# People *"People are retarded."* --[Osho](osho.md) All people are idiots, [love](love.md) all of them, never make anyone a [leader](hero_culture.md). A cover mostly says just enough about the book. Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS](lrs.md). - **[Aaron Swartz](aaron_swartz.md)**: famous computer prodigy activist involved in creation of famous things like [Reddit](reddit.md), [RSS](rss.md) and [Creative Commons](creative_commons.md), [suicided](suicide.md) at 26 - **[Alan Turing](turing.md)**: mathematician, father of [computer science](compsci.md), [gay](gay.md) - **[Alexandre Oliva](alexandre_oliva.md)**: [free software](free_software.md) advocate, founding member of [FSFLA](fsfla.md), maintainer of [Linux-libre](linux_libre.md) - **[Bill Gates](bill_gates.md)**: founder and CEO of [Micro$oft](microsoft.md), huge faggot - **[Buddha](buddha.md)** (Siddhartha Gautama): started [buddhism](buddhism.md), a religion seeking enlightenment attained by searching for the ultimate truth and so freeing oneself from all desire - **David Mondou-Labbe** ("""Devine Lu Linvega"""): some weird narcissist soyboy making minimalist stuff, [100r](100r.md) member, cryptocapitalist, [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) fascist, heavily utilizing [NC](nc.md) licenses - **[Dennis Ritchie](dennis_ritchie)**: creator of [C](c.md) language and co-creator of [Unix](unix.md) - **[Diogenes](diogenes.md)**: based Greek philosopher who opposed all authorities in very cool ways - **[Donald Knuth](knuth.md)**: computer scientist, Turing-award winner, author of the famous [Art of Computer Programming](taocp.md) books and the [TeX](tex.md) typesetting system - **[drummyfish](drummyfish.md)** (Miloslav Číž): creator of [LRS](lrs.md), a few programs and this wiki, [anarcho-pacifist](anpac.md) - **[Eric S. Raymond](esr.md)**: oldschool hacker turned capitalist, proponent of [open $ource](open_source.md), desperately trying to be popular, co-founder of [OSI](osi.md) and tech writer ([Jargon File](jargon_file.md), [CatB](catb.md), ...) - **[Fabrice Bellard](fabrice_bellard.md)**: legendary programmer, made many famous programs such as [ffmpeg](ffmpeg.md), [tcc](tcc.md), [TinyGL](tinygl.md) etc. - **[Geoffrey Knauth](geoffrey_knauth.md)**: very [shitty](shit.md) president of [Free Software Foundation](fsf.md) since 2020 who embraces [proprietary](proprietary.md) software lol - **[Grigori Perelman](perelman.md)** based Russian mathematician who solved one of the biggest problems in math ([Poincare conjecture](poincare_conjecture.md)), then refused Fields medal and million dollar prize, refuses to talk to anyone and make [hero](hero_culture.md) of himself, just sent a huge fuck you to the system - **[Jason Scott](jason_scott.md)**: quite famous archivist and filmmaker (maintains e.g. textfiles.com), focused on old hacker/boomer tech like [BBSes](bbs.md) - **[Jesus](jesus.md)**: probably the most famous guy in history, had a nice teaching of [nonviolence](nonviolence.md) and [love](love.md) - **[Jimmy Wales](jimmy_wales.md)**: co-founder of [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) - **[John Carmack](john_carmack.md)**: legendary game ([Doom](doom.md), [Quake](quake.md), ...) and [graphics](graphics.md) developer, often called a programming god - **[John Romero](romero.md)**: legendary oldschool game dev, co-creator of [Doom](doom.md) - **[John von Neumann](von_neumann.md)**: early 20th century multidisciplinary genius, one of the greatest [computer scientists](compsci.md) of all time, also famous for huge [IQ](iq.md) and being a human calculator - **[Ken Silverman](key_silverman.md)**: famous oldschool 3D engine programmer ([Duke Nukem 3D](duke_3d.md)'s [BUILD engine](build_engine.md), ...), sadly proprietaryfag - **[Ken Thompson](ken_thompson.md)**: co-creator of [Unix](unix.md), [C](c.md) and [Go](go.md) - **[Kurt Godel](kurt_godel.md)**: mathematician famous for his groundbreaking incompleteness theorems proving that [logic](logic.md) itself has intrinsic limitations, was a tinfoil schizo and died of starvation believing his food to be poisoned - **[Larry Sanger](larry_sanger.md)**: co-founder of [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md), also one of its biggest critics - **[Larry Wall](larry_wall.md)**: creator of [Perl](perl.md) language, linguist - **[Lawrence Lessig](lessig.md)**: lawyer, founder of [free culture](free_culture.md) movement and [Creative Commons](creative_commons.md), critic of [copyright](copyright.md) - **[Linus Torvalds](linus_torvalds.md)**: Finnish programmer who created [Linux](linux.md) and [git](git.md) - **[Luke Smith](luke_smith.md)**: [suckless](suckless.md) vlogger/celebrity - **[Mahatma Gandhi](gandhi.md)**: Indian man who greatly utilized and popularized [nonviolence](nonviolence.md) - **[Melvin Kaye](mel.md) aka Mel**: genius old time programmer that appears in [hacker lore](hacker_culture.md) (*Story of Mel*) - **[Mental Outlaw](mental_outlaw.md)**: [suckless](suckless.md) vlogger/celebrity - **[Mother Teresa](mother_teresa.md)** - **[Nina Paley](nina_paley.md)**: [female](woman.md) artist, one of the most famous proponents of [free culture](free_culture.md) - **[Noam Chomsky](noam_chomsky.md)**: linguist notable in theoretical [compsci](computer_science.md), anarchist - **[Óscar Toledo G.](toledo.md)**: programmer of tiny programs and [games](game.md) (e.g. the smallest [chess](chess.md) program), sadly [proprietary](proprietary.md) [winfag](windows.md) - **[Richard Stallman](rmd.md)**: inventor of [free software](free_software.md) and [copyleft](copyleft.md), founder of [GNU](gnu.md) and [FSF](fsf.md), hacker, also created [emacs](emacs.md) - **[Rob Pike](rob_pike.md)**: oldschool hacker strayed from the path of good, involved in [Unix](unix.md), [Plan 9](plan9.md) and [go](golang.md) - **[Roy Schestowitz](roy_schestowitz)**: [PhD](phd.md) journalist, running [Techrights](techrights.md), revealing corruption in technology - **[Stephen Gough](gough.md)** (*naked rambler*): based guy who refuses to wear clothes, is bullied by society and kept in prison - **[Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md)**: founder and CEO of [Apple](apple.md), huge retard and dickhead - **[Ted Kaczynski](ted_kaczynski.md)**: AKA the Unabomber, mathematician, prodigy, primitivist and murderer who pointed out the dangers of modern technology - **[Terry Davis](terry_davis.md)**: deceased schizophrenic genius, creator of [Temple OS](temple_os.md), became a tech [meme](meme.md) - **[Tom Murphy VII (Tom7)](tom7.md)**: researcher, famous [SIGBOVIK](sigbovik.md) contributor and YouTuber - **[Uriel M. Pereira](uriel.md)**: deceased member of the [suckless](suckless.md)/[cat-v](cat_v.md) community, "philosopher" - **[Virgil Dupras](dupras.md)**: creator of [Collapse OS](collapseos.md) and [Dusk OS](duskos.md) - **[viznut](viznut.md)** (Ville-Matias Heikkilä): creator or [countercomplex](countercomplex.md), minimalist programmer, inventor of [bytebeat](bytebeat.md), hacker, [collapse](collapse.md) "[prepper](prepping.md)" - ...