# Rust *"The letters are Elvish, of an ancient mode, but the language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here."* --Gandalf Rust is an extremely poor attempt at a politically motivated [capitalist](capitalism.md) [programming language](programming_language.md) and one of the prime examples of badly designed software in general. It is extremely [harmful](harmful.md) not just because of its awful design and implementation and motivation, it also promotes [toxic](toxic.md) politics, tries to replace relatively good languages such as [C](c.md) and, worst of all, is gaining popularity among highly unqualified coding monkeys, i.e. the majority of people creating technology nowadays, so it is infecting everything and contributing to the downfall of technology. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STAY AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM RUST. If Middle Earth had programming, Rust would be used by Sauron. [LMAO](lmao.md) https://github.com/mTvare6/hello-world.rs Some things exist solely to give a really bad example of how it shouldn't be done -- indeed, at least at this Rust succeeded. It should be made clear that **rust is [shit](shit.md)** AND **CANNOT BE FIXED**, it is awful from the ground up and the only way to deal with it is to delete it. To mention just a few issues: - **Rust is [bloated](bloat.md) as hell**, it violates the most important philosophy in programming: the [Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md), and tries to do everything at once (i.e. follow the [Windows philosophy](windows_philosophy.md)), following the spirit of latest cancer such as [systemd](systemd.md). As such it sports **TONS of [dependencies](dependency.md) even for trivial programs**, its toolchains is huge, complex and complicated. The repo has FKN OVER 200 MB OF SOURCE CODE??? It probably doesn't have to be said it includes such unnecessary trash as [generics](generics.md), twisted [object obsession](oop.md) ("[traits](trait.md)"), [package manager](package_management.md), pushed [memory safety](memory_safety.md) and whatnot. It itself depends on extreme bloat like [Python](python.md), [ninja](ninja.md), [cmake](cmake.md) etc. Apparently compiling rust even requires [Internet](internet.md) connection to download some bootstrap shit? Even SJW littered places like [permacomputing wiki](permacomputing_wiki.md) are just forced to admit it's not a minimalist language by any stretch. - **It's just complete shit written**, everyone complains it compiles slow as hell (both rust programs and rust itself), it creates **HUGE binaries** because it statically links all the dependencies and runtime environment [LMAO](lmao.md). - **It's just badly designed as a language**, taking the mainstream road of bringing in more complexity, shiny new [paradigms](paradigm.md) and features, accumulating layers of abstraction, adding handholders, "safety" OCD etc., instead of rather taking as inspiration a good language such as [C](c.md) and trying to make it better by [SIMPLIFYING](minimalism.md) it. Their vision is that of someone who just learned about computers and naturally wants to just ADD MORE STUFF because "bigger is better", completely ignoring experienced people who know from practice that actual improvement lies in simplification. - **Rust is corporate [capitalist software](capitalist_software.md)** sponsored by [Big Tech](big_tech.md), organizations and corporations like [Mozilla](mozilla.md) and [Micro$oft](microsoft.md), trying to perpetuate the philosophy of "[modern](modern.md)" anti-people technology rather than steering it in [better direction](lrs.md). The Rust brand is [trademarked](trademark.md) and "protected" by corporations owning it. Remember, a corporation NEVER sponsors anything without trying to buy some control over that thing, "don't bite the hand that feeds you" is not just a phrase. - **It has licensing/[freedom](free_software.md) issues**, specifically making it difficult to exercise freedom 3 (legally modify software), see e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20191224132425/https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:main:rusts_freedom_flaws and https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html (criticism by [GNU](gnu.md) itself). **Its "[open source](open_source.md)" label is just [openwashing](openwashing.md)**, it is "open source" in the same way [Android](android.md) is open source (it has a "FOSS" license but it is de facto centrally controlled by some fascist group). - **Rust has no specification**, it tries to discourage other implementations and as such greatly hurts basic principles of freedom. Lack of fixed specifications also creates [update culture](update_culture.md) etc. - Due to the above, Rust is not really a language, it is more of a "platform" or "software framework" for programs -- Rust is a programming language in the same sense in which Google App Store is a package manager. If it becomes the mainstream language, it will do to computer programs what e.g. [Steam](steam.md) has done to video [games](game.md). - **Rust is [fascist](fascism.md) [tranny software](tranny_software.md)** -- not because it is written by trannsexuals, but because it sports political discrimination through [codes of conduct](coc.md) and creating a de-facto monopoly on the language (with [bloat monopoly](bloat_monopoly.md), lack of specification, kicking people out of development based on their political views etc.). Its community is infamous for being extremely **[toxic](toxic.md) and [woke](woke.md)**. - Its selling point is supposed to be memory safety but that makes the language **extremely slow**. For fast programs safety has to be turned off but then you can just write in [C](c.md), so there is no point to Rust -- definitely not as a replacement for C. - It ridiculously tries to be a **"handholding system language"**, i.e. an expert level language designed for beginners or incompetent people (of course with the obvious goal to empower women forced into tech etc.). Being written by pre-beginner level "[coders](coding.md)", it sets goals such as "system language should tie your hands and prevent beginner mistakes". It's like trying to design a fighter jet around the idea that it will be operated by beginners and therefore e.g. removing fire buttons or limiting top speed so as to limit dangers posed by sitting an amateur pilot in a fighter jet. - It is more than anything a **political language trying to push propaganda**, send messages about minorities in tech instead of creating good technology, and "[fight](fight_culture.md)" and destroy languages invented by straight white men -- the most popular activity of rust soydevs seems to be rewriting already existing, well established, tested and greatly optimized programs from scratch in rust. As such language it is mostly written by angry minorities such as [girls](girl.md) and trannies who can't much into technology, hence the completely shit design and implementation. - **It tries to displace good languages** such as [C](c.md) and sadly, thanks to its populism and political appeal, is becoming popular among masses of coding monkeys who have no idea about technology. - **It is completely unnecessary** in the first place, a good low level language already exists: [C](c.md). If anything, we need to improve C by making it [simpler](minimalism.md), but overcomplicated C also already exists for those who for some reason want to use a shit language: [C++](cpp.md), and there are of course also slow and safe language well suited for beginners, such as [Python](python.md). Rust is just flushing thousands of manhours (prolly rather soiboihours) down the toilet. - Also "rust", what a shitty name lol. Who comes up with these idiotic names? Why do [modern](modern.md) languages and libraries have to be called these shitty things like banana, unicorn hamburger, kangaroo space shuttle etc.? - TODO: MORE, but you get the idea