# Welcome To The Island! This is the freedom island where [we](less_retarded_society.md) live. Many would call it [utopia](utopia.md), we just call it the Island for now. If you feel like you don't fit anywhere in [today's world](21st_century.md), if you feel alone and alienated and just want to escape somewhere quiet and peaceful, you can be at home here. This island has [no owners](free_universe.md), no governments, politicians, [corporations](corporation.md), no businesses or [money](money.md), no need to [fight](fight_culture.md) for the place under the Sun, no [regulation of speech](political_correctness.md), no bullying. Simply be yourself and exist as best as you can. Take off your clothes if you want, no one wears them here. You can build yourself a hut on any free spot. Planting trees and making landscape works is allowed too. Basically we have [no laws](anarchism.md), just empathy and [love](love.md). ``` distant Normieland __..----..__..._____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""'~~ The Freedom Island -~"--'"~' ____ -~"--'"~' __X/ '-X_ '"-~-._ ____./ i# X xx'-__ __.-' /' XX i: "x \_ '"-~-._ ___,--' x x_/' X Xi O:. '-_ ___/ ##__-'' X X( x# i x# '-._ _-' :x#x.' [G] i i ### [T] #xX "x. ''-._ '"-~-._ ( ,:xx .x:. x O##X#i : 'ixx; " \ '- _.'" :Xx"' xx x#xx #X\_ '"":.:':,..'' ) ''[__ '' ';:. ':. xx x##x '. ____ ____-' ''--___ [D] '** ;#X \/[B] ''---' ''--__ '** ;xX \__ \ O .:*:iX ''-__ '"-~-._ / :* i; O _ [F]'--__ _.'\--_ | o ' ."'i.XX#\ \ ;__ )Xx') '-~-. \__ _. ' ox##Xx -._ ) "".___/ '-~-. ,..,_ ''____[" '" "'. " ___/ /"[I]':'""-,_.. ''--_______ ," "..--""-/ : _/ _.--._,..._ )___.-" '"-~-._ ".__)" (_ /xX# ___.' )__./" ``` - **`B`: [boat](boat.md)**: Here you can depart from the island back to the cruel world. - **`D`: [drummyfish's](drummyfish.md) house**: It's a plain single-room bamboo hut near the beach, drummyfish lives here with the [dog](dog.md) who however often roams the whole island and welcomes all the newcomers. - **`G`: [graveyard](graveyard.md)** - **`T`: a modest [zen](zen.md) [temple](temple.md)**: It has nice view of the sea and we go meditate here. - **`F`: the beach forum**: It's a beach where people naturally gather to discuss in groups. - **`I`: the tiny island**: A small island, for those who want to be extra alone. ## See Also - [Utopia](utopia.md) - [Loquendo City](loquendo.md)