# LRS Wiki Stats This is an auto-generated article holding stats about this wiki. - number of articles: 530 - total size of all texts in bytes: 2648875 longest articles: ``` 104K c_tutorial.md 60K capitalism.md 48K chess.md 48K less_retarded_society.md 40K how_to.md 36K faq.md 32K 3d_rendering.md 32K game.md 28K procgen.md 28K compression.md ``` latest changes: ``` Date: Thu Dec 28 18:17:00 2023 +0100 README.md bloat.md build_engine.md evil.md go.md lmao.md minimalism.md optimization.md people.md programming_style.md programming_tips.md raycasting.md slowly_boiling_the_frog.md usenet.md viznut.md wiki_stats.md Date: Tue Dec 26 23:42:01 2023 +0100 c.md duskos.md fixed_point.md forth.md people.md quine.md sqrt.md wiki_stats.md Date: Tue Dec 26 14:46:41 2023 +0100 assembly.md cache.md cc0.md compression.md copyfree.md cos.md ```