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Miloslav Ciz 2024-07-02 20:46:24 +02:00
parent f5c9f4da18
commit e888160141
37 changed files with 1924 additions and 1800 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# 21st Century
21st century, known as the Age Of [Shit]( or Dark Ages, is already one of the worst centuries in [history](, despite only being around for a short time. Hell on [Earth](, violence, war, stupidity, destruction, hatred and greed, [fascism](, misery, torture and constant suffering are just some words that come to mind about this time period, middle ages now almost seem like a paradise. How unlucky it is to have been born in such a shitty time. Everyone just wishes he was dead. [Abominations]( walk in the streets. In this century there exists no more [good](, there is just [evil]( opposed by [another evil]( and people no longer even know what good means, they only support one of the two evils, thinking it's the good; there are rare few who support some kind of third evil that's not one of the two major evils, but all in all there is nothing but evil. One of the biggest issues of this century is that most people think that good still exists (that it's just "in minority") -- they think fake [selflessness]( is real selflessness, exactly what the media wants them to believe. [Witch hunts]( are more common than in middle ages now. While in the past only a portion of population were slaves, under today's late stage [capitalism]( the whole population has already been enslaved. People are [tortured]( constantly, since birth until death, every day, at their own homes. People are absurdly stupid, and everything is getting much worse every millisecond.
21st century, known as the *Age Of [Shit](*, *Dark Ages* or *the century when [jokes]( become reality*, is already one of the worst centuries in [history](, despite only being around for a short time. Hell on [Earth](, violence, war, stupidity, destruction, hatred and greed, [fascism](, misery, torture and constant suffering are just some words that come to mind about this time period, middle ages now almost seem like a paradise. How unlucky it is to have been born in such a shitty time. Everyone just wishes he was dead. [Abominations]( walk in the streets. In this century there exists no more [good](, there is just [evil]( opposed by [another evil]( and people no longer even know what good means, they only support one of the two evils, thinking it's the good; there are rare few who support some kind of third evil that's not one of the two major evils, but all in all there is nothing but evil. One of the biggest issues of this century is that most people think that good still exists (that it's just "in minority") -- they think fake [selflessness]( is real selflessness, exactly what the media wants them to believe. [Witch hunts]( are more common than in middle ages now. While in the past only a portion of population were slaves, under today's late stage [capitalism]( the whole population has already been enslaved. People are [tortured]( constantly, since birth until death, every day, at their own homes. People are absurdly stupid, and everything is getting much worse every millisecond.
In 21st century there are already long established offices whose sole purpose is to ensure people cannot make use of useful ideas (see [patents]( It is also possible -- and actually extremely common -- to draw a rectangle on the ground and then buy a paper that makes it possible to bully anyone who enters that rectangle, even kill him. Whole [Earth]( is now covered with such rectangles, it is impossible to set foot anywhere else -- in fact if you want to live, you have to buy a paper that gives you your own rectangle where you won't be bullied if you fall asleep, but you have to continuously pay for that paper, i.e. you are doomed to slavery just by existing. In 21 century it is forbidden to shit or urinate if you have no money in your pocket, without money you are OFFICIALLY supposed and expected to hold it until your bladder explodes and you die in the street -- if you're in a big city and you want to shit, you cannot do it, you may only pay for someone to let you take a shit in his house. Also in 21st century you cannot eat food that is next to you, that no one else is eating and that will be thrown away, and that even if you're starving -- it is called theft and you will be beaten for it, maybe even killed. In this century you can also no longer drink from rivers or lakes, they have been poisoned so that you cannot drink at all if you don't have money in your pocket -- doing the same with air is already work in progress, major cities already have borderline unbreathable air. Never ending torture is part of everyday life: for example every day you are forced to stop sleeping very early and go perform [slavery]( that you hate deeply, the whole day you are continuously targeted with repeated brainwashing ([ads](, news, social media, [fear culture](, industrial noise, ...) that equate psychological torture. In 21st century every [joke]( has to be preceded by 35 disclaimers, apologies to anyone who might find the joke unfunny, to the corporations that hold ownership of the words that the joke borrows, warning that the font may cause epileptic seizure, waivers of any responsibility for anything the joke may cause, threat to anyone who would think of copying the joke, attribution of all people in history thanks to which the joke is possible, several ads for sponsors of the joke and warnings about the pure coincidental similarity between any real life concepts and the concepts used in the joke -- after reading this you don't even want to read the joke anymore. But people have conformed to it, it is now standard. There are many more things like this but trying to recount them all would result in many thousands of billions of volumes of books.

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@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ Despite dwelling slightly [underground]( -- maybe better said bei
- [lurkmore]([neolurk](
- [something awful](
- [rare Pepe](
- [ourguy](

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@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ When Bill was born, his father was just busy counting dollar bills, so he named
In 1975 he founded [Micro$oft](, a [malware]( company named after his dick. Besides having a microdick he also has a [microbrain]( By a sequence of extremely lucky events combined with a few dick moves by Bill the company then became successful: when around the year 1980 [IBM]( was creating the [IBM PC](, they came to Bill because they needed an [operating system]( He lied to them that he had one and sold them a license even though at the time he didn't have any OS (lol). After that he went to a programmer named Tim Paterson and basically stole (bought for some penny) his OS named QDOS and gave it to IBM, while still keeping ownership of the OS (he only sold IBM a license to use it, not exclusive rights for it). He basically fucked everyone for money and got away with it, the [American]( way. For this he is admired by Americans.
When Bill Gates and [Steve Jobs]( saw how enormously rich they got by abusing the whole world, they got horny and had [gay]( sex together, after which Bill legally changed his name to Bill Gaytes. This however gave Jobs ass cancer and he died.
## See Also
- [biotrash](

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Compression means encoding [data]( (such as images or texts) in a differ
{ I've now written a tiny LRS compression library/utility called [shitpress](, check it out at It's fewer than 200 LOC, so simple it can nicely serve educational purposes. The principle is simple, kind of a dictionary method, where the dictionary is simply the latest output 64 characters; if we find a long word that occurred recently, we simply reference it with mere 2 bytes. It works relatively well for most data! ~drummyfish }
{ There is a cool compressing competition known as Hutter Prize that offers 500000 pounds to anyone who can break the current record for compressing [Wikipedia]( Currently the record is at compressing 1GB down to 115MB. See for more. ~drummyfish }
{ There is a cool compressing competition known as Hutter Prize that offers 500000 pounds (no idea how much of normal money that is lol) to anyone who can break the current record for compressing [Wikipedia]( Currently the record is at compressing 1GB down to 115MB. See for more. ~drummyfish }
{ [LMAO]( retard [patents]( are being granted on impossible compression algorithms, see e.g. See also [Sloot Digital Coding System](, a miraculous compression algorithm that "could store a whole movie in 8 KB" lol. ~drummyfish }

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ When someone creates something that can even remotely be considered artistic exp
As if copyright wasn't bad enough of a [cancer](, **there usually exist extra oppressive copyright-like restrictions called related rights or neighboring rights such as "[moral rights](", "[personal rights](" etc.** Such "rights" differ a lot by country and can be used to restrict and censor even copyright-free works. This is a stuff that makes you want to commit [suicide]( Waivers such as [CC0]( try to waive copyright as well as neighboring rights (to what extent neighboring rights can be waived is debatable though).
The current extreme form of copyright (as well as other types of IP such as software patents) has been highly criticized by many people, even those whom it's supposed to "protect" (small game creators, musicians etc.). Strong copyright laws basically benefit mainly [corporations]( and "trolls" on the detriment of everyone else. It smothers creativity and efficiency by prohibiting people to reuse, remix and improve already existing works -- something that's crucial for art, science, education and generally just making any kind of progress. Most people are probably for *some* form of copyright but still oppose the current extreme form which is pretty crazy: **copyright applies to everything without any registration or notice and last usually 70 years (!!!) AFTER the author has died (!!!)** and is already rotting in the ground. This is 100 years in some countries. In some countries it is not even possible to waive copyright to own creations -- just think about what kind of twisted society we are living in when it PROHIBITS people from making a selfless donation of their own creations to others. Some people, including [us](, are against the very idea of copyright (those may either use waivers such as [CC0]( or [unlicense]( or protest by not using any licenses and simply ignoring copyright which however will actually discourage other people from reusing their works). Though copyright was originally intended to ensure artists can make living with their works, it has now become the tool of states and corporations for universal censorship, control, bullying, surveillance, creating scarcity and [bullshit jobs](; states can use copyright to for example take down old politically inconvenient books shared on the Internet even if such takedowns do absolute not serve protection of anyone's living but purely political interests.
The current extreme form of copyright (as well as other types of IP such as software patents) has been highly criticized by many people, even those whom it's supposed to "protect" (small game creators, musicians etc.). Strong copyright laws basically benefit mainly [corporations]( and "trolls" on the detriment of everyone else. It smothers creativity and efficiency by prohibiting people to reuse, remix and improve already existing works -- something that's crucial for art, science, education and generally just making any kind of [progress]( Copyright absolutely devastates works of art with epidemic censorship, it increases the probability of any practically made work to be censored to a high level so works don't last for long, they die regularly: if you e.g. make a video, sooner or later you won't be able to share it because one of its many elements (music in it, sound effects, images, fonts, ...) will hit the copyright wall (your license runs out, you get a YouTube strike, author changes his mind about permission he has given, ...) -- this is convenient and needed for creating information [consumerism]( that corporations need; to keep the business based on art consumerism it is necessary to keep removing old art, and copyright does this very well. Therefore despite most people still probably believing in "some" (much different) form of copyright, most also oppose the current extreme form which is absolutely crazy: **copyright applies to everything without any registration or notice and last usually 70 years (!!!) AFTER the author has died (!!!)** and is already rotting in the ground. This is 100 years in some countries. In some countries it is not even possible to waive copyright to own creations -- just think about what kind of twisted society we are living in when it PROHIBITS people from making a selfless donation of their own creations to others. Some people, including [us](, are against the very idea of copyright (those may either use waivers such as [CC0]( or [unlicense]( or protest by not using any licenses and simply ignoring copyright which however will actually discourage other people from reusing their works). Though copyright was originally intended to ensure artists can make living with their works, it has now become the tool of states and corporations for universal censorship, control, bullying, surveillance, creating scarcity and [bullshit jobs](; states can use copyright to for example take down old politically inconvenient books shared on the Internet even if such takedowns do absolute not serve protection of anyone's living but purely political interests.
Prominent critics of copyright include [Lawrence Lessig]( (who established [free culture]( and [Creative Commons]( as a response), [Nina Paley]( and [Richard Stallman]( There are many movements and groups opposing copyright or its current form, most notably e.g. the [free culture]( movement, [free software]( movement, [Creative Commons]( etc.

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Except for [drummyfish]( only fascists live in the country, essent
Czech [language]( is unironically **the worst language** that there ever was or ever will be. Firstly it sounds horrible, secondly it's the hardest language on Earth, it has seven cases and declinations and things that make every word have like 20 distinct forms (e.g. "to teach": ucit, ucil, ucila, ucilo, ucili jsme, ucili jste, ucili, ucim, ucis, uci, ucime, ucite, budu ucit, budes ucit, ucil bych, ucila bys, ucili bychom, ... ; "dog": pes, psa, psu, psovi, psi, pse, psy, psum, psech, pejsek, pejsku, pejskovi, pejsky, ... ; "cat": kocka, kocce, kocku, kockou, kocky, kockam, kocicka, kocicce, kocicku, kocickami, ...), NOT EVEN such essential things as forming plural or calling someone are simple at all (e.g. word/plural/vocative: pes/psi/pse, kocka/kocky/kocko, dum/domy/dome, stroj/stroje/stroji, ... do you see any pattern? probably not) PLUS, according to Guinness World Record Book, it also contains the most difficult sound to pronounce (that *r* with arrow above it, great many natives actually can't say it, it's called *rackovani*), there are so many irregularities that children spend whole years at school just hardcore memorizing when to write *y* versus *i* (which are pronounced completely the same, you just have to know which one to write because why not), also for example commas and capitalization of words have strict, extremely difficult rules that again have to be memorized. AND all this effort is for nothing, it doesn't make a slightest sense to learn the language because no one excepts a few idiots in middle of Europe speak it (and not even they speak it well), you will literally hear it nowhere else. So that's another thing.
The whole Czech [politics]( is a gigantically ridiculous joke not even worth discussing too much, but for example it's true that Czechia had the worst presidents of every country, even in comparison with African shitholes and so on. Havel, the only president who came before capitalism, was alright, after him only absolute retards came, every one was much worse than all the rest combined (that's mathematically impossible but they still managed to do it). For example Zeman was the worst retard in the whole country so he got elected, he looked like Vogon from Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy except worse, was constantly drunk, rude, had to be carried around like a little baby by his bodyguards because he couldn't walk straight, he almost threw up on national crown jewels and his most famous moment was when he tried to demonstrate his knowledge of [English]( by explaining to some reporter the meaning of the word "pussy" while getting the pronunciation completely wrong. Klaus was a 10 [IQ]( capitalist thief who, despite making millions as a president, was stealing pencils while being filmed on camera. You can't make this shit up. The current president is a narcissist professional murderer and war promoter.
The whole Czech [politics]( is a gigantically ridiculous [joke]( not even worth discussing too much, but for example it's true that Czechia had the worst presidents of every country, even in comparison with African shitholes and so on. Havel, the only president who came before capitalism, was alright, after him only absolute retards came, every one was much worse than all the rest combined (that's mathematically impossible but they still managed to do it). For example Zeman was the worst retard in the whole country so he got elected, he looked like Vogon from Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy except worse, was constantly drunk, rude, had to be carried around like a little baby by his bodyguards because he couldn't walk straight, he almost threw up on national crown jewels and his most famous moment was when he tried to demonstrate his knowledge of [English]( by explaining to some reporter the meaning of the word "pussy" while getting the pronunciation completely wrong. Klaus was a 10 [IQ]( capitalist thief who, despite making millions as a president, was stealing pencils while being filmed on camera. You can't make this shit up. The current president is a narcissist professional murderer and war promoter.
The greatest Czech was Jara Cimrman, a fictional genius whom the people made up to have someone to look up to. The history of the country is also completely made up, it was crafted to serve nationalism, to justify things like separatism and murdering Germans after the war and also to destroy the country etc.

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inner mechanisms rather than being directly caused by a physical injury. Technological and consoomerist diseases are mental diseases almost exclusively present in humans (but also possibly in some animals forced to live like humans) related to [shit technology]( Some of the most common diseases, mostly of the technological kind but also of others, include:
- [ADHD](
- [ambition](
- [assholism](
- [audiophilia](
- [autism](

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@ -71,3 +71,4 @@ Here is a list of notable encyclopedias, focused on general knowledge English la
- [wiki](
- [Jargon File](
- [wikiwikiweb](
- [memopedia](

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@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
104. What's the error with the following reasoning? *-1 = (-1)^(2/2) = ((-1)^2)^(1/2) = 1^1/2 = 1*.
105. Let's have a [spiral]( that's drawn like this: we start with a drawing hand (like e.g. that of clock) that points horizontally to the right and has length *r1*; then the hand turns around a full circle (doesn't matter in which direction), linearly increasing its length to *r2* as it goes. Find the formula for the length of this spiral (this length will be something between the circumference of a circle with radius *r1* and circumference of a circle with radius *r2*).
106. Rounded to whole percents, what is the probability that you'll correctly answer this question?
107. Did you enjoy this quiz?
107. Ronald died and wasn't missed, he was just a capitalist. Every action of that bitch only served to make him rich. Things he built but always sold, patents he would always hold. As he jerked off to his brands, dick got zipped up in his pants. Ron did one last happy dance, had idiot death insurance. Do you know what kind of note this stupid's grave would be bestowed?
108. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -321,7 +322,8 @@ sin(x) / cos(x) - log2(2) = tg(x) - 1*, so we get *tg(x) >= 1*. So that will hol
104. We can't replace *a^(b/c)* with *(a^b)^(1/c)* if *a* is negative, that equation doesn't generally hold.
105. { I hope this is right :D ~drummyfish } First imagine the graph of a polar coordinate function that says the radius of a plain circle with radius *r* depending on angle: the graph is just constant function (horizontal line) with value *r* going from 0 to *2 * pi*. Integrating this function (from 0 to 2 * pi, here we simply multiply *r* by *2 * pi* as the graph is a rectangle) will give us the formula for the circumference of circle: *2 * pi * r* -- we'll take this largely on intuition but it can be seen that this holds because we're adding constant tiny increments of length from 0 to what we know is the circle circumference (2 * pi * r). Now imagine similar function, just starting at *r1* and linearly increasing to *r2*, i.e. we just have a linear function saying the spiral radius for current angle. Again, we'll integrate this, this time getting (bottom rectangle plus upper right triangle): *2 * pi * r1 + 2 * pi * (r2 - r1) / 2*. Simplifying this we get *pi * (r1 + r2)*, which is hopefully the solution (we see this will be between the circumferences of the smaller and larger circles, also for *r1 = r2* we again get the circumference of plain circle etc.).
106. Lol what, TBH I don't know :D The answer is probably that the question is shit because it's not even clear what it's asking, the definition of probability here is not clear (is it probability of a random "intelligent" man from the street answering it, or giving a completely randomly generated answer to it or what?). 100% might in some cases make sense (firstly we conclude that chance of guessing a number from 0 to 100 is 1/101, but then knowing this will be the answer we conclude we know it for sure, so we switch to 100% and then making further reasonings it stays stable at this value, but this probability assumes we make the reasoning we did, someone else could make a different reasoning maybe leading to other consistent answers). Haven't thought about it deeper yet though. If you know the answer let me know.
107. yes
107. Retard -- read the first letter of each sentence.
108. yes
## Other

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@ -45,3 +45,5 @@ Some notable things feminists managed to achieve are:
Feminism prospers largely thanks to [capitalism]( -- women with privileges, e.g. those of not having to work as much as men, are not accepted under capitalism; everyone has to be exploited as much as possible, everyone has to be a work slave. Therefore capitalist propaganda promotes ideas such as "women not having to work is oppression by men and something a woman should be ashamed of", which is of course laughable, but with enough brainwashing anything can be established, even the most ridiculous and obvious bullshit. Furthermore under capitalism **being a woman is a form of capital**, this capital is to be utilized and traded and so you can no longer get a woman just because you love each other, a woman dating you just out of love would be like her giving all her life savings to a complete stranger just to make him happy. And so women rather start dating other women, just as rich people hang around with other rich people, and that's why Feminism is so closely tied to [LGBT]( and vice versa -- LGBT helps women get rid of men and women in turn support LGBT back, e.g. by supporting men switching genders to female. Feminism is a product of capitalism induced [fight culture]( and escalation of conflict. Women being in war with men is just natural development of capitalism as the system naturally puts more and more social groups against each other to fuel conflict as a ground and fuel for business -- a very advanced business that no longer works just with money and traditional property, but newly with human needs, emotion and suffering. Eventually mothers will end up being in conflict with their sons, parents will become enemies of their children, tall people enemies of short people and so on. If it seems ridiculous, just wait a few years -- the current insanity of feminism would have seemed absolutely ridiculous as well not that long ago.
Apparently in Korea feminists already practice segregation, they separate parking spots for men and women so as to prevent women bumping into men or meeting a man late at night because allegedly men are more aggressive and dangerous. Now this is pretty ridiculous, this is exactly the same as if they separated e.g. parking lots for black and white people because black people are statistically more often involved in crime, you wouldn't want to meet them at night. So, do we still want to pretend feminists are not fascist?
Nicole Kidman is a whore.

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
*Only when man loses everything he becomes actually free. Freedom is about letting go.*
TODO: basic definitions
Freedom denotes the possibility to act as one desires without suffering negative consequences.
TODO: more
People who seriously look for attaining mental/spiritual freedom often resort to [asceticism](, at least for a period of time (e.g. [Buddha]( -- this is very commonly not done with the intent of actually giving up all materialistic pleasures forevermore, but rather to let go of the [dependency]( on the them, to know and see that one really can live without them if needed so that one becomes less afraid of losing them, which is often what internally enslaves us. Without even realizing it we are nowadays addicted to many things (games, social media, overeating, shiny gadgets, ...) like an alcoholic is to booze; it is not necessarily bad to drink alcohol, but it is bad to be addicted to it -- to free himself the alcoholic needs to abstain from alcohol for a long period of time. Our chains are often within ourselves: for example we often don't have the freedom to say what we want to say because that might e.g. ruin our career, preventing us from enjoying our expensive addictions -- once we don't worry about this, we gain the freedom to say what we want. Once you rid yourself of fear of jail, you gain the freedom to do potentially illegal things, and so on. Additionally going through the experience of letting go of pleasures very often opens up your eyes and mind, new thoughts emerge and one reevaluates what's really important in life.

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@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
A good enough solution to a problem is a solution that solves the problem satisfyingly (not necessarily precisely or completely) while achieving minimal cost (effort, complexity, [maintenance](, implementation time etc.). This is contrasted with an [overkill](, a solution that's "too good" (for a higher cost). For example a word-for-word translation of a text is a primitive way of translation, but it may be good enough to understand the meaning of the text; in many climates a tent is a good enough accommodation solution while a luxury house is a solution of better quality (more comfortable, safe, ...) for a higher cost. It's been said that the [perfect is the enemy of good](
To give an example from the world of programming, [bubble sort]( is in many cases better than quick sort for its simplicity, even though it's much slower than more advanced sorts. [ASCII]( is mostly good enough compared to [Unicode]( And so on.
To give an example from the world of [programming](, [bubble sort]( is in many cases better than quick sort for its simplicity, even though it's much slower than more advanced sorts. [ASCII]( is mostly good enough compared to [Unicode]( And so on.
In technology we are often times looking for good enough solution to achieve [minimalism]( and save valuable resources (computational resources, programmer time etc.). It rarely makes sense to look for solutions that are more expensive than they necessarily need to be, however in the context of [capitalist software]( we see this happen many times as a part of killer feature battle and also driving prices artificially up for economic reasons (e.g. increasing the cost of maintenance of a software eliminates any competition that can't afford such cost). An example of this is the trend in smartphones to have 4 and more physical cameras. This is only natural in [capitalism](, we see the tendency for wasting resources everywhere. This of course needs to be stopped.

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@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ Smart people know this and those being named *heroes* themselves many times prot
Mainstream [US]( mentality of strong hero culture is now infecting the whole world and reaches unbelievably retarded levels, which is further not helped by shit like the stupid superhero movies. Besides calling murderers (soldiers) heroes, it is now for example standard to call handicapped people heroes, literally only because they are handicapped and it makes them feel better, even if they do nothing special and even if they actually live more comfortable lives than poor healthy peasants who have to live miserably and slave at work every day without getting anyone's attention. Or -- and this is yet another level of stupidity -- **anyone who just happens to not behave like a dick in case of some emergency is guaranteed to be called a hero**; for example if someone by chance walks by a baby that is drowning in a pool and saves the baby from dying will with 100% probability be called a hero in the media. But WHY the fuck would that be? Is the guy a hero because he didn't just sit down a watch the baby drown? It is the absolutely normal behavior to save a drowning baby if one sees it, especially when there is very little risk of own life in doing so (such as just jumping into the pool); calling someone a hero for doing so is like calling a gun owner a hero for not going to the streets to randomly shoot at people. So in this fucked up society the title of *hero* is basically won like a lottery -- you just have to be lucky enough to be present at some emergency and then just do the normal thing.
On a bit more lighthearted note: in Internet [meme]( slang "an hero" stands for committing [suicide](
## See Also
- [Facebook heroism](

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Here are some of the ideas/movements/ideologies and people whose ideas inspired
- **[anarcho pacifism](**: Rejecting force and hierarchy of one living being dominating and oppressing another.
- **beatniks/[hippies](**: We are inspired by many of their ideals such as free love, pacifism and avoidance of [work](
- **Buddha, [Buddhism](**: Attaining freedom through letting go, focusing on the spiritual rather than the material, living non violently.
- **Buddha, [Buddhism](**: Attaining freedom through letting go, loving others, focusing on the spiritual rather than the material, living non violently.
- **[communism](, [anarcho communism](, [socialism](** (but NOT [Marxism]( Sharing, equality, rejection of property and money, focus on people at large.
- **[Diogenes](, [cynicism](**: Rejecting conformity, wealth, [work](, power, fame, materialistic needs, embracing simple living, self sufficiency living in harmony with nature, choosing asceticism and difficult way of life as path towards spiritual clarity -- cynics have a great deal in common with LRS.
- **Gandhi, [non violence](**: Achieving things without the use of violence (and similar kinds of force), completely refusing to use certain unethical means for achieving goals, not abandoning one's beliefs even for the cost of one's life.

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@ -23,3 +23,83 @@ In the world of technology they are known for supporting [toxic]( [code
In the non-technological world they are known for example, besides others, for destroying all [art]( by giving everything a twisted sexual context, for example there's now a retroactively injected LGBT propaganda in child stories like [Harry Potter]( children reading about the old, wise Dumbledore now also have to read the asterisks about how they/thems is in fact a hexadecimal non fluid that had oral sex with Severus Snape, which is of course not relevant to the story at all, it's there to just compensate for the fact that he's a white male, so he can't at all be straight because he's supposed to represent good (straight white males can only represent evil [nowadays](
From the point of view of the evolutionary system of [capitalism]( LGBT is a very successful organism that adopted to live in symbiosis with [corporations]( it is an entity spawning attention and grounds for business on which corporations can feast for which it is in return supported and fed by corporations, with the power of their [marketing]( and propaganda, that's why you see every corporation go woke -- corporations even let them be entered by LGBT, they implement [codes of censorship](, they discriminate against LGBT opposition etc., they protect their milking cows. These organisms have common goals such as increasing the means of [censorship]( and thought control on which they conspire and collaborate -- an LGBT tranny calling for censorship will be backed by corporations on Twitter, in turn a corporation setting up censorship technology justified by protecting LGBT will be backed by LGBT influencers and so on.
## Summary
The following diagram captures roughly how LGBT operates and how it is able to get so much power, at the time of writing this article:
push: gay marriage, "we just want rights"
DONE, then push: gay pair child adoption (now more aggressivity can be used)
=> women don't need men anymore => mutual support with feminism strengthens
=> children raised by two women or two gay (feminine) men (still "better" than normal father)
=> boys will likely feel more feminine
=> more future gays/trans, increase ranks
=> more (trans) women => mutual support with feminism strengthens
=> children in depression, mental health and sexuality issues
=> "maybe it's because you're in wrong body"
=> gender switch: increase ranks
=> feeds psychiatry business: strengthens mutual support
push + normalize: cancel culture, internet lynching
=> strengthens fear of LGBT
=> increase manipulation/brainwashing potential
future: normalize physical violence
infect culture:
establish pride/parades
=> increase fanaticism, hysteria and fascist thinking
=> more conflict, ground for business: mutual support with capitalism strengthens
=> strengthen fear of LGBT
=> establish gayness as fashion, "modern", "cool", "interesting"
=> get attention capital
=> buy corporate support
=> buy politicians
"coming outs"
=> reward with hero status, people will want to be heroes
=> reward with popularity (money, fame, ...) on social media
=> generate media activity: mutual support with capitalism strengthens
infect science, e.g. medicine
=> allow prepubescent children to decide for irreversible gender change
=> will mostly lead to regret and depression but increases ranks
=> additionally feeds psychiatry business: strengthens mutual support
=> psychiatry opens up to propaganda, e.g. removing the "disorder" word, supporting gender switch
establish that "being gay = supporting LGBT"
=> then infect laws
=> mandatory gay quotas: get LGBT people into positions of power
=> use law for censorship
=> use law for getting rid of opposition
push + normalize: censorship
=> increase manipulation/brainwashing potential => mutual support with corporations strengthen
=> get corporate marketing support
=> more popularity = power
=> allow hiding lies, damage and unethical behavior of LGBT
invent + push newspeak:
=> increase manipulation/brainwashing potential
=> enable easy loyalty check (not politically correct = enemy)
=> spawn new bullshit businesses: mutual support with capitalism strengthens
apply brainwashing:
=> gay influencers, streamers, ...
=> make being gay/queer a fashion: push children into gayness
=> censor old non-gay media
=> push gay/queer characters into child media: push children into gayness
=> more gays: increase ranks
loyalty checks:
- If you're not with us, you're against us.
- Prove NOW that you're with us: use newspeak, use our flag, establish quotas, ...
- If you're not doing things our way (using newspeak, COCs, supporting our means, ...), you're against us.
- If you're against us, we'll use all the normalized means (bullying, violence, ...) against you.
=> discover and psychologically break resisting individuals (OR otherwise remove them)
official goal, stage 1: we only want equality
society agrees; then change to phase 2: we actually want justice (revenge)
=> apply violence to opposition
=> strive for superiority

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@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
*Not to be [confused]( with [libertarianism](*
Liberalism is a political ideology whose definition is not greatly clear (we may find branches that differ a lot) but which usually aims for "liberty", focus on individuals who ought to be protected by the state and have equal opportunities, which leads to obsession with all kinds of "[rights](" and "[social justice](" (i.e. social revenge of minorities); as one of worst imaginable ideologies it is no surprise it's the prevailing [US]( ideology and ideology of [SJW]( -- liberalism is taking over the whole western world and it's destroying everything. It basically tries to take the worst of all other ideologies: liberalism supports things such as [state]( and strong laws (to "protect" people), [capitalism]( (to give them "opportunities"), [censorship](, [political correctness]( and violence; supporting concepts connected to both [right and (pseudo)left](, it is said to be a "centrist" stance, however [we]( just call it confused -- they just try to combine absolutely incompatible things, they want a competitive environment in which "everyone wins". Liberalism is highly [harmful](, retarded and should never be supported.
Liberalism is a political ideology whose definition is not exceptionally clear (we may find [branches]( that differ a lot) but which usually aims for "liberty", focus on individuals who ought to be protected by the state and have equal opportunities, which leads to obsession with all kinds of "[rights](" and "[social justice](" (i.e. social revenge of minorities); as one of worst imaginable ideologies it is no surprise it's the prevailing [US]( ideology and ideology of [SJW]( -- liberalism is taking over the whole western world and it's destroying everything. It basically tries to take the worst of all other ideologies: liberalism supports things such as [state]( and strong laws (to "protect" people), [capitalism]( (to give them "opportunities"), [censorship](, [political correctness]( and violence; supporting concepts connected to both [right and (pseudo)left](, it is said to be a "[centrist](" stance, however [we]( just call it confused -- they just try to combine absolutely incompatible things, they want a competitive environment in which "everyone wins". Liberalism is highly [harmful](, retarded and should never be supported.
Liberalism is associated with the [color]( yellow (same as with [libertarianism]( and [capitalism](, which symbolized piss.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Not to be [confused]( with [liberalism](*
Libertarianism, also known as the *redneck ideology*, is a [harmful]( political ideology whose definition is quite broad and not super clear, but which in essence gives highest priority to individual "liberty" and seeks to minimize the role of state (but typically without wanting to remove it). A bit like [anarchism](, libertarianism has many branches which frequently greatly diverge and even oppose each other, some are called more "leftist", some more "rightist" -- libertarianism usually tries to pretend to be focusing on the people, i.e. their "liberties", pseudoequality ("equality before law", "equality of opportunity", ...), oppose "the kind of corporate [capitalism]( we have today", believing some kind of "saner" version of it can work (which it can't), and claims that people can form a working, decentralized society by loose associations, however, unlike anarchism which opposes state and any kind of hierarchy altogether (with [true anarchism]( also opposing any violence), libertarianism typically wants to preserve some functions of the state such as courts and justice for protection against crime, and it acknowledges property as a sacred thing that may even be defended by violence, i.e. libertarianism just replaces the rule of states by rule of private subjects, getting quite close to ["anarcho" capitalism](, the stupidest idea yet conceived. Libertarians basically adopts the **"law of the jungle"** or **"wild west"** mindset. So it's [shit](, do not subscribe.
Libertarianism, also known as the *redneck ideology*, is a [harmful]( political ideology whose definition is quite broad and not very clear, but which in essence gives highest priority to individual "liberty" and seeks to minimize the role of [state]( (but typically without wanting to remove it). A bit like [anarchism](, libertarianism has many branches which frequently greatly diverge and even oppose each other, some are called more "leftist", some more "rightist" -- libertarianism usually tries to pretend to be focusing on the people, i.e. their "liberties", pseudoequality ("equality before law", "equality of opportunity", ...), oppose "the kind of corporate [capitalism]( we have today", believing some kind of "saner" version of it can work (which it can't), and claims that people can form a working, decentralized society by loose associations, however, unlike anarchism which opposes state and any kind of hierarchy altogether (with [true anarchism]( also opposing any violence), libertarianism typically wants to preserve some functions of the state such as courts and justice for protection against crime, and it acknowledges property as a sacred thing that may even be defended by violence, i.e. libertarianism just replaces the rule of states by rule of private subjects, getting quite close to ["anarcho" capitalism](, the stupidest idea yet conceived. Libertarians basically adopts the **"law of the jungle"** or **"wild west"** mindset. So it's [shit](, do not subscribe.
The [color]( associated with libertarianism is yellow, which symbolizes piss.

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# Life
*Life is the greatest miracle of our Universe.*
It is [currently]( better to be dead than alive. [LRS]( is trying to change this but it will fail.

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Loquendo
*ekis de ekis de ekis de xdddd*
{ This is research in progress, please send me notes on this etc. I discovered this awesome rabbithole while learning Spanish -- if you can, try to learn some foreign language, it really does bring to you a whole new culture. ~drummyfish }
Loquendo is a (sadly [proprietary]( [text-to-speech]( technology (made by some Italian company) used by the company's TTS software such as *Loquendo TTS Director*, which gave rise (around the year 2007) to an awesome -- but in [English]( speaking countries practically completely unknown -- underground Spanish speaking Internet group called *loquenderos* who use said iconic robotic low quality loquendo voices to create absolutely precious [meme]( [YouTube]( videos that are not just extremely entertaining and hilarious by the combination of the funny voices with quite stupid improvised video (usually some gameplay of GTA San Andreas), but also immensely important for at least somewhat continuing the [culture]( of [free speech]( on the Internet. If you watch a random Spanish meme video, chances are quite high it will be dubbed with loquendo. It's hard to accurately describe the mood and vibes around the group -- it's a bit similar to [4chan]( maybe -- the videos are oftentimes very silly, just someone's random gameplay of GTA with a robotic voice over it cursing in Spanish, as if a kid is playing the game and just commenting on it, insulting everyone and dropping random shit and slurs, insulting [transsexuals](, [furries](, otakus, [gays](, [women]( and blacks and basically the whole world, but then there are also videos with a lot of energy put into it (but still keeping a similar style) -- for example whole movies or serious political commentaries. Part of the feeling is that the voices are not just extremely funny (imagine someone just doing extreme pitch shifts of a basic robotic voice to create different voices for a movie dubbing) but also completely emotionless and always the same, so you don't know who's behind them and it's pretty funny to hear all the nasty shit being said in complete serious tone. There are several male and female loquendo voices, most famous of which is probably Jorge, followed by others such as Carlos and Diego. Over time there have also evolved characters that reappear in the videos (such as Tio Gilipollas), they have their own personalities, inside jokes and so on. The group has even taken it so far as establishing a fictional *Loquendo City* based on ideals of free speech -- a thing similar to our [freedom island](

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
LRS wiki, also Less Retarded Wiki, is a [public domain]( ([CC0]( [encyclopedia]( focused on truly good, [minimalist]( [technology](, mainly [computer]( [software]( -- so called [less retarded software]( (LRS) which should serve the people at large -- while also exploring related topics such as the relationship between technology and society, promoting so called [less retarded society]( The basic motivation behind LRS and its wiki is unconditional [love]( of all life, and the goal of LRS is to move towards creating a truly useful, [selfless]( technology that maximally helps all living beings as much as possible -- it does so while at the same time developing its own [culture](, one that's much more sane and compatible with the desired goal, unlike the [toxic]( [modern]( [fascist]( culture of the [21st century]( As such the wiki rejects for example [capitalist software]( (and [capitalism]( itself), [bloated]( software, [intellectual property]( laws ([copyright](, [patents](, ...) [censorship](, [pseudoleftism]( ([political correctness](, [cancel culture](, [COC]( ...) etc. It embraces [free as in freedom](, simple technology, i.e. [Unix philosophy](, [suckless]( software, [anarcho pacifism](, [racial realism](, [free speech](, [veganism]( etc. As a work promoting pure [good]( in a [time]( of universal rule of [evil]( it is greatly controversial, misunderstood and often met with hostility. However it already gained at least a few englightened followers.
The wiki is not funded by anyone, it doesn't have to be funded because it's not a capitalist project, it is also not affiliated with anyone, its author has no career for which he would have to fear, he has no friends or family, no material desires, no fear of jail or death, so he can write truth without being limited by anything.
The wiki is not funded by anyone, it doesn't have to be funded because it's not a capitalist project, it is also not affiliated with anyone, its author has no career for which he would have to fear, he has no friends or family, no material desires, no fear of demonetization/demonization, jail or death, so he can write truth without being limited by anything.
LRS wiki was started by [drummyfish]( on November 3 2021 as a way of recording and sharing his views, experience and knowledge about technology, as well as for creating a completely public domain educational resource and account of current society for future generations. It was forked from so called "based wiki" at a point when all the content on it had been made by drummyfish, so at this point LRS wiki is 100% drummyfish's own work; over time it became kind of a snapshot of drummyfish's brain and so the wiki doesn't allow contributions (but allows and encourages [forks](

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# Marketing
*Self praise stinks.* --Czech proverb
*Self praise stinks.* --[Czech]( proverb
Marketing is an unethical practice, plentifully used in [capitalism](, of forcing a product or [corporate]( propaganda by means of lying, manipulation, tricks, brainwashing, torture, exploiting psychological weaknesses of people and others. This manifests most visibly as advertisements and commercials in media but also in other ways such as fake product reviews, product placement in movies etc. Advertising is ever present and unavoidable in capitalism, billboards now run along the roads instead of trees, commercials yell from electronic devices that are present everywhere, ugly cheap ads, slogans and flashing lights now cover the art of architects -- indeed, there is a promise of ads being put in the sky, people's dreams and thoughts themselves once technology allows it (so called ["progress"]( Marketing is one of the greatest [bullshit]( industries ever to have seen the light of world and is not only torturing the victims, but also wasting the enormous amount of effort of those who create it.

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ NOTE: **We also desperately need [suckless]( rewrites of "FOSS" soft
| game: [Pokemon]( clone | hard? | | | | catchable monsters game, procedurally generated ones? SAF? | Tuxemon, ... |
| game: fantasy [RPG]( | hard? | | | | Dream: Elder Scrolls clone, also just a dungeon crawler, ... | |
| game: multiplayer arena shooter | hard | | | | Xonotic died, OpenArena is imperfect, we need a suckless one | OpenArena? |
| game: 3D light-gun shooter (with S3L) | mid | | | | nice relaxation game, not that hard to make | |
| games: tiny ones | easy | [uTD](, ... | ... |can never have enough| very tiny games, SAF is ideal for this, nice learning project | |
| [go]( engine/library (C or comun)| mid? | | | | | |
| [GUI]( library | easy/mid | | | |like SAF but for "PC" GUI (mouse, sound, ...), now GUI's a mess | |

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Not to be [confused]( with [Niger](*
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, nigra, N-word or chimp) is a [forbidden word]( that refers to a member of the [black]( [race](, [SJWs]( call the word a [politically incorrect]( "slur". Its counterpart targeted on white people is *[cracker](*. To Harry Potter fans the word may be compared to the word *Voldemort* which everyone is afraid to say out of fear of being [cancelled]( Nigger is not to be confused with [negro](, negrito etc. (which are subgroups of the black race).
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, nigra, N-word or chimp) is a [forbidden word]( that refers to a member of the [black]( [race](, [SJWs]( call the word a [politically incorrect]( "slur". Its counterpart targeted on white people is *[cracker](*. To [Harry Potter]( fans the word may be compared to the word *Voldemort* which everyone is afraid to say out of fear of being [cancelled]( Nigger is not to be confused with [negro](, negrito etc. (which are subgroups of the black race).

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Examples of operating systems are [Unix]( (one of the first and most inf
From programmer's point of view a serious OS is one of the most difficult pieces of software one can pursue to develop. The task involves an enormous amount of [low-level]( programming, development of own tools from scratch and requires deep and detailed knowledge of all components of a computer, of established standards as well as many theoretical subjects such as [compiler]( design.
**Which OS is the best?** Currently there seems to be almost no good operating system in existence, except perhaps for [Collapse OS]( and [Dusk OS]( which may be the closest to [LRS]( at the moment, but aren't widely used yet and don't have many programs running on them. Besides this there are quite a few relatively usable OSes, mostly [Unix]( like systems. For example [OpenBSD]( seems to be one of them, however it is [proprietary]( (yes, it contains some code without license) and too obsessed with MUH [SECURITY](, and still a bit overcomplicated. [HyperbolaBSD]( at least tries to address the freedom issue of OpenBSD but suffers from many others. [Devuan]( is pretty usable, [just werks]( and is alright in not being an absolute apeshit of consoomerist bloat. [FreeDOS]( seemed nice too: though it's not Unix like, it is much more [KISS]( than Unices, but it will probably only work on [x86]( systems.
**Which OS is the best?** Currently there seems to be almost no good operating system in existence, except perhaps for [Collapse OS]( and [Dusk OS]( which may be the closest to [LRS]( at the moment, but aren't widely used yet and don't have many programs running on them. Besides this there are quite a few relatively usable OSes, mostly [Unix]( like systems. For example [OpenBSD]( seems to be one of them, however it is [proprietary]( (yes, it contains some code without valid licenses, for example [this](, [this]( etc.) and too obsessed with MUH [SECURITY](, and still a bit overcomplicated. [HyperbolaBSD]( at least tries to address the freedom issue of OpenBSD but suffers from many others. [Devuan]( is pretty usable, [just werks]( and is alright in not being an absolute apeshit of consoomerist bloat. [FreeDOS]( seemed nice too: though it's not Unix like, it is much more [KISS]( than Unices, but it will probably only work on [x86]( systems.
An OS, as a software, consists of two main parts:

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
Recursion (from Latin recursio, "running back") in general is a situation in which a [definition]( refers to itself; for example the definition of a human's ancestor as "the human's parents and the ancestors of his parents" ([fractals]( are also very nice example of what a simple recursive definition can achieve). In [programming]( recursion denotes a **[function]( that calls itself**; this is the meaning we'll assume in this article unless noted otherwise.
{ Perhaps an analogy to this kind of recursion may be an "Inception"-style multi level dreams: imagine having a dream in a dream in a dream ... and so on -- and then at one point you start waking up, always getting back to where you were in each of the dreams, and so on until you completely wake up. --drummyfish }
We divide recursion to a **direct** and **indirect** one. In direct recursion the function calls itself directly, in indirect function *A* calls a function *B* which ends up (even possibly by calling some more functions) calling *A* again. Indirect recursion is tricky because it may appear by mistake and cause a [bug]( (which is nevertheless easily noticed as the program will mostly run out of memory and crash).
When a function calls itself, it starts "diving" deeper and deeper and in most situations we want this to stop at some point, so in most cases **a recursion has to contain a terminating condition**. Without this condition the recursion will keep recurring and end up in an equivalent of an infinite loop (which in case of recursion will however crash the program with a [stack overflow]( exception). Let's see this on perhaps the most typical example of using recursion, a [factorial]( function:

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ As [anarchists]( we of course despise the idea of worshiping people
- [John Gilmore](
- [Alexandre Oliva](
- [Jesus](
- [Hagrid](
- [Einstein](
- [vrms](
- [gentoo](

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Smart, smells like fart.*
The adjective "smart", as in e.g. *smartphone*, is in the context of [modern]( [capitalist technology]( used as a euphemism for malicious features that include [spyware](, [bloat](, obscurity, [DRM](, [ads](, programmed [planned obsolescence](, unnecessary [dependencies]( (such as required Internet connection), anti-repair design and others; it is the opposite of [dumb]( "Smart" technology is far inferior to the traditional dumb technology and usually just downright [harmful]( to its users and society as a whole, but normal (i.e. retarded) people think it's good because it has a cool name, so they buy and support such technology. They are [slowly boiled]( to accept "smart" technology as the standard.
The adjective "smart", as in e.g. *smartphone*, is in the context of [modern]( [capitalist technology]( used as a euphemism for malicious features that include [spyware](, [bloat](, obscurity, [DRM](, [ads](, programmed [planned obsolescence](, unnecessary [dependencies]( (such as required Internet connection), anti-repair design and others; it is the opposite of [dumb]( "Smart" technology is far inferior to the traditional [dumb]( technology and usually just downright [harmful]( to its users and society as a whole, but normal (i.e. retarded) people think it's good because it has a cool name, so they buy and support such technology. They are [slowly boiled]( to accept "smart" technology as the standard. Orwell is rotating in his grave.
## See Also

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- don't show emotion
- work extremely hard
- small penises
- can't see because of weird eyes
- men of honor
- collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society
- there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent

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@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Suicide is when someone voluntarily kills himself. Suicide offers an immediate e
TODO: methods, add suicide by internet/free speech :D
For SCIENCE RESEARCHERS: there is a text file describing suicide methods at One site related to suicide that's being censored because it discussed methods of killing oneself is called **sanctioned suicide** (
## See Also
- [ACK](

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@ -8,4 +8,13 @@ He was convinced he could talk to [God]( and that God commanded him to ma
Terry, just as [us](, greatly valued [simplicity]( and [fun]( in programming, he was a low-level programmer and saw that technology went to [shit]( and wanted to create something in the oldschool style, and he expressed his will to dedicate his creation to the [public domain]( This is of course extremely based and appreciated by [us]( (though the actual public domain dedication wasn't executed according to our recommendations).
## See Also
- [schizo](
- [Henryk Lahola](
- [drummyfish]( :D
- [Jesus](
- [RMS](
- [Time Cube](

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 582
- number of commits: 829
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4016398
- total number of lines of article texts: 30386
- number of commits: 830
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4024746
- total number of lines of article texts: 30439
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 89
@ -31,103 +31,105 @@ longest articles:
- [3d_rendering]( 32K
- [main]( 32K
- [pseudorandomness]( 32K
- [optimization]( 32K
- [woman]( 32K
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2296)
- there (1742)
- people (1544)
- example (1327)
- other (1254)
- number (1135)
- which (2297)
- there (1744)
- people (1545)
- example (1331)
- other (1256)
- number (1141)
- software (1127)
- about (1078)
- program (914)
- about (1079)
- program (916)
- their (860)
- because (834)
- would (819)
- because (838)
- would (820)
- called (786)
- being (786)
- called (784)
- language (753)
- something (742)
- language (755)
- numbers (747)
- something (743)
- computer (742)
- numbers (739)
- things (737)
- things (741)
- simple (725)
- without (685)
- without (687)
- function (673)
- programming (670)
- programming (672)
- these (645)
- different (638)
- however (632)
- different (641)
- however (633)
- world (595)
- system (590)
- should (581)
- doesn (573)
- system (594)
- should (582)
- doesn (574)
- games (567)
- point (562)
- society (557)
- while (540)
- while (543)
- though (531)
- drummyfish (525)
- using (514)
- still (512)
- drummyfish (526)
- using (515)
- still (513)
- memory (508)
- possible (506)
- simply (501)
- similar (497)
- similar (499)
- course (492)
- technology (485)
- https (471)
- always (453)
- always (459)
- really (452)
- basically (448)
- extremely (447)
- value (446)
- basically (445)
latest changes:
Date: Fri Jun 28 13:51:48 2024 +0200
Date: Sat Jun 29 19:04:58 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Jun 25 15:38:41 2024 +0200
Date: Fri Jun 28 13:51:48 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -156,22 +158,22 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (283)
- [capitalism]( (222)
- [capitalism]( (224)
- [c]( (215)
- [bloat]( (205)
- [free_software]( (171)
- [game]( (141)
- [suckless]( (137)
- [proprietary]( (120)
- [computer]( (98)
- [kiss]( (96)
- [computer]( (96)
- [modern]( (94)
- [modern]( (95)
- [minimalism]( (89)
- [linux]( (89)
- [gnu]( (88)
- [programming]( (82)
- [programming]( (83)
- [fun]( (81)
- [free_culture]( (81)
- [fun]( (80)
- [less_retarded_society]( (78)
- [fight_culture]( (78)
- [censorship]( (78)

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ There are many interesting and entertaining pages and articles on Wikipedia, som
## Alternatives
Due to the corruption and increasing censorship of Wikipedia it is important to look for alternatives that are important especially when researching anything connected to politics, but also when you just want a simpler, more condensed or simply better written explanation of some topic. There exist other similar online encyclopedias like [Metapedia](, [Infogalactic](, [Citizendium](, [Leftypedia](, [GCIDE](, New World Encyclopedia, [Justapedia](, HandWiki or Britannica online, as well as dozens of printed encyclopedias and old digitized encyclopedias like Britannica 11th edition. Then there is another type of very notable encyclopedias among which are for example [Encyclopedia Dramatica]( or Russian [Lurkmore]( wiki and its forks (e.g., calling itself the "people's Wikipedia", hinting at the fact that Wikipedia doesn't really belong to the people anymore) -- these are not so serious in tone, they're often called a satire, meme or parody by the "serious" ones, they're greatly uncensored and although being usually more focused on internet culture, they do to a great degree document knowledge at wide and sometimes manage to explain difficult topic very simply by going to the point and using humor and plain language. These encyclopedias are typically the most objective, uncensored and least politically infected and so they're a much better source on anything relating to society or politics -- where Wikipedia will strategically obscure and downplay "inconvenient facts", Dramatica will simply highlight anything that's of importance. Anyway, for a more comprehensive list of Wikipedia alternatives see the article on [encyclopedias]( Many people are actively criticizing Wikipedia and want to diminish its power, among whom is one of Wikipedia's founders, [Larry Sanger](, who established [encyclosphere](, a project that tries to connect together various Internet encyclopedias -- this may be another place to look for Wikipedia alternatives. Anyway the moral of the story here is probably to not rely on a single encyclopedia, as we see where that leads. Read more sources and different points of view.
Due to the corruption and increasing censorship of Wikipedia it is important to look for alternatives that are important especially when researching anything connected to politics, but also when you just want a simpler, more condensed or simply better written explanation of some topic. There exist other similar online encyclopedias like [Metapedia](, [Infogalactic](, [Citizendium](, [Leftypedia](, [GCIDE](, New World Encyclopedia, [Justapedia](, HandWiki or Britannica online, as well as dozens of printed encyclopedias and old digitized encyclopedias like Britannica 11th edition. Then there is another type of very notable encyclopedias, sometimes called [memopedias](, among which are for example [Encyclopedia Dramatica]( or Russian [Lurkmore]( wiki and its forks (e.g., calling itself the "people's Wikipedia", hinting at the fact that Wikipedia doesn't really belong to the people anymore) -- these are not so serious in tone, they're often called a satire, meme or parody by the "serious" ones, they're greatly uncensored and although being usually more focused on internet culture, they do to a great degree document knowledge at wide and sometimes manage to explain difficult topic very simply by going to the point and using humor and plain language. These encyclopedias are typically the most objective, uncensored and least politically infected and so they're a much better source on anything relating to society or politics -- where Wikipedia will strategically obscure and downplay "inconvenient facts", Dramatica will simply highlight anything that's of importance. Anyway, for a more comprehensive list of Wikipedia alternatives see the article on [encyclopedias]( Many people are actively criticizing Wikipedia and want to diminish its power, among whom is one of Wikipedia's founders, [Larry Sanger](, who established [encyclosphere](, a project that tries to connect together various Internet encyclopedias -- this may be another place to look for Wikipedia alternatives. Anyway the moral of the story here is probably to not rely on a single encyclopedia, as we see where that leads. Read more sources and different points of view.
{ See also old Wikipedia at ~drummyfish }

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@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ Note: It is guaranteed that [soyentific]( BIGBRAINS will start screec
| suicides / 100K | 11.15 | 2.86 |M die by suicide nearly 4x as often |
|average IQ (US 1993)| 101.8 | 98.8 |in some areas M score even 11 higher |
|Fields medals (2022)| 62 | 2 |W had 0 until 2014 |
|car property damage | 3.7 / million | 4.2 / million |(Massie et al. 1997) |
| 200m outdoor WR | 19.90s (Bolt) |21.34s (G-Joyner) |best W ranks lower than #5769 among M|
| 60m indoor WR | 6.34s (Coleman) |6.92s (Privalova) |best W ranks lower than #3858 among M|
| raw deadlift WR |460kg (Magnusson) |305kg (Swanson) |best M lifts about 50% more weight |

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Xonotic
*RIP sweet prince*
Xonotic was a [free as in freedom]( fast multiplayer arena [first-person-shooter]( [game]( similar to e.g. [Quake]( It ran on [GNU]([Linux](, [Winshit](, [BSD]( and other systems. It was one of the best libre games, i.e. games completely free by both code and data/content. It was available under [GPLv3]( Its gameplay, graphics and customizability were pretty great, it may well have been the best in the AFPS genre, even compared to AAA [proprietary]( games -- this kind of quality is very rare among libre/noncommercial games.
UPDATE: **Xonotic as a game died in summer 2023** when the retarded developers couldn't get an erection without CONSOOMING NEW CONTINT and started just blindly pushing bugs and balance breaking changes without listening to player complaints at all (and actually banning many for voicing criticism, including [drummyfish](, demonstrating [update culture]( at its worst. The main server became a meme overnight, all [fun]( (such as friendly push) was removed from the game to create a "safe space" for players, possibly to get the game ready for Steam sales or make it more open to noobs and advertisers. RIP. If you can [fork]( Xonotic and restore it to its previous glory, please do so.