# Pride Pride is one of the most [harmful](harmful.md) emotions, defined as a feeling of superiority, greatly connected to [fascism](fascism.md) (e.g. [nationalism](nationalism.md), [gay fascism](lgbt.md), [woman fascism](feminism.md) etc.), it is the opposite of [humility](humility.md). Pride is always bad, even small amounts do excessive amount of [evil](evil.md). Flags, statues, [sense of identity](identity_politics.md), [egoism](egoism.md), narcissism, [hero worship](hero_culture.md) and [self praise](marketing.md) are all connected to pride. The word *pride* has aggressivity and [fascism](fascism.md) in it, that's why it's so popular [nowadays](21st_century.md), just the sound of it establishes a mood of conflict -- in a [peaceful society](less_retarded_society.md) we would probably rather (naturally) use words such as *gratitude* or *thankfulness* (i.e. "I am not proud of being a man, but I am grateful for it.").