# Soydev Sodevs are incompetent wanna-be programmers that usually have these characteristics: - Being [pseudoleftist](left_right.md) (fascist) political activists pushing [tranny software](tranny_software.md) and [COCs](coc.md) while actually being mainstream centrists in the tech world (advocating "[open-source](open_source.md)" instead of [free_software](free_software.md), being okay with [proprietary](proprietary.md) software, [bloat](bloat.md) etc.). - Trying to be "cool", having friends, wearing T-shirts with "coding jokes", having tattoos, piercing and colored hair (also trimmed bear in case of males). - Only being hired in tech for a no-brainer job such as "coding websites" or because of diversity quotas. - Being actually bad at programming, using meme high-level languages like [JavaScript](javascript.md), [Python](python.md) or [Rust](rust.md). - Using a [Mac](mac.md). - Thinking they're experts in technology because they are familiar with the existence of [Linux](linux.md) (usually some mainstream distro such as [Ubuntu](ubuntu.md)) and can type `cd` and `ls` in the terminal. - Being only briefly aware of the tech culture, telling big-bang-theory level jokes (*sudo make sandwich*, 42 hahahahahahaha). - Being highly active on social networks, probably having a pixel-art portrait of their ugly face on their profile. - Believing in and engaging in [capitalism](capitalism.md), believing corporations such as [Microsoft](microsoft.md), wanting to create "startups", being obsessed with [productivity](productivity_cult.md), inspirational quotes and masturbating to tech "visionaries" like [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md). - Using buzzwords like "solution", "orchestration" etc. - ...