Miloslav Ciz 1 year ago
parent 991f917979
commit e5834a1aaf

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Capitali$m is the worst socioeconomic system we've yet seen in [history](history
**Capitalism produces the [worst imaginable technology](** and rewards people for [being cruel to each other]( It points the direction of society towards a [collapse]( and may very likely be the [great filter]( of civilizations; in capitalism people [de-facto]( own nothing and become wholly dependent on corporations which exploit this fact to abuse them as much as possible. This is achieved by [slowly boiling the frog]( No one owns anything, products become [services]( (your car won't drive without Internet connection and permission from its manufacturer), all independency and decentralization is lost in favor of a highly fragile and interdependent economy and infrastructure of services, each one controlled by the monopoly corporation. Then only a slight break in the chain is enough to bring the whole civilization down in a spectacular domino effect.
**The underlying issue of capitalism is [competition](** -- competition is the root of all evil in any social system, however capitalism is the absolute glorification of competition, amplification of this evil to maximum. It is implemented by setting and supporting a very stupid idea that **everyone's primary and only goal is to be self-benefit**, i.e. maximization of capital. This is combined with the fact that the environment of [free market]( is a system with **[evolutionary system](** which through natural selection extremely effectively and quickly optimizes the organisms (corporations) for achieving this given goal, i.e. generating maximum profit, on the detriment of all other values such as wellbeing of people, sustainability or morality. In other words capitalism has never promised a good society, it literally only states that everyone should try to benefit oneself as much as possible, i.e. defines the [fitness function]( purely as the ability to seize as many resources as possible, and then selects and rewards those who best implement this function, i.e. those we would call sociopaths or "dicks", and to those is given the power in society. Yes, this is how nature works, but it must NOT be how a technologically advanced civilization with unlimited power of destruction should work. In other words we simply get what we set to achieve: find entities that are best at making profit at any cost. The inevitable decline of society can not possibly be prevented by laws, any effort of trying to stop evolution by inventing artificial rules on the go is a battle against nature itself and is extremely naive, the immense power of the evolutionary system that's constantly at work to find ways to bypass or cancel laws in the way of profit and abuse of others will prevails just as life will always find its way to survive and thrive even in the worst conditions on Earth. Trying to stop corporations with laws is like trying to stop a train by throwing sticks in its path. The problem is not that "people are dicks", it is that we choose to put in place a system that rewards the dicks, a system that fuels the worst in people and smothers the best in them.
**The underlying issue of capitalism is [competition](** and conflict -- competition is the root of all evil in any social system, however capitalism is the absolute glorification of competition, amplification of this evil to maximum. It is implemented by setting and supporting a very stupid idea that **everyone's primary and only goal is to be self-benefit**, i.e. maximization of capital. This is combined with the fact that the environment of [free market]( is a system with **[evolutionary system](** which through natural selection extremely effectively and quickly optimizes the organisms (corporations) for achieving this given goal, i.e. generating maximum profit, on the detriment of all other values such as wellbeing of people, sustainability or morality. In other words capitalism has never promised a good society, it literally only states that everyone should try to benefit oneself as much as possible, i.e. defines the [fitness function]( purely as the ability to seize as many resources as possible, and then selects and rewards those who best implement this function, i.e. those we would call sociopaths or "dicks", and to those is given the power in society. Yes, this is how nature works, but it must NOT be how a technologically advanced civilization with unlimited power of destruction should work. In other words we simply get what we set to achieve: find entities that are best at making profit at any cost. The inevitable decline of society can not possibly be prevented by laws, any effort of trying to stop evolution by inventing artificial rules on the go is a battle against nature itself and is extremely naive, the immense power of the evolutionary system that's constantly at work to find ways to bypass or cancel laws in the way of profit and abuse of others will prevails just as life will always find its way to survive and thrive even in the worst conditions on Earth. Trying to stop corporations with laws is like trying to stop a train by throwing sticks in its path. The problem is not that "people are dicks", it is that we choose to put in place a system that rewards the dicks, a system that fuels the worst in people and smothers the best in them.
Even though nowadays quite a lot of time has passed since times of [Marx]( and capitalism has evolved to a stage with countless disastrous issues Marx couldn't even foresee, it is useful to mention one of the basic and earliest issues identified by Marx, which is that economically capitalism is based on **stealing the [surplus]( value**, i.e. abuse of workers and consumers by owners of the means of production (factories, tools, machines etc.) -- a capitalist basically takes money for doing nothing, just for letting workers use tools he proclaims to own (a capitalist will proclaim to "own" land that he never even visited, machines he didn't make as they were developed over centuries, nowadays he even claims to own [information and ideas]( -- as [Kropotkin]( put it: the working man cannot purchase with his wage the wealth he has produced. This allows a capitalist oppressor to make exponentially more money for nothing and enables existence of monstrously rich and powerful individuals -- consider for example that nowadays there are people who own hundreds of buildings and cars plus a handful of private planes and a few private islands. It is not possible for any single human to work an equivalent of effort that's needed to produce what such an individual owns, even if he worked 24 hours a day for his whole life, he wouldn't get even close to matching the kind of effort that's needed to build the hundreds of buildings he owns -- any such great wealth is always stolen from countless workers whose salary is less than what's adequate for their work and also from consumers who pay more than it really costs to manufacture the goods they buy. Millions of people are giving their money (resources) for free to someone who just proclaims to "own" tools and even natural resources that have been there for billions of years. The difference in wealth and privileges this wealth provides divides society into antagonist classes that are constantly at war -- traditionally these classes are said to be the **[bourgeoisie](** (business owners, the upper class) and the **[proletariat](** (workers, the lower class), though under modern capitalism the division of society is not so simple anymore -- there are more classes (for example small businesses work for larger businesses) but they are still all at war.
@ -65,19 +65,27 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
## How It Works
Capitalism newly instated in a society kind of "works" for a short time, but it never lasts as it is extremely unstable. Before society has advanced technologically, capitalism can deteriorate slowly and seem to be working for decades or even centuries, but after a sufficient technological progress the downfall accelerates immensely. Initially when more or less everyone is at the same start line, when there are no highly evolved corporations with their advanced methods of oppression, small businesses grow and take their small shares of the market, there appears true innovation, businesses compete by true quality of products, people are relatively free and it all feels natural because it is, it's the system of the jungle, i.e. as has been said, capitalism is the failure to establish a controlled socioeconomic system rather than a presence of a purposefully designed one. Its benefits for the people are at this point only a side effect, people see it as good and continue to support it. However the system has other goals of its own, and that is the development and constant growth that's meant to create a higher organism just like smaller living cells formed us, multi cell organisms. The system will start being less and less beneficial to the people who will only become cells in a higher organism to which they'll become slaves. A cell isn't supposed to be happy, it is supposed to sacrifice its life for the good of the higher organism.
The "old" capitalism, or perhaps its basic forms, that socialist writers have analyzed very well is characterized mainly by abuse of workers by capitalists who declare to "own" means of production such as factories, land and machines -- as e.g. Kropotkin has written in *The Conquest of Bread*, it is **poverty** that drives capitalism because only a poor man who just needs ANY salary for himself and his family will accept horrible working conditions and low pay, simply because he has no other choice -- a capitalist exploits this, "employs" (enslaves) the poor and then only pays them as much as to keep the barely alive and working for him, and he further has the audacity of calling himself an "altruist" who "feeds" people and "gives them a [work]("; a capitalist employs workers in his factory like he employs chicken in egg factories or pigs in slaughterhouses -- in modern days many may fall to the illusion that workers aren't poor anymore as they may posses smartphones and big screen TVs, but in essence a worker still lives salary to salary and is in desperate need of it; without a salary he will quickly end up starving in the street. Workers do labor that's in itself worth a lot but the capitalist only gives him a small salary, firstly to gain own profit and secondly to keep the worker poor because again, only a poor man will work for him. This is also why capitalists are against anything that would end poverty, such as [universal basic income]( If the workers owned the factory collectively and didn't have to cut the profit off their labor, they wouldn't have to work so many hours in such harsh conditions at all, it's only because there is a capitalist leech at the top that everyone has to slave himself to death so that the leech can get enormously rich.
Here a capitalist says to the worker: "I am not forcing you to slavery, if you don't like the working conditions, go elsewhere". Of course, this is a laughable insult -- the capitalist knows very well there is nowhere else to go; wherever you go work in capitalism, you get exploited -- you can only do as much as choose your slavemaster. A capitalist will then say: "start your own business then", which again is a complete idiocy -- it's extremely hard to succeed in business, not everyone can do it, those who have established businesses won't let anyone on the market, and of course it's the immoral thing to do, the capitalist is just telling you to start doing what he's doing: abuse others. If you do start your business, he will be sure to attack you as a competition and with his power he will very likely be able to stop your business. So this advice is similar to that of "go start your own country if you don't like this one" -- he might as well tell you to move to another planet.
The **new**, modern capitalism is yet worse as it takes full advantage of technology never before seen in history which allows extreme increase of exploitation of both workers and consumers -- now there are cameras and computers watching each worker's individual production, there are "smart" devices spying on people and then forcing ads on them, there are loud speakers and screens everywhere full of propaganda and brainwashing, nowhere to escape. Now a single capitalist can watch over his factories all over the world through [Internet](, allowing for such people to get yet much richer than we could ever imagine.
While the old capitalism was more of a steady slavery and the deterioration of society (life environment, morality, art, ...) by it was relatively slow (i.e. it seemed to be somewhat "working"), nowadays, in the new capitalism the downfall of society accelerates immensely. In countries where capitalism is newly instated, e.g. after the fall of an old regime, it indeed seem to be "working" for a short time, however it will never last -- initially when more or less everyone is at the same start line, when there are no highly evolved corporations with their advanced methods of oppression, small businesses grow and take their small shares of the market, there appears true innovation, businesses compete by true quality of products, people are relatively free and it all feels natural because it is, it's the system of the jungle, i.e. as has been said, capitalism is the failure to establish a controlled socioeconomic system rather than a presence of a purposefully designed one. Its benefits for the people are at this point only a side effect, people see it as good and continue to support it. However the system has other goals of its own, and that is the development and constant growth that's meant to create a higher organism just like smaller living cells formed us, multi cell organisms. The system will start being less and less beneficial to the people who will only become cells in a higher organism to which they'll become slaves. A cell isn't supposed to be happy, it is supposed to sacrifice its life for the good of the higher organism.
{ This initial prosperous stage appeared e.g. in Czechoslovakia, where I lived, in the 90s, after the fall of the totalitarian regime. Everything was beautiful, sadly it didn't last longer than about 10 years. ~drummyfish }
Slowly "startups" evolve to medium sized businesses and a few will become the big [corporations]( These are the first higher order entities that have an intelligence of their own, they are composed of humans and technology who together work solely for the corporation's further growth. A corporation has a super human intelligence (combined intelligence of its workers) but has no human emotion or conscience (which is suppressed by the corporation's structure), it is basically the rogue [AI]( we read about in sci-fi horror movies. Corporation selects only the worst of humans for the management positions and has further mechanisms to eliminate any effects of human conscience and tendency for ethical behavior; for example it works on the principle of ["I'm just doing my job"]( everyone is just doing a small part of what the whole company is doing so that no one feels responsible for the whole or sometimes doesn't even know what he's part of. If anyone protests, he's replaced with a new hire. Of course, many know they're doing something bad but they have no choice if they want to feed their families, and [everyone is doing it](
Slowly "startups" evolve to medium sized businesses and a few will become the big [corporations]( These are the first higher entities that have an intelligence of their own, they are composed of humans and technology who together work solely for the corporation's further growth and profit. A corporation has a super human intelligence (combined intelligence of its workers) but has no human emotion or conscience (which is suppressed by the corporation's structure), it is basically the rogue [AI]( we see in sci-fi horror movies. Corporation selects only the worst of humans for the management positions and has further mechanisms to eliminate any effects of human conscience and tendency for ethical behavior; for example it works on the principle of ["I'm just doing my job"]( everyone is just doing a small part of what the whole company is doing so that no one feels responsible for the whole or sometimes doesn't even know what he's part of. If anyone protests, he's replaced with a new hire. Of course, many know they're doing something bad but they have no choice if they want to feed their families, and [everyone is doing it](
Deterioration of society is fast now but people are kept in a false sense of a feeling that "it's just a temporary thing", "it's this individual's fault (not the system's)" and that "it's slowly getting better", mainly with the help of 24/7 allmighty media brainwashing. Due to heavy [greenwashing](greenwashing.), [openwashing]( etc. most people are for example naively convinced that corporations are becoming more "environment friendly", "responsible", "open source" ("Microsoft isn't what it used to be", ...) etc., as if a corporation had something aking emotion instead of pure desire for profit which is its only goal by definition. A corporation will repeat ads telling you it is paying black handicapped gays to plant trees but internally no one gives a shit about anything but making more money, a manager's job is just to increase profit, waste is increasing and dumped to oceans when no one is looking, bullshit is being invented to kickstart more bullshit business which leads to more need for energy wasting (unnecessary transportation, upkeep of factories and workplaces, invention of bullshit technology to solve artificial problems arising from artificial bullshit). A lie repeated 1000 times a day will beat even truth that's evident to naked eye, basic logic and common sense. Even when sky is littered with ads, cities are burning and people are working 20 hours a day, a capitalist will keep saying "this is a good society", "we are just in a temporary crisis", "it is getting better" and "I care about the people", and people will take it as truth.
Corporations make calculated decisions to eliminate any competition, they devour or kill smaller businesses with unfair practices (see e.g. the [Microsoft's]( infamous [EEE](, more marketing and by other means, both legal and illegal. They develop advanced psychological methods and extort extreme pressure such as brainwashing by ads to the population to create an immensely powerful propaganda that bends any natural human thinking. With this corporations no longer need to satisfy the demand, they **create the demand** arbitrarily. They create artificial scarcity, manipulate the market, manipulate the people, manipulate laws. At this point they've broken the system, competition no longer works as idealized by theoretical capitalists, corporations can now do practically anything they want.
Corporations make calculated decisions to eliminate any competition, they devour or kill smaller businesses with unfair practices (see e.g. the [Microsoft's]( infamous [EEE](, more marketing and by other means, both legal and illegal. They develop advanced psychological methods and extort extreme pressure such as brainwashing by ads to the population to create an immensely powerful propaganda that bends any natural human thinking. With this corporations no longer need to satisfy the demand, they **create the demand** arbitrarily. They create artificial scarcity, manipulate the market, manipulate the people, manipulate laws (those who make laws are nowadays mostly businessmen who want to strengthen corporations whose shares they hold and if you believe voters can somehow prevent such psychopaths getting this power, just take a look literally at any parliament of any country). At this point they've broken the system, competition no longer works as idealized by theoretical capitalists, corporations can now do practically anything they want.
**This is an [evolutionary system](** in which the fitness function is simply the ability to make [capital]( Entities involved in the market are simply chosen by natural selection to be the ones that best make profit, i.e. who are best at circumventing laws, brainwashing, hiding illegal activities etc. Ethical behavior is a disadvantage that leads to elimination; if a business decides to behave ethically, it is outrun by the one who doesn't have this weakness.
The unfair, unethical behavior of corporations is still supposed to be controlled by the [state](, however corporations become stronger and bigger than states, they can manipulate laws by lobbying, financially supporting preferred candidates, brainwashing people via private media and so on. States are the only force left supposed to protect people from this pure evil, but they are too weak; a single organization of relatively few people who are, quite importantly, often corporation managers, won't compete against a plethora of the best warriors selected by the extremely efficient system of free market. States slowly turn to serving corporations, becoming their tools and then slowly dissolve (see how small role the US government already plays). This leads to "[anarcho capitalism](", the worst stage of capitalism where there is no state, no entity supposed to protect the people, there is only one rule and that is the unlimited rule of the strongest.
The unfair, unethical behavior of corporations is still supposed to be controlled by the [state](, however corporations become stronger and bigger than states, they can manipulate laws by lobbying, financially supporting preferred candidates, favoring them with their propaganda etc. States are the only force left supposed to protect people from this pure evil, but they are too weak; a single organization of relatively few people who are, quite importantly, often corporation share holder, won't compete against a plethora of the best warriors selected by the extremely efficient system of free market. Furthermore voters, those who are supposed to choose their protectors, are just braindead zombies now who literally do what their cellphones shows them on its display. By all this states slowly turn to serving corporations, becoming their tools and then slowly dissolve (see how small role the US government already plays). Capitalist brainwashing is so strong that **it even makes people desire more torture** -- see so called ["anarcho" capitalism]( which the stupidest of our population have already fallen for and which is basically about saying "let's get rid of anything that protects us against absolute capitalist apocalypse". "Anarcho" capitalism is the worst stage of capitalism where there is no state, no entity supposed to protect the people, there is only one rule and that is the unlimited rule of the strongest corporation which has at its hands the most advanced technology there ever was.
Here the strongest corporation takes over the world and starts becoming the higher order organism of the whole Earth, [capitalist singularity]( has been reached. The world corporation doesn't have to pretend anything at this point, it can simply hire an army, it can use physical force, chemical weapons, torture, unlimited surveillance, anything to achieve further seize of remaining bits of power and resources.
Here the strongest corporation takes over the world and starts becoming the higher organism of the whole Earth, [capitalist singularity]( has been reached. The world corporation doesn't have to pretend anything at this point, it can simply hire an army, it can use physical force, chemical weapons, torture, unlimited surveillance, anything to achieve further seize of remaining bits of power and resources.
**People will NOT protest or revolt** at this point, they will accept anything that comes and even if they suffer everyday agony and the system is clearly obviously set up for their maximum exploitation, they will do nothing -- in fact they will continue to support the system and make it stronger and they will see more slavery as more freedom; this tendency is already present in [rightists]( today. You may ask why, you think that at some point people will have enough and will seize back their power. This won't happen, just as the billions of chicken and pigs daily exploited at factories won't ever revolt -- firstly because the system will have absolute control over people at this point, they will be 100% dependent on the system even if they hate it, they will have proprietary technology as part of their bodies (which they willingly admitted to in the past as part of bigger comfort while ignoring our warnings about loss of freedom), they will be dependent on drugs of the system (called "vaccines" or "medicine"), air that has to be cleaned and is unbreathable anywhere one would want to escape, 100% of communication will be monitored to prevent any spark of revolution etc. Secondly the system will have rewritten [history]( so that people won't see that life used to be better and bearable -- just as today we think we live in the best times of history due to the interpretation of history that was force fed us at schools and by other propaganda, in the future a human in every day agony will think history was even worse, that there is no other option than for him to suffer every day and it's a privilege he can even live that way.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Chess
Chess is an old two-player board [game](, perhaps most famous and popular among all board games in [history]( It is a [complete information]( game that simulates a battle of two armies on a 8x8 board with different battle pieces. Chess is also called the King's Game, it has a world-wide competitive community and is considered an intellectual [sport]( but is also a topic of active research (as the estimated number of chess games is bigger than [googol](, it is unlikely to ever be solved) and [programming]( (many chess engines, [AI]( and frontends are being actively developed).
Chess is a very old two-player board [game](, perhaps most famous and popular among all board games in [history]( It is a [complete information]( game that simulates a battle of two armies on an 8x8 board with different battle pieces. Chess is also called the King's Game, it has a world-wide competitive community and is considered an intellectual [sport]( but it's also been a topic of research (as the estimated number of chess games is bigger than [googol](, it is unlikely to ever be solved) and [programming]( (many chess engines, [AI]( and frontends are being actively developed). Chess is similar to [shogi]( ("Japanese chess") and [xiangqi]( ("Chinese chess").
{ There is a nice black and white indie movie called *Computer Chess* about chess programmers of the 1980s, it's pretty good, very oldschool, starring real programmers and chess players, check it out. ~drummyfish }
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ Besides similar games such as [shogi]( there are many variants of chess
- **antichess** ([suicide](, ...): The goal is to lose all pieces or get stalemated, rules are a bit changed, e.g. castling and checks are removed and taking is forced.
- **chess 960** aka **Fisher's random**: Starting position is randomly modified by shuffling the non-pawn rows (with these rules: king must be between rooks, bishops on opposite colors and black/white's positions are mirrored). The rules are the same with a slight modification to castling. This was invented by Bobby Fisher to emphasize pure chess skill as opposed to memorizing the best opening moves, he saw the opening theory as harmful to chess. Chess 960 is nowadays even advocated by some to become the "main" version of chess.
- **[chess boxing](**: Chess combined with box, players switch between the two games, one wins either by checkmate or knockout.
- **crazyhouse**: When a player captures a piece, it goes into his reserve. From the reserve a piece can be dropped (as a piece of the current player's color) to an empty square instead of making a normal move.
- **different pieces**: Some variants use different pieces, e.g. empress (moves like rook and knight) or amazon (queen/knight).
- **duck chess**: After each move players place a duck on an empty square, the duck blocks the square. The duck cannot be left on the same square, it has to be moved. There are no checks, players win by capturing the king.
- **fog of war**: Makes chess an incomplete-information game by allowing players to only see squares they can immediately move to (this is similarly to some strategy video games).

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
# Future-Proof Technology
Future-proof technology is technology that is very likely to stay functional for a very long time with minimal to no maintenance. This feature is generally pretty hard to achieve and today's [consoomerist]( society makes the situation much worse by focusing on immediate profit without long-term planning and by implementing things such as [bloat]( and [planned obsolescence](
Future-proof technology is [technology]( that is very likely to stay functional for a very long time with minimal to no [maintenance](, even considering significant changes in state of technology in society. In a world of relatively complex technology, such as that of [computers](, this feature is generally pretty hard to achieve; today's [consumerist]( society makes the situation even much worse by focusing on immediate profit without long-term planning and by implementing things such as [bloat](, intentional introduction of complexity and dependencies and [planned obsolescence]( But with good approach, such as that of [LRS](, it is very possible to achieve.
A [truly good technology]( is trying to be future-proof because this saves us the great cost of maintenance and reinventing wheels.
A [truly good technology]( is trying to be future-proof because this saves us the great cost of maintenance and reinventing wheels and it gives its users comfort and safety; users of future-proof technology know they can build upon it without fearing it will suddenly break.
Despite the extremely bad situation not all hope is lost. At least in the world of [software]( future-proofing can be achieved by:
- Building on top of already well established and time-tested technology such as the [C language]( Choosing to use the older standards with fewer features helps greatly as the less-feature-rich versions of languages are always more supported (for example there is many more C89 compilers than C17 compilers).
- Minimizing [dependencies]( to absolute bare minimum. Dependencies are likely the single greatest cause of software death because if one of your dependencies dies, you whole project dies, and this goes recursively for all of the dependencies of the dependencies etc. This usually means software [libraries]( but also goes for other software such as [build systems]( and also [hardware]( dependencies such as requiring GPU, floating point, special instructions etc.
- Practicing [minimalism]( and reducing complexity which minimizes the maintenance cost and therefore raises the probability of someone being able to fix any issues that arise over time.
- Making hard dependencies soft, i.e. optional. For example if your software is using GPU for real-time rendering, it should also offer a [software rendering]( option in case GPU is not present or is unsupported.
- Avoiding the hyped "modern" "feature-rich" ([bloated]( technology arising from the consumerist market.
- [Free (as in freedom) software]( -- making your source code available, legally modifyable and shareable is a basic step towards making it easy to repair, backup and adopt to new technology (e.g. compile for new CPU architectures etc.).
- Building on top of already well established, time-tested and relatively [simple]( technology such as the [C language]( or [comun]( Choosing to use the older standards with fewer features helps greatly as the less-feature-rich versions of languages are always more supported (for example there is many more C89 compilers than C17 compilers) and can even be relatively simply reimplemented if needed. Another example is e.g. [OpenGL]( -- you should use the oldest (simplest) version you can to make a program better future proof.
- Minimizing [dependencies]( to absolute bare minimum and offering alternatives and [fallbacks]( in cases where you can't avoid introducing a dependency (e.g. you should always offer an option for [software rendering]( in any program that by default uses [GPU]( for 3D graphics). Dependencies are likely the single greatest cause of software death because if one of your dependencies dies, you whole project dies, and this goes [recursively]( for all of the dependencies of the dependencies etc. This usually means software [libraries]( but also goes for other software such as [build systems]( and also [hardware]( dependencies such as requiring GPU, floating point, special instructions etc.
- Practicing [minimalism]( and reducing complexity which minimizes the maintenance cost and therefore raises the probability of someone being able to fix any issues that arise over time. Minimalism is necessary and EXTREMELY important, [bloat]( will make your program very prone to dying as it will depend on a big community of programmers that maintain it and such community will itself always be very prone to disappearing (internals disagreements, stopped funding, lose of interest, ...).
- Making your program [portable]( -- this ensures your program can be adapted to new platforms and also that you use abstractions that untie you from things such as hardware dependencies.
- Generally just avoiding the hyped "modern" "feature-rich" ([bloated]( technology arising from the consumerist market.
- ...
## See Also

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Lambda Calculus
Lambda calculus is an extremely simple and low-level [mathematical]( system based on describing computations with [functions](, and can in fact be used to describe and perform any computation. It is a theoretical basis for [functional programming languages]( It is a **[model of computation](** similar to e.g. a [Turing machine]( or [interaction nets]( -- in fact lambda calculus has exactly the same computational power as a Turing machine, which is also the greatest possible computational power, and so it is an alternative to it. Lambda calculus can also be seen as a simple [programming language](, however it is so extremely simple (there are e.g. no numbers) that its pure form isn't used for practical programming, it is more of a mathematical tool for studying computers theoretically, constructing proofs etc. Nevertheless anything that can be programmed in any classic programming language can in theory be also programmed in lambda calculus.
Lambda calculus is an extremely simple and low-level [mathematical]( system that can describe computations with [functions](, and can in fact be used to describe and perform any computation. Lambda calculus provides a theoretical basis for [functional programming languages]( and is a **[model of computation](** similar to e.g. a [Turing machine]( or [interaction nets]( -- lambda calculus has actually exactly the same computational power as a Turing machine, which is the greatest possible computational power, and so it is an alternative to it. Lambda calculus can also be seen as a simple [programming language](, however it is so extremely simple (there are e.g. no numbers) that its pure form isn't used for practical programming, it is more of a mathematical tool for studying computers theoretically, constructing proofs etc. Nevertheless anything that can be programmed in any classic programming language can in theory be also programmed in lambda calculus.
While Turing machines use memory cells in which computations are performed -- which is similar to how real life computers work -- lambda calculus performs computations only by simplifying an expression made of pure mathematical functions, i.e. there are no [global variables]( or [side effects]( (the concept of memory is basically present in the expression itself, the lambda expression is both a program and memory at the same time). It has to be stressed that the functions in question are mathematical functions, also called **pure functions**, NOT functions we know from programming (which can do all kinds of nasty stuff). A pure function cannot have any side effects such as changing global state and its result also cannot depend on any global state or randomness, the only thing a pure function can do is return a value, and this value has to always be the same if the arguments to the function are same.

@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ LGBT works towards establishing [newspeak]( and [though crime](thoug
LGBT oppose [straight]( people as they solely focus on gaining more and more rights and power only for their approved orientations. They also highly bully other, unpopular sexual orientations such as [pedophiles]( (not necessarily child rapists), [necrophiles]( and [zoophiles](, simply because supporting these would hurt their popularity and political power. They label the non-approved orientations a "disorder", they push people of such orientations to [suicide]( and generally just do all the bad things that society used to do to gay people in the past -- the fact that these people are often gay people who know what it's like to be bullied like that makes it this even much more sad and disgusting. To them it doesn't matter you never hurt anyone, if they find some [loli]( images on your computer, you're gonna get lynched mercilessly.
In the world of technology they are known for supporting [toxic]( [codes of conduct]( in [FOSS]( projects (so called [tranny software](, they managed to push them into most mainstream projects, even [Linux]( etc. Generally they just killed [free speech]( online as well as [in real life](, every platform now has some kind of surveillance and censorship justified by "offensive speech". They cancelled [Richard Stallman]( for merely questioning a part of their gospel. They also managed to establish things like "diversity" quotas in Hollywood that only allow Oscars to be given to movies made by specific number of gays, lesbians etc., and they started to insert gay characters into fairy tales and movies for children (Toy Story etc.) xD This is literally the same kind of cheap but effective propaganda Nazi Germany employed on children. Apparently in the software development industry it is now standard to pretend to be a tranny on one's resume so as to greatly increase the chance of being hired for diversity quotas xD WTF if I didn't live in this shitty world I wouldn't believe that's even possible, in a dystopian horror movie this would feel like crossing the line of believability too far [lmao](
In the world of technology they are known for supporting [toxic]( [codes of conduct]( in [FOSS]( projects (so called [tranny software](, they managed to push them into most mainstream projects, even [Linux]( etc. Generally they just killed [free speech]( online as well as [in real life](, every platform now has some kind of surveillance and censorship justified by "preventing offensive speech". They cancelled [Richard Stallman]( for merely questioning a part of their gospel. They also managed to establish things like "diversity" quotas in Hollywood that only allow Oscars to be given to movies made by specific number of gays, lesbians etc., and they started to insert gay characters into fairy tales and movies for children (Toy Story etc.) xD This is literally the same kind of cheap but effective propaganda Nazi Germany employed on children; it's just that now after nationalism has been demonized after the world war we replaced nationalism with gender identity, an exactly same thing in principle just with a different name. Apparently in the software development industry it is now standard to pretend to be a tranny on one's resume so as to greatly increase the chance of being hired for diversity quotas xD WTF if I didn't live in this shitty world I wouldn't believe that's even possible, in a dystopian horror movie this would feel like crossing the line of believability too far [lmao](

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
This is a place for sharing some practical programming tips.
- **add by small steps**: When adding features/functionality etc. into your code, do it by very small steps and test after each step. Do NOT add multiple things at once. If you add 3 features at once and then find out the program doesn't work, you will have an extremely hard time finding out the bug because it may be in feature 1, feature 2, feature 3 or ANY COMBINATION of them, so you may very well never find the bug. If you instead test after adding each step, you find potential bugs immediately which will make fixing them very quick and easy.
- **no indentation for temporary code**: Tiny "workflow" tip: when adding new code, keep it unindented so that you know it's the newly added code and can delete it at any time. Only when you test the added code, indent it correctly to incorporate it as the final code. Of course, this fails in languages where indentation matters ([Python]( cough cough) but similar effects can be achieved e.g. by adding many empty lines in front of/after the temporary code.
- **comments/preprocessor to quickly hide code**: It is a basic trick to comment out lines of code we want to temporarily disable. However preprocessor may work even better, e.g. in C if you want to be switching between two parts of code, instead of constantly commenting one part and uncommenting the other just use `#if 0` and `#else` directives around the two parts. You can switch between them by just changing 0 to 1 and back. This can also disable parts of code that already contain multiline comments (unlike a comment as nested multiline comments aren't allowed).
- **[KEEP IT SIMPLE](** and keep it [LRS](, do not blindly follow mainstream ways and "workflows" as those are more often than not horrible. For example instead of using some uber bug tracker, you should use a simple plaintext TODO.txt file; instead of using and IDE use [vim]( or something similar. Stay away from [OOP](, [dependencies]( etc.
- **Add by small steps**: When adding features/functionality etc. into your code, do it by very small steps and test after each step. Do NOT add multiple things at once. If you add 3 features at once and then find out the program doesn't work, you will have an extremely hard time finding out the bug because it may be in feature 1, feature 2, feature 3 or ANY COMBINATION of them, so you may very well never find the bug. If you instead test after adding each step, you find potential bugs immediately which will make fixing them very quick and easy.
- **No indentation for temporary code**: Tiny "workflow" tip: when adding new code, keep it unindented so that you know it's the newly added code and can delete it at any time. Only when you test the added code, indent it correctly to incorporate it as the final code. Of course, this fails in languages where indentation matters ([Python]( cough cough) but similar effects can be achieved e.g. by adding many empty lines in front of/after the temporary code.
- **Comments/preprocessor to quickly hide code**: It is a basic trick to comment out lines of code we want to temporarily disable. However preprocessor may work even better, e.g. in C if you want to be switching between two parts of code, instead of constantly commenting one part and uncommenting the other just use `#if 0` and `#else` directives around the two parts. You can switch between them by just changing 0 to 1 and back. This can also disable parts of code that already contain multiline comments (unlike a comment as nested multiline comments aren't allowed).
- **[KEEP IT SIMPLE](** and keep it [LRS](, do not blindly follow mainstream ways and "workflows" as those are more often than not horrible. For example instead of using some uber bug tracker, you should use a simple plaintext TODO.txt file; instead of using and IDE use [vim]( or something similar. Stay away from [OOP](, [dependencies]( etc.
- **Don't listen to advice of anyone who does programming for living**, he's most definitely accustomed to the worst ways of programming and will try to push you to [OOP](, [bloat](, [proprietary]( tech, [tranny software](, [GitHub]( etc. Listening to advice of such people is like taking advice on whether to take drugs from a drug dealer.
- TODO: moar

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ When implementing your own `sin` function, consider what you expect from it.
If you want a small, fast and perhaps integer only `sin` function (the one we'd prefer in [LRS]( that doesn't need extreme accuracy, consider using a **[look up table](**. You simply precompute the values of the sine function into a static table in memory and the function just retrieves them when called -- this is super fast. Note that you can save a lot of space by **only storing sine values between 0 and 1/2 pi**, the remaining parts of the function are just different transformations of this part. You can further save space and/or make the function work with [floats]( by further [interpolating]( (even just linearly) between the stored values, for example if `sin(3.45)` is called and you only have values stored for `sin(3.4)` and `sin(3.5)`, you simply average them.
Very rough and fast approximations e.g. for primitive music synthesis can be done with the traditional very basic [square]( or [triangle]( functions. The following is a simple 8bit linear approximation that's more accurate than square or triangle (approximates sine with a linear function in each quadrant):
Very rough and fast approximations e.g. for primitive music synthesis can be done with the traditional very basic [square]( or [triangle]( functions. The following is a simple 8bit linear approximation that's more accurate than square or triangle (approximates sine with a linear function in each octant):
unsigned char sinA(unsigned char x)
@ -92,6 +92,25 @@ unsigned char sinA(unsigned char x)
Similar approximation can be made with a quadratic curve, the following is a modification of the above function that does this (notice that now we need at least 16 bits for the computation so the data type changed to int): { I quickly made this just now, maybe it can be improved. ~drummyfish }
int sinA(int x)
unsigned char quadrant = x / 64;
x %= 64;
if (quadrant % 2 == 1)
x = 63 - x;
x -= 63;
x = (x * x) / 32;
return quadrant <= 1 ? (255 - x) : x;
If you don't need extreme speed there exist very nice sine [approximations](, e.g. the extremely accurate **Bhaskara I's approximation** (angle in radians): *sin(x) ~= (16 * x * (pi - x)) / (5 * pi^2 - 4 * x * (pi - x))*. (This formula is actually more elegant for cosine, so it may be even better to consider using that.) Here is a [C]( [fixed point]( implementation:

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
*Not to be confused with [science](*
Soyence is a cult of [propaganda](, [politics]( and other kinds of [business]( trying to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftists]( and [pseudoskeptics]( Soyence is not about listening to what science says, it is about listetning what scientists say (or rather those who were officially pronounced "scientists"); soyence is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes science is or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science (such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has strong connection to politics, is controlled by those in power and has added attributes such as intentional misleading, mainstream popularity, state approval etc.
Soyence is [business](, [propaganda]( and [politics]( trying to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftists](, [pseudoskeptics](, [capitalists]( and [corporations]( Soyence is not about listening to what science says, it is about listetning to what scientists say (or rather those who were officially pronounced "scientists"); soyence is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes science is or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science (such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has strong connection to politics, it is accepted by the mainstream, controlled by those in power and has added attributes such as high organization, intentional misleading, state approval etc.
Compared to good old [fun]( pseudosciences such as [astrology](, soyence is extra sneaky by purposefully trying to blend in with real science, i.e. within a certain truly scientific field, such as biology, there is a soyentific [cancer]( mixed in by activists, corporations and state, that may be hard to separate for common folk and many times even for pros. This is extremely [harmful]( as in the eyes of retarded people (i.e. basically everyone) the neighboring legit science gives credibility to propaganda bullshit. There is a tendency to think we somehow magically live in a time that's fundamentally different from other times in history in which it is now a pretty clear and uncontroversial fact that the name of science was abused hard by propaganda, almost everyone easily accepts that historically politically constructed lies were presented as confirmed by science, but somehow people refuse to believe it could be the case nowadays. In times of Nazism there was no doubt about race being a completely scientific term and that Jews were scientifically confirmed to be the inferior race -- nowadays in times when anti Nazis have won and politics is based on denying existence of race somehow scientists start to magically find evidence that no such thing as race has ever existed -- how convenient! And just in case you wanted to check if it's actually true, you'll be labeled a racist and you won't find job ever again.
Compared to good old [fun]( pseudosciences such as [astrology](, soyence is extra sneaky by purposefully trying to blend in with real science, i.e. within a certain truly scientific field, such as biology, there is a soyentific [cancer]( mixed in by activists, corporations and state, that may be hard to separate for common folk and many times even for pros. This is extremely [harmful]( as in the eyes of retarded people (basically everyone) the neighboring legit science gives credibility to propaganda bullshit. There is a tendency to think we somehow magically live in a time that's fundamentally different from other times in history in which it is now a pretty clear and uncontroversial fact that the name of science was abused hard by propaganda, almost everyone easily accepts that historically politically constructed lies were presented as confirmed by science, but somehow people refuse to believe it could be the case nowadays. In times of Nazism there was no doubt about race being a completely scientific term and that Jews were scientifically confirmed to be the inferior race -- nowadays in times when anti Nazis have won and politics is based on denying existence of race somehow scientists start to magically find evidence that no such thing as race has ever existed -- how convenient! And just in case you wanted to check if it's actually true, you'll be labeled a racist and you won't find job ever again.
Soyence uses all the cheap tricks of politics (also not dissimilar to those of [greenwashing](, [openwashing]( etc.) to win stupid people, it builds on the cult of bullying religion and creating a [war mentality](, overuse of twisted "rationality", creating science [bloat]( and bullshit "scientific" fields to obscure lies, punishment of the correct use of rationality, building cults of personality ("science educators", the [gatekeepers]( of "science") and appealing to egoism and naivity of wannabe smartasses while at the same time not even holding up to principles of science such as genuine objectivity. A soyence kid will for example keep preaching about how everything should be proven by reproducible experiments while at the same time accepting [de facto]( irreproducible results, e.g. those obtained with billion dollar worth research performed at [CERN]( which can NOT be reproduced anywhere else than at CERN with thousands of top scientist putting in years of work. Such results are not reproducible in practice, they are accepted on the basis of pure faith in those presenting it, just as religious people accept the words of preachers. The kid will argue that in theory someone else can build another CERN and reproduce the results, but that won't happen in practice, it's just a purely theoretical unrealistic scenario so his version of what "science" is is really based on reproducibility that only works in a dreamed up world, this kind of reproducibility doesn't at all fulfill its original purpose of allowing others to check, confirm or refute the results of experiments. This starts to play a bigger role when for example vaccines start to get promoted by the government as "proven safe by science" (read "claimed safe by a corporation who makes money off of people being sick"), the soyence kid will gladly accept the vaccine and [fight]( for their acceptance just thanks to this label, not based on any truly scientific facts but out of pure faith in self proclaimed science authorities -- here the soyentist is relying purely on faith, a concept he would like to think he hates with his soul.
Soyence uses all the cheap tricks of politics (also not dissimilar to those of [greenwashing](, [openwashing]( etc.) to win stupid people, it builds on the cult of bullying religion and creating a [war mentality](, overuse of twisted "rationality" ([pseudoskepticism](, creating science [bloat]( and bullshit "scientific" fields to obscure lies, punishment of the correct use of rationality, building cults of personality ("science educators", the [gatekeepers]( of "science") and appealing to egoism and naivity of wannabe smartasses while at the same time not even holding up to principles of science such as genuine objectivity. A soyence kid will for example keep preaching about how everything should be proven by reproducible experiments while at the same time accepting [de facto]( irreproducible results, e.g. those obtained with billion dollar worth research performed at [CERN]( which can NOT be reproduced anywhere else than at CERN with thousands of top scientist putting in years of work. Such results are not reproducible in practice, they are accepted on the basis of pure faith in those presenting it, just as religious people accept the words of preachers. The kid will argue that in theory someone else can build another CERN and reproduce the results, but that won't happen in practice, it's just a purely theoretical unrealistic scenario so his version of what "science" is is really based on reproducibility that only works in a dreamed up world, this kind of reproducibility doesn't at all fulfill its original purpose of allowing others to check, confirm or refute the results of experiments. This starts to play a bigger role when for example vaccines start to get promoted by the government as "proven safe by science" (read "claimed safe by a corporation who makes money off of people being sick"), the soyence kid will gladly accept the vaccine and [fight]( for their acceptance just thanks to this label, not based on any truly scientific facts but out of pure faith in self proclaimed science authorities -- here the soyentist is relying purely on faith, a concept he would like to think he hates with his soul.
Soyence relies on low [IQ](, shallow education and popular "science education" (e.g. neil de grass), while making its followers believe they are smart. It produces propaganda material such as "documentaries" with Morgan Freeman (i.e. people who are good at persuasion rather than being competent), series like The Big Bang Theory and [YouTube]( videos with titles such as "Debunking Flat Earth with FACTS AND LOGIC", so there's a huge mass of [NPCs]( thinking they are Einsteins who blindly support this cult. Soyence attacks science from within by attacking its core principles, i.e. it tries to ridicule and punish thinking outside the box and asking specific questions -- in this it is not dissimilar to a mass [religion](
@ -15,9 +15,12 @@ Examples of soyence:
- [gender studies]( [LMAO](
- "Race is a social construct and doesn't have any biological meaning."
- any [pseudoskeptical]( shit trying to look "scientific"
- Bullshit degrees, e.g. someone getting [PhD]( in "user experience", "level design", "diversity in software engineering" or "making youtube videos" (like that fucker from Veritasium [lmao](
- "Women are as intelligent as men."
- "Science popularization" as in building authority of so called "scientists" so as to create a political capital.
- "This extremely lucrative [Covid]( vaccine made by us in record time is absolutely safe, don't dare question it, just take it 5 times a year and pay us each time you do, don't mind any side effects." --Big Pharma
- "We can't believe this because it wasn't peer reviewed and/or it didn't pass the [null ritual]( and/or it wasn't published in a journal on our approved literature list." (--[Wikipedia](
- "Science says god doesn't exist." aka reddit [atheism](
- "We can't believe this because it wasn't peer censored and/or it didn't pass the [null ritual]( and/or it wasn't published in a journal on our approved literature list." (--[Wikipedia](
- "This gender studies expert has proven sex is a racial construct and has no biological meaning. You disagree? Well, do you have a PhD in gender studies? No? Then shut up you fucking sexist."
- "This goes against SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS therefore it's pseudoscience and conspiration theory."
- "This research is racist.", using terms such as "scientific racism".
@ -25,7 +28,8 @@ Examples of soyence:
- "This research was made by a [racist]( so it is invalid, also we should [lynch]( the guy just in case."
- Neil de grass/Morgan Freeman "documentaries"
- "We can totally trust the results of commercial research."
- "These negative results are useful but unexciting so let's not publish them, we gotta entertain our readers to stay on the market." --soyence journals
- "These negative results are useful but unexciting so let's not publish them, we gotta entertain our readers to stay on the market. We GOTTA TELL INSPIRATIONAL STORIES with our papers." --soyence journals
- "No, you can't research the details of historic events such as Holocaust." (see anti [Holocaust]( denial laws)
- great part of [economics](
- "[pedophilia]( is a mental illness while pure [homosexuality]( is not"
- "[pedophilia]( is a mental illness while pure [homosexuality]( is not"
- ...

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
Wikipedia is a non-commercial, [free/open]( [pseudoleftist]( [online]( encyclopedia of general knowledge written mostly by volunteers, running on [free software](, allowing almost anyone to edit its content (i.e. being a [wiki](; it is the largest and perhaps most famous encyclopedia created to date. It is licensed under [CC-BY-SA]( and is run by the [nonprofit]( organization Wikimedia Foundation. It is accessible at Wikipedia is a mainstream information source and therefore politically censored^1234567891011121314151617181920.
Shortly after the project started in 2001, wikipedia used to be a great project -- it was very similar to how LRS wiki looks right now; it was relatively unbiased, objective, well readable and used plain HTML and ASCII art (see it as, however over the years it got corrupt and by 2020s it has become a political battleground and kind of a [politically correct]( [joke]( A tragic and dangerous joke at that. It's still useful in many ways but it just hardcore censors facts and even edits direct quotes to push a [pseudoleftist]( propaganda. **Do not trust Wikipedia, especially on anything even remotely touching politics**, always check facts elsewhere, e.g. in old paper books, on Metapedia, Infogalactic etc. As old Wikipedia is still accessible, you may also browse the older, less censored version, to see how it deranged from a project seeking truth to one abusing its popularity for propaganda.
Wikipedia exists in many (more than 200) versions differing mostly by the [language]( used but also in other aspects; this includes e.g. Simple English Wikipedia or Wikipedia in [Esperanto]( In all versions combined there are over 50 million articles and over 100 million users. English Wikipedia is the largest with over 6 million articles.
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ Due to mass censorship and brainwashing going on at Wikipedia it is important to
| encyclopedia | license | comment |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|[Wikipedia]( | CC BY-SA | biggest, mainstream, **EXTREME CENSORSHIP AND PROPAGANDA** |
|[old Wikip.](| GFDL | archived old Wikipedia, less censorship |
|[old Wikip.]( | GFDL | archived old Wikipedia, less censorship |
|[Citizendium]( |PROPRIETARY? (CC BY-NC-SA)| similar to Wikipedia, probably censored as well, faggots have unclear license |
|[Metapedia]( | GFDL | Wikip. fork, no SJW censorship, ATM limited account creation, "pro-European" fascism |
|[Infogalactic]( | CC BY-SA | Wikip. fork, no SJW censorship, **FOR PROFIT** (you can buy article control lol), can't make accounts |

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Xonotic is similar to other libre AFPS games such as [OpenArena]( a
As of 2022 the game has a small but pretty active community of regular players, centered mostly in [Europe](, though there is some [US]( scene too. There are regulars playing every day, pros, noobs, famous spammers, campers and [trolls]( Nice conversations can be had during games. There are [memes]( and inside jokes. The community is pretty neat. Xonotic also has a very dedicated [defrag]( ("racing with no shooting") community. There have also been a few small tournament with real cash prizes in Xonotic.
The [GOAT]( of Xonotic is probably *Dodger*, his skill was just too high even above other pros.
The [GOAT]( of Xonotic is probably *Dodger*, his skill was just too high even above other pros. The worst player in Xonotic and probably also the biggest idiot on the planet is a player named *111*.
Great news is the development and main servers have so far not been infected by the [SJW poison]( and (as of 2023) **allow a great amount of [free speech](** -- another rarity. Even the game itself contains speech that SJWs would consider "offensive", there are e.g. voice lines calling other players "pussies" and "retards". This is great.
