This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 1796 additions and 1773 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Examples of cancer are:
- human civilization
- [capitalism](capitalism.md) and many of its parts like [consumerism](consumerism.md), [corporations](corporation.md), [marketing](marketing.md), industrialization etc.
- [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) movements like [LGBT](lgbt.md) or [Feminism](feminism.md)
- [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) movements like [LGBT](lgbt.md) or [feminism](feminism.md)
- the [mainstream](mainstream.md)
- [fashion](fashion.md)
- [soynet](soynet.md), [soytech](soytech.md)
@ -4,23 +4,6 @@
Capitali$m is the worst socioeconomic system we've yet seen in [history](history.md),^[source](logic.md) based on pure greed, culture of slavery and artificially sustained conflict between everyone in society (so called [competition](competition.md)), abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital](capital.md)) above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete mand suffer for basic resources, even in a world where abundance of resources is already possible to achieve -- of course, capitalism is a purely [rightist](left_right.md) idea. Capitalism goes against [progress](progress.md) (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](antivirus_paradox.md)), [good technology](lrs.md) and freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people and animals, destruction of environment, decline of morals, deterioration of [art](art.md), invention of [bullshit](bullshit.md) (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), utilizing and perfecting methods of [torture](marketing.md), brainwashing, [censorship](censorship.md) and so on. In a sense capitalism can be seen as **slavery 2.0** or *universal slavery*, a more sophisticated form of slavery, one which denies the label by calling itself the polar opposite, "freedom", when in fact capitalism is merely a "freedom" to oppress others -- underlying every argument for capitalism is an argument against freedom itself; capitalism manipulates people into them approving and voluntarily partaking in their own enslavement (capitalist slaves are called wage slaves or *wagies*) -- this new form of slavery which enslaves everyone evolved because the old form with strictly separated classes of slaves and masters was becoming unsustainable, with the enslaved majority revolting, causing civil wars etc. This alone already seems to many like a good reason for [suicide](suicide.md), however wage and consumption slavery is still only a small part of capitalist dystopia -- capitalism brings on destruction basically to every part of civilization. It it also often likened to a [cancer](cancer.md) of society; one that is ever expanding, destroying everything with commercialism, materialism, waste and destruction, growing uncontrollably with the sole goal of just never stop an ever accelerating growth. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." Another famous quote is that "capitalism is the belief that the worst of men driven by the nastiest motives will somehow work for the benefit of everyone", which describes its principle quite well.
capitalism = LRS =
worst practically best practically
possible society possible society
| |
| |
dystopia V V utopia
competition, tyranny, <------|------------------------|------> love, peace, equality,
slavery, exploitation, \ / \ / collaboration, abundance,
hierarchy, war, ... \ / \ / freedom, sharing, ...
\/ \/
so bad it so perfect
can't practically it can't practically
keep functioning be achieved
*Capitalism on utopia-dystopia spectrum: while a [good society](less_retarded_society.md) tries to come as close as possible to the ideal utopia, capitalism starts with the idea of a dystopia (conflicts, exploitation, suffering as motivation, ...) and tries to just make it barely livable, always staying just shy of dystopia so bad it couldn't practically work (e.g. putting too much pressure on workers so as to kill them all).*
{ Some web bashing capitalism I just found: http://digdeeper.club/articles/capitalismcancer.xhtml, read only briefly, seems to contain some nice gems capturing the rape of people. ~drummyfish }
@ -39,6 +22,23 @@ From a certain point of view capitalism is not really a traditional socioeconomi
Under capitalism you are not a human being, you are a resource, at best a machine that's useful for some time but becomes obsolete and undesired once it outlives its usefulness and potential to be exploited. Under capitalism you are a slave that's forced to live the life of 3 Cs: **conform, consume, compete**. Or, as [Encyclopedia dramatica](dramatica.md) puts it: work, buy, consume, die.
capitalism = LRS =
worst practically best practically
possible society possible society
| |
| |
dystopia V V utopia
competition, tyranny, <------|------------------------|------> love, peace, equality,
slavery, exploitation, \ / \ / collaboration, abundance,
hierarchy, war, ... \ / \ / freedom, sharing, ...
\/ \/
so bad it so perfect
can't practically it can't practically
keep functioning be achieved
**Who invented capitalism?** Well, it largely developed on its own, society is just responsible for not stopping it. Capitalism as seen today has predominantly evolved from the tradition of small [trade](trade.md), [slavery](work.md), markets, [competition](competition.md), [evil](evil.md), [war](war.md) and abuse due to societal hierarchy (e.g. peasants by noblemen, poor by rich etc.), combined with technological progress of [industrial revolution](industrial_revolution.md) (18th. - 19th century) which allowed mass production and mass abuse of workers, as well as the information revolution (20th - 21th century) which allowed mass surveillance, unlimited [corporate](corporation.md) control, acceleration of bullshit business and extreme mass [brainwashing](marketing.md), reaching [capitalist singularity](capitalist_singularity.md). [Adam Smith](adam_smith.md) (18th century), a mentally retarded egoist with some extra chromosomes who tried to normalize and promote self-interest and torture of others for self-benefit, is often called the **"father of capitalism"** (which is about the same honor as being called the [father of holocaust](hitler.md)), although he didn't really invent capitalism, he merely supported its spread (saying he invented capitalism would be like saying [Hitler](hitler.md) invented killing) -- by the same spirit this man is to be also largely credited for the future extermination of all [life](life.md).
{ My brother who's into movies shared with me a nice example of how capitalism ruined the art of movie dubbing (which my country has a big tradition in) -- it's just one example which however reflects many other areas that got ruined and shows why we just see this huge decline of all art and craft. Back in the day (here during a non-capitalist regime) movie dubbing was done like a play, dubbing was performed scene by scene, all actors were present, they all watched the scene together, then rehersed it several times and then dubbed it together (on a single microphone); if the result wasn't satisfactory, they tried another take until they were happy. The voice actors got time, creative freedom and were interacting together -- movie dubbing from these times are excellent works of art that sometimes even elevate the original works higher. Nowadays dubbing is done by each actor separately (no interaction between actors), each one scheduled at different time, they work without rehearsal, on first take, the translation is done on tight schedule by the cheapest translator the company finds (usually some student who's doing it as a side job at nights, soon this will probably just be done by AI), the actors are tired as hell as they have to voice many movies in a single day, they are pushed to work quickly and produce as much material as possible and to keep it safe so as to not have to risk additional takes (time loss = money loss), i.e. artistic freedom completely disappears. As different performances are recorded separately, the equipment is also more expensive (there has to be minimum noise as many records will be added together, which will amplify noise, and also someone has to do the mixing etc.). So not only are these dubbing complete and absolute soulless sterile shit without any true emotion and with laughable translation errors, they are also more expensive to make. Capitalism killed the art, humiliated it and in addition made us pay more for it. ~drummyfish }
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [license hopping](license_hopping.md)
- ...
- lack of [IQ](iq.md)
- lust for [identity](identity_politics.md)
- [maximalism](maximalism.md)
- [mechanical keyboard](mechanical_keyboard.md) obsession
- [narcissism](narcissism.md)
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [object obsession](oop.md)
- obsessive [privacy](privacy.md) obsession
- [pride](pride.md)
- [productivity](productivity_cult.md)/robotization
- [retardation](retarded.md)
- [schizophrenia](schizo.md)
- [troll personality disorder](troll_personality_disorder.md)
@ -5,3 +5,5 @@
Evil is something that's in conflict with our goal, it is the opposite of [good](good.md). What's evil therefore depends on what we are trying to achieve (and how, i.e. by which means, which we may technically consider part of the goal). For example when aiming to write efficient programs, [bloated](bloat.md) languages such as [Python](python.md) and [JavaScript](javascript.md) are evil because they are in conflict with the goal, similarly to achieve [well being for everyone](less_retarded_society.md) things such as [capitalism](capitalism.md) and [proprietary](proprietary.md) software are evil and so on.
As [Richard Stallman](rms.md) says, **all evil does some good, which is never a reason to support it**. Just as any good always does a little bit of evil, the opposite also holds: for example [Facebook](facebook.md), a [corporation](corporation.md) who accelerates and largely causes downfall of civilization and kills and tortures millions of people, may on occasion help do something good, for example help people communicate during an emergency, however it is no reason to support Facebook or to stop supporting its destruction.
If we consider evil to be that which is not restrained from amoral behavior, we conclude that in a [competitive](competition.md) system (such as [capitalism](capitalism.md)) evil always wins, simply because it's always in an advantage -- evil always has all possible options at hand to choose from, the amoral ones but also including the moral ones (evil will on occasion do good if it's in its interest), unlike good which limits itself to only choosing from morally sound options. It's like having two [chess](chess.md) players, one being limited by some further rules, for example only being able to take the opponent's pieces in self defense, not being able to attack first -- it is possible the disadvantaged player will win some games, but if they keep perpetually playing games over and over and reach about the same skill level, the disadvantage will inevitably make the crippled player to eventually be losing every single game. In other words good has tied hands, in a perpetual [fight](fight_culture.md) it will always fall behind and lose in the end. The only way for evil (as a form of behavior) to be eliminated is to establish a [non competitive system](less_retarded_society.md).
@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ This place is for suggesting programming projects that will in first place serve
6. **[minesweeper](minesweeper.md)**: Implement the minesweeper game! It can be a purely command line program if you manage to render it well with ASCII art and make controls usable, but of course you can try making it GUI as well. There must be at least three difficulty levels that differ by board size and number of mines. First click must never land on a mine. The game must show the time it took to complete it, thumbs up for implementing a persistent top 3 score board that's saved to a file.
7. **arbitrary size [rational numbers](rational_number.md)**: Make a library that allows working with arbitrary size rational numbers, i.e. represent each number as a pair of numerator and denominator, the number will be automatically allocating itself as much memory as it needs for storing the two internal values. Negative numbers must be supported too. It mustn't waste too much memory, i.e. whenever it changes, it will try to simplify the fraction and, if possible, decrease its size and allocate less memory. Size of the number will only be limited by amount of RAM your program can use. Furthermore implement these operations with the numbers: converting to/from the language's native numbers (with rounding if necessary), comparisons (equal, greater, greater or equal, smaller, smaller or equal), addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and printing and/or converting the number to string (at least decimal -- if the number has infinitely many fractional digits, just cut the output somewhere).
8. **image to [ASCII art](ascii_art.md)**: Make a program that takes an RGB bitmap image and renders it with ASCII characters (i.e. prints it out to console). You can support loading the image from just one file format of your choice, possibly something simple like PPM, BMP or Farbfeld. The program must support resizing the image and it must allow to just set one dimension with keeping the aspect ratio. Thumbs up for extra features like setting brightness/contrast and so on.
9. **educational [sorting](sorting.md) visualization**: Make a program for visualizing sorting algorithms -- it may draw real graphics (either directly to the screen or by outputting animation file) or just render ASCII art graphics, but it has to clearly show what the sorting algorithm is doing, i.e. which elements are being compared, which are swapped and if it makes good sense to highlight something else (like the pivot or already sorted part of the array), you should do it. Implement at least bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort and quick sort. Also offer benchmark mode in which all algorithms race in sorting the same array (this can be without advanced visualization, just show e.g. number of steps for each).
10. **3D model of [fractal](fractal.md)**: Make a program that outputs 3D model of either Siepinski triangle or Koch snowflake fractal. The output shall be some simple 3D format like obj or Collada. The model can be primitive, i.e. it can be just flat shape made of triangles which don't have to really be connected, but the program must allow specifying the number of iterations of the fractal (during invocation, e.g. as a CLI flag). Check that the model is correct by opening it in some 3D editor such as Blender.
11. **[steganography](steganography.md)**: Make a program that hides text strings in either pictures, sounds or another text. The program must be a nice [CLI](cli.md) utility that performs both encoding and decoding -- it will allow the user to specify the string to hide (this string can be simplified to take less space, e.g. it may be converted to all caps, special characters may be removed etc.) and the data in which to embed them. The size of the string that can be encoded will of course be limited by how much space there is in the data, so you can reject or shorten the string if that's the case. The string must NOT be hidden in metadata (i.e. exif tags, file header, after the data, ...), it must be encoded in the useful data itself, i.e. in pixels of the picture, samples of the sound or characters of the text, but it mustn't be apparent that there is something hidden in the data. Use some simple technique, for example in images and sound you can often change the least significant bits without it being noticed, in text you can insert typos, hyphens, replace some periods with semicolons etc. Get creative.
12. **[sudoku](sudoku.md) solver**: Create a program to which the user somehow passes a sudoku puzzle (in a file, through a CLI flag, interactively... the choice is yours, but passing a new puzzle mustn't require program recompilation) and the program attempts to solve it. It must first employ some basic reasoning, at very least it has to repeatedly try the elimination method, i.e. marking a set of possible values in each empty square and then reducing these sets by crossing out values that can't be in that square because the same value is in its column/row/minisquare -- wherever only one value remains in the set, it is filled in as final; this has to be repeated until no more progress is being made. If you want, you can employ other techniques as well. After this if the puzzle is still not solved, the program will resort to [brute force](brute_force.md) which has to eventually lead to solution (even if it would take too long). If the program finds that the puzzle is unsolvable, it has to report it.
13. **language recognizer**: Make a program that will be able to learn and then recognize language of text it is given (in theory it should work for any kind of language, be it human or computer language). Specifically the program will first get *N* files, each one representing a different language (e.g. 5 books in different human languages), then it will take some other text and say to which of the initial *N* files it is linguistically most similar. For simplicity assume only plain ASCII files on input (you can just use some Unicode to ASCII utility on all input files). Use some simple [machine learning](machine_learning.md) technique such as some variant of k-NN. It will suffice if for each training example you construct a vector of some nice features, for example {average word length, vowel/consonant ratio, relative frequency of letter A, relative frequency of letter E, ...}, give each component some weight and then just find the nearest neighbour to the tested sample in this feature space (if you want to be more fancy, split the input files into parts so you get more training samples, then try k-NN with some convenient k). You shouldn't and CANNOT use neural networks, and of course you CANNOT use any machine learning library ;) You don't have to achieve great accuracy but your program should likely be able to quite reliably tell e.g. German from C++.
9. **[pseudorandom](pseudorandom.md) tester**: Make a command line program that will test the quality of a pseudorandom generator by reading an input of bytes and performing some statistical tests on them. You have to implement at least four of the following tests: mean value of the whole sequence, ratio of 1 and 0 bits, histogram (count of each value), chi square test, correlation of consecutive values (how much a value depends on the previous one), density plot (using ASCII art) of the bytes interpreted as [X,Y] coordinates (i.e. basically a 2D histogram), monte carlo computation of some constant such as pi (with comparison to the perfect value), interpreting part of the data as rows of pixels and drawing them (with ASCII art). Of course you may implement more fancy tests. You may impose reasonable limits in your measuring (for example you don't have to report all measures absolutely precisely, for example we don't have to know exact counts of 1 bits and 0 bits, only their approximate ratio), just make the tool usable for its purpose. Test your program on data from /dev/urandom (should conclude it's random) and some non-random data, for example some txt book from Project Gutenberg.
10. **educational [sorting](sorting.md) visualization**: Make a program for visualizing sorting algorithms -- it may draw real graphics (either directly to the screen or by outputting animation file) or just render ASCII art graphics, but it has to clearly show what the sorting algorithm is doing, i.e. which elements are being compared, which are swapped and if it makes good sense to highlight something else (like the pivot or already sorted part of the array), you should do it. Implement at least bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort and quick sort. Also offer benchmark mode in which all algorithms race in sorting the same array (this can be without advanced visualization, just show e.g. number of steps for each).
11. **3D model of [fractal](fractal.md)**: Make a program that outputs 3D model of either Siepinski triangle or Koch snowflake fractal. The output shall be some simple 3D format like obj or Collada. The model can be primitive, i.e. it can be just flat shape made of triangles which don't have to really be connected, but the program must allow specifying the number of iterations of the fractal (during invocation, e.g. as a CLI flag). Check that the model is correct by opening it in some 3D editor such as Blender.
12. **[steganography](steganography.md)**: Make a program that hides text strings in either pictures, sounds or another text. The program must be a nice [CLI](cli.md) utility that performs both encoding and decoding -- it will allow the user to specify the string to hide (this string can be simplified to take less space, e.g. it may be converted to all caps, special characters may be removed etc.) and the data in which to embed them. The size of the string that can be encoded will of course be limited by how much space there is in the data, so you can reject or shorten the string if that's the case. The string must NOT be hidden in metadata (i.e. exif tags, file header, after the data, ...), it must be encoded in the useful data itself, i.e. in pixels of the picture, samples of the sound or characters of the text, but it mustn't be apparent that there is something hidden in the data. Use some simple technique, for example in images and sound you can often change the least significant bits without it being noticed, in text you can insert typos, hyphens, replace some periods with semicolons etc. Get creative.
13. **[sudoku](sudoku.md) solver**: Create a program to which the user somehow passes a sudoku puzzle (in a file, through a CLI flag, interactively... the choice is yours, but passing a new puzzle mustn't require program recompilation) and the program attempts to solve it. It must first employ some basic reasoning, at very least it has to repeatedly try the elimination method, i.e. marking a set of possible values in each empty square and then reducing these sets by crossing out values that can't be in that square because the same value is in its column/row/minisquare -- wherever only one value remains in the set, it is filled in as final; this has to be repeated until no more progress is being made. If you want, you can employ other techniques as well. After this if the puzzle is still not solved, the program will resort to [brute force](brute_force.md) which has to eventually lead to solution (even if it would take too long). If the program finds that the puzzle is unsolvable, it has to report it.
14. **language recognizer**: Make a program that will be able to learn and then recognize language of text it is given (in theory it should work for any kind of language, be it human or computer language). Specifically the program will first get *N* files, each one representing a different language (e.g. 5 books in different human languages), then it will take some other text and say to which of the initial *N* files it is linguistically most similar. For simplicity assume only plain ASCII files on input (you can just use some Unicode to ASCII utility on all input files). Use some simple [machine learning](machine_learning.md) technique such as some variant of k-NN. It will suffice if for each training example you construct a vector of some nice features, for example {average word length, vowel/consonant ratio, relative frequency of letter A, relative frequency of letter E, ...}, give each component some weight and then just find the nearest neighbour to the tested sample in this feature space (if you want to be more fancy, split the input files into parts so you get more training samples, then try k-NN with some convenient k). You shouldn't and CANNOT use neural networks, and of course you CANNOT use any machine learning library ;) You don't have to achieve great accuracy but your program should likely be able to quite reliably tell e.g. German from C++.
### Level 3: Hard, *Ultra Violence*
@ -192,7 +193,9 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
89. We know that an [ellipse](ellipse.md) is a set of points in 2D plane that have constant sum of [distances](distance.md) to some two given points that are called *focal points*. What if we instead consider a taxicab distance (computed as distance alongside X axis plus distance alongside Y axis)? Consider the constant sum of distances to always be set higher than the taxicab distance of the two focal points. What shape will we get? Just describe the shape and intuitively show why it looks like that.
90. What does [Turing tarpit](turing_tarpit.md) mean?
91. =fgtnmtg qlcowj jakju lm vglcnr gjv dm gocl gjv qk vcjU
92. Did you enjoy this quiz?
92. Please solve the following inequality: *sin(2 * x) / (2 - 2 * sin^2(x)) - log2(1 / 8^(-1/3)) >= 0*, mathematically write exactly which values of *x* will satisfy it. Don't use calculator, ok? But you can look up goniometric formulas etc.
93. Given continuous differentiable function *f(x)*, derive the formula for computing the length of the curve of the function graph on interval *[x1,x2]*. No need to provide 100% formal proofs, you can use intuition as long as you get the correct formula and show it works on a few examples. For example the length of the graph of function *f(x) = x* on interval *[0,1]* will be *sqrt(2)* (holds from Pythagorean theorem). Compute the length of curve of the graph of *f(x) = sin(x)* on interval *[0,2 * pi]*.
94. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -287,7 +290,10 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
89. Kind of octagon but with unevenly long sides; a rectangle with bevelled corners, i.e. two horizontal sides, two vertical sides, two 45 degree walls and two 135 degree walls. We can imagine taxicab distance from given point like sort of a diamond, it creates 4 quadrants around the point, in each the distance increases linearly in diagonal direction -- regions of constant distance here form 45 degree angled squares. Boundaries between these quadrants form a cross of infinite size. Taking two different points these two crosses will overlap and form 9 regions (draw it): top-left, top-middle, top-right, middle-left etc. Examining each of the regions we will find that it either keeps the increasing direction the same (if both overlaid directions are the same) or that some principal direction cancels out and leave the sum increasing only in one principal direction -- basically we find that in each of those regions the sum increases linearly in one of 8 directions separated by 45 degrees (except for the middle region where the sum is constant). It's also clear the heightmap has to stay continuous as both of the summed functions are continuous. From all this we can deduce the shape basically.
90. It's a [Turing complete](turing_complete.md) system (typically a [programming language](programming_language.md)) that's however extremely hard to use for any practical programming, i.e. it can be seen as a programming language in which it is theoretically possible to program anything (anything programmable in any other language) but practically it's impossible to program anything significant because of the complicated nature of that language. This terms is related to [esoteric languages](esolang.md).
91. [Earth](earth.md) or jvpcG. The cipher reverses the ASCII string and xors every byte (that's not a space) with 0x02 (i.e. flips the second lowest bit) -- don't bitch too much about this being too arbitrary, you can notice the string is reversed by the last character being uppercase and the first one being special char (?), then you can kind of recognize the words as the encoded chars are close to their decoded versions and the lengths of the words also hint on the words (for example a question is quite likely to start with "What").
92. yes
92. Let's simplify the left-hand side: *sin(2 * x) / (2 - 2 * sin^2(x)) - log2(1 / 8^(-1/3)) = 2 * sin(x) * cos(x) / (2 * (1 - sin^2(x))) - log2(8^1/3) = 2 * sin(x) * cos(x) / (2 * cos^2(x)) - log2(2) =
sin(x) / cos(x) - log2(2) = tg(x) - 1*, so we get *tg(x) >= 1*. So that will hold when *pi/4 + pi * n <= x < pi/2 + pi * n*, *n* is an integer.
93. Considering an infinitely small non-zero interval *dx*, and the graph height increase over this interval *dy*, the distance increase (from Pythagorean theorem) on this interval will be *sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)*. We can replace *dy* by *tan(alpha) * dx*. By definition tangent of the function's angle at a certain point is its derivative, so we can also replace *tan(alpha)* by derivative of the function, *f'(x)*. So we get length increase *sqrt(dx^2 + f'(x)^2 * dx^2) = sqrt(dx^2 * (1 + f'(x)^2)) = dx * sqrt(1 + f'(x)^2)*. Now to add infinitely many values over infinitely small intervals we use integrals, so to add all these small length increases we can write the final formula: *length(x1,x2) = Integral(x1,x2) sqrt(1 + f'(x)^2) dx*. Testing this on *f(x) = x* from 0 to 1 we get the expected *length(0,1) = Integral(0,1) sqrt(1 + 1^2) dx = sqrt(2)*. For *f(x) = sin(x)* from 0 to *2 * pi* we get *length(0,2 * pi) = Integral(0,2 * pi) sqrt(1 + cos^2(x)) dx ~= 7.64*, which seems about right (it's a bit more than 2 * pi).
94. yes
## Other
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Feminism, also feminazism or femifascism, is a [fascist](fascism.md) [terrorist]
A quite nice article on feminism can also be found on the [incel](incel.md) wiki at https://incels.wiki/w/Feminism. { A friend also recommended a text called *Counter-Advice From The Third Sex*, possibly check it out. ~drummyfish }
If anything's clear, then that feminism is not at all about gender equality but about hatred towards men and female superiority. Firstly feminism is not called *gender equality movement* but *feminism*, i.e. for-female, literally "womanism", and as we know, [name plays a huge role](name_is_important.md). Imagine this: if you asked feminists if they could right now implement matriarchy in society, i.e. female ruling over man, how many of them do you think would answer "no"? There is not even a shadow of a doubt a vast majority would absolutely answer "yes", we may at best argue about if it would be 85% or 99% of them. So the question of feminist goals is absolutely clearly answered, there is no point in trying to deny it. To a feminist a man is what a [jew](jew.md) was to the Nazi or what the Christian was to the Romans who famously hunted Christians down and fed them to the lions because they refused to bow to their polytheist ideology (nowadays analogous to e.g. refusing to practice [political correctness](political_correctness.md)). The whole story is repeated again, we have yet again not learned a bit from our [history](history.md). Indeed, women have historically been oppressed and needed support, but once women reach social equality -- which has basically already happened a long time ago now -- feminist movement will, if only by [social inertia](social_inertia.md), keep pursuing more advantages for women (what else should a movement called *feminism* do?), i.e. at this point the new goal has already become female superiority. In the age of capital no one is going to just dissolve a movement because it has already reached its goal, such a movement present political capital one will simply not throw out of window, so feminists will forever keep saying they're being oppressed and will forever keep inventing new bullshit issues to keep [fighting](fight_culture.md). Note for example that feminists care about things such as wage gap but of course absolutely don't give a damn about opposite direction inequality, such as men dying on average much younger than women etc. -- feminism cares about women, not equality. If the wage gap became reversed, i.e. women earned on average more than men, do you think a Feminist wouldn't be happy? No answer is needed. And of course, when men establish "men rights" movements, suddenly feminists see those as "fascist", "toxic" and "violent" and try to destroy such movements.
If anything's clear, then that feminism is not at all about gender equality but about hatred towards men and female superiority. Firstly feminism is not called *gender equality movement* but *feminism*, i.e. for-female, literally "womanism", and as we know, [name plays a huge role](name_is_important.md). Imagine this: if you asked feminists if they could right now implement matriarchy in society, i.e. female ruling over man, how many of them do you think would answer "no"? There is not even a shadow of a doubt a vast majority would absolutely answer "yes", we may at best argue about if it would be 85% or 99% of them. So the question of feminist goals is absolutely clearly answered, there is no point in trying to deny it. To a feminist a man is what a [jew](jew.md) was to the Nazi or what the Christian was to the Romans who famously hunted Christians down and fed them to the lions because they refused to bow to their polytheist ideology (nowadays analogous to e.g. refusing to practice [political correctness](political_correctness.md)). The whole story is repeated again, we have yet again not learned a bit from our [history](history.md). Feminism is exactly the same as [Nazism](nazism.md), just replace "Aryan race" with "woman gender", "jew" with "man" and Nazi uniforms with pink hair. Indeed, women have historically been oppressed and needed support, but once women reach social equality -- which has basically already happened a long time ago now -- feminist movement will, if only by [social inertia](social_inertia.md), keep pursuing more advantages for women (what else should a movement called *feminism* do?), i.e. at this point the new goal has already become female superiority. In the age of capital no one is going to just dissolve a movement because it has already reached its goal, such a movement present political capital one will simply not throw out of window, so feminists will forever keep saying they're being oppressed and will forever keep inventing new bullshit issues to keep [fighting](fight_culture.md). Note for example that feminists care about things such as wage gap but of course absolutely don't give a damn about opposite direction inequality, such as men dying on average much younger than women etc. -- feminism cares about women, not equality. If the wage gap became reversed, i.e. women earned on average more than men, do you think a Feminist wouldn't be happy? No answer is needed. And of course, when men establish "men rights" movements, suddenly feminists see those as "fascist", "toxic" and "violent" and try to destroy such movements.
Closing gaps is not how you achieve equality -- on the contrary it's only how you stir up hostility and physically reshape women into men (by closing the height gap, boob size gap, penis length gap, brain size gap and any kind of gap that may potentially have any significance in sports, art or culture at all). [Making gaps not matter](less_retarded_society.md) is how you truly achieve equality. but Feminists won't go that way exactly because they are against equality.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# John Carmack
John Carmack is a brilliant legendary programmer that's contributed mostly to [computer graphics](graphics.md) and stands behind engines of such [games](game.md) as [Doom](doom.md), [Wolfenstein](wolf3D.md) and [Quake](quake.md). He helped pioneer real-time 3D graphics, created many [hacks](hack.md) and [algorithms](algorithm.md) (e.g. the reverse shadow volume algorithm). He is also a rocket [engineer](engineer.md).
John Carmack (born 1970 in Kansas, [US](usa.md)) is a brilliant legendary programmer that's contributed mostly to [computer graphics](graphics.md) and stands behind engines of such [games](game.md) as [Doom](doom.md), [Wolfenstein](wolf3D.md) and [Quake](quake.md). He helped pioneer real-time 3D graphics, created many [hacks](hack.md) and [algorithms](algorithm.md) (e.g. the reverse shadow volume algorithm). He is also a rocket [engineer](engineer.md). He had some trouble with law as a young and dropped out of university.
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ He's kind of the ridiculously stereotypical [nerd](nerd.md) with glasses that ju
Carmack is a proponent of [FOSS](foss.md) and has released his old game engines as such which gave rise to an enormous amount of modifications, forked engines and even new games (e.g. [Freedoom](freedoom.md) and [Xonotic](xonotic.md)). He's probably leaning more towards the dark side of the source: the [open-source](open_source.md). In 2021 Carmack tweeted that he would have rather licensed his old Id engines under a permissive BSD [license](license.md) than the [GPL](gpl.md), which is good.
In 2013 he sadly sold his soul to [Facebook](facebook.md) to work on [VR](vr.md) (in a Facebook owned company Oculus).
In 2013 he sadly sold his soul to [Facebook](facebook.md) to work on [VR](vr.md) (in a Facebook owned company Oculus). Sometimes he is sadly not so based -- in one interview he admitted he was an "amoral little jerk" as a kid, but he probably kept a bit of that amorality still as he in general supports [business](business.md), in the 90s even praised some things about Microsoft [Windows](windows.md) etc., not very cool. But he's an [american](usa.md) after all, so what would you expect.
@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ Apart from this software a lot of other software developed by other people and g
Other potentially LRS software to check out may include [TinyGL](tinygl.md), [scc](scc.md), [ed](ed.md), [IBNIZ](ibniz.md), [lynx](lynx.md), [links](links.md), [tcl](tcl.md), [uClibc](uclibc.md), [miniz](miniz.md), [Lua](lua.md), [nuklear](nuklear.md), [dmenu](dmenu.md), [sbase](sbase.md), [sic](sic.md), [tabbed](tabbed.md), [svkbd](svkbd.md), [busybox](busybox.md), [darcs](darcs.md), [raylib](raylib.md), [IRC](irc.md), [PortableGL](portablegl.md), [3dmr](3dmr.md), [openbsd](openbsd.md), [mtpaint](mtpaint.md) and others.
Another idea: **search for very old versions of "[modern](modern.md)" FOSS software**, from the times before things like [CMake](cmake.md), [Python](python.md) and [QT](qt.md) got popular (or even existed) -- many such projects got bloated with time, but their earlier versions may have been more aligned with LRS. You can get the old source code, it's present either in the git, on the project's website, on Internet Archive etc., compiling it should probably be much easier than compiling the "modern" version. This won't help with things like web browsers (as it won't understand the new formats and protocols), but will be fine text editors, drawing programs, 3D editors, games etc. You can also [fork](fork.md) the old version and make it a little better, customize it or publicly turn it into a new program, helping the whole world.
It is also possible to talk about LRS data formats, [protocols](protocol.md), standards, designs and concepts as such etc. These might include:
- **[ASCII](ascii.md)**: Text encoding.
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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and can many times be used interchang
- **[branchless](branchless.md) programming** vs **ifless programming**
- **[brute force](brute_force.md)** vs **[heuristic search](heuristic_search.md)**
- **[bug](bug.md)** vs **[glitch](glitch.md)** vs **[error](error.md)** vs **[exception](exception.md)** vs **[fault](fault.md)** vs **[failure](fail.md)** vs **[defect](defect.md)**
- **[cache](cache.md)** vs **[cash](money.md)**
- **[causation](causation.md)** vs **[correlation](correlation.md)**
- **[cepstrum](cepstrum.md)** vs **[spectrum](spectrum.md)**
- **[chaos](chaos.md)** vs **[randomness](random.md)** vs **[pseudorandomness](pseudorandom.md)** vs **[entropy](entropy.md)** vs **[statistics](statistics.md)** vs **[probability](probability.md)** vs **[stochasticity](stochastic.md)**
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and can many times be used interchang
- **[free software](free_software.md)** vs **[open source](open_source.md)** vs **[public domain](public_domain.md)** vs **[source available](source_available.md)** vs **[freeware](freeware.md)**
- **[geek](geek.md)** vs **[nerd](nerd.md)**
- **[GNU](gnu.md)/Linux** vs **[Linux](linux.md)**
- **[goniometry](goniometry.md)** vs **[trigonometry](trigonometry.md)**
- **[gradient noise](gradient_noise.md)** vs **[value noise](value_noise.md)**
- **[hyperlink](hyperlink.md)** vs **[link](link.md)** vs **[URI](uri.md)** vs **[URL](url.md)**
- **[ID](id.md)** vs **[token](token.md)** vs **[hash](hash.md)** vs **[handle](handle.md)** vs **[identifier](identifier.md)**
@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and can many times be used interchang
- **main [memory](memory.md)** vs **working memory** vs **[RAM](ram.md)**
- **[mass](mass.md)** vs **[weight](weight.md)**
- **[method](method.md)** vs **[methodology](methodology.md)**
- **[mod](mod.md)** vs **[mode](mode.md)**
- **[modem](modem.md)** vs **[router](router.md)** vs **[switch](switch.md)**
- **[multisampling](multisampling.md)** vs **[supersampling](supersampling.md)**
- **[nationalism](nationalism.md)** vs **[patriotism](patriotism.md)**
@ -37,3 +37,11 @@ The pedophile witch hunt exists because it is a great political tool. It is an a
Defending pedophilia in itself is enough to be cancelled, perhaps even imprisoned or killed by the angry mob, however it is the morally right thing to always say the truth -- especially that which is being censored. Therefore we mustn't remain silent about this issue.
2024 UPDATE: It seems like LGBT terrorists are realizing that absolute majority of people are attracted to pre-18 people and it seems they are starting a kind of reshape of their opinions to accept the "minority attracted"/hebephiles, though this is in extremely early stages now. This is no enlightened thinking on their part, it's a purely strategic political move of by now a purely political movement which simply foresees forming of a strong minority they don't want to stand against, so they are plotting to embrace them and separate them from the rest of pedophiles whom they will continue to bully. Do not fall for the trick.
## See Also
- [witch hunt](witch_hunt.md)
- [jailbait](jailbait.md)
- [loli](loli.md)
- [necrophilia](necrophilia.md)
- [zoophilia](zoophilia.md)
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Load diff
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Shit is something that's awfully bad. [Unicode](unicode.md) for pile of shit is
*Are you looking for this?*
Some **things that are shit** include [systemd](systemd.md), [capitalism](capitalism.md), [Feminism](feminism.md), [Windows](windows.md), [Linux](linux.md), [Plan9](plan9.md), [OOP](oop.md), [LGBT](lgbt.md), [security](security.md), [encryption](encryption.md), [military](military.md), [laws](law.md), [liberalism](liberalism.md), [USA](usa.md), [money](money.md), [cryptocurrencies](crypto.md) and many more.
Some **things that are shit** include [systemd](systemd.md), [capitalism](capitalism.md), [feminism](feminism.md), [Windows](windows.md), [Linux](linux.md), [Plan9](plan9.md), [OOP](oop.md), [LGBT](lgbt.md), [security](security.md), [encryption](encryption.md), [military](military.md), [laws](law.md), [liberalism](liberalism.md), [USA](usa.md), [money](money.md), [cryptocurrencies](crypto.md) and many more.
## See Also
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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 580
- number of commits: 810
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3852675
- total number of lines of article texts: 29424
- number of commits: 811
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3854318
- total number of lines of article texts: 29436
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 86
@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ longest articles:
- [game](game.md): 32K
- [history](history.md): 32K
- [main](main.md): 32K
- [optimization](optimization.md): 28K
- [pseudorandomness](pseudorandomness.md): 28K
- [optimization](optimization.md): 28K
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2207)
- which (2208)
- there (1674)
- people (1469)
- example (1229)
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- being (730)
- simple (703)
- things (702)
- something (686)
- something (688)
- without (664)
- programming (654)
- function (653)
- programming (652)
- however (620)
- these (619)
- different (617)
@ -67,28 +67,36 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- doesn (549)
- games (541)
- point (540)
- society (536)
- society (539)
- though (511)
- while (506)
- while (507)
- drummyfish (503)
- using (498)
- memory (498)
- still (485)
- possible (480)
- technology (479)
- similar (478)
- possible (477)
- course (477)
- simply (468)
- https (456)
- really (431)
- value (428)
- extremely (423)
- always (421)
- always (422)
- actually (421)
latest changes:
Date: Tue May 28 21:17:58 2024 +0200
Date: Mon May 27 22:48:10 2024 +0200
@ -114,18 +122,6 @@ Date: Sat May 25 21:44:26 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -171,10 +167,10 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [free_culture](free_culture.md) (80)
- [fun](fun.md) (78)
- [math](math.md) (76)
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md) (75)
- [foss](foss.md) (75)
- [censorship](censorship.md) (75)
- [public_domain](public_domain.md) (74)
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md) (74)
- [hacking](hacking.md) (73)
- [fight_culture](fight_culture.md) (73)
- [bullshit](bullshit.md) (73)
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ These are some sources you can use for research and gathering information for ar
- [reddit](reddit.md): Sadly another SJW swamp of retards, however with many subcommunities almost about everything, if you have a question you can't find anywhere there is usually a subreddit where you can ask, if you dare.
- Try searching with different search engines than just Google (wiby, marginalia, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo, Internet Archive, ...).
- **old magazines**: If you can get your hands on old magazines somehow (physical, pdf, ...) about computers, cell phones, games etc., you may get a nice source of a lot of interesting, obscure and lost information. For example on the web it's impossible to find a good list of old games -- if you search for "top 50 old games", you get a list of complete shit games from 2015, which is now considered "old"; it's much better you get some old game magazine from say 2005 that lists top 50 games at the time. Furthermore these magazines are professionally made and actually [older](old.md), i.e. of better quality. You may also find nice gems, predictions of the future, politically incorrect articles etc.
- **4chan archives**: There are some cool 4chan archives with search features, it can bring up interesting discussions on obscure topics you wouldn't find otherwise.
- **Non-web**: When web fails, you can search the [darknet](darknet.md), [gopher](gopher.md), [gemini](gemini.md), [usenet](usenet.md), [tor](tor.md) etc.
- ...
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ also https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Woman :D
- Don't try to be an imperfect man. Be a perfect woman.
- ...
{ Please, PLEASE show me a truly based woman and I'll unironically mention her here with an apology. I want to see her, I want them to exist, I'm hoping this article may even "motivate" some girls to become based and prove me wrong, at least by being a very rare exception. But remember, she has to be really, really based, so based that what she does would be LRS-kind of based even if she was a man, okay? Basically it would have to be something like an antifeminist, anti LGBT but pacifist anarchist girl who does charity sex for fun (while not being a complete landwhale), makes selfless public domain porn and programs minimalist CC0 software in C or something, and also mustn't wear any makeup or have any tattoos. If it's not close to this ideal, don't even mention her. ~drummyfish }
## Men Vs Women In Numbers
Here is a comparison of men and women in numbers that are still possible to be found in already highly censored sources. Of course, the numbers aren't necessarily absolutely up to date, at the time or reading they may be slightly outdated, also keep in mind that in the future such comparisons may become much less objective due to [SJW](sjw.md) forces -- e.g. because of [trans](tranny.md) athletes in sports we may see diminishing differences between measurements of performance of men and "women" because what in the future will be called women will be just men pretending to be women.
@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ Currently there are visions of so called **"[web 3](web3.md)"** which should be
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