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Miloslav Ciz 2023-09-26 19:46:43 +02:00
parent 934030b887
commit e1b62dedf6
3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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# Communism
Communism (from *communis* -- common, shared) is a very wide term which most generally stands for the idea that sharing and equality should be the basic values of a society; as such it is a [leftist]( idea which falls under [socialism]( (i.e. basically focusing on people at large). There are very many branches, theories, political ideologies and schools of thought somewhat based on communism, for example [Marxism](, [Leninism](, [anarcho communism](, primitive communism, Christian communism etc. -- of course, some of these are good while others are evil and only abuse the word communism as a kind of *brand* (as also happens e.g. with [anarchism]( Sadly after the disastrous failure of the violent pseudocommunist revolutions of the 20th century, most people came to equate the word communism with oppressive militant regimes, however we have to stress that **communism is not equal to [USSR](, Marxism-Lenninism, Stalinism or any other form of pseudocommunism**, on the contrary, such regimes were rather hierarchical, violent and pseudocommunist, often downright [fascist]( We ourselves embrace true communism and base our [LRS]( and [less retarded society]( on ideas of unconditional sharing. Many other communities also work on more or less communist principles, see e.g. Jewish kibbutz, Sikhist [langar](, [free software](, or even just most families for that matter. The color [red]( is usually associated with communism and the "hammer and sickle" (U+262D) is taken as its symbol, though that's mostly associated with the evil communist regimes and so its usage is to be greatly considered.
Communism (from *communis* -- common, shared) is a very wide term which most generally stands for the idea that sharing and equality should be the basic values of a society; as such it is a [leftist]( idea which falls under [socialism]( (i.e. basically focusing on people at large). There are very many branches, theories, political ideologies and schools of thought somewhat based on communism, for example [Marxism](, [Leninism](, [anarcho communism](, primitive communism, Christian communism etc. -- of course, some of these are good while others are evil and only abuse the word communism as a kind of *brand* (as also happens e.g. with [anarchism]( Sadly after the disastrous failure of the violent pseudocommunist revolutions of the 20th century, most people came to equate the word communism with oppressive militant regimes, however we have to stress that **communism is NOT equal to [USSR](, Marxism-Lenninism, Stalinism or any other form of pseudocommunism**, on the contrary, such regimes were rather hierarchical, violent and pseudocommunist, often downright [fascist]( We ourselves embrace true communism and base our [LRS]( and [less retarded society]( on ideas of unconditional sharing. **Yes, large communist societies have existed and worked**, for example the [Inca]( empire worked without [money]( and provided FREE food, clothes, houses, health care, education etc. Many other communities also work on more or less communist principles, see e.g. Jewish kibbutz, Sikhist [langar](, [free software](, or even just most families for that matter. The color [red]( is usually associated with communism and the "hammer and sickle" (U+262D) is taken as its symbol, though that's mostly associated with the evil communist regimes and so its usage is to be greatly considered.
Common ideas usually associated with communism are (please keep in mind that this may differ depending on the specific flavor of communism):

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Our society is **[anarcho pacifist]( and [communist](**, m
- **How do you think it is realistic to achieve abundance of resources for all?** Nowadays it is easily possible to produce enough resources for everyone, i.e. food, electricity, clothing, buildings to live in etc. -- in fact this has been possible for many decades to centuries now, today all the technology for 99% automated production of most basic resources such as food and electricity is available and well tested, it is just kept in private hands for their sole profit. Nowadays our society is putting most of its effort to artificially made up "businesses" that keep the status quo, partly out of social inertia and partly by the (mostly decentralized and to a degree not even self admitted) conspiracy of the rich. Imagine people stop engaging in marketing, market speculation and investing, bureaucracy, public relations, law (copyrights, patents, property laws, taxes, ...), economics, military, meaningless technology (DRM, spyware, cryptocurrency, viruses and antiviruses, ...), artificial meaningless fashion, drug abuse business, organizing political parties, campaigns, unions, counter unions, cartels, strikes, and so on and so forth (this of course doesn't mean hobbies and art should disappear, just unnecessary industries). We will gain millions of people who can help achieve abundance, land that can be used to produce food and build houses to live in (as opposed to skyscrapers, unnecessary factories, parking lots etc.), and we will let go of the immense burden of bullshit business (millions of unnecessary workplaces having to be maintained, millions of people having to commute by car daily, communicate, organize, be watched by employers, ...). People will get healthier, more rested, cooperative and actually passionate about a common goal, as opposed to depressed (needing psychiatrists and antidepressants), lethargic and hostile to each other. Of course this can't happen over night, probably not even over a decade, but we can make the transition slowly, one step at a time and in the meanwhile use rules based e.g. on the following principle: that which is abundant is unlimited for everyone, that which is scarce is equally divided between all. The question is not whether it's possible, but whether we want to do it.
- **Isn't your society unnatural?** In many way yes, it's unnatural just as clothes, medicine, computers or humans living over 70 years are unnatural. Civilization by definition means resisting the cruelness of nature, however our proposed society is to live as much as possible in harmony with the nature and is much more natural than our current society which e.g. pushes sleep deprivation, high consumption of antidepressants, eating disorders, addiction to social networks and so on.
- **Won't people get bored? What will motivate people? If they have everything why would they even get out of bed? Haven't you seen the mouse utopia experiments?** It is a mistake to think that competition and the necessity of making living is the only or even the main driving force of human behavior and creativity (on the contrary, it is usually what makes people commit suicides, i.e. lose the will to live). Human curiosity, playfulness, the joy of collaboration, boredom, sense of altruism, socialization, seeking of life meaning and recognition and many other forces drive our behavior. Ask yourself: why do people have hobbies when no one is forcing them to it? Why don't you bore yourself to death in your spare time? Why don't rich people who literally don't have to work bore themselves to death? Why doesn't your pet dog that's not forced to hunt for food bore himself to death? Maslow's hierarchy of needs tells us that once people fulfill basic needs such as that for obtaining food, they naturally start to pursue higher ones such as that for socializing or doing science or art. Unlike rats in small cages people show interests in seeking satisfaction of higher needs than just food and sex, even those that aren't scientist try to do things such as sports, photography, woodwork or gardening, just for the sake of it. It's not that there would be a lack challenges in our society, just that we wouldn't force arbitrary challenges on people.
- **If you say it's possible, why wasn't it done before?** Firstly small scale communities working on anarchist and peaceful principles have existed for a long time in environments that allow it, e.g. those that have abundance of resources. Globally society couldn't reach this state because only until recently we lacked the technology to provide such an ideal environment globally or even on a scale of a whole country, i.e. only until recently we have been forced by the nature to compete for basic resources such as food and space to live. However with computers, factories, high level of automation and other technology and knowledge we posses, we now have, for the first time in history, the capability to establish an environment with abundance of resources for everyone on the planet. Nowadays only social inertia in the form of [capitalism]( is ARTIFICIALLY keeping scarcity and social competition in place -- getting rid of this obsolete system is now needed to allow establishment of our ideal society. Part of the answer to this question may also be that reaching such an advanced state of society requires long development, technological, cultural and intellectual, just as many other things (things like abolishment of death sentence or even accepting the existence of irrational numbers all required a long time of cultural development).
- **If you say it's possible, why wasn't it done before?** Firstly big and small scale communities working on [anarchist](, [communist]( and peaceful principles have existed for a long time in environments that allow it, e.g. those that have abundance of resources. Globally society couldn't reach this state because only until recently we lacked the technology to provide such an ideal environment globally or even on a scale of a whole country, i.e. only until recently we have been forced by the nature to compete for basic resources such as food and space to live. However with computers, factories, high level of automation and other technology and knowledge we posses, we now have, for the first time in history, the capability to establish an environment with abundance of resources for everyone on the planet. Nowadays only social inertia in the form of [capitalism]( is ARTIFICIALLY keeping scarcity and social competition in place -- getting rid of this obsolete system is now needed to allow establishment of our ideal society. Part of the answer to this question may also be that reaching such an advanced state of society requires long development, technological, cultural and intellectual, just as many other things (things like abolishment of death sentence or even accepting the existence of irrational numbers all required a long time of cultural development).
- **How will you make people work?** We won't, in an ideal society people don't have to work, all work is done by machines -- that's the point of creating machines in the first place. In practice there may in a foreseeable future be the need for small amounts of human work such as overlooking the machines, but the amount of work can be so small that volunteers will easily handle it -- especially with people having no burden of working day jobs there should be no shortage of volunteers. Remember that by abandoning the current system 99% of "bullshit work" (marketing, lawyers, bureaucracy, fashion, ...) will disappear.
- **Does elimination of bullshit jobs mean my favorite activity will disappear?!** Unless your hobby is something like killing people for fun, we don't aim to force anyone quitting anything he likes to do, on the contrary we aim exactly to establish the freedom to do anything one desires. So if you like e.g. designing clothes, you are free to do so as a form of art, we just argue against e.g. socially forced necessity to follow fashion in clothing and making capitalist business out of it, which is what we call "bullshit". We believe most bullshit activities that were invented by capitalism, such as marketing, will simply naturally disappear once capitalism ends -- there is no need to force disappearance of something that dies out naturally.
- **How will society make progress?** Just as it always had: by science, curiosity, necessity, accidental discoveries, pursuit of creating art etc. It is a mistake to think we need capitalism or anything similar in order to make progress; progress cannot be stopped no matter what, it will always be here as long as humans exist.

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# Mathematics
Mathematics (also math or maths) is the best [science]( (yes, it is a formal science), which deals with [numbers](, abstract structures and [logic]( in as rigorous and objective way as possible. In fact it's the only true science that can actually prove things. It is immensely important in [programming]( and [computer science](
Mathematics (also math or maths) is the best [science]( (yes, it is a formal science), which deductively deals with [numbers](, abstract structures and [logic]( in as rigorous and objective way as possible. In fact it's the only true science that can actually prove things. It is immensely important in [programming]( and [computer science](
Some see math not as a science but rather a discipline that develops formal tools for "true sciences". The reasoning is usually that a science has to use [scientific method](, but that's a limited view as scientific method is not the only way of obtaining reliable knowledge. Besides that math can and does use the principles of scientific method -- mathematicians first perform "experiments" with numbers and generalize into [conjectures]( and later "strong beliefs", however this is not considered [good enough]( in math as it actually has the superior tool of [proof]( that is considered the ultimate goal of math. I.e. math relies on [deductive]( reasoning (proof) rather than less reliable [inductive]( reasoning (scientific method) -- in this sense mathematics is more than a science.