# App

App is a [retarded](retard.md) [capitalist](capitalist_software.md) name for [application](application.md) (i.e. basically a fancy computer [program](program.md)); it is used by [soydevs](soydev.md), [corporations](corporation.md) and normalfaggots (similarly to how "[coding](coding.md)" is used for [programming](programming.md)). This word is absolutely unacceptable and is only to be used as a [joke](joke.md) -- an "app" is after all nothing but a parody of a program.

Anything called an "app" is expected to be [bloat](bloat.md), badly designed and, at best, of [low quality](shit.md) (and at worst malicious).

The word seems to have come to popular use along with the spread of the original [iPhone](iphone.md), i.e. sometime in the second half of [2000s](2000s.md).

## See Also

- [smart](smart.md)