From fe2450711c9c5ad4491d4a7b9e1d31f19b1e1e68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Miloslav Ciz Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 20:58:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- | 2 +- | 13 +- | 2 +- | 6 +- | 2 +- | 6 +- | 3572 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ | 32 +- | 2 +- | 106 +- | 2 +- 11 files changed, 1885 insertions(+), 1860 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a11b198..84d9f96 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Bullshit -Bullshit (BS) is nonsense, arbitrary unnecessary [shit]( and/or something made up only out of necessity. Typical example are e.g. so called *bullshit [jobs](* -- jobs that are arbitrarily created just to keep people employed and don't actually serve anything else. +Bullshit (BS) is nonsense, arbitrary unnecessary [shit]( and/or something made up as an excuse to allow evil. Typical example are e.g. so called *bullshit [jobs](* -- jobs that are arbitrarily created just to keep people employed which don't actually serve anything else. [21st century]( is the age of bullshit, almost everything in the mainstream of society is pure and absolute bullshit. **Simplified example of capitalist bullshit**: under [capitalism]( basically the whole society is based on bullshit of many kinds, small and big, creating many bullshit clusters that are all intertwined and interact in complex ways, creating one huge bullshit. For simplicity let's consider an educational isolated bullshit cluster (that we won't see that often in reality), a hypothetical [car]( factory. No matter how the factory came to be, it now ended up making cars for people so that these people can drive to work at the car factory to make more cars for other people who will work to the car factory to make cars etc. -- a bullshit cycle that exists just for its own sake, just wastes natural resources and lives of people. Of course at one point all the factory employees will own a car and the factory will have no more demand for the cars, which threatens its existence. Here capitalism employs adding more bullshit: let's say they create new bullshit jobs they call something like "[smart]( car research center" -- this will create new work position, i.e. more people who will need cars to drive to work, but MAINLY the job of these people will be adding [artificial obsolescence]( to the cars, which will make them last much shorter time and regularly break so that they will need repairs using parts manufactured at the factory, creating more work that will need to be done and more bullshit jobs in the car repair department. Furthermore the team will make the cars completely dependent on [subscription]( software, employing [consumerism](, i.e. the car will no longer be a "buy once" thing but rather something one has to keep feeding constantly (fuel, software subscription, insurance, repairs, cleaning, tire changes, and of course once in a few years just buying a new non-obsolete model), so that workers will still need to drive to work every day, perpetuating their need for being preoccupied with owning and [maintaining]( a car. This is a bullshit cluster society could just get rid of without any cost, on the contrary it would gain many free people who could do actually useful things like curing diseases, eliminating world hunger, creating art for others to enjoy. However if you tell a capitalist any part of this system is bullshit, he will defend it by its necessity in the system as a whole ("How will people get to work without cars?!", "Factories are needed for the economy!", "Economy is needed to drive manufacturing of cars!") -- in reality the bullshit clusterfuck spans the whole world to incredibly deep levels so you just can't make many people see it, especially when they're preoccupied with maintaining their own existence and just get by within it. diff --git a/ b/ index 7918f16..2195854 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ A single game of chess is seen as consisting of three stages: **opening** (start The study of chess openings is called **opening theory** or just *theory*. Playing the opening stage is special by being based on memorization of this theory, i.e. hundreds or even thousands of existing opening lines that have been studied and analyzed by computers, rather than by performing mental calculation (logical "thinking ahead" present in middlegame and endgame). Some see this as weakness of chess that makes players spend extreme energy on pure memorization. One of the best and most famous players, Bobby Fischer, was of this opinion and has created a chess variant with randomized starting position that prevents such memorization, so called *chess 960*. -**[Elo]( rating** is a mathematical system of numerically rating the performance of players (it is used in many sports, not just chess); Elo basically assigns players a rating number that says how skilled the player is. Given two players with Elo rating it is possible to compute the probability of the game's outcome (e.g. white has 70% chance of winning etc.). The FIDE set the parameters so that the rating is roughly this: < 1000: beginner, 1000-2000: intermediate, 2000-3000: master (currently best humans rate close to 3000). More advanced systems have also been created, namely the Glicko system, however these are often quite [bloated]( and complicated, so Elo stays the most commonly used rating system. Other ways of determining player skills also exist, for example so called accuracy, which says how closely one played to the perfect play according to some strong engine such as Stockfish. The advantage here is that to rate a player we don't need too much data like with Elo (which needs to see many games of the player against other already rated players) -- it may be enough to let the player play a few games against a computer to determine his skill. A disadvantage however lies in how exactly to compute the accuracy because it's a bit complicated by other factors, for example in many situations finding the best move is trivial (like retaking a queen in queen exchange) while in others it's much more difficult, or the fact that humans often DON'T want to play the mathematically best move but rather a bit weaker but more comfortable one, so even grandmasters often choose a weaker move even though they know the theoretically best move. +**[Elo]( rating** is a mathematical system of numerically rating the performance of players (it is used in many sports, not just chess); Elo basically assigns players a rating number that says how skilled the player is. Given two players with Elo rating it is possible to compute the probability of the game's outcome (e.g. white has 70% chance of winning etc.). The FIDE set the parameters so that the rating is roughly this: < 1000: beginner, 1000-2000: intermediate, 2000-3000: master (currently best humans rate close to 3000). More advanced systems have also been created, namely the Glicko system, however these are often quite [bloated]( and complicated, so Elo stays the most commonly used rating system. **Alternative ways** of determining player skills also exist, for example so called accuracy, which says how closely one played to the perfect play according to some strong engine such as Stockfish. The advantage here is that to rate a player we don't need too much data like with Elo (which needs to see many games of the player against other already rated players) -- it may be enough to let the player play a few games against a computer to determine his skill. A disadvantage however lies in how exactly to compute the accuracy because it's a bit complicated by other factors, for example in many situations finding the best move is trivial (like retaking a queen in queen exchange) while in others it's much more difficult, or the fact that humans often DON'T want to play the mathematically best move but rather a bit weaker but more comfortable one, so even grandmasters often choose a weaker move even though they know the theoretically best move. Another idea may be to use a standard set of puzzles, basically like an IQ test. Yet another idea is for example to compute so called [Erdos number](, i.e. the minimum length of a chain of victories from the world's best player, i.e. for example rating player A with number 3 says he defeated someone who defeated someone who defeated the world's best. A guy called tom7 devised a method for measuring performance of weak chess engines by basically mixing stockfish (the strongest chess engine) with a random move bot in certain ratios -- i.e. making an engine that with certain probability (given by the mixture ratio) plays either a move by stockfish or a random move -- and then determining the mixture ratio at which this monstrosity becomes indistinguishable from the tested engine (i.e. we can say "the tested engine is a mixture of stockfish and random moves in this ratio"). The rules of chess are quite simple ([easy to learn, hard to master]( and can be found anywhere on the Internet. In short, the game is played on a 8x8 board by two players: one with **[white](** men, one with **[black](** (LOL IT'S [RACIST]( :D). Each man has a way of moving and capturing (eliminating) enemy men, for example bishops move diagonally while pawns move one square forward and take diagonally. The goal is to **checkmate** the opponent's king, i.e. make the king attacked by a man while giving him no way to escape this attack. There are also lesser known rules that noobs often miss and ignore, e.g. so called en-passant or the 50 move rule that declares a draw if there has been no significant move for 50 moves. @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Fun fact: there seem to be **almost no black people in [chess](** :D th { [This]( is an absolutely amazing video about weird chess algorithms :) And here is a very lovely article about someone's memories of his old competitive chess program: ~drummyfish } -Chess is quite interesting for [computer scientists]( and [programmers](, computers not only help people play chess, train their skills, analyze positions and perform research of games, but they also allow mathematical analysis of chess as such and provide a platform for things such as [artificial intelligence]( +Computers not only help people play chess, train their skills, analyze positions and perform research of games, but they also allow mathematical analysis of the game of chess itself and present a platform for things such as [artificial intelligence]( Knowledge gained from programming chess engines can then be applied in other areas as well. Since the dawn of the computer era computer chess has been a topic of passion and interest to [computer scientists]( and [programmers]( -- not just because nerds usually love both chess and computer and it's only natural they will desire to combine the two, and not only because making a machine beat human at the most famous and iconic of all intellectual games is just a great and symbolic achievement in itself, but also because computer chess is just so much [fun]( For example you may let various engines play against each other, just sit back and make your own mini computer engine tournament, compare the strength of your engines, let them play from funny starting positions, let a strong engine with material handicap play a weak engine, program a strong engine to play the worst moves possible or program it completely arbitrary or weird goals such as that it can only checkmate with a pawn or that it will just want to place all its pieces on white squares, and then watch it try hard to achieve the goal. It's endless joy. **Chess [software](** is usually separated to **[libraries](**, **chess engines** and **[frontends](**. Library is just that -- a programming library that will help a programmer create some kind of chess program. Chess engine on the other hand is a complete program whose main purpose is to compute good chess moves, it is typically a [CLI]( program capable of playing chess but also doing other things such as evaluating arbitrary positions, hinting best moves, saving and loading games etc. -- commonly the engine has some kind of custom CLI interface (flags, interactive commands it understands, ...) plus a support of some standardized text communication protocol, most notably XBoard (older one, more [KISS]( and/or UCI (newer, more [bloated]( It is also a must for an engine to support other standard formats such as **FEN** (Forsyth–Edwards notation, way of encoding a chess position as a text string), **PGN** (portable game notation, way of encoding games as text strings) etc. And then there are frontends (also called *boards*) -- these are, almost by definition, [GUI]( programs that help people interact with the underlying engine (and do other things like play against other humans, annotate games and so on). There may also exist other kind of programs, e.g. tournament managers that will automatically run a tournament of several chess engines, calculate their strength etc. As seen, the chess "ecosystem" is pretty modular (it is possible to easily drop-in replace any part of your chess system as they are all just black boxes with the same interface) and the whole system is based on standardized, relatively simple plain text protocols, i.e. this is all very close to [Unix philosophy]( and [good design]( This is an example of how games should be implemented. @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Here are some notable chess engines/computers/entities, as of 2024: ## Stats And Records -Chess stats are pretty [interesting]( +Chess stats are pretty [interesting]( Thanks a lot e.g. to Lichess (and NOT thanks to fucking capitalist idiots like chess dot com) we have some great [public domain]( databases of billions of games played between both people and computers, and thanks to chess engines we can generate new and new on demand, so naturally many people create cool statistics, look for patterns and rarities. This can be very insightful and entertaining. { Some chess world records are here: ~drummyfish } @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ The **longest game played in practice** is considered to be the one between Niko **Best players ever**: a 2017 paper called *Who is the Master?* analyzed 20 of the top players of history based on how good their moves were compared to Stockfish, the strongest engine. The resulting **top 10** was (from best): Carlsen (born 1990 Norway, peak Elo 2882), Kramnik (born 1975 Russia, peak Elo 2817), Fischer (born 1943 USA, peak Elo 2785), Kasparov (born 1963 Russia, peak Elo 2851), Anand (born 1969 India, peak Elo 2817), Khalifman, Smyslov, Petrosian, Karpov, Kasimdzhanov. It also confirmed that the quality of chess play at top level has been greatly increasing. The **best [woman]( player** in history is considered to be Judit Polgar (born 1976 Hungary, peak Elo 2735), which still only managed to reach some 49th place in the world; by Elo she is followed by Hou Yifan (born 1994 China, peak Elo 2686) and Koneru Humpy (born 1987 India, peak Elo 2623). **Strongest players of black [race](** (NOT including brown, e.g. India): lol there don't seem to be many black players in chess :D The first black GM only appeared in 1999 (!!!) -- Maurice Ashley (born 1966 Jamaica, peak rating 2504) who is also probably the most famous black chess player, though more because of his commentator skills; Pontus Carlsson (peak Elo 2531) may be strongest. { Sorry if I'm wrong about the strongest black player, this information is pretty hard to find as of course you won't find a race record in any chess player database. So thanks to political correctness we just can't easily find good black players. ~drummyfish } -What's **the most typical game**? We can try to construct such a game from a game database by always picking the most common move in given position. Using the lichess database at the time of writing, we get the following incomplete game (the remainder of the game is split between four games, 2 won by white, 1 by black, 1 drawn): +What is **the most typical game**? We can try to construct such a game from a game database by always picking the most common move in given position. Using the lichess database at the time of writing, we get the following incomplete game (the remainder of the game is split between four games, 2 won by white, 1 by black, 1 drawn): ``` 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 @@ -155,7 +155,9 @@ What's **the most typical game**? We can try to construct such a game from a gam 23. Qa3 Qc5 24. Qb3 d5 25. Bf1 ``` -You can try to derive your own stats, there are huge free game databases such as the Lichess [CC0]( database of billions of games from their server. +What is **the rarest move**? Some [YouTube]( video tried to investigate this with the help of Lichess database. Things that immediately come to mind like en passant checkmates and checkmates by promoting to a knight are rare but not insanely rare. A crazily rare kind of move, which only appeared ONCE in the whole database, was a doubly disambiguatated (i.e. with the necessary specification of both rank and file of the bishop) checkmate by a bishop (specifically Bf1g2#, occurring in a 2022 game) -- this is rare because to need a double disambiguation for a bishop move it is necessary to underpromote two pawns to a bishop and then place them correctly. Yet rarer moves, which NEVER appeared in the database, were a doubly disambiguated knight checkmate with capture and doubly disambiguated bishop checkmate with capture, latter of which was judged less likely and therefore probably the rarest move ever. + +Anyway, you can try to derive your own stats, there are huge free game databases such as the Lichess [CC0]( database of billions of games from their server. { TODO: Derive stats about the best move, i.e. for example "best move is usually by queen by three squares" or something like that. Could this actually help the play somehow? Maybe could be used for move ordering in alpha-beta. ~drummyfish } @@ -218,6 +220,7 @@ Besides similar games such as [shogi]( there are many variants of chess - **chess 960** aka **Fischer's random**: Starting position is randomly modified by shuffling the non-pawn rows (with these rules: king must be between rooks, bishops on opposite colors and black/white's positions are mirrored). The rules are the same with a slight modification to castling. This was invented by Bobby Fischer to emphasize pure chess skill as opposed to memorizing the best opening moves, he saw the opening theory as harmful to chess. Chess 960 is nowadays even advocated by some to become the "main" version of chess. - **[chess boxing](**: Chess combined with box, players switch between the two games, one wins either by checkmate or knockout. - **crazyhouse**: When a player captures a man, it goes into his reserve. From the reserve a man can be dropped (as a man of the current player's color) to an empty square instead of making a normal move. This is a rule taken from [shogi]( +- **custom starting positions**: Creating custom starting positions is a big fun in itself, for example one can make an epic battle by replacing all pieces with queens, or a very strategic scenario in which both queens are trapped and have to be freed, or an asymmetric battle of many weak men versus a few stronger ones, or trollish ones such as the standard setup, only flipped vertically. Only one's imagination is the limit. - **different men**: Some variants use different men, e.g. empress (moves like rook and knight) or amazon (queen/knight). - **duck chess**: After each move players place a duck on an empty square, the duck blocks the square. The duck cannot be left on the same square, it has to be moved. There are no checks, players win by capturing the king. - **fog of war**: Makes chess an incomplete-information game by allowing players to only see squares they can immediately move to (this is similarly to some strategy video games). diff --git a/ b/ index 65307d7..28e3467 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -145,4 +145,4 @@ Here there are quick directions to some of the important topics; for more see th Feel free to ignore this. Here we'll put links to help them being promoted, to help small search engines connect the non-mainstream web and so on. Please note that we don't necessarily agree with or promote what's on these sites, we just feel it's good if they get a bump for whatever reason (e.g. being censored by mainstream, containing some useful stuff, having good web design, provoking thought, demonstrating something good, demonstrating something bad and so on). If you feel brave you can try randomly clicking something, we put quite interesting sites here. The links follow. { Let me know if you want to suggest addition or removal of some link. If some site turns 404, woke, capitalist or employs adds, I'll probably take it down. ~drummyfish } -[](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [ (archived because of censorship)](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, []( \ No newline at end of file +[](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [ (archived because of censorship)](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, []( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index edbc22e..f6d35f7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ A naive idea still present among people is that "ethical marketing" is possible Another extremely childish idea is that "marketing serves the people by informing them of new products" :D { I don't know, I always think capitalists have at least one brain cell, but they always manage to surprise me by saying something like this. ~drummyfish } This may not even need much comment (it seems weird, like trying to explain that a book dropped from a table will fall to the ground, feels extremely stupid) but let's see: maybe in times of caveman when market was just invented ads worked like this for exactly two days until one caveman realized he can lie on the ad and if he paints a bigger picture on the wall the other caveman customers will be more likely to buy his rocks than the competing caveman's rocks; exactly at this day ads seized to be about informing people and became solely used for forcing one's products and tricking people, and trying to find ways around laws that tried to prohibit this, spawning the endless bullshit war of advertisers and law makers. It's been thousands of years now that ads have absolutely 0% informative value -- imagine an informative ad on TV, a simple white screen with text: "there is a new shampoo in the shop". This literally doesn't even give any information to the consumer, everyone knows there are shampoos in the shop. Do you think there exists any marketing company in which they wouldn't shit themselves in uncontrollable laughter if some of their employee was like "we should make our ad less intrusive, it should only inform the consumer about our product"? Are you really this braindead now? -**Marketing people are [subhuman](** Of course, let us be reminded [we]( love all living beings, even subhuman, but the marketing trash not only doesn't show any signs of conscience or [morals](, they hardly seems [conscious]( at all, they are just a robotic tool of [capitalism](, more akin monkeys -- however immoral shit they get into, they always just reply "[just doing my job](" and "[it pays well](" to anything. What can you say about someone who dedicates his life to [bullshit]( And not just any bullshit -- bullshit that makes other people more miserable. They make the worst kind of [propaganda]( which literally kills people, they would mercilessly torture children to death if it was on their contract. A capitalist is screeching HAHAHA IT NOT THE SAME bcuz CHILREN ARE MAGICAL n economy is pwogwesss, so this invalid. Indeed, it doesn't make any sense -- a capitalist will stay what it is, the lowest class of brainwashed [NPC]( incapable of thinking on its own. All in all, avoid anyone who has anything to do with marketing. +**Marketing people are [subhuman](** Of course, let us be reminded [we]( love all living beings, even subhuman, but the marketing trash not only doesn't show any signs of conscience or [morals](, they hardly seems [conscious]( at all, they are just a robotic tool of [capitalism](, more akin monkeys -- however immoral shit they get into, they always just reply "[just doing my job](" and "[it pays well](" to anything. What can you say about someone who dedicates his life to [bullshit](, manipulation and lies? And not just any kind of bullshit -- bullshit that makes other people very miserable. They make the worst kind of [propaganda]( which literally kills people, they would mercilessly torture children to death if it was on their contract. A capitalist is screeching HAHAHA IT NOT THE SAME bcuz CHILREN ARE MAGICAL n economy is pwogwesss, so this invalid. Indeed, it doesn't make any sense -- a capitalist will stay what it is, the lowest class of brainwashed [NPC]( incapable of thinking on its own. All in all, avoid anyone who has anything to do with marketing. -Good things don't need promotion (it's true even if you disagree). **The bigger the promotion, the bigger [shit]( it is.** +Good things don't need promotion (it's true even if you disagree). **The bigger the promotion, the bigger [shit]( it is.** The more ads you see for something, the more you must refuse to buy it. -No, there is no such thing as a "non-intrusive ad", fucking capitalists are trying to introduce a sense of guilt for not looking at what you don't wanna look. The only non-intrusive ad is that which you don't see or hear at all. Just [block]( all that shit if you can. +No, there is no such thing as a "non-intrusive ad" or "ethical marketing", fucking capitalists are trying to introduce a sense of guilt for not wanting to undergo daily brainwashing. The only non-intrusive ad is that which you don't see or hear at all. Just [block]( all that shit if you can, stay healthy and be happy. Watching ads leads to extremely fast onset of dementia and brain cancer. Making ads means you already have dementia. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 665f6d9..035a191 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Mechanical Computer -Mechanical computer (simple ones also being called *mechanical [calculators](*) is a [computer]( that uses mechanical components (e.g. levers, marbles, gears, strings, even fluids ...) to perform computation (both [digital]( and [analog]( Not all non-[electronic]( computers are mechanical, there are still other types too -- e.g. computers working with [light](, biological, [quantum](, [pen and paper]( computers etc. Sometimes it's unclear what counts as a mechanical computer vs a mere calculator, an automaton or mere instrument -- here we will consider the term in a very wide sense. Mechanical computers used to be used in the [past](, mainly before the development of [vacuum tubes]( and [transistors]( that opened the door for much more powerful computers. However some still exist today, though nowadays they are usually intended to be educational toys, they are of interest to many (including [us]( as they offer simplicity (independence of [electricity]( and highly complex components such as transistors and microchips) and therefore [freedom]( They may also offer help after the [collapse]( While nowadays it is possible to build a simple electronic computer at home, it's only thanks to being able to buy highly complex parts at the store, i.e. still being dependent on [corporations](; in a desert one can much more easily build a mechanical computer than electronic one. Mechanical computers are very cool. +Mechanical computer (simple ones also being called *mechanical [calculators](*) is a [computer]( that uses mechanical components (e.g. levers, marbles, gears, strings, even fluids ...) to perform computation (both [digital]( and [analog]( Not all non-[electronic]( computers are mechanical, there are still other types too -- e.g. computers working with [light](, biological, [quantum](, [pen and paper]( computers etc. Sometimes it's unclear what counts as a mechanical computer vs a mere calculator, an automaton or just an instrument -- here we will consider the term in a very wide sense. Mechanical computers used to be used in the [past](, mainly before the development of [vacuum tubes]( and [transistors]( that opened the door for much more powerful computers. However some still exist today, though nowadays they are usually intended to be educational toys, they are of interest to many (including [us]( as they offer simplicity (independence of [electricity]( and highly complex components such as transistors and microchips) and therefore [freedom]( They may also offer help after the [collapse]( While nowadays it is possible to build a simple electronic computer at home, it's only thanks to being able to buy highly complex parts at the store, i.e. still being dependent on [corporations](; in a desert one can much more easily build a mechanical computer than electronic one. Mechanical computers are very cool. { Britannica 11th edition has a truly amazing article on mechanical computers under the term *Calculating Machines*: Also this leads to many resources: ~drummyfish } diff --git a/ b/ index 1530107..0bb977b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Therefore here is **how to 100% solve privacy**: make it moral to make ALL infor We have to state that **privacy concerns are a symptom of [bad society]( We shouldn't ultimately try to protect privacy more (cure symptoms) but rather make a [society where need for privacy isn't an issue]( (cure the root cause).** This sentiment is shared by many hackers, even [Richard Stallman]( himself used to revolt against passwords when he was at MIT AI Labs; he intentionally used just the password "rms" to allow other people to use his account (this is mentioned in the book *Free As In Freedom*). Efforts towards increasing and protecting privacy is in its essence an unnecessary [bullshit]( effort wasting human work, similarly to [law](, [marketing]( etc. It is all about censorship and secrecy. Besides this, **all effort towards protecting digital privacy will eventually fail**, thanks to e.g. advanced [AI]( that will identify individuals by pattern in their behavior, even if their explicit identity information is hidden perfectly. Things such as browser [fingerprinting]( are already a standard and simple practice allowing highly successful uncovering of identity of anonymous people online, and research AI is taking this to the next level (e.g. the paper *Detecting Individual Decision-Making Style: Exploring Behavioral Stylometry in Chess* shows revealing [chess]( players by their play style). With [internet of stinks](, cameras, microphones and smartphones everywhere, advanced AI will be able to identify and track an individual basically anywhere no matter the privacy precautions taken. Curing the root cause is the only option to prevent a catastrophic scenario. -By this viewpoint, [LRS]('s stance towards privacy differs from that of many (if not most) [free software](, [hacker]( and [suckless]( communities: to us **privacy is a form of [censorship](** and as such is seen as inherently bad. We dream of a world without abuse where (digital) privacy is not needed because society has adopted our philosophy of information freedom, non-violence and non-competition and there is no threat of sensitive information abuse. Unlike some other people (so called pragmatics), not only do we dream of it, we actively try to make it a reality. Even though we know the ideally working society is unreachable, we try to at least get close to it by restricting ourselves to bare minimum privacy (so we are very open but won't e.g. publish our passwords). We believe that abuse of sensitive information is an issue of the basic principles of our society (e.g. [capitalism]( and should be addressed by fixing these issues rather than by harmful methods such as censorship. +By this viewpoint, [LRS]('s stance towards privacy differs from that of many (if not most) [free software](, [hacker]( and [suckless]( communities: to us **privacy is a form of [censorship](** and as such is seen as inherently bad. We dream of a world without abuse where (digital) privacy is not needed because society has adopted our philosophy of information freedom, non-violence and non-competition and there is no threat of sensitive information abuse. Unlike some other people (so called pragmatics), not only do we dream of it, we actively try to make it a reality. Even though we know the ideally working society is unreachable, we try to at least get close to it by restricting ourselves to bare minimum privacy (so we are very open but won't e.g. publish our passwords). We believe that abuse of sensitive information is an issue of the basic principles of our society (e.g. [capitalism]( and should be addressed by fixing these issues rather than by harmful methods such as censorship. -"[Right]( to be forgotten" is the stupidest crap someone has ever come up with. +"[Right]( to be forgotten" is the stupidest crap anyone has ever come up with. -**So what to do now?** Should we just literally post our passwords, home address, phone number and credit card info online? Of course nowadays this would almost equate [suicide](, for most it's not possible or advised to make such a huge leap immediately. Remember, LRS advocates slow evolution towards a better state of affairs, i.e. we should firstly realize that the status quo and current mindset are harmful, secondly we should educate others about it and along the way we should start relaxing our fear of losing privacy slowly. Great philosophers of ancient Greece spoke of an ideal stance towards death and told us to not fear it -- do not seek it but don't fear it either; you may not desire death but at the same time you may also not let it enslave you by making you avoid it at any cost. It's similar with our cause: you don't have to commit suicide, just don't let privacy enslave you anymore. Your goal doesn't have to be to achieve perfection in giving away 100% of your secrets; rather make it a goal to become more free from secrecy, even if perfection can't be achieved. You can probably let your real name, face photo and country of origin be known publicly, there is zero danger in this, and by doing so you free yourself a bit more, cure a bit of that phobia. Later on you will perhaps be able to make further steps such as sharing your autobiography and nude photos -- this is very doable. And perhaps you'll find this freedom so good that you will cancel all your bank accounts and social media and then you can comfortably share even your password to achieve absolute freedom from secrecy. \ No newline at end of file +**So what now?** Should we just literally dump our passwords, home address, phone number and credit card info online? Of course nowadays this would almost equate [suicide](, for most it's not possible or advised to make such a huge leap immediately. Remember, LRS advocates slow evolution towards a better state of affairs, i.e. we should firstly realize that the status quo and current mindset are harmful, secondly we should educate others about it and along the way we should start relaxing our fear of losing privacy slowly. Great philosophers of ancient Greece spoke of an ideal stance towards death and told us to not fear it -- do not seek it but don't fear it either; you may not desire death but at the same time you may also not let it enslave you by making you avoid it at any cost. It's similar with our cause: you don't have to commit suicide, just don't let privacy enslave you anymore. Your goal doesn't have to be to achieve perfection in giving away 100% of your secrets; rather make it a goal to become more free from secrecy, even if perfection can't be achieved. You can probably let your real name, face photo and country of origin be known publicly, there is zero danger in this, and by doing so you free yourself a bit more, cure a bit of that phobia. Later on you will perhaps be able to make further steps such as sharing your autobiography and nude photos -- this is very doable. And perhaps you'll find this freedom so good that you will cancel all your bank accounts and social media and then you can comfortably share even your password to achieve absolute freedom from secrecy. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 7567c7e..bf55f74 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,1803 +2,1803 @@ Please kindly click random link. -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( 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penises - can't see because of weird eyes - men of honor + - martial arts, everyone knows at least Kung Fu or Karate - collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society, individual's opinions and needs never matter - there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent - very spiritual, mentally advanced, calm and balanced, deep insight and wisdom about philosophical questions @@ -60,8 +61,9 @@ Some stereotypes are: - extremely stupid - gold diggers - Brazilian: - - everyone is extroverted, horny and dances samba + - everyone is extroverted, cheerful, horny and dances samba - everyone plays [football]( + - slums, poverty, drugs, violence - Canadian: - extremely polite - ice hockey fans @@ -78,6 +80,10 @@ Some stereotypes are: - beautiful women, sluts - whores and pornstars - nightmare tourists, behave like shit in foreign countries +- Dutch: + - everyone rides bicycles + - all drugs legal and sold everywhere + - everyone wears weird wooden shoes - English: - well behaved, reserved, educated, classy - conservative, old fashioned @@ -87,14 +93,15 @@ Some stereotypes are: - dislike French - bad cuisine - Eskimos - - have like 50 thousand different words for snow + - have ten thousand different words for snow and/or color [white]( - French: - good lovers - - lazy, Bohemian life, hate work + - lazy, Bohemian life, hate [work]( - eat baguettes and frogs - dislike Brits - revolutionaries, constantly protest, strikes - artists, intellectuals + - arrogant snobs - [gays]( - men act feminine, are good at art and women jobs - women (lesbian) are masculine, ugly with short pink hair @@ -104,6 +111,7 @@ Some stereotypes are: - love beer and sausage - ugly women - women are cold, incapable of love + - [nazis]( - gypsies: - don't work, steal stuff, welfare leeches, make a lot of children - children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read @@ -114,9 +122,11 @@ Some stereotypes are: - no hygiene, dirty - smart but poor - good at [IT]( but usually tech support scammers - - spiritual, peaceful, meditate a lot + - spiritual, peaceful, meditate a lot, do yoga - don't know what work safety means - transport extremely big loads on bicycles or small motorcycles +- Irish + - drunk - Italians: - handsome men who are passionate lovers - extremely passionate, have heated emotional arguments about even trivial things @@ -131,7 +141,10 @@ Some stereotypes are: - everyone reads manga and goes to karaoke after work - extremely precise, always on time, well organized - have extremely technologically advanced toilets - - commit seppuku when fail at something important + - commit seppuku when fail at something important + - as tourists in other countries are fascinated by mundane things + - hentai, weird porn often involving tentacles and lolis + - can't say "l", they replace it with "r", and they end every word with "u" - [jews]( - very smart, inventive - greedy @@ -141,6 +154,12 @@ Some stereotypes are: - spread everywhere like rats - can adapt to any environment - do all kinds of weird religious rituals +- Mexican: + - all just have sombreros and mustaches + - love and drink tequila all day + - lazy, poor, dirty + - constantly trying to get over US borders to steal their jobs + - those who already got into Murica work basically as slaves, e.g. cleaners, nannies, janitors etc. - Polish: - very religious - heavy drinkers @@ -155,10 +174,13 @@ Some stereotypes are: - don't give a shit about anything - Marxist communists, USSR, soviet pride - good at [chess]( +- Scottish + - men wear kilts - Slovak: - who? - heavy nationalists - sheep shepherds living in mountains + - poorer version of Czechs - Spanish: - extroverted, passionate, dance flamenco - take naps on siesta diff --git a/ b/ index 17ded25..a088a25 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This is an autogenerated page listing all pages. -**[100r](** (3) -- **[21st_century](** (25) -- **[3d_model](** (256) -- **[3d_modeling](** (2) -- 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**[backgammon](** (58) -- **[backpropagation](** (87) -- **[bazaar](** (8) -- **[bbs](** (29) -- **[beauty](** (25) -- **[bilinear](** (124) -- **[bill_gates](** (34) -- **[billboard](** (59) -- **[binary](** (138) -- **[bit](** (4) -- **[bit_hack](** (172) -- **[bitreich](** (28) -- **[black](** (2) -- **[blender](** (10) -- **[bloat](** (197) -- **[bloat_monopoly](** (14) -- **[boat](** (34) -- **[body_shaming](** (2) -- **[books](** (35) -- **[boot](** (2) -- **[bootstrap](** (49) -- **[brain_software](** (14) -- **[brainfuck](** (382) -- **[bs](** (2) -- **[build_engine](** (2) -- **[bullshit](** (49) -- **[byte](** (19) -- **[bytebeat](** (144) -- **[bytecode](** (281) -- **[c](** (383) -- **[c_pitfalls](** (156) -- **[c_sharp](** (2) -- **[c_tutorial](** (2155) -- **[cache](** (27) -- **[cancel_culture](** (4) -- **[cancer](** (25) -- **[capitalism](** (158) -- **[capitalist_singularity](** (4) -- **[capitalist_software](** (28) -- **[cat_v](** (12) -- **[cc](** (6) -- **[cc0](** (15) -- **[censorship](** (61) -- **[chaos](** (109) -- **[charity_sex](** (6) -- **[chasm_the_rift](** (16) -- **[cheating](** (12) -- **[chess](** (309) -- **[chinese](** (13) -- **[cloud](** (8) -- **[cloudflare](** (26) -- **[coc](** (19) -- **[coding](** (6) -- **[collapse](** (36) -- **[collision](** (8) -- **[collision_detection](** (26) -- **[color](** (29) -- **[combinatorics](** (53) -- **[comment](** (19) -- **[communism](** (27) -- **[competition](** (12) -- **[compiler_bomb](** (11) -- **[complexity](** (6) -- **[compression](** (233) -- **[compsci](** (21) -- **[computational_complexity](** (98) -- **[computer](** (121) -- **[comun](** (182) -- **[consumerism](** (16) -- **[copyfree](** (12) -- **[copyleft](** (30) -- **[copyright](** (56) -- **[corporation](** (22) -- **[cos](** (2) -- **[countercomplex](** (4) -- **[cpp](** (63) -- **[cpu](** (91) -- **[cracker](** (6) -- **[cracking](** (2) -- **[creative_commons](** (34) -- **[crime_against_economy](** (17) -- **[crow_funding](** (4) -- **[crypto](** (34) -- **[css](** (68) -- **[culture](** (24) -- **[cyber](** (2) -- **[czechia](** (26) -- **[data_hoarding](** (31) -- **[data_structure](** (38) -- **[de_facto](** (12) -- **[debugging](** (130) -- **[deep_blue](** (17) -- **[deferred_shading](** (11) -- **[demo](** (7) -- **[democracy](** (17) -- **[demoscene](** (23) -- **[dependency](** (50) -- **[determinism](** (24) -- **[devuan](** (8) -- **[dick_reveal](** (12) -- **[digital](** (16) -- **[digital_signature](** (12) -- **[dinosaur](** (4) -- **[diogenes](** (39) -- **[disease](** (56) -- **[distance](** (129) -- **[distrohopping](** (11) -- **[docker](** (2) -- **[dodleston](** (6) -- **[dog](** (36) -- **[doom](** (67) -- **[double_buffering](** (26) -- **[downto](** (18) -- **[dramatica](** (30) -- **[drummyfish](** (45) -- **[duke3d](** (30) -- **[dungeons_and_dragons](** (10) -- **[duskos](** (34) -- **[dynamic_programming](** (45) -- **[e](** (22) -- **[earth](** (67) -- **[easier_done_than_said](** (4) -- **[easy_to_learn_hard_to_master](** (17) -- **[education](** (4) -- **[egoism](** (21) -- **[elo](** (147) -- **[elon_musk](** (8) -- **[emoticon](** (135) -- **[encryption](** (4) -- **[encyclopedia](** (74) -- **[english](** (18) -- **[entrepreneur](** (2) -- **[entropy](** (51) -- **[esolang](** (82) -- **[ethics](** (4) -- **[everyone_does_it](** (18) -- **[evil](** (26) -- **[exercises](** (345) -- **[explicit](** (2) -- **[f2p](** (2) -- **[facebook](** (4) -- **[faggot](** (4) -- **[fail_ab](** (46) -- **[fantasy_console](** (41) -- **[faq](** (275) -- **[fascism](** (25) -- **[fascist](** (2) -- **[fear_culture](** (4) -- **[fediverse](** (12) -- **[feminism](** (56) -- **[femoid](** (2) -- **[fight](** (2) -- **[fight_culture](** (12) -- **[finished](** (16) -- **[firmware](** (3) -- **[fixed_point](** (155) -- **[fizzbuzz](** (232) -- **[flatland](** (22) -- **[float](** (64) -- **[floss](** (2) -- **[football](** (54) -- **[fork](** (27) 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**[wiby](** (14) -- **[wiki_authors](** (10) -- **[wiki_pages](** (4) -- **[wiki_post_mortem](** (15) -- **[wiki_rights](** (10) -- **[wiki_stats](** (219) -- **[wiki_style](** (76) -- **[wiki_tldr](** (51) -- **[wikidata](** (55) -- **[wikipedia](** (96) -- **[wikiwikiweb](** (32) -- **[windows](** (58) -- **[wizard](** (10) -- **[woman](** (164) -- **[work](** (48) -- **[world_broadcast](** (13) -- **[wow](** (10) -- **[www](** (122) -- **[x86](** (4) -- **[xd](** (0) -- **[xonotic](** (114) -- **[xxiivv](** (26) -- **[yes_they_can](** (10) -- **[youtube](** (29) -- **[zen](** (16) -- **[zero](** (31) -- **[zuckerberg](** (2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 24393cf..22c8062 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. - number of articles: 601 -- number of commits: 901 -- total size of all texts in bytes: 4451454 -- total number of lines of article texts: 33824 +- number of commits: 902 +- total size of all texts in bytes: 4456288 +- total number of lines of article texts: 33825 - number of script lines: 294 - occurrences of the word "person": 9 - occurrences of the word "nigger": 98 @@ -35,60 +35,76 @@ longest articles: top 50 5+ letter words: -- which (2503) -- there (1921) +- which (2504) +- there (1926) - people (1751) -- example (1516) -- other (1382) +- example (1515) +- other (1384) - number (1259) -- about (1217) -- software (1203) -- program (988) -- because (956) +- about (1219) +- software (1206) +- program (991) +- because (958) - their (935) -- would (918) -- being (860) -- something (851) +- would (919) +- being (863) +- something (852) +- language (846) - called (846) -- language (844) - things (842) - numbers (808) -- simple (794) +- simple (796) - computer (771) - without (747) -- programming (728) -- function (714) -- different (704) +- programming (729) +- function (715) +- different (705) - these (702) -- however (696) -- system (663) -- world (651) +- however (697) +- system (665) +- world (652) - should (634) - doesn (632) -- while (623) -- point (612) +- while (624) +- point (613) - games (607) - still (598) - society (595) - drummyfish (589) +- using (575) - simply (574) -- using (573) -- possible (567) -- though (557) -- similar (541) +- possible (568) +- though (558) +- similar (540) - course (540) - https (536) -- memory (528) -- always (519) +- memory (529) +- always (521) - value (510) -- technology (508) -- really (505) -- probably (504) +- technology (509) +- probably (507) +- really (506) - basically (502) latest changes: ``` +Date: Tue Oct 15 22:22:58 2024 +0200 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Date: Mon Oct 14 20:53:01 2024 +0200 @@ -112,22 +128,6 @@ Date: Mon Oct 14 20:53:01 2024 +0200 - - - - - - - - -Date: Sun Oct 13 16:12:09 2024 +0200 - - - - - - - ``` most wanted pages: @@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ most wanted pages: most popular and lonely pages: -- [lrs]( (309) +- [lrs]( (310) - [capitalism]( (253) -- [c]( (230) +- [c]( (231) - [bloat]( (219) - [free_software]( (187) - [game]( (144) - [suckless]( (143) - [proprietary]( (128) -- [minimalism]( (105) +- [minimalism]( (106) - [modern]( (102) - [computer]( (102) - [kiss]( (100) @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages: - [math]( (92) - [shit]( (88) - [fight_culture]( (86) -- [bullshit]( (85) +- [bullshit]( (86) - [hacking]( (84) - [less_retarded_society]( (82) - [free_culture]( (82) diff --git a/ b/ index f99ab83..32f1b18 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Of course, [LRS]( loves all living beings equally, even women. In order t **Can women be allowed in technology?** Well yes, sure, we don't forbid anyone from doing anything. Can a [dog]( become a writer? Maybe -- it'll be awesome when he does, but we shouldn't encourage dogs to become writers or see lack of dog writers as a problem. In any case **we need fewer women doing important intellectual tasks**, forcing women to do tasks vital for functioning of society has led to those tasks being done poorly and society is getting destroyed, it's not [fun]( anymore, the world is literally [collapsing]( because women were forced to do important tasks for [political reasons](, it is now time to prioritize saving society before [political correctness]( Just admit women are dumb, stop forcing women everywhere and the numbers will get back to healthy levels. In general something like 1 woman for 1000 men doing intellectual task such as [programming](, writing or [science]( is about the ratio we are probably looking for. -Also **women aren't funny** for some reason (with one possible exception of [Ashley Jones]( -- somehow it's very very difficult to find a woman with comedic talent and if very rarely at least a somewhat funny girl appears, it seems she has to be extremely ugly for it to work. It's hard to say if it's because of their low intelligence or due to the natural perception of women (e.g. when a woman is attempting comedy it's still very hard for a man not just focus on imagining sex with her). +Also **women aren't funny** for some reason (with one possible exception of [Ashley Jones]( -- somehow it's very very difficult to find a woman with comedic talent and if very rarely at least a somewhat funny girl appears, it seems she has to be extremely ugly for it to work. It's hard to say if it's because of their low intelligence or due to the natural perception of women (e.g. when a woman is attempting comedy it's still very hard for a man to not just focus on imagining sex with her). lol also :D