# Elon Mu$k Elon Musk is an enormous [capitalist](capitalism.md) dick. Elon's hair is the least fake thing about him. His [IQ](iq.md) is immesurably low but he liked to LARP as Einstein on Twitter, it's super cringe, he's like a child, just more retarded and uglier. TODO: more dirt Musk's company [Neuralink](neuralink.md) killed 1500 animals in 4 years, was charged with animal cruelty ([sauce](https://me.mashable.com/tech/22724/elon-musks-neuralink-killed-1500-animals-in-four-years-now-under-trial-for-animal-cruelty-report)). TODO: that moment he tried to play superhero when the kids got stuck in the cave :D