# Disease Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inner mechanisms rather than being directly caused by a physical injury. Technological and consoomerist diseases are mental diseases almost exclusively present in humans (but also possibly in some animals forced to live like humans) related to [shit technology](capitalist_technology.md). Some of the most common diseases, mostly of the technological kind but also of others, include: - [assholism](assertiveness.md) - [audiophilia](audiophilia.md) - [autism](autism.md) - [cancer](cancer.md) - [capitalism](capitalism.md) - chronic downloading - citation addiction, also known as [pseudoskeptic](pseudoskepticism.md)'s disease^[1][2][3] - [data hoarding](data_hoarding.md) - [depression](depression.md) - [egoism](egoism.md) - [Emacs](emacs.md) - [furry](furry.md) disorder - [homosexuality](gay.md) - hopping: - [browser hopping](browser_hopping.md) - [distro hopping](distro_hopping.md) - [text editor hopping](editor_hopping.md) - [git hopping](git_hopping.md) - [language hopping](language_hopping.md) and [paradigm hopping](paradigm_hopping.md) - [license hopping](license_hopping.md) - ... - lack of [IQ](iq.md) - [maximalism](maximalism.md) - [mechanical keyboard](mechanical_keyboard.md) obsession - [narcissism](narcissism.md) - [nationalism](nationalism.md) - [NPC](npc.md) disease - [object obsession](oop.md) - obsessive [privacy](privacy.md) obsession - [pride](pride.md) - [retardation](retarded.md) - [schizophrenia](schizo.md) - [troll personality disorder](troll_personality_disorder.md) - Unix [ricing](rice.md) - ...