#!/bin/sh # Creates HTML version of the wiki. echo "making HTML" ./make_stats.sh rm -rf html mkdir html cp report.html html cp pimp_my_lrs.html html cp ./*.css ./html/ DATE=`date +"%D"` FILECOUNT=`ls *.md | wc -l` FILELIST="wiki_pages" RANDPAGE="random_page" HEADER1=" LRS Wiki: " HEADER2="


main page, file list ($FILECOUNT), source, all in md+txt+html+pdf, commit RSS feed, report abuse, stats, random article, consoomer version

Powered by nothing. All content available under CC0 1.0 (public domain). Send comments and corrections to drummyfish at disroot dot org.

" rm $RANDPAGE.md ls *.md > tmp.txt ls *.md >> tmp.txt ls *.md >> tmp.txt cat tmp.txt | shuf > tmp2.txt printf "# Random Article\n\nPlease kindly click random link.\n\n" >> $RANDPAGE.md while read f; do echo "[*]($f)" >> $RANDPAGE.md done $FILELIST.md firstFile=true for f in *.md; do fname=$(echo "$f" | sed "s/\.md//g") if [ "$firstFile" = true ] ; then firstFile=false else printf " -- " >> $FILELIST.md fi printf "**[$fname]($f)** ($(cat $f | wc -l))" >> $FILELIST.md done for f in *.md; do fname=$(echo "$f" | sed "s/\.md//g") f2="html/${fname}.html" echo "$HEADER1 $fname $HEADER2" > $f2 cmark-gfm -e table $f | sed "s/\.md\"/.html\"/g" >> $f2 echo $FOOTER >> $f2 done # this uses a C program to mark dead links, you can optionally remove this gcc -O3 mark_dead_links.c -o mark_dead_links cd html cp ../mark_dead_links . for f in *.html; do cat $f | ./mark_dead_links > tmp mv tmp $f done rm mark_dead_links cd .. # mark dead links end echo "$HEADER1 redirect $HEADER2Go to main page.$FOOTER" >> html/index.html echo " $FOOTER" >> html/$FILELIST ./make_html_single.sh cp ./lrs_wiki.html html/lrs_wiki_full.html echo "done"