diff --git a/consumerism.md b/consumerism.md index 4948788..d7da0b8 100644 --- a/consumerism.md +++ b/consumerism.md @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ # Consumerism +TODO: actual normal article possibly + +## Rant + +{ Here I'll leave the rant I've written when I was kinda stressed. ~drummyfish } + *CONSUME YOU FUCKING IDIOTIC BITCH YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE LATEST AI RAYTRACING ENCRYPTION GPUUUUUUUU 1080K WIRELESS GAYMING MONITOR WITH BLOCKCHAIN BUY IT BUYYYYYY IT YOU IDIOT.* --[capitalism](capitalism.md) -Consumerism (also consoomerism) is a built-in "feature" of [capitalism](capitalism.md) that says EVERYTHING HAS TO BE CONSUMED on a regular short-term basis so as to keep CONSTANT P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S.^TM(c)/PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GROWTHP/[PRODUCTIVITY](productivity_cult.md)^tm^tm^tm^tm, even things that in theory could last decades to generations such as houses, cars, computers, software, even just INFORMATION etc. Yes, we could make nice durable machines that wouldn't break and would serve a man for generations, we could write a [finished](finished.md) operating system that would work and be useful, but that wouldn't be good for the seller if he only sold the thing once in a hundred years, would it? ALERT ALERT: BAD FOR CAPITAL. He wants to sell the thing and then PROFIT from it every day as he lies on the beach being fucked by 10 billion whore lolitas, so the thing has to break regularly and just demand to be replaced once in a year or so (see [planned obsolescence](planned_obsolescence.md)) -- haha, actually you know what would be best? WHAT IF :D WHAT IF WE RAPE THE CUSTOMER EVERY DAI, LMAOOOOOO What IF THERE ARE NO PRODUCTS BUT PRODUCT ARE ACTUALLY JUST [SERVICES](saas.md) :DDDDD LMAO THEN NO ONE CAN OWN ANYTHING, YOUR CAR AND YOUR TOOTHBRUSH IS JUST A SUBSCRIPTION LOOOOL, it just stops running if you stop paying. Why do this? Because in capitalism [economy](economy.md) MUSTN'T STOP ULTRA EXPONENTIALLY EXPLODING EVERY TRILLISECOND and EVERYONE MUST HAVE 10000 BILLION [JOBS](job.md) ELSE THE POOR WORKER LOSES THE MEANING OF LIFE like the neanderthals who lacked the good capitalist overlords that assure the basic human need of ultraexponential personal growth and all killed themselves, also the same with stupid lazy animals. So capitalism has to constantly GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW FOR ANY COST JUST GROW GROW GROW GROW GROW GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW -- is it good? No, but it's called PWOGWEESSS so people LOVE IT, people will shit themselves and suffocate their mouths with their shit just to hear the word [PWOGWEEEEES](leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse.md) (or alternatively UPDATE or ANTIPEDOPHILE PROTECTION), if a politician says PWEGWESS enough times in his speech the crowd will just start sucking his dick on the stage and he will win the elections by 130% majority. [LMAOOOOO](lmao.md) WHAT IF we make [updates a kind of consumerist product](update_culture.md), LOL WHAT IF one group of people build houses one day and the other group destroys them the other day and so on so on, it's INFINIITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE JOBS LOL :D I should fucking get into politics. +Consumerism (also consoomerism) is a built-in "feature" of [capitalism](capitalism.md) that says EVERYTHING HAS TO BE CONSUMED on a regular short-term basis so as to keep CONSTANT [P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S.](leading_the_pig_to_slaughterhouse.md)^TM(c)/PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GROWTHP/[PRODUCTIVITY](productivity_cult.md)^tm^tm^tm^tm, even things that in theory could last decades to generations such as houses, cars, computers, software, even just INFORMATION etc. Yes, we could make nice durable machines that wouldn't break and would serve a man for generations, we could write a [finished](finished.md) operating system that would work and be useful, but that wouldn't be good for the seller if he only sold the thing once in a hundred years, would it? ALERT ALERT: BAD FOR CAPITAL. He wants to sell the thing and then PROFIT from it every day as he lies on the beach being fucked by 10 billion whore lolitas, so the thing has to break regularly and just demand to be replaced once in a year or so (see [planned obsolescence](planned_obsolescence.md)) -- haha, actually you know what would be best? WHAT IF :D WHAT IF WE RAPE THE CUSTOMER EVERY DAI, LMAOOOOOO What IF THERE ARE NO PRODUCTS BUT PRODUCT ARE ACTUALLY JUST [SERVICES](saas.md) :DDDDD LMAO THEN NO ONE CAN OWN ANYTHING, YOUR CAR AND YOUR TOOTHBRUSH IS JUST A SUBSCRIPTION LOOOOL, it just stops running if you stop paying. Why do this? Because in capitalism [economy](economy.md) MUSTN'T STOP ULTRA EXPONENTIALLY EXPLODING EVERY TRILLISECOND and EVERYONE MUST HAVE 10000 BILLION [JOBS](job.md) ELSE THE POOR WORKER LOSES THE MEANING OF LIFE like the neanderthals who lacked the good capitalist overlords that assure the basic human need of ultraexponential personal growth and all killed themselves, also the same with stupid lazy animals. So capitalism has to constantly GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW FOR ANY COST JUST GROW GROW GROW GROW GROW GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW -- is it good? No, but it's called PWOGWEESSS so people LOVE IT, people will shit themselves and suffocate their mouths with their shit just to hear the word [PWOGWEEEEES](leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse.md) (or alternatively UPDATE or ANTIPEDOPHILE PROTECTION), if a politician says PWEGWESS enough times in his speech the crowd will just start sucking his dick on the stage and he will win the elections by 130% majority. [LMAOOOOO](lmao.md) WHAT IF we make [updates a kind of consumerist product](update_culture.md), LOL WHAT IF one group of people build houses one day and the other group destroys them the other day and so on so on, it's INFINIITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE JOBS LOL :D I should fucking get into politics. TODO \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fourier_transform.md b/fourier_transform.md index 7efc4cc..a5779d3 100644 --- a/fourier_transform.md +++ b/fourier_transform.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Fourier Transform -Fourier Transform (FT) is one of the most important transformations/[algorithms](algorithm.md) in [signal](signal.md) processing (and really in [computer science](compsci.md) and [mathematics](math.md) in general), which enables us to express and manipulate a signal (such as a sound or picture) in terms of [frequencies](frequency.md) it is composed of (rather than in terms of individual [samples](samples.md)). It is so important because frequencies (basically [sine](sine.md) waves) are actually THE important thing in signals, they allow us to detect things (voices, visual objects, chemical elements, ...), [compress](compression.md) signals, modify them in useful ways (e.g. filter out [noise](noise.md) of specific frequency band, enhance specific frequency bands, ...). There also exists a related algorithms called **[Fast Fourier Transform](fft.md)** (FFT) which is able to compute one specific version of FT very quickly and so is often used in practice. +Fourier Transform (FT) is one of the most important transformations/[algorithms](algorithm.md) in [signal](signal.md) processing (and really in [computer science](compsci.md) and [mathematics](math.md) in general), which enables us to express and manipulate a signal (such as a sound or picture) in terms of [frequencies](frequency.md) it is composed of (rather than in terms of individual [samples](samples.md)). It is so important because frequencies (basically [sine](sine.md) waves) are actually THE important thing in signals, they allow us to detect things (voices, visual objects, chemical elements, ...), [compress](compression.md) signals, modify them in useful ways (e.g. filter out [noise](noise.md) of specific frequency band, enhance specific frequency bands, ...). There also exists a related algorithm called **[Fast Fourier Transform](fft.md)** (FFT) which is able to compute one specific version of FT very quickly and so is often used in practice. For newcomers FT is typically not easy to understand, it takes time to wrap one's head around it. There is also a very confusing terminology; there exist slightly different kinds of the Fourier Transform that are called by similar names, or sometimes all simply just "Fourier Transform" -- what programmers usually mean by FT is DFT or FFT. There also exist Fourier Transforms in higher dimensions (2D, 3D, ...) -- the base case is called one dimensional (because our input signal has one coordinate). All this will be explained below. diff --git a/how_to.md b/how_to.md index 4da751d..835fd46 100644 --- a/how_to.md +++ b/how_to.md @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave - **[Free](freedom.md) yourself from the system** (and generally from as many things as possible) -- similarly to how you free yourself technologically, free yourself also socially, live frugally and minimize your expenses. Stop consuming, stop living in luxury, stop spending money for shit (gyms, sports, clothes, car, streaming services, games, cigarettes, ...), use free things that people throw away and enjoy hobbies that are cheap (programming, reading books, going for walks, playing chess, collecting [rocks](rock.md), ...). **Stop watching news** (it's just brainwashing and distraction, what's really important will get to you anyway), stop engaging in fashion, stop talking to retards and watching tiktok manipulators. You need very little to live, you don't even need internet connection; with good computing you can hack offline and only connect to the internet once in a while on some public wifi to download emails and upload your programs. **Stop using [cellphone](phone.md)** (if you need it e.g. for banking, just use it for banking and don't carry it around with you, don't make it something you need with you). Make yourself self sufficient, prepare for the [collapse](collapase.md). If you can live somewhere in the woods and would enjoy it, go for it. - **Search for [truth](truth.md)**. You won't find it easily, real truth is always censored and hidden (though often in plain sight), but you can train yourself to spot propaganda and see the red flags. You won't find truth through Google, use different sources, read old books, [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) and different points of view (e.g. contrast articles on [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) with those on [Infogalactic](infogalactic.d)). Learn foreign and old langages such as [Latin](latin.md) so that you can read untranslated and first hand historical accounts. **Question EVERYTHING** (absolutely everything, even this statement). Do not fall into traps such as [pseudoskepticism](pseudoskepticism.md). Train your mind to think critically, avoid [shortcut thinking](shortcut_thinking.md), question your own biased beliefs and wishes. - **Reject harmful things like [proprietary](proprietary.md) software, [capitalism](capitalism.md), [copyright](copyright.md), [bloat](bloat.md), [work](work.md) etc.** Use and promote the ethical equivalents, i.e. [free software](free_software.md), [free culture](free_culture.md), frugality, [anarchism](anarchism.md) etc. +- **[Don't argue with retards](cant_argue_with_idiot.md)** with the goal of convincing him or winning the argument so that you feel good (the meaning of retard here is not someone with low IQ but rather someone who isn't really open to the ideas or LRS, though these are mostly the same people). It's literally wasted time/energy and it's bad for your mental health, it leads nowhere and achieves nothing. You literally can NOT convince anyone who is not open to being convinced, it is impossible, even if you have 100000 mathematical proofs, real world evidence, literature supporting you and anything you can imagine, you cannot logically convince someone who doesn't know how logic works or someone who simply emotionally isn't ready to change his mind. NO, not even if he's an "intellectual", has PhD and Nobel Prize, if he doesn't wanna see the truth, you cannot help him. As it's been said, trying to argue with an idiot is like trying to win a chess game against a pidgeon -- even if you're the world chess champion, the pidgeon will just shit on the board and think it's won. If you spot a retard, just leave -- don't try to have the last word or anything, even admit him "victory" in the argument and leave him in his world of delusion where he is the unappreciated Einstein, just do not waste an extra second on him, just leave and go do something better. { So many such idiots I have met I can't even count it -- pure stupid peasant aren't even that bad, the wost are the "above averge" intelligence reddit atheists who think they're smart. I literally had such people argue like "you like games therefore competition in society is good because games are part of society therefore society equals competition". Truly I'm not sure if those bastards are just trolling me into suicide or are really so fucking dumb :D ~drummyfish } - **Be a [generalist](generalism.md), see the big picture, study the whole world**, do not become overspecialized in the capitalist way. Sure you may become an expert at something, but it shouldn't make your view of the world too narrow. You may spend most of your time studying and programming computer compilers for example, but still do (and enjoy) other things, for example reading fiction, studying religions, languages, psychology, playing [go](go.md), making music, building houses, painting, doing sports, ... - ... diff --git a/procgen.md b/procgen.md index 8614366..3e1c7b6 100644 --- a/procgen.md +++ b/procgen.md @@ -23,6 +23,196 @@ We use procedural generation mainly in two ways: Indeed we may also do something "in between", e.g. generate procedural assets into temporary files or RAM [caches](cache.md) at run time and depending on the situation, for example when purely realtime generation of such assets would be too slow. -## Example +## Examples -TODO \ No newline at end of file +Here are some cool [ASCII renderings](ascii_art.md) of procedurally generated pictures: + +``` +....,':..:.,.c;:,,.,'M0....',:c.,c,'o:xcx.',.'l:,;'.:., +...''.'..:.,.;,''x0Xoc;:::::;lo.':o,c;;c..:l.,''..,..., +.',......',;':',oKxl:'.........',;cX:o0k.'l':''......,. +.;........''';l.:x;,Kkocl;::::;lcxX':cX;'o',,........., +.:.'........'l;.Kc:Xol:,'.......'':;ck0c'.l',.'.......' +l.'.''.....'.:..XlXo;,'..xooccooxkXKMW.'.:,:..,'..',.,, +...,;,....,.:,.olcxl:'.cl;::,,,::;;coklxolcl..',';'::,' +'':c:.;'.:'l,..oxo:;,.l:,''......'',:.,...'',;;c..c:o;c +x.''.l':k'.l,..oc;;;,;:''.....xxkXK0xKxxxxxk.''''',:.,' +xlc00lkl,.xc;.Xxl::,,:,'...;;;llccol;l;;lllxxxxxkkK;ck' +c:kX:x:klWKxl.KXc;,,'.'..,,,,,,::;,,,,:,:,cooxkK,:;cxKW +oo':o,kl,Kxl:'MKk;;,'....''..''''''''','''',,:;coX0,;oX +c.,o,Xc,.kc;,.Kkoc;:'...............''',,:;c..',;ck.';o +.:.:.o:'.xl:'..xc;:,''..................'',:lo..,:ck.:c +;.l'.l,..o;,'..ol;,''..............'',;...',:lx..,lx.,c +'x:.xl,..o;:'...l:,''...... ......'',:l...':;o..,lx.:x +.c,.xl,..xl:,'...;,''..............'',;lo..',;o..,l.'l. +.c:.kc:,..ol:,''..................'',:;cx..':lx.':o.:.: +0o;'.kc;,'..c;:,,'''...............':;cokK.,;ck.,cX,o,. +'Xo;,0Xoc;:,,'''','''''''''..''....',;;kKM':lxK,lk,o:'o +:WKxc;:,Kkxooc,:,:,,,,;::,,,,,,..'.',,;cXK.lxKWlk:x:Xk: +:'kc;Kkkxxxxxlll;;l;loccll;;;...',:,,::lxX.;cx.,lkl00cl +:',.:,'''''.kxxxxxKx0KXkxx.....'':;,;;;co..,l.'k:'l.''. +oc;o:c..c;;,''...,.:,''......'',:l.,;:oxo..,l':.';.:c:' +,',::';','..lcloxlkoc;;::,,,::;lc.':lxclo.,:.,....,;,.. +',,.,'..',..:,:.'.WMKXkxooccoox..',;oXlX..:.'.....''.'. +;'.......'.,'l.'c0kc;:''.......',:loX:cK.;l'........'.: +,,.........,,'o';Xc:'Xxcl;::::;lcokK,;x:.l;'''........; +..,......'':'l'.k0o:Xc;,'.........':lxKo,':';,'......,' +.,...,..'',.l:..c;;c,o:'.ol;:::::;coX0x'',;.,.:..'.''.. + +0KXXkkxxooooccccccoxo;:,'...',:;lcoxXWKXkkxxxooooccccco +XMXxxooocccclllllllllcl:,'...',:;lcokK0Xxxoooccclllllll +kK0Xxocccllll;;;;;;;;;;l;,'..'',:;lcxk0Kkooccclll;;;;;; +xXMKkocllll;;;;:::::::::;;,'..',:;lcoxXMXxoclll;;;;;::: +okKKkxclll;;;;:::::::,:::;:'..'',:;loxXMXkocll;;;;::::: +okK0kxcll;;;;:::::::,,,::::,...',:;lcxX0Kkocll;;;;::::: +xk0Kkoclll;;;;:::::::::::;:'..',,:;coxXWXxoclll;;;;:::: +xXWXxocclll;;;;;;:::::;;l:,...',:;lcokK0kxocclll;;;;;:: +k0Kkxooccclllll;;;;;;lll:,'..',:;lcoxXMXkooocccllll;;;; +K0Xkxxxoooccccclllccoc;:,'..',,:;lcxk0Kkkxxooocccccllll +W0KXXkkxxxoooooooxkol;,''..',,:;lcokKM0KXXkkxxxooooooox +K0MM0KXXXkkkkkXK0kcl:,''..'',:;lcokXXK0W00KXXXkkkkkXKMx +kXXK00WMM00MW0k0xcl:,''..'',:;lcoxxxkkXKK0MWM000MMKkXol +xkkkXXXKKKXXxkKxcl;:,'...',,:;lccooxxxkkXXXKKKKXkxXXoc; +xxxkkkkkkkxoxMkol;:,''..'',:;llcccoooxxxkkkkkkkxckKxcl; +oxxxxkkkkxolk0xcl;:,'...'',:;llcccooooxxxxkkkxxooKXxcl; +oxxxkkkkkxxck0kol;:,'...'',:;llcccoooxxxxkkkkkxocXKxcl; +xxkkkXXXXXkxcKXoc;:,''...',::;lccoooxxxkkkXXXXXkxxWkol; +kkXXKK000000XkKkol;:,'...'',:;lcooxxxkkXXKK00000KXoMxcl +XKK0W00KKXXXXK0XXol;:,'. .',::;lcxkkXXK0MM0KKKXXXKKWXkc +0W0KKXkkkxxxxxxxkKxc;:,'...',:;;coxXK0M0KXXkkkxxxxxxxkM +0KXkkxxxooooccccccoxol:,'...',:;lcoxXMKXkkxxxoooccccccc +XMXkxooocccllllllllllcc;,'...',:;lcokK0Xxxoooccclllllll +kK0Xxocccllll;;;;;;;;;;l;,'..'',:;lcxk0Kkxoccllll;;;;;; +xX0Kkocllll;;;;:::::::::;;,'..',:;lcoxXMXxoclll;;;;;::: +okKKkxclll;;;;:::::::,:::;:'..'',:;loxXMXkocll;;;;::::: +okK0kxclll;;;:::::::,,,::::,...',:;lcxX0Kkocll;;;;::::: +xk0Kkoclll;;;;:::::::::::;:'..',,:;coxXWXxoclll;;;;:::: +xXWXxoccllll;;;;;:::::;;c:,...',:;lcokK0kxocclll;;;;;:: +k0Kkxooccclllll;;;;;;lcl:,'..',:;lcoxXWXxooocccllll;;;; + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +ll;;;;;;;;;;;;llllll;;;;;;;;;;;;llcxolllcXocl;;;;;;;;;; +.',ol;;;;;;lol:,,,,,;Kl;;;;;;lo:'...........',ll;;;;;;l +....:c;;;;lc,'.......':c;;;;ll'....':;ll:,'....,o;;;;lK +;'...;l;;;l;'.........,o;;;;x'...,xl;;;;;;ll'...:l;;;ll +c:...'c;;;;o,'.......'cl;;;l:...'xl;;;;;;;;l;'..'0;;;;c +x,...';l;;;;lcc:,,:;xl;;;;;K'...';cl;;;;;;lx,'...:l;;;; +'.....';l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lW,.....',;xoookc:,'....':c;;; +.......',:ocll;;;;;;llck;,'..........''''.........',:co +...........''''''''''''...............................' +....................................................... +'''.............................'',,:::::,,,''......... +;lcl,'......',:;;l;:,''......':xl;;;;;;;;;;;lcc,'...... +;;;;l;'...':Wll;;;;;lo;'....,x;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ll'...., +l;;;;l,...,kl;;;;;;;;;c:...'k;;;;lo:,'''',ll;;;;l:...'l +:c;;;;c'..'ll;;;;;;;;;o,...:l;;;lc'.......',o;;;;o'..'; +:o;;;;l,...':ol;;;;lll,...'X;;;;l;'.......',Xl;;;l:...' +xl;;;;;c:'.....'''''.....'ol;;;;;cl,''''',:Wl;;;;;l:'.. +;;;;;;;;lo;,'........'':xl;;;;;;;;;llccccll;;;;;;;;lcl, +;;;;;;;;;;;;llllllllll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +:coll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lck;,,'''''',:lxll;;;;;;; +...';l;;;;;;lloxllckcl;;;;;;lW,'..............':c;;;;;; +'....:l;;;;lo,'....',;c;;;;;X'...',ocllllo;,....,c;;;;l +l;'..'0;;;;c:'......',k;;;;l,...,o;;;;;;;;;ll'..'l;;;;l +;c,...:l;;;;o:''...',ol;;;;o'..'cl;;;;;;;;;;c:...,c;;;; +lX,...'ll;;;;;llcccl;;;;;;o,...';l;;;;;;;;;lo,...';l;;; +;,'....':cl;;;;;;;;;;;;;lc,.....':Kcllllllcl,'....':xl; +'........'',;cKoccoxo;:,'........''',,,,,,''.... ...'', +``` + +These were created in extremely simple way, without even using any [noise](noise.md) -- each picture here has each pixel computed by plugging the *x* and *y* coordinate to a quite simple equation using basic functions like [sine](sin.md), [square root](sqrt.md), absolute value, triangle wave etc. More complex methods will probably iteratively apply various filters, they may employ things like [cellular automata](cellular_automaton.md) and so on, however here you see even a very [simple](kiss.md) approach may often be [good enough](good_enough.md). The [C](c.md) code to generate the pictures above is following (for simplicity using [floats](float.md) and math.h, which in serious programs should be avoided): + +{ NOTE: The equations for the functions were made by me when I was playing around with another project. I have uploaded them to Wikimedia Commons, you can find actual png pictures there. ~drummyfish } + +``` +#include +#include + +#define W 55 +#define H 30 + +// helper stuff: +char palette[] = "WM0KXkxocl;:,'. "; + +double min(double a, double b) { return a < b ? a : b; } +double max(double a, double b) { return a > b ? a : b; } +double absMy(double x) { return x < 0 ? -1 * x : x; } +double gauss(double x) { return exp((-1 * x * x) / 2); } + +double tri(double x) +{ + x = absMy(x); + + int whole = x; + double frac = x - whole; + + return whole % 2 ? 1 - frac : frac; +} + +void drawFunction(double (*f)(double, double), double xFrom, double yFrom, + double xTo, double yTo) +{ + double v1 = 0xffffffff, v2 = -1 * v1; + double sX = (xTo - xFrom) / W, sY = (yTo - yFrom) / H; + + for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) + for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) + { + double v = f(xFrom + x * sX,yFrom + y * sY); + + if (v > v2) + v2 = v; + + if (v < v1) + v1 = v; + } + + v2 -= v1; + + if (v2 == 0) + v2 = 0.0001; + + for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) + { + for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) + + putchar(palette[(int) (15 * + ((min(v2,max(0,f(xFrom + x * sX,yFrom + y * sY) - v1))) / v2))]); + + putchar('\n'); + } +} + +// ==== ACTUAL INTERESTING FUNCTIONS HERE === + +double fSnakes(double x, double y) +{ + return sqrt(tri(x + sqrt(tri(x + 0.4 * sin(y*3))))); +} + +double fYinYang(double x, double y) +{ + double r = sin(1.2 * y + 2.5 * sin(x) + 2 * cos(2.25 * y) * sin(x)); + return log(2 * sqrt(absMy(r)) - r); +} + +double fSwirl(double x, double y) +{ + return gauss( + fmod((x * x),(absMy(sin(x + y)) + 0.001)) + + fmod((y * y),(absMy(sin(x - y)) + 0.001))); +} + +int main(void) +{ + drawFunction(fSwirl,-2,-2,2,2); + putchar('\n'); + drawFunction(fSnakes,-1,-1,2,2); + putchar('\n'); + drawFunction(fYinYang,-4,-4,4,4); +} +``` + +TODO: some example with noise \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www.md b/www.md index 87ed7d3..04ac9fe 100644 --- a/www.md +++ b/www.md @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ World Wide Web (www or just *the web*) is (or was -- by 2023 mainstream web is d An important part of the web is also searching its vast amounts of information with [search engines](search_engine.md) such as the infamous [Google](google.md) engine. It also relies on systems such as [DNS](dns.md). -Mainstream web is now EXTREMELY bloated and practically unusable, for more [suckless](suckless.md) alternatives see [gopher](gopher.md) and [gemini](gemini.md). See also [smol web](smol_internet.md). +Mainstream web is now EXTREMELY [bloated](bloat.md) and practically unusable, for more [suckless](suckless.md) alternatives see [gopher](gopher.md). See also [smol web](smol_internet.md). -The web used to be perhaps the greatest part of the web, the thing that made Internet widespread, however it quickly deteriorated by capitalist mainstreamization and commercialization and by now, in 2020s, it is one of the most illustrative, depressing and most hilarious examples of [capitalist](capitalist_software.md) [bloat](bloat.md). A nice article about the issue, called *The Website Obesity Crisis*, can be found at https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm. There is a tool for measuring a website bloat at https://www.webbloatscore.com/: it computes the ratio of the page size to the size of its screenshot (e.g. [YouTube](youtube.md) currently scores 35.7). +The web used to be perhaps the greatest part of the Internet, the thing that made Internet widespread, however it quickly deteriorated by [capitalist](capitalism.md) mainstreamization and commercialization and by now, in 2020s, it is one of the most illustrative, depressing and most hilarious examples of [capitalist](capitalist_software.md) [bloat](bloat.md). A nice article about the issue, called *The Website Obesity Crisis*, can be found at https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm. There is a tool for measuring website bloat at https://www.webbloatscore.com/: it computes the ratio of the page size to the size of its screenshot (e.g. [YouTube](youtube.md) currently scores 35.7). + +Currently there are visions of so called **"[web 3](web3.md)"** which should be the "next iteration" of the web with new [paradigms](paradigm.md), making use of "[modern](modern.md)" (i.e. probably shitty) technology such as [bloackchain](blockchain.mg); they say web 3 wants to use [decentralization](decentralization.md) to prevent central control and possibly things like [censorship](censorship.md), however [we](lrs.md) can almost certainly guarantee web 3 will be yet exponentially greater pile of [bloat](bloat.md) and a worse dystopia than what we have yet seen, we simply have to leave this ship sink. If web 3 will be what web 2.0 was to web 1.0, then indeed we are [doomed](doom.md). Our prediction is that web will simply lose its status of the biggest Internet service just as [Usenet](usenet.md) did, or like TV lost its status of the main audiovisual media; web will be replaced by something like akin "islands of franchised social media accessed through apps"; it will still be around but will be just a huge ad-littered swamp inferior to [teletext](teletext.md) where the elderly go to share pictures no one wants to see and where guys go to masturbate. ## How It Went To Shit @@ -41,9 +43,9 @@ The web used to be perhaps the greatest part of the web, the thing that made Int *A typical website under capitalism, 2023. For potential far-future readers: this is NOT exaggeration, all websites LITERALLY look like this.* -Back in the days (90s and early 2000s) web used to be a place of freedom working more or less in a decentralized manner, on [anarchist](anarchism.md) and often even [communist](communism.md) principles --⁠ people used to have their own unique websites where they shared freely and openly, [censorship](censorship.md) was difficult to implement and mostly non-existent and websites used to have a much better design, were [KISS](kiss.md), safer, "open" (no paywalls, registration walls, country blocks, [DRM](drm.md), ...), MUCH faster and more robust as they were pure [HTML](html.md) documents. It was also the case that most websites were truly nice, useful and each one had a "soul" as they were usually made by passionate nerds who had a creative freedom and true desires to create a nice website (yes, even if they were making a commercial website for some company). +Back in the day (90s and early 2000s) web used to be a place of freedom working more or less in a decentralized manner, on [anarchist](anarchism.md) and often even [communist](communism.md) principles --⁠ people used to have their own unique websites where they shared freely and openly, [censorship](censorship.md) was difficult to implement and mostly non-existent and websites used to have a much better design, were [KISS](kiss.md), safer, "open" (no paywalls, registration walls, country blocks, [DRM](drm.md), ...), MUCH faster and more robust as they were pure [HTML](html.md) documents. It was also the case that most websites were truly nice, useful and each one had a "soul" as they were usually made by passionate nerds who had a creative freedom and true desires to create a nice website (yes, even if they were making a commercial website for some company). -As the time marched on web used to become more and more [shit](shit.md), as is the case with everything touched by [capitalist](capitalist_software.md) hand -- the advent of so called **web 2.0** brought about a lot of [complexity](complexity.md), websites started to incorporate client-side scripts ([JavaScript](javascript.md), [Flash](flash.md), [Java](java.md) applets, ...) which led to many negative things such as incompatibility with browsers (kickstarting browser consumerism and [update culture](update_culture.md)), performance loss and security vulnerabilities (web pages now became Turing complete programs rather than mere documents) and more complexity in web browsers, which leads to immense [bloat](bloat.md) and browser [monopolies](bloat_monopoly.md) (greater effort is needed to develop a browser, making it a privilege of those who can afford it, and those can subsequently dictate de-facto standards that further strengthen their monopolies). Another disaster came with **[social networks](social_network.md)** in mid 2000s, most notably [Facebook](facebook.md) but also [YouTube](youtube.md), [Twitter](twitter.md) and others, which centralized the web and rid people of control. Out of comfort people stopped creating and hosting own websites and rather created a page on Facebook. This gave the power to corporations and allowed **mass-surveillance**, **mass-censorship** and **propaganda brainwashing**. As the web became more and more popular, corporations and governments started to take more control over it, creating technologies and laws to make it less free. By 2020, the good old web is but a memory and a hobby of a few boomers, everything is controlled by corporations, infected with billions of unbearable ads, [DRM](drm.md), malware (trackers, [crypto](crypto.md) miners, ...), there exist no good web browsers, web pages now REQUIRE JavaScript even if it's not needed in principle due to which they are painfully slow and buggy, there are restrictive laws and censorship and de-facto laws (site policies) put in place by corporations controlling the web. +As the time marched on web used to become more and more [shit](shit.md), as is the case with everything touched by [capitalist](capitalist_software.md) hand -- the advent of so called **web 2.0** brought about a lot of [complexity](complexity.md), websites started to incorporate client-side scripts ([JavaScript](javascript.md), [Flash](flash.md), [Java](java.md) applets, ...) which led to many negative things such as incompatibility with browsers (kickstarting browser consumerism and [update culture](update_culture.md)), performance loss and security vulnerabilities (web pages now became programs rather than mere documents) and more complexity in web browsers, which leads to immense [bloat](bloat.md) and browser [monopolies](bloat_monopoly.md) (greater effort is needed to develop a browser, making it a privilege of those who can afford it, and those can subsequently dictate de-facto standards that further strengthen their monopolies). Another disaster came with **[social networks](social_network.md)** in mid 2000s, most notably [Facebook](facebook.md) but also [YouTube](youtube.md), [Twitter](twitter.md) and others, which centralized the web and rid people of control. Out of comfort people stopped creating and hosting own websites and rather created a page on Facebook. This gave the power to corporations and allowed **mass-surveillance**, **mass-censorship** and **propaganda brainwashing**. As the web became more and more popular, corporations and governments started to take more control over it, creating technologies and laws to make it less free. By 2020, the good old web is but a memory and a hobby of a few boomers, everything is controlled by corporations, infected with billions of unbearable ads, [DRM](drm.md), malware (trackers, [crypto](crypto.md) miners, ...), there exist no good web browsers, web pages now REQUIRE JavaScript even if it's not needed in principle due to which they are painfully slow and buggy, there are restrictive laws and censorship and de-facto laws (site policies) put in place by corporations controlling the web. Mainstream web is quite literally unusable nowadays. { 2023 update: whole web is now behind [cuckflare](cloudfare.md) plus [secure HTTPS safety privacy antipedophile science encrypted privacy antiterrorist democratic safety privacy security expert antiracist sandboxed protection](https.md) and therefore literally can't be used. Also Google has been absolutely destroyed by the [LLM](llm.md) AIs now. ~drummyfish } What people searched for on the web they now search on on a handful of platforms like Facebook and YouTube (often not even using a web browser but rather a mobile "[app](app.md)"); if you try to "google" something, what you get is just a list of unusable sites written by [AIs](ai.md) that load for several minutes (unless you have the latest 1024 TB RAM beast) and won't let you read beyond the first paragraph without registration. These sites are uplifted by [SEO](seo.md) for pure commercial reasons, they contain no useful information, just ads. Useful sites are buried under several millions of unusable results or downright censored for political reasons (e.g. using some forbidden word). Thankfully you can still try to browse the [smol web](smol_internet.md) with search engines such as [wiby](wiby.md), but still that only gives a glimpse of what the good old web used to be.