From fd5a853250efdd58aa8f17f07cc467fde9121c64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Miloslav=20=C4=8C=C3=AD=C5=BE?= Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2022 02:39:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- | 26 +++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 03700a1..16835fe 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,24 +2,24 @@ *"Capitalism is the astonishing belief that the most evil among men will for the nastiest motives work for the benefit of all."* -Capitalism is the worst economic system we've yet seen in the history,^[source]( literally based on pure greed and artificially sustained conflict between people (so called [competition](, abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital]( above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic resources. Capitalism goes against progress (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](, [good technology](, freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people, destruction of environment, decline of morals, invention of [bullshit]( (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), [torture]( of people and animals and much more. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." +Capitalism is the worst economic system we've yet seen in the history,^[source]( literally based on pure greed and artificially sustained conflict between people (so called [competition](, abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital]( above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic resources, even in a world where abundance of resources is already possible to achieve. Capitalism goes against progress (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](, [good technology](, freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people, destruction of environment, decline of morals, invention of [bullshit]( (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), [torture]( of people and animals and much more. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." -Capitalism produces the [worst imaginable technology]( and rewards people for [being cruel to each other]( It points the direction of society towards a [collapse]( and may very likely be the [great filter]( of civilizations; in capitalism people de-facto own nothing and become wholly dependent on corporations which exploit this fact to abuse them as much as possible. This is achieved by [slowly boiling the frog]( No one owns anything, products become services (your car won't drive without Internet connection and permission from its manufacturer), all independency and decentralization is lost in favor of a highly fragile and interdependent economy and infrastructure of services. Then only a slight break in the chain is enough to bring the whole civilization down. +Capitalism produces the [worst imaginable technology]( and rewards people for [being cruel to each other]( It points the direction of society towards a [collapse]( and may very likely be the [great filter]( of civilizations; in capitalism people de-facto own nothing and become wholly dependent on corporations which exploit this fact to abuse them as much as possible. This is achieved by [slowly boiling the frog]( No one owns anything, products become [services]( (your car won't drive without Internet connection and permission from its manufacturer), all independency and decentralization is lost in favor of a highly fragile and interdependent economy and infrastructure of services. Then only a slight break in the chain is enough to bring the whole civilization down. **The underlying issue of capitalism is [competition](** -- competition is the root of all evil in any social system, however capitalism is the glorification of competition, amplification of this evil to maximum. It is implemented by setting and supporting a very stupid idea that **everyone's primary and only goal is to be self-benefit**, i.e. maximization of capital. This is combined with the fact that the environment of [free market]( is a system with **Darwinian evolution** which through natural selection extremely effectively and quickly optimizes the organisms (corporations) for achieving this given goal, i.e. generating maximum profit, on the detriment of all other values such as wellbeing of people, sustainability or morality. In other words capitalism has never promised a good society, it literally only states that everyone should try to benefit oneself as much as possible, i.e. defines the [fitness function]( purely as the ability to seize as many resources as possible, and then selects and rewards those who best implement this function, i.e. those we would call sociopaths or "dicks", and to those is given the power in society. In other words we simply get what we set to achieve: find entities that are best at making profit at any cost. The inevitable decline of society can not possibly be prevented by laws, any effort of trying to stop evolution by inventing artificial rules on the go is a battle against nature itself and is extremely naive, the immense power of the evolutionary system that's constantly at work to find ways to bypass or cancel laws in the way of profit and abuse of others will prevails just as life will always find its way to survive and thrive even in the worst conditions on Earth. Trying to stop corporations with laws is like trying to stop a train by throwing sticks in its path. The problem is not that "people are dicks", it is that we choose to put in place a system that rewards the dicks, a system that fuels the worst in people and smothers the best in them. -From a certain point of view capitalism is not really a traditional socioeconomic system, it is **the failure to establish one** -- capitalism is the failure to prevent the establishment of capitalism, and it is also the punishment for this failure. It is the continuation of the jungle to the age when technology for mass production, mass surveillance etc. has sufficiently evolved -- capitalism will arise with technological progress unless we prevent it, just as cancer will grow unless we treat it in very early stages. This is what people mean when they say that capitalism [simply works]( or that it's *natural* -- it's the least effort option, one that simply lets people behave like animals, except that these animals are now given tools such as weapons of mass destruction, tools for implementing slavery etc. It is natural in the same way in which wars, murders, bullying and deadly diseases are natural. It is the most primitive system imaginable, it is uncontrolled, leads to suffering and self-destruction. +From a certain point of view capitalism is not really a traditional socioeconomic system, it is **the failure to establish one** -- capitalism is the failure to prevent the establishment of capitalism, and it is also the punishment for this failure. It is the continuation of the jungle to the age when technology for mass production, mass surveillance etc. has sufficiently evolved -- capitalism will arise with technological progress unless we prevent it, just as cancer will grow unless we treat it in very early stages. This is what people mean when they say that capitalism [simply works]( or that it's *natural* -- it's the least effort option, one that simply lets people behave like animals, except that these animals are now equipped with weapons of mass destruction, tools for implementing slavery etc. It is natural in the same way in which wars, murders, bullying and deadly diseases are. It is the most primitive system imaginable, it is uncontrolled, leads to suffering and self-destruction. ## Attributes Of Capitalism The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not all of them are present in initial stages but capitalism will always converge towards them. +- **[slavery](, oppression, loss of freedom**: In capitalism people are slaves firstly as workers -- in work time, so called [wage slavery]( -- and secondly as consumers -- in "free" time. Banks create inflation to devalue money people save so that they have to work constantly for their whole lives as products are getting progressively more expensive. More and more essentially unnecessary spending purchases are forced on people -- new smartphone every year, mortgages, gas and maintenance to cars, new clothes according to fashion, insurances etc. Practically no one has a truly free time nowadays. +- **extreme waste**: Bullshit products, [bullshit jobs]( and the need for constant dynamics on the market force to waste energy, material and human work just on keeping everything in motion, even if purely arbitrarily. Corporations keep reinventing and reselling slightly modified version of already existing products, one group of people is creating something while another group is destroying it, just to keep everyone occupied. Byproduct physical waste such as plastics and chemicals are dumped in the environment and pollute it for decades, even centuries to come. - **[antivirus paradox](**: Sustaining and artificially creating negative phenomena so as to build a business in [fighting]( it, to keep and create jobs ("firefighters starting fires"). - **[artificial scarcity](**: In order to be able to sell something, that something has to be scarce, an abundant resource such as air cannot be sold. Once technology emerges to make some resource abundant, it threatens those who have a business in selling that resource. This creates the huge interest in keeping resources scarce, sometimes by force -- corporations are even known to physically destroy food etc. - **[artificial obsolescence](**: Similarly to artificial scarcity, to keep businesses running companies have an interest in making people consume even things that could otherwise last them even whole lives, so we see the phenomena like people being forced to buy new phones every every year. There used to be the famous light bulb cartel ([Phoebus cartel]( that fined any bulb manufacturer that made long lasting light bulbs, bulbs were forcefully made to last for a short time. [Apple]( has remotely decreased the performance of older [iPhones]( when new ones came out. There are countless many more examples. - **artificial crippling of technology**: It is the norm to create -- **[slavery](, oppression, loss of freedom**: In capitalism people are slaves firstly as workers -- in work time, so called [wage slavery]( -- and secondly as consumers -- in "free" time. Banks create inflation to devalue money people save so that they have to work constantly for their whole lives as products are getting progressively more expensive. More and more essentially unnecessary spending purchases are forced on people -- new smartphone every year, mortgages, gas and maintenance to cars, new clothes according to fashion, insurances etc. Practically no one has a truly free time nowadays. -- **extreme waste**: Bullshit products, [bullshit jobs]( and the need for constant dynamics on the market force to waste energy, material and human work just on keeping everything in motion, even if purely arbitrarily. Corporations keep reinventing and reselling slightly modified version of already existing products, one group of people is creating something while another group is destroying it, just to keep everyone occupied. Byproduct physical waste such as plastics and chemicals are dumped in the environment and pollute it for decades, even centuries to come. - **preventing progress, sustaining status quo**: Capitalism is extremely hostile towards social progress (more leisure time, ...), i.e. the main kind of progress. It is also, contrary to popular belief, against technological progress -- the established corporations want to perpetuate their established businesses and will attack and destroy new ideas that endanger it (i.e. electric cars vs fuel powered cars, ...). - **[fascism](**: Capitalism is based on fascism, i.e. extreme hierarchy and "tribes" of which each fights to death for its self interest. This fights happens between companies themselves, between state and companies, different departments inside companies, between workers and employers, between brands on the market etc. - **no long term planning, irresponsibility**: Companies need to make immediate profit, it's extremely rare to plan longer than 5 years ahead. Managers hired to new positions are expected to immediately increase profits and they won't stay for long, so they simply do whatever it takes to create immediate profit without considering any long term consequence such as pollution etc. @@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a - **criminality**: This is a direct consequence of poverty and diminishing morality. - **instability**: Lack of long term planning, fragility of the market, pushing workers to poverty, creating extreme interdependencies, eliminating self sufficiency and other phenomena pose great dangers of market collapses, violent strikes, disasters and even societal [collapse]( - **need for extremely complex market control and laws, burdening society**: As corporations are absolutely unethical and pursue evil goals such as enslaving workers and abuse of consumers, there have to be an extremely complex set of constantly evolving laws and bureaucracy just to somehow "make corporation behave". However laws are imperfect and corporations work 24/7 on bypassing them as well as on attacking and eliminating the laws themselves via lobbyist etc. This creates a constant, extremely expensive legal war (which eventually corporations will likely win). -- **purposeful incompatibility in technology**: In market competition products of one company will often be incompatible with products of the competition on purpose, so as to discourage consumers from buying it. +- **purposeful incompatibility in technology**: In market competition products of one company will often be incompatible with products of the competition on purpose, so as to discourage consumers from buying it. Technology corporations create their own "ecosystems" for consumers into which they are trying to lock them. - **uncontrolled growth**: Capitalism is likened to [cancer]( as it requires a constant uncontrolled growth which on a planet of limited resources inevitably leads to a catastrophic scenario. -- **hyperspecialization, loss of self sufficiency**: Entities (people, cities, companies, states, ...) lose self sufficiency as they hyper specialize in some task and in everything else rely on someone else. This complete dependence creates slavery and danger -- in an event of a blackout for example people cannot survive as they cannot make their own food. +- **hyperspecialization, loss of self sufficiency**: Entities (people, cities, companies, states, ...) lose self sufficiency as they hyperspecialize in some task and in everything else rely on someone else. This complete dependence creates slavery and danger -- in an event of a blackout for example people cannot survive as they cannot make their own food. - **loss of humanity**: In capitalism humans are just consumers and resources -- corporations now routinely use these terms (*human resources department* etc.). People are brainwashed to no longer even take offense in being called such terms. People's worth is only in how much he can work or consume. -- **total of animals**: In capitalism animals are just products and resources, they are kept in very bad conditions just to be killed for meat or other purpose. They are slaughtered by millions just so we can overeat to morbid obesity. Maximizing profit dictates no money should be spent on animal comfort. -- **endangering existence of all life**: The mentioned lack of long term planning, irresponsibility and instability along with creating a dangerous overdependence on technology and interconnections of self insufficient states and cities is just waiting for a disaster such as [CME]( that immediately collapses the civilization and consequently endangers all life on Earth e.g. by meltdowns in nuclear plants or possible nuclear wars as a consequence of panic. +- **abuse of animals**: In capitalism animals are just products and resources, they are kept in very bad conditions just to be killed for meat or other purpose. They are slaughtered by millions just so we can overeat to morbid obesity. Maximizing profit dictates no money should be spent on animal comfort. +- **endangering existence of all life**: The mentioned lack of long term planning, irresponsibility and instability along with creating a dangerous overdependence on technology and interconnections of self insufficient states and cities is just waiting for a disaster such as [CME]( that immediately collapses the civilization and consequently endangers all life on Earth e.g. by meltdowns in nuclear plants or possible nuclear wars as a consequence of panic. The absolute preference of immediate profit is hostile towards investments in future and precautions. ## How It Works @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ Capitalism newly instated in a society kind of **works for a short time**, but i Slowly medium sized businesses will grow and become [corporations]( These are the first higher order entities that have an intelligence of their own, they are composed of humans and technology who together work solely for the corporation's further growth. A corporation has a super human intelligence but has no human emotion or conscience, it is basically the rogue [AI]( we read about in sci-fi horror movies. Corporation selects only the worst of humans for the management positions and has further mechanisms to eliminate any effects of human conscience and tendency for ethical behavior; for example it works on the principle of ["I'm just doing my job"]( everyone is just doing a small part of what the whole company is doing so that no one feels responsible for the whole or sometimes doesn't even know what he's part of. If anyone protests, he's replaced with a new hire. -Corporations make calculated decisions to eliminate any competition, they devour or kill smaller businesses with unfair practices, more marketing and by other means, both legal and illegal. They develop advanced psychological methods and extort extreme pressure such as brainwashing by ads to the population to create an immensely powerful propaganda that bends any natural human thinking. With this corporations no longer need to satisfy the demand, they **create the demand** arbitrarily. They create artificial scarcity, manipulate the market, manipulate the people. At this point they've broken the system, it no longer works as before, they can do almost anything they want. +Corporations make calculated decisions to eliminate any competition, they devour or kill smaller businesses with unfair practices, more marketing and by other means, both legal and illegal. They develop advanced psychological methods and extort extreme pressure such as brainwashing by ads to the population to create an immensely powerful propaganda that bends any natural human thinking. With this corporations no longer need to satisfy the demand, they **create the demand** arbitrarily. They create artificial scarcity, manipulate the market, manipulate the people, manipulate laws. At this point they've broken the system, competition no longer works as idealized by theoretical capitalists, corporations can now do practically anything they want. -This is a system with [Darwinian evolution]( in which the fitness function is simply the capital. Entities involved in the market are simply chosen by natural selection to be the ones that best make profit, i.e. who are best at circumventing laws, brainwashing, hiding illegal activities etc. Ethical behavior is a disadvantage that leads to elimination; if a business decides to behave ethically, it is outrun by the one who doesn't have this weakness. +This is a system with [Darwinian evolution]( in which the fitness function is simply the [capital]( Entities involved in the market are simply chosen by natural selection to be the ones that best make profit, i.e. who are best at circumventing laws, brainwashing, hiding illegal activities etc. Ethical behavior is a disadvantage that leads to elimination; if a business decides to behave ethically, it is outrun by the one who doesn't have this weakness. -The unfair, unethical behavior of corporations is still supposed to be controlled by the [state](, however corporations become stronger and bigger than states. States are the only force left supposed to protect people from this pure evil, but they are too weak; a single organization of relatively few people who are, quite importantly, often corporation managers, won't compete against a plethora of the best warriors selected by the extremely efficient system of free market. States slowly turn to serving corporations, becoming their tools and then slowly dissolve (see how small role the US government already plays). This leads to "[anarcho capitalism](", the worst stage of capitalism where there is no state, no entity supposed to protect the people, there is only one rule and that is the unlimited rule of the strongest. +The unfair, unethical behavior of corporations is still supposed to be controlled by the [state](, however corporations become stronger and bigger than states, they can manipulate laws by lobbying, financially supporting preferred candidates, brainwashing people via private media and so on. States are the only force left supposed to protect people from this pure evil, but they are too weak; a single organization of relatively few people who are, quite importantly, often corporation managers, won't compete against a plethora of the best warriors selected by the extremely efficient system of free market. States slowly turn to serving corporations, becoming their tools and then slowly dissolve (see how small role the US government already plays). This leads to "[anarcho capitalism](", the worst stage of capitalism where there is no state, no entity supposed to protect the people, there is only one rule and that is the unlimited rule of the strongest. -Here the strongest corporation takes over the world and starts becoming the higher order organism of the whole Earth. It doesn't have to pretend anything at this point, it can simply hire an army, it can use physical force, chemical weapons, torture, unlimited surveillance, anything to achieve further seize of remaining bits of power. We can only guess what will happen here, a [collapse]( due to instability or destruction of environment is possible, which would at least save the civilization from the horrendous fate of being eternally tortured. If the system survives, humans will be probably genetically engineered to be more submissive, killing any hope of a possible revolt, surveillance chips will be implanted to everyone, reproduction will be controlled precisely and finally perhaps the system will be able, thanks to an advanced [AI](, to exist and work more efficiently without humans completely, so they will be eliminated. This is how the mankind ends. \ No newline at end of file +Here the strongest corporation takes over the world and starts becoming the higher order organism of the whole Earth. It doesn't have to pretend anything at this point, it can simply hire an army, it can use physical force, chemical weapons, torture, unlimited surveillance, anything to achieve further seize of remaining bits of power and resources. We can only guess what will happen here, a [collapse]( due to instability or total destruction of environment is possible, which would at least save the civilization from the horrendous fate of being eternally tortured. If the system survives, humans will be probably genetically engineered to be more submissive, killing any hope of a possible revolt, surveillance chips will be implanted to everyone, reproduction will be controlled precisely and finally perhaps the system will be able, thanks to an advanced [AI](, to exist and work more efficiently without humans completely, so they will be eliminated. This is how the mankind ends.