# Security

*"As passwords first appeared at the MIT AI Lab I decided to follow my belief that there should be no passwords... I don't believe it's desirable to have security on a computer."* -- [Richard Stallman](rms.md) (from the book *Free As In Freedom*)

Computer security (also cybersecurity) is a [bullshit](bullshit.md) field of study of designing [computer](computer.md) systems so as to make them hard to ["attack"](fight_culture.md) (which usually means accessing "sensitive" information, manipulating it or destabilizing the system itself). At the dawn of computer era security wasn't such a big deal as society wasn't yet so fucked up and didn't depend on computers so much, the damage one could cause by exploiting computers was limited, however once consumer technology became forced by [capitalism](capitalism.md), [internetworked](internet.md) and put into EVERYTHING -- companies, governments, streets, homes, clothes, even human bodies and things that can work better without such technology (see e.g. [Internet of stinks](iot.md)) -- [privacy](privacy.md) became another bullshit issue of society as [cracking](cracking.md) now theoretically allows not only killing individuals but wiping whole countries off the map; however despite computer networks really being vulnerable, capitalists additionally smelled a new "business opportunity" and started adding fuel to the fire, skyrocketing [fear](fear_culture.md) and paranoia. Recently security has really become a lot about ensuring digital "[privacy](privacy.md)", it's really causing an incredible deals of hysteria. Everyone is obsessed with security nowadays, sadly even most of the smart guys have fallen victims to it -- cartels and [corporations](corporation.md) have erected their "security" businesses that are now destroying everything, all the [antiviruses](antivirus_paradox.md), [cloudflares](cloudflare.md), captchas, [https](https.md) certificate markets, [VPNs](vpn.md), [VMs](vm.md) and sandboxes, enormously bloated encrypted ["secure networks"](tor.md), password managers and all kinds of other unbelievable idiocy -- and of course, most of it is just security theater.

**Security is in its essence a huge, completely unnecessary [bullshit](bullshit.md)**. It shouldn't exist, the need for more security comes from the fact we live in a [shitty dystopia](capitalism.md). Consider that there are so many people who could cure [cancer](cancer.md) or solve world hunger but instead spend their whole life sweating about how to encrypt your dick size two million times and send it through twelve proxies so that no one gets to know your actual dick size, preventing your "PERSONAL DAATAAAZ" from being STOLEN by other people who are actively supported and empowered to do so by people this very "security expert with a furry stickers on his laptop" voted for in elections :'D Nothing gets achieved, lives of geniuses are wasted on their lifelong [fights](fight_culture.md) just so that they are busy not doing much damage they've been taught by the competitive culture to instinctively want to do. In a [good society](less_retarded_society.md) there would be no need for security and people could spend their time by solving real problems. We, [LRS](lrs.md), advocate NOT for increasing security (which leads to things like police states, [censorship](censorship.md), [bloat](bloat.md) etc.), but for decreasing the need for it, i.e. steering society towards a better direction. Remember, **secrets are always bad**, need for secrecy is an indicator something is wrong on a more fundamental level.

**If you want true security, the most basic thing to do is to disconnect from the [Internet](internet.md).** Just never use it. The next step is to leave the society and go live in a jungle, because due to spy devices everywhere they'll know about you even if you're not on the Internet. Additionally if you are really serious, you HAVE TO stop using a widely used human languages such as [English](english.md) or [Chinese](chinese.md), you simply have to **learn an obscure language** of some jungle tribe that no one else knows and use that exclusively for your encrypted messages (like they did with the [Navajo](navajo.md) language during WWII). All in all for maximum security it's best if you never do anything at all, just lie in bed and be safe.

## See Also

- [privacy](privacy.md)
- [bullshit](bullshit.md)
- [stuxnet](stuxnet.md)
- [obscurity](obscurity.md)