](feminism.md) cult that brainwashed women to desire the same slavery as men. In case of emergencies it's always been the rule to save women and children first, in wars women and children were oftentimes spared in mass executions. Thanks to being smaller, thinner and lighter women need fewer calories to survive, i.e. men have to pay more money just for staying alive (Does anyone care about this inequality gap? Of course not). Statistically **women live about 6 years longer lives than men** because they have easier and less stressful life, they don't have to work as hard and they can obtain privileges (such as free food and better healthcare) just with a flirty smile. Woman make much more money by prostitution than men, why don't evil women discriminate against poor men this way? While feminists are furious about wage gaps in professions where men make more money than women, none gives a single damn about these opposite kinds of inequality gaps which just confirms what everyone already knows: feminists don't care about equality, they simply care about women. Women also have the huge social privilege of being able to to have sex and/or get a partner at any time with no effort and/or **trade sex (or even just mere company) for things and services** -- this happens very often, see e.g. the [GamerGate](gamergate.md) scandal which basically revealed that women "developers" were fucking game reviewers to push promotion of their "games", i.e. here we see that **women oppress men** not just by treating them as mere sexual objects but also by having good games made by men be rejected in favor of bad games made by women by the power of sex. Being a woman means playing life on very low difficulty, you can have anything you want at any time. Man on the other hand won't get sex unless he's a billionaire or at least 2 meters tall, no matter how smart, nice of physically fit he is. For a woman to get sex it's enough to just ask while not weighting two tons, that's literally how easy it is. It is proven that taller men have more sexual partners which means women are discriminating against short men: why are women so evil and practice [body shaming](body_shaming.md)? Didn't they want equality or something? +[Historically](history.md) in every [culture](culture.md) women have been privileged over men, and they still are: being a woman means playing life on low difficult (women for example commit [suicides](suicide.md) much less often, much less frequently end up being homeless and so on) -- while men always had to [work](work.md) their asses off, go to [wars](war.md), explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism](capitalism.md) which aims to simply enslave everyone, nowadays mostly through the [feminist](feminism.md) cult that brainwashed women to desire the same slavery as men. In case of emergencies it's always been the rule to save women and children first, in wars women and children were oftentimes spared in mass executions. Thanks to being smaller, thinner and lighter women need fewer calories to survive, i.e. men have to pay more money just for staying alive (Does anyone care about this inequality gap? Of course not). Statistically **women live about 6 years longer lives than men** because they have easier and less stressful life, they don't have to work as hard and they can obtain privileges (such as free food and better healthcare) just with a flirty smile. Woman make much more money by prostitution than men, why do evil women discriminate against poor men this way? While feminists are furious about wage gaps in professions where men make more money than women, none gives a single damn about these opposite kinds of inequality gaps which just confirms what everyone already knows: feminists don't care about equality, they simply care about women. Women also have the huge social privilege of being able to to have sex and/or get a partner at any time with no effort and/or **trade sex (or even just mere company) for things and services** -- this happens very often, see e.g. the [GamerGate](gamergate.md) scandal which basically revealed that women "developers" were fucking game reviewers to push promotion of their "games", i.e. here we see that **women oppress men** not just by treating them as mere sexual objects but also by having good games made by men be rejected in favor of bad games made by women by the power of sex. Being a woman means playing life on very low difficulty, you can have anything you want at any time. Man on the other hand won't get sex unless he's a billionaire or at least 2 meters tall, no matter how smart, nice or physically fit he is. For a woman to get sex it's enough to just ask while not weighting two tons, that's literally how easy it is. It is proven that taller men have more sexual partners which means women are discriminating against short men: why are women so evil and practice [body shaming](body_shaming.md)? Didn't they want equality or something? [Fun](fun.md) fact: in [Czechia](czechia.md) it is literally a folk tradition to beat women on Easter, for which the woman must give the man who beat her a treat, it's called Pomlazka, or Easter whip in [English](english.md), look it up :D