This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-09-22 01:02:44 +02:00
parent 8604bfc7c0
commit fb848d51f1
16 changed files with 1947 additions and 1855 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
To most people anal beads are just sex toys they stick in their butts, however anal beads with with remotely controlled vibration can also serve as a well hideen one-way communication device. Use of an anal bead for cheating in [chess]( has been the topic of a great cheat scandal in 2022 (Niemann vs Carlsen).
{ Still not as intense as [women]( chess where recently some bitch poisoned her opponent's lipstick :D ~drummyfish }
## See Also
- [dongcopter]( (trollish flying penis)

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@ -30,5 +30,6 @@ When Bill Gates and [Steve Jobs]( saw how enormously rich they got
## See Also
- [voldemort](
- [beelzebub](
- [hitler](
- [biotrash](

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@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Read two 0-9 numbers (as ASCII digits) and add them:
## Variants
Brainfuck became an inspiration to a plethora of derivative languages (esolang wiki currently lists over 700) many of which pay homage to their ancestor by including the word *fuck* in the name. Oftentimes we see extensions adding new features or languages that just translate to Brainfuck, i.e. are defined in terms of Brainfuck. Some of notable Brainfuck derivatives include: Fuck (only has a single memory cell), Brainfork (adds [multithreading]( with new command `Y`), [Unary]( (program source code only uses one character, compiled to BF), Mierda (just replaces the commands with Spanish words), Brainfuck++, Agony etc.
## Making Brainfuck Usable: Defining Macrofucker

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
- **need for extremely complex market control and laws, burdening society**: As corporations are absolutely unethical and pursue evil goals such as enslaving workers and abuse of consumers, there have to be an extremely complex set of constantly evolving laws and bureaucracy just to somehow "make corporations behave". However laws are imperfect and corporations work 24/7 on bypassing them as well as on attacking and eliminating the laws themselves via lobbyist etc. This creates a constant, extremely expensive legal war-like game in which everyone has to take part, which is completely arbitrary and unnecessary and which eventually corporations will likely win.
- **uncontrolled growth**: Capitalism is likened to [cancer]( as it requires a constant uncontrolled growth which on a planet of limited resources inevitably leads to a catastrophic scenario.
- **hyperspecialization, loss of self sufficiency**: Entities (people, cities, companies, states, ...) lose self sufficiency as they hyperspecialize in some task and in everything else rely on someone else. This complete dependence creates slavery and danger -- in an event of a blackout for example people cannot survive as they cannot make their own food, they can't repair their basic tools etc.
- **loss of humanity, human values, virtues, good relationships and higher goals**: In capitalism humans are just [consumers](, machines for production and "resources" -- corporations now routinely use these terms (*human resources department* etc.). People are brainwashed to no longer even see it as concerning to be called such terms. People's worth is only in how much they can work or consume. ALL things become a matter or business and competition, both economically and psychologically -- even romantic love becomes more akin a business partnership, people sign contracts before marriage and with any material hardship divorce comes inevitably, calculation prevails over feelings and it's seen as a completely normal thing. **Truth itself is destroyed in capitalism**, information and public opinion become so valuable to business that truth is something that gets sold by "[scientists](", [marketing]( and public media propaganda, whatever "fact" a politician needs to be true, he can make it so just by paying money. All information gets highly distorted by business -- for example news will always keep exaggerating warnings about various threats to keep people watching; if for example you warn about giant floods and urge people to stay alert, they will keep watching the news in fear (see also [fear culture]( Then of course you can never be sure how serious an announced threat is, when it gets real people may ignore it as just another false warning. All in all truth gets lost, no one can be trusted and people become paranoid, "conspiracy theories" flourish because science has sold itself like a whore and there is no one to trust, gone are the times when people had higher shared goals such as exploration, creation of art, want of seeking the truth, when a science authority or newspaper could be trusted because one might rely on scientists and journalists to have at least some virtues and love for their craft. A science authority or famous journalist is nowadays just an expensive prostitute.
- **loss of humanity, human values, virtues, good relationships and higher goals**: In capitalism humans are just [consumers](, machines for production and "resources" -- corporations now routinely use these terms (*human resources department* etc.). People are brainwashed to no longer even see it as concerning to be called such terms. People's worth is only in how much they can work or consume. ALL things become a matter or business and competition, both economically and psychologically -- even romantic love becomes more akin a business partnership, people sign contracts before marriage and with any material hardship divorce comes inevitably, calculation prevails over feelings and it's seen as a completely normal thing. **Truth itself is destroyed in capitalism**, information and public opinion become so valuable to business that truth is something that gets sold by "[scientists](", [marketing]( and public media propaganda, whatever "fact" a politician needs to be true, he can make it so just by paying money. All information gets highly distorted by business -- for example news will always keep exaggerating warnings about various threats to keep people watching; if for example you warn about giant floods and urge people to stay alert, they will keep watching the news in fear (see also [fear culture]( Then of course you can never be sure how serious an announced threat is, when it gets real people may ignore it as just another false warning. In capitalism you simply can't trust anyone because everyone is your enemy and the only reason for anyone to provide you information is to manipulate you -- just like no one is going to give you free money, no one is going to tell you the truth to help you, giving you information is always an investment from the other party with the aim to abuse you. All in all truth gets lost, no one can be trusted but one's own research and people become paranoid, "conspiracy theories" flourish because science has sold itself like a whore and there is no one to trust, gone are the times when people had higher shared goals such as exploration, creation of art, humanity, want of seeking the truth, when a science authority or newspaper could be trusted because one might rely on scientists and journalists to have at least some virtues and love for their craft. A science authority or famous journalist is nowadays just an expensive prostitute.
- **abuse of animals**: In capitalism animals are just products and resources, they are kept in very bad conditions just to be killed for meat or other purpose. They are slaughtered by millions just so we can overeat to morbid obesity. Maximizing profit dictates no money should be spent on animal comfort.
- **[productivity cult](**: People are brainwashed and forced into becoming robots whose sole purpose is to produce. Working overtimes, skipping lunch, minimizing sleep etc. has already become part of the work culture for example in USA and Japan.
- **financial crises**: Crises are as regular and certain in capitalism as rain is in the nature, and possibly much more unpredictable; every crisis hurts everyone but the strongest corporations, whom it in turn makes stronger. People become poorer and great many small and mid-size businesses, i.e. potential competition to the big guys, either die to a bankrupt or are forced to let themselves be devoured by the big guys. This further accelerated the scissors effect, making poor poorer (i.e. better abusable) and rich richer. This is also yet another reason why the small "good guy"/"not only for profit" companies always lose, they simply refuse to steal the food of others to eat themselves obese before a famine and so they will die during the next famine or the next or the one after it. Only the bad guys survive many series of crises.

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@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS, pls send me more tips :)
- Be annoying and offensive in chat, if opponent blunders write `gg`, spam `ez` when you win. If he wins say it was a shit game and accuse him of [cheating](
- Constantly ask for takebacks, offer draws, report legit opponents for cheating and offensive behavior.
- ...
- Play the bongcloud, fool's mate, 1. h3 or similar offensive opening, especially against a stronger player. Offer a draw after 1st move. Just play knight F3 and back constantly. Castle manually even if you don't have to. Play the exact mirror of opponent's moves -- if he tries to break it then just always try to get back to mirrored position.
- Play the bongcloud, fool's mate, 1. h3 or similar offensive opening, especially against a stronger player. Offer a draw after 1st move. Just play knight F3 and back constantly. Castle manually even if you don't have to. Play the exact mirror of opponent's moves -- if he tries to break it then just always try to get back to mirrored position or do some similar shit.
- When losing constantly offer draws, prolong the game AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, before the very last move just let the clock run out.
- Repeatedly try to make swastikas on the board, especially against colored opponents.
- Underpromote pawns e.g. to knights or bishops.
- When playing a noob, don't just mate him but absolutely rape him, promote all pawns to knights before winning, then say you didn't even have to try and that he should look into another game as chess is clearly not his game.
- Underpromote pawns to knights or bishops.
- When playing a noob don't just mate him but absolutely rape him, promote all pawns to knights before winning, then say you didn't even have to try and that he should look into another game as chess is clearly not his game. Research humiliating play: for example GM Aman Hambleton demonstrated on stream a so called *reset checkmate* in which one promotes all pawns so as to have the original back rank men and then delivers a checkmate by placing the men in the original starting position (furthermore he did this by premoving it all which adds to the humiliation).
- Look up chess etiquette and do the exact opposite of what it says.
- ...
@ -304,4 +304,4 @@ Chess is only mildly [bloated]( but what if we try to unbloat it comple
- [Catan](
- [Deep Blue](
- [stockfish](
- [anal bead](
- [anal bead](

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@ -33,4 +33,5 @@ Dog is the symbol of [cynics](
- [whale](
- [dogma](, aka a man's second best friend
- [cynicism](
- [pepe](
- [pepe](
- [robotfindskitten](

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Some **[interesting]( things** about Doom:
- Someone created a Doom system monitor for [Unix]( systems called [psDooM]( where the monsters in game are the operating system [processes]( and killing the monsters kills the processes.
- In 2024 some researchers made an experimental completely [neural network]( [AI]( game engine (called GameNGen) and implemented Doom with it -- basically they just made the network play Doom for a long time and so trained it to estimate the next frame from current input and a few previous frames. It can be played at 20+ FPS and looks a lot like Doom but it's also "weird", glitching, and having little persistence (it only remembers a few seconds back). Still pretty impressive.
- The Crispy Doom engine adds `GOOBERS` cheat code which makes all all floor and ceilings the same height, effectively making the game a flat wolf3d-style game.
- Someone (kgsws) has been [hacking]( the ORIGINAL Doom engine in an impressive way WITHOUT modifying the source code or the binary, rather using [arbitrary code execution]( bug; he added very advanced features known from newer source ports, for example an improved 3D rendering algorithms allowing geometry above geometry etc. (see e.g. It's called the Ace engine.
- Doom sprites were made from photos of physical things: weapons are modified photos of toys, enemies were made from clay and then photographed from multiple angles (actually a great alternative to [3D modeling]( that's less dependent on computers and produces more realistic results).
- The strongest weapon in the game is name BFG9000, which stands for "big fucking gun".
@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ The **Doom engine** (also called *id Tech 1*) was revolutionary and advanced (no
The game data is stored in so called **WAD files** (short for *where's all the data*). While many things are hardcoded in the engine, such as the total number of levels or types of weapons, most other things such as textures, levels, color palettes, weapons and enemy sprites are in the WAD files and so can be replaced without having to mess with the engine itself. There are two types of WAD files (both however still come with the same .wad extension, they are distinguished only by the file magic number): IWAD (internal WAD) and PWAD ([patch]( WAD). IWAD is the most important one, representing the base game, so for example Doom, Hexen and Freedoom will all have their own specific IWAD. Only one IWAD is loaded at any time. PWAD allows to add or modify things in the IWAD which makes it possible to easily correct bugs in the game data and make mods. Unlike with IWADs, multiple PWADs can be loaded at any time -- when loaded, a resource that's present in the PWAD will override the same resource in the base IWAD. All resources in the WAD files are stored as so called *lumps* which we may simply see as "blobs of data" or "files". A nice [CLI]( tool for working with WADs is e.g. [deutex](
Doom WAD (full version) is a bit over 11 MB in size (MD5 1cd63c5ddff1bf8ce844237f580e9cf3), Doom 2 WAD is over 14 MB (MD5 25e1459ca71d321525f84628f45ca8cd).
Indexed ([palette]( mode with "only" 256 colors was used for rendering. Precomputed color tables were used to make dimming of colors faster. Similarly a [look up table]( was used for [random number generation]( -- two independent [pseudorandom]( generators are present, one is used for things such as visual effects while the other one is utilized purely for the game simulation so that it stays deterministic independently on graphics etc.
Doom also has a [deterministic]( [FPS]( physics which allows for efficient recording of [demos]( of its gameplay and creating [tool assisted speedruns](, i.e. the time step of game simulation is fixed (35 tics per second). Such demos can be played back in high quality while being minuscule in size and help us in many other ways, for example for verifying validity of [speedruns]( This is very nice and serves as an example of a well written engine (unlike later engines from the same creators, e.g. those of [Quake]( games which lacked this feature -- here we can see how things get progressively shittier in computer technology as we go forward in time).
@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ There is no [antialiasing]( in the engine, i.e. aliasing can be
- [Anarch](
- [Duke 3D](
- [Wolf 3D](
- [Gloom]( (fun [Amiga]( Doom clone)
- [Quake](
- [Postal](
@ -59,4 +63,5 @@ There is no [antialiasing]( in the engine, i.e. aliasing can be
- [Build engine](
- [Chasm: The Rift](
- [raycasting](
- [Doomer](
- [Doomer](
- [Boomer](

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@ -69,6 +69,81 @@ There exist also [compression]( techniques based on fractals, see
There also exist such things as fractal antennas and fractal transistors.
## Example
Here is [C]( code that draws one of the super simple fractals: Sierpinski triangle:
#include <stdio.h>
char sierpinski(int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (x >= w/2 && y < h/2)
return ' ';
if (w <= 1 || h <= 1)
return 'H';
return sierpinski(x % (w/2),y % (h/2),w/2,h/2);
int main(void)
#define W 32
#define H 32
for (int y = 0; y < W; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < H; ++x)
char c = sierpinski(x,y,W,H);
putchar(c); putchar(c);
return 0;
which outputs:
## See Also
- [Lissajous curve](

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Not to be [confused]( with [soyence](*.
Science (from Latin *scientia*, knowledge or understanding) in a wide sense means systematic gathering, inference and organization of knowledge, in a more strict, "western" sense this process has to be kept rational by obeying some specific strict rules and adhering to whatever principles of objectivity are currently set: nowadays for example the [scientific method]( or mathematical [proof]( Sciences in the strict sense include [mathematics]( (so called formal science), [physics](, biology, chemistry, [computer science](, as well as "soft sciences" such as [psychology](, sociology etc. **The beauty of science is you don't have to trust anyone**: science is just about discovering ideas that work, ideas which anyone can verify himself at home, so there is no place for preachers, reviewers, judges of "trustworthiness" or "credibility"; people do not matter at all in science, only ideas do. For this science must not be [confused]( not only with [pseudoscience]( (such as [numerology]( or [astrology]( but especially with **[soyence](** (political propaganda masked as "science", e.g. [gender studies](, sponsored "science" of big pharma etc.) -- it must be remembered that **when science can no longer be questioned, it seizes to be science**, as asking questions and examining EVERYTHING are the very basic premises of a true science: this means that anything prohibited to be questioned, by law or [otherwise]( (e.g. by [cancel culture](, such as the [Holocaust]( (forbidden to be denied in many countries such as Germany), [COVID]( vaccines, [racial]( differences (prohibited on grounds of "[hate speech](") and similar topics CANNOT be seen as scientifically established, but rather politically established. Any shift towards establishing principles of trust, belief and "[moderation](", such as nowadays standard [peer censorship](, turns science into religion. As with everything once science becomes politically valuable, it will be seized by politicians -- in the [capitalist]( age the *science* sticker presents a brand and therefore capital; this capital if of course not just left lying around, politicians and businessmen take over it, and so the [21st century]( definition of science is made by politicians, not scientists.
Science (from Latin *scientia*, knowledge or understanding) in a wide sense means systematic gathering, inference and organization of knowledge, in a more strict, "western" sense this process has to be kept "reasonably rational" by obeying some specific strict rules and adhering to whatever principles of objectivity are currently set: nowadays for example the [scientific method]( or mathematical [proof]( Sciences in the strict sense include [mathematics]( (so called formal science), [physics](, biology, chemistry, [computer science](, as well as "soft sciences" such as [psychology](, sociology etc. **The beauty of science is you don't have to trust anyone**: science is just about discovering ideas that work, ideas which anyone can verify himself at home, so there is no place for preachers, reviewers, judges of "trustworthiness" or "credibility"; people do not matter at all in science, only ideas do. For this science must not be [confused]( not only with [pseudoscience]( (such as [numerology]( or [astrology]( but especially with **[soyence](** (political propaganda masked as "science", e.g. [gender studies](, sponsored "science" of big pharma etc.) -- it must be remembered that **when science can no longer be questioned, it seizes to be science**, as asking questions and examining EVERYTHING are the very basic premises of a true science: this means that anything prohibited to be questioned, by law or [otherwise]( (e.g. by [cancel culture](, such as the [Holocaust]( (forbidden to be denied in many countries such as Germany), [COVID]( vaccines, [racial]( differences (prohibited on grounds of "[hate speech](") and similar topics CANNOT be seen as scientifically established, but rather politically established. Any shift towards establishing principles of trust, belief and "[moderation](", such as nowadays standard [peer censorship](, turns science into religion. As with everything once science becomes politically valuable, it will be seized by politicians -- in the [capitalist]( age the *science* sticker presents a brand and therefore capital; this capital if of course not just left lying around, politicians and businessmen take over it, and so the [21st century]( definition of science is made by politicians, not scientists.
In the wider sense science may include anything that involves systematic intellectual research, e.g. [Buddhists]( often say their teaching is science rather than religion, that it is searching for objective truths, and it really is true -- a western fedora atheist will shit his pants in fury hearing such claim, however that's all he can really do.

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@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ Some further examples of soyence:
- "[citation needed](" on everything
- "Science popularization" as in building authority of so called "scientists" so as to create a political capital.
- "This extremely lucrative [Covid]( vaccine made by us in record time is absolutely safe, don't dare question it, just take it 5 times a year and pay us each time you do, don't mind any side effects." --Big Pharma
- Fanboy mentality over ideas people, theories etc.
- "You can't trust your everyday experience or things you see with your own eyes, only trust our SCIENTISTS, they know better."
- "Science says [god]( doesn't exist." aka reddit [atheism](
- "We can't believe this because it wasn't peer censored/fact checked and/or it didn't pass the [null ritual]( and/or it wasn't published in a journal on our approved literature list." (--[Wikipedia](
- "This gender studies expert has proven sex is a racial construct and has no biological meaning. You disagree? Well, do you have a PhD in gender studies? No? Then shut up you fucking sexist."
- Obsession with "novelty" and similar [buzzwords]( ([modern](, innovative, sustainable, green, ...). Papers have to be [advertised]( well to gain attention, like videos on YouTube.
- "This goes against SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS therefore it's pseudoscience and [conspiracy theory]("
- "This research is racist.", using terms such as "scientific racism".
- Bullshit "fields" like "ecology communication" and whatnot.
@ -47,12 +49,14 @@ Some further examples of soyence:
- Strategically setting up experiments and/or cherrypicking facts (as well as censoring inconvenient counter evidence) so as to achieve desired results :]]]
- "This research was made by a [racist]( so it is invalid, also we should [lynch]( the guy just in case."
- Neil de grass/Morgan Freeman "documentaries", emotional "science" documentaries with famous actors and a lot of "PhD" women talking heads that make wild gesticulations and excited faces trying to tell you how EXCITING science is by suggesting there must be alien life because there are so many planets or by showing you black holes, explosive chemical reactions etc.
- Deducing cool facts on TV about extinct animals from their skull shapes is Neil De grass stamp of approval legit thumbs up paleonthology science yay! :)))) But trying in on humans ([phrenology]( is a bad bad NONO PSEUDOSCIENCE, neil de grass frown :(((
- Political messages and "stories" inserted into "scientific documentaries".
- Deducing cool facts on TV about extinct animals from their skull shapes is Neil De grass stamp of approval legit thumbs up paleonthology science yay! :)))) But trying it on humans ([phrenology]( is a bad bad NONO PSEUDOSCIENCE, neil de grass frown :(((
- "We can totally trust the results of commercial research. They will be objective and sincerely publish even results that will ruin their business because even CEOs are moral people and wouldn't dare lie even if that should cost them their career."
- "These negative results are useful but unexciting so let's not publish them, we gotta entertain our readers to stay on the market. We GOTTA TELL INSPIRATIONAL STORIES with our papers. We have to publish exciting papers about which we can also make YouTube videos for our channel." --soyence journals
- "No, you can't research the details of historic events such as Holocaust. It is declared to have happened like this and if you suggest otherwise, you go to prison." (see anti [Holocaust]( denial laws)
- great part of [economics](
- Ignoring and/or censoring results of unethical or controversial research, for example the cruel experiment performed by [Nazis](, i.e. mixing in political decisions.
- Obsession about words rather than ideas and concepts, e.g. what is a "disorder" and "illness" vs "divergent", emotional arguments about whether Pluto is a "planet" or not etc.
- "Feeling sexually attracted to 17.99 years old chick is a serious mental illness, please consider lobotomy and castration. 18.00 is OK."
- "[pedophilia]( is a mental illness while pure [homosexuality]( is not"
- ...

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@ -6,4 +6,8 @@ Steve Jobs (also Steve Jewbs) was the prototypical evil [CEO]( dictator a
{ LOL how come in the American movies the villain is always some rich boss of a huge corporation clearly resembling Steve Jobs, doing literally the same things, it's almost as if the average American actually somehow KNOWS and feels deep inside these people are pure evil, but suddenly outside of a Hollywood movie their brain switches to "aaaaah, that guy is amazing" and they just eat all his bullshit. I just can't comprehend this. ~drummyfish }
Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 and later was adopted which may have contributed to his development of psychopathy. He was already very stupid as a little child, he never really learned programming and was only interested in achieving what he wanted by crying and pressuring other people to do things for him. This translated very well to his adult life when he quit school to pursue money. He manipulated and abused his schoolmate [Steve Wozniak](, a [hacker](, to make computers for him. They started [Apple]( in 1976 and started producing one of the first personal computers: Apple I and Apple II with which he won the [capitalist]( lottery and unfortunately succeeded on the market. Apple became a big ass company, however Jobs was such [shit]( CEO that **Apple fired him** lol. He went to do some other shit like NeXT. Then a bunch of things happened (TODO) and then, to the relief of the whole world, he died on October 5, 2011 from cancer. { LRS never wishes for anyone's death, here we only state the simple fact that the world is a better place without Jobs in it. ~drummyfish } Some cause joy wherever they go, others whenever they go.
Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 and later was adopted which may have contributed to his development of psychopathy. He was already very stupid as a little child, he never really learned programming and was only interested in achieving what he wanted by crying and pressuring other people to do things for him. This translated very well to his adult life when he quit school to pursue money. He manipulated and abused his schoolmate [Steve Wozniak](, a [hacker](, to make computers for him. They started [Apple]( in 1976 and started producing one of the first personal computers: Apple I and Apple II with which he won the [capitalist]( lottery and unfortunately succeeded on the market. Apple became a big ass company, however Jobs was such [shit]( CEO that **Apple fired him** lol. He went to do some other shit like NeXT. Then a bunch of things happened (TODO) and then, to the relief of the whole world, he died on October 5, 2011 from cancer. { LRS never wishes for anyone's death, here we only state the simple fact that the world is a better place without Jobs in it. ~drummyfish } Some cause joy wherever they go, others whenever they go.
## See Also
- [devil](

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Thrembo
Thrembo (also hidden or forbidden number) is allegedly a "fictional" whole number lying between numbers 6 and 7, it's a subject of [jokes]( and [conspiracy theories]( with most people seeing it as a [meme]( and others promoting its existence, it is represented by a [Unicode]( symbol U+03EB. Thrembo originated as a schizo post on [4chan]( in 2021 by someone implying there's some kind of conspiracy to hide the existence of a number between 6 and 7, who was of course in turn advised to take his meds, however the [meme]( has already been started. Thrembo now even has its own [subreddit]( (though it's extremely retarded, don't go there).
Thrembo (also hidden number, forbidden number or random pseudonumber) is allegedly a "fictional" whole number lying between numbers 6 and 7, it's a subject of [jokes]( and [conspiracy theories]( with most people seeing it as a [meme]( and others promoting its existence, it is represented by a [Unicode]( symbol U+03EB. Thrembo originated as a schizo post on [4chan]( in 2021 by someone implying there's some kind of conspiracy to hide the existence of a number between 6 and 7, who was of course in turn advised to take his meds, however the [meme]( has already been started. Thrembo now even has its own [subreddit]( (though it's extremely retarded, don't go there).
How can there be an integer between 6 and 7? Well, that's what thrembologists research. Sure, normally there is no space on the number line to fit a number between 6 and 7 so that its distance is 1 to both its neighbors, however this only holds due to simplifications we naively assume because of our limited [IQ](; one may for example imagine a curved, non Euclidean number line (:'D) on which this is possible, just like we can draw a triangle with three right angles on a surface of a sphere. In history we've seen naysayer proven wrong in mathematics, for example those who claimed there is no solution to the equation *x^2 = -1*; some chad just came and threw at us a new number called [i]( (he sneakily made it just a letter so that he doesn't actually have to say how much it ACTUALLY equals), he just said "THIS NUMBR IS HENCEFORTH THE SOLUTION BECAUSE I SAY SO" and everyone was just forced to admit defeat because no one actually had a bigger authority than this guy. That's how real mathematics is done kids. As we see e.g. with [political correctness](, with enough propaganda anything can be force-made a fact, so if the number gets enough likes on twitter, it will just BE.

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 594
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- total size of all texts in bytes: 4331985
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- number of commits: 883
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- occurrences of the word "person": 8
- occurrences of the word "nigger": 93
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ longest articles:
- [programming_language]( 44K
- [3d_model]( 40K
- [bloat]( 36K
- [internet]( 36K
- [woman]( 36K
- [internet]( 36K
- [raycasting]( 36K
- [main]( 32K
- [history]( 32K
@ -35,106 +35,106 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2441)
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- would (891)
- which (2458)
- there (1878)
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- other (1334)
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- software (1161)
- program (983)
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- would (893)
- language (834)
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- numbers (802)
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- without (737)
- programming (722)
- function (714)
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- different (684)
- however (679)
- system (651)
- world (631)
- doesn (624)
- should (621)
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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Jerking off is the easiest solution to satisfying needs connected to fucking wom
## Notable Women In History
Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern]( tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes]( who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper]( (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages, though the contribution is pretty weak. [Ada Lovelace]( cited by the feminist propaganda as the "first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. This just shows how desperate the feminist attempts at finding capable women in tech are. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, at least partially on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these are monstrosities with pink hair who invented such [cancer]( as [COCs]( and are not even worth mentioning.
Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern]( tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes]( who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper]( (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages, though the contribution is pretty weak. [Ada Lovelace]( cited by the feminist propaganda as the "first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. This just shows how desperate the feminist attempts at finding capable women in tech are. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, at least partially on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these are monstrosities with pink hair who invented such [cancer]( as [COCs]( and are not even worth mentioning. In general if there is some famous woman in science, technology or a similar field, she is not famous for extraordinary achievements but rather for the fact that she is a woman in that field -- like the horse who could count was also not famous for being able to count but for being able to count while being a horse -- again, this just confirms women are much less capable than men and seeing a woman with abilities comparable to those of men is something special.
In the related field of [free culture]( there is a notable woman, [Nina Paley](, that has actually done some nice things for the promotion of free culture and also standing against the [pseudoleftist]( fascism by publishing a series of comics with a character named Jenndra Identitty, a parody of fascist trannies. Some rare specimen of women openly oppose feminism -- **these are the truly based women**.