# Fun

*See also [lmao](lmao.md).*

Fun is a rewarding lighthearted satisfying feeling you get as a result of doing or witnessing something playful.

## Things That Are Fun

This is subjective AF, even within a single man this depends on day, hour and mood. Anyway some fun stuff may include:

- [programming](programming.md)
- [games](game.md) such as [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md) and [shogi](shogi.md), even vidya gaymes (programming them and/or playing them), but only old+libre ones
- [jokes](jokes.md)
- [open consoles](open_console.md) and [fantasy consoles](fantasy_console.md), cool [embedded](embedded.md) programming without [bullshit](bullshit.md) (see also [SAF](saf.md))
- [obfuscating C](ioccc.md), [steganography](steganography.md)
- [marble racing](marble_race.md)
- [Netstalking](netstalking.md)
- [funny programming languages](esolang.md)
- vandalizing [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md), LMAO take a look at this https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Vandal/How-to
- hanging around with friends on the [Island](island.md)
- laughing at normies dealing with [bloat](bloat.md)
- randomly stumbling upon sites on [wiby](https://www.wiby.me/), wikiindex, finding [politically incorrect](political_correctness.md) stuff in old [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) and generally just digging out obscure data
- old [Nokia](nokia.md) phones were fun
- [cowsay](cowsay.md)
- math and data visualizations, e.g. [fractals](fractal.md), [phase diagrams](phase_diagram.md) (https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=b-pLRX3L-fg), strange [attractors](attractor.md), [procgen](procgen.md), [cellular automata](cellular_automaton.md), plotting wild 2D [functions](function.md), ...
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