# Atheism *"In this moment I am euphoric ..."* --some retarded atheist An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in [god](god.md) or any other similar supernatural beings. An especially annoying kind is the **[reddit](reddit.md) atheist** who will DESTROY YOU WITH FACTS AND LOGIC^(TM) while managing to throw around le [42](42.md) jokes. These atheists are 14 year old children who think they've discovered the secret of the universe and have to let the whole world know they're an ATHEIST who scored 200 [IQ](iq.md) on facebook test and knows all 10 argument fallacies, while in fact they reside at the [mount stupid](mount_stupid.md) and many times involuntarily appear on other subreddits such as r/iamverysmart and r/cringe. They masturbate to [Richard Dawkins](richard_dawkins.md), love to read [soyentific](soyence.md) studiiiiiies about how [race](race.md) has no biological meaning and think that religion is literally [Hitler](hitler.md) (oh noes, reduction to HITLER has been committed, game over) while taking every words of famous soyence popularizators like the word of a priest. They love to write or even read the ["rational" wiki](rationalwiki.md). They like to pick easy targets such as [flatearthers](flat_earth.md) and cyberbully them on [YouTube](youtube.md) with the power of SCIENCE and their enormously large thesaurus (they will never use a word that's among the 100000 most common English words). They are so [cringe](cringe.md) you want to [kill yourself](kys.md), but their discussions are sometimes entertaining to read with a bowl of popcorn. Such a specimen of atheist is one of the best quality examples of a [pseudosceptic](pseudoscepticism.md). See also this: https://www.debunkingskeptics.com/Contents.htm. Favorite topics of atheists include argument fallacies (which they also like to practice), cognitive biases (same), their own intelligence, [Occam's razor](occams_razor.md), Murphy's laws, the number [42](42.md), [quantum physics](quantum.md), proving over and over that Earth isn't flat (at least 10 times every day just to keep themselves in shape), correlation that does not imply causation, finding contradictions in Bible, asking other people for citations, [binary](binary.md) or even [hexadecimal](hexadecimal.md) numbers, "programming in HTML", living in a simulation and disproving religion with books about [Evolution](evolution.md) or something. On a bit more serious note: we've all been there, most people in their teens think they're literal [Einsteins](einstein.md) and then later in life cringe back on themselves. However, some don't grow out of it and stay arrogant, ignorant fucks for their whole lives. The principal mistake of the stance they retain is they try to apply "science" (or whatever it means in their world) to EVERYTHING and reject any other approach to solving problems -- of course, [science](science.md) (the real one) is great, but it's just a tool, and just like you can't fix every problem with a hammer, you can't approach every problem with science. In your daily life you make a million of unscientific decisions and it would be bad to try to apply science to them; you cross the street not because you've read a peer-reviewed paper about it being the most scientifically correct thing to do, but because you feel like doing it, because you believe the drivers will stop and won't run you over. Beliefs, intuition, emotion, non-rationality and even spirituality are and have to be part of life, and it's extremely stupid to oppose these concepts just out of principle. With that said, there's nothing wrong about being a well behaved man who just doesn't feel a belief in any god in his heart, just you know, don't be an idiot. Although they think they do, these atheists don't really believe in science but rather [soyence](soyence.md), they have merely chosen to subscribe to a new religion than the old one. Compare these scenarios: - A medieval peasant believes what the priest tells him because only the priest has high enough education to know the language of the scripture. The priest tells the peasant God's miracles happen and other priests confirm this, they even show him the page in the holy book where it is written, it was reviewed by hundreds of priests. The peasant believes them, he didn't see the miracles (in fact he doesn't even know anyone who did) but someone with higher education assured him it is so and other people with such education approve of the message. Why would they lie? Certainly there is no politics and business in religion. Besides this, questioning the priests is socially punished, it's better to not do it. - A [21st century](21st_century.md) internet peasant believes what PhD in biology tells him about human [races](race.md) because he himself doesn't have such qualification nor the means to run his own research. The PhD science popularizator tells the guy races are an illusion and other such PhDs confirm this, they even make their mutually reviewed papers available on the internet. The guy believes them, he didn't make the research himself (in fact what they say contradicts his everyday observations) but someone with higher education assured him it is so and other people with such education approve of the message. Why would they lie? Certainly there is no politics and business in science. Besides this, questioning these PhDs is socially punished, it's better to not do it. We see there is zero difference besides changed names. Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton](newton.md) was a Christian. [Einstein](einstein.md) often used the word "[God](god.md)" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla](tesla.md) said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](larry_wall.md), the inventor of [Perl](perl.md) language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists. checkmate QED ## See Also - [stupidity](stupidity.md)