#!/bin/sh # Creates HTML version of the wiki. echo "making HTML" ./make_stats.sh rm -rf html mkdir html cp report.html html cp pimp_my_lrs.html html cp *.css html DATE=`date +"%D"` FILECOUNT=`ls *.md | wc -l` FILELIST="wiki_pages" HEADER="LRS Wiki


main page, file list ($FILECOUNT), source, report abuse, stats, consoomer version, wiki last updated on $DATE

All content available under CC0 1.0 (public domain). Send comments and corrections to drummyfish at disroot dot org.

" printf "# Wiki Files\n\nThis is an autogenerated page listing all pages.\n\n" > $FILELIST.md firstFile=true for f in *.md; do fname=$(echo "$f" | sed "s/\.md//g") if [ "$firstFile" = true ] ; then firstFile=false else printf " -- " >> $FILELIST.md fi printf "**[$fname]($f)** ($(cat $f | wc -l))" >> $FILELIST.md f2="html/${fname}.html" echo $HEADER > $f2 cmark-gfm -e table $f | sed "s/\.md\"/.html\"/g" >> $f2 echo $FOOTER >> $f2 done # this uses a C program to mark dead links, you can optionally remove this gcc -O3 mark_dead_links.c -o mark_dead_links cd html cp ../mark_dead_links . for f in *.html; do cat $f | ./mark_dead_links > tmp mv tmp $f done rm mark_dead_links cd .. # mark dead links end echo "$HEADERGo to main page.$FOOTER" >> html/index.html echo " $FOOTER" >> html/$FILELIST ./make_html_single.sh cp ./lrs_wiki.html html/lrs_wiki_full.html echo "done"