# LMAO LMAO (also LMFAO) stands for *laughing my (fucking) ass off*. On this wiki we kind of use LMAO as a synonym to [LULZ](lulz.md) as used on [Encyclopedia Dramatica](dramatica.md). ## LMOA stuff - There was a guy who made a whole game (named *DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon*), some 30000+ lines of code, without knowing about the concept of loops. He only ever used the if statement. (This was posted on reddit along with a portion of the code.) - In 2021 [Alexa](alexa.md) (the shitty Amazon voice spy agent) told a 10 year old to touch an electric plug with a penny after the kid asked her "for a challenge". - In 2007 [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) banned the whole country of Qatar because their vandalism filter blocked the single [IP address](ip_address.md) through which Qatar accesses the Internet, which causes a shitton of [lulz](lulz.md). - { I've seen a screenshot of code in which some guy exited the program by intentionally dividing by zero, the comment said it was the easiest way. ~drummyfish } - Around 2015 some [niggas](nigger.md) got enraged when Google Photos tagged them as gorillas. - The MMORPG *New World* by *Amazon Games* was programmed by retards (probably some diversity team) who made the client authoritative which allowed for [fun](fun.md) such as becoming invincible by draggine the game window or duplicate currency with lag switches. - In 2016 there was a progaming team in Halo called Mi Seng which in a broadcast game did a pretty funny thing: when they were leading they went into hiding in buggy spots and then just did nothing until the time ran out. Normies were crying, the commentators were pretty awkward, they considered this "unethical" xD We consider it pretty cool. - In 2016 [Micro$oft](microsoft.md) released a Twitter [AI](ai.md) bot called Tay which was made to teach itself how to talk from the text on the Internet. It can be guessed it quickly became extremely racist and enraged waves of [SJW](sjw.md)s so they had to shut it down. - There are many funny stories from [4chan](4chan.md). In 2012 they made masses of Justin Bieber fans shave their heads by spreading fake news that Bieber had cancer under the hashtag #BaldForBieber. In 2013 they made a similarly funny prank by making Justin Bieber fans cut themselves with another faked campaign #CuttingForBieber. In 2013 they made a huge number of Appletoddlers destroy their [iPhones](iphone.md) with fake ads that promoted a new "feature" that makes the phone waterproof via a software update. Similarly in 2014 they spread fake ads about a new iPhone "feature" that would let users charge their phones in a microwave. 4chan also hijacked many internet polls such as the Mountain Dew's poll for naming their new drink in 2012: people from 4chan raided the poll and chose the name "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong", with names such as "Diabeetus" or "Soda" as followers. Another raided poll was that of Talor Swift about at which school she should perform -- 4chan mass voted for a school for deaf children which eventually won (Taylor Switch handled it by donating money to the school). 4chan also chose North Korea as a country for Justin Bieber's tour. Another hilarious story is from 2006 when 4chan raided the Habbo Hotel (a MMO game mostly for children); they made shitton of black characters with afros, went around blocking players from accessing game areas, grouping to form swastikas and famously blocking a hotel pool with the sign "Pool's closed due to AIDS". - In 2022 a proprietary "[smart](smart.md) home" company Insteon got into financial trouble, shut down its servers and left people without functioning houses. - In the 1985 book *Big Score: The Billion-Dollar Story: The Billion-Dollar Story of Silicon Valley* there is a nice chapter talking about the manufacturing of integrated chips that explains how the process is (or at least used to be) very unpredictable and how it's basically astrology for the managers to try to predict and maximize the yield rates (the percentage of manufactured chips that function correctly). There were companies whose research showed the number of good chips correlated with the phases of the Moon, another one found that chips were destroyed by tiny droplets of piss on the hands of workers who didn't wash their hands and that [women](woman.md) workers during menstruation destroyed more chips because of the increased amount of oil secreted from their hands. - In 2018 Hungary banned [gender studies](gender_studies.md) as ideology that has nothing in common with science :D - The unexpected assassination of Lord British in Ultima Online in 1997 was pretty funny. Tldr.: basically the "CEO" of the game, a kind of God, logged into the game and went on to give some speech or something in front of a crowd but forgot to turn on the god mode, someone casted a fire spell on him for the lulz and killed him, then chaos and lulz indeed ensued. - [Elizabeth Holmes](elizabeth_holmes.md) - In 2019 a [progaming](progaming.md) ("esports") organization Vaevictis tried to make an all-[female](woman.md) League of Legends team, which would be the first such team in the high progaming league. The team quickly failed, it can't even be described how badly they played, of course they didn't even had a hope of gaining a single win, they gained several world records for their failures such as the fastest loss (13 minutes), eventually they got fired from the league xD - On March 4 2006 in [World of Warcraft](wow.md) the Alliance guild *Serenity Now* raided a funeral held by Horde players for a guild member that died [in real life](irl.md), nuking the whole ceremony and shitting on their social rituals -- we give this a thumbs up. Though Alliance are usually the lame players, this was one of the best things that was ever done in the game, it made normies literally cry and scream because for some reason it triggered something in their brain. Also WTF do you expect when you're making a funeral in a PvP zone, that was quite retarded. - In 2022 a bug in [SMART](smart.md) Mazda cars forced their "owners" to listen to some shitty public radio without being able to change the station. TFW "modern" bloattech made by diversity teams. - { At my uni a professor told us some guy turned in an assignment program but forgot to remove the debug prints. The fun part was he was using prints such as "my dick is X cm long" where X was the debug value. So beware of that. ~drummyfish } - { Some time in May 2023 I've seen a guy try to upload a "2D game sprite" to [opengameart](opengameart.md) but accidentally uploading a screenshot of him asking ChatGPT how to make a game in Python lol. ~drummyfish } - Some people believe there is a fictional whole number between 6 and 7 called [thrembo](thrembo.md). - Some company was accused of racism when its policies forbid hiring people with criminal history, the accusation was that such policy is discriminatory against [black](black.md) people. This left many [SJW](sjw.md)s scratching their heads in confusion -- are the accusers in fact good because they help black people get jobs or bad because they assume criminals are mostly black? :D - { Once a friend had trouble compiling something, so I asked what error the compiler gave. He said it printed this: `error: too many errors`. Thank you very much compiler :D ~drummyfish } - God's miracle caught on stream! On April 5th 2013 a "disabled" twitch streamer ZilianOP who was supposedly paralyzed and couldn't walk forgot for a while during live stream that he was paralyzed, he stood up from the wheelchair and went for something, revealing he was in fact just faking the disability so as be considered an American [hero](hero_culture.md) and get more of those viewers seeking inspirational motivators or something :D I'M DISABLED BUT STILL PLAY VIDEO GAMES, WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE! He then hilariously tried to cover it up along with his girlfriend, saying shit like "nonono, I fell from the chair" and then switching to "I could walk a bit thanks to therapy but I was keeping it secret because I wanted to surprise my girlfriend", you wouldn't believe to what lengths they went lol. On the other hand if you're white and not a [female](woman.md) with large breasts, being disabled is the only chance to ever get any views, so can we really blame him? - On occasion [reddit](reddit.md) offered its fair share of quality material as well, for example one TIFU (today I fucked up... might actually even have been the TIL subreddit lol) thread recounted a true story of a guy who grew up well into adulthood thinking that toilet seats were ONLY MEANT TO BE USED BY [WOMEN](woman.md) and that men simply sit on the cold toilet edge when they shit :D Apparently no one ever taught him and he only learned about the fact that men can use the seat too when he was buying a new toilet seat and joked with the salesman by saying something along the lines of "haha, if I didn't have a wife I wouldn't have to be spending money on toilet seats" -- then when the guy just stared in confusion all came to be revealed. - In 2024 the twitter account of Greta Thunberg's father, Svante Thunberg, was hijacked by soyjak.party and started posting some funny stuff about [niggas](nigger.md), telling Greta she was adopted, offending journalists in DMs and so on. - ... ## See Also - [rofl](rofl.md) - [lol](lol.md) - [kek](kek.md) - [roflmao](roflmao.md) - [jokes](jokes.md) - [fun](fun.md) - [lulz](lulz.md) - [awesome](awesome.md) - [omgrofl](omgrofl.md) [esoteric language](esolang.md)