# LRS Wiki Stats This is an auto-generated article holding stats about this wiki. - number of articles: 526 - total size of all texts in bytes: 2594880 longest articles: ``` 104K c_tutorial.md 60K capitalism.md 48K chess.md 48K less_retarded_society.md 40K how_to.md 36K faq.md 32K 3d_rendering.md 32K game.md 28K procgen.md 24K compression.md ``` latest changes: ``` Date: Thu Dec 14 21:08:58 2023 +0100 bloat.md c.md capitalism.md hyperoperation.md math.md nokia.md operating_system.md real_number.md shortcut_thinking.md Date: Wed Dec 13 20:50:14 2023 +0100 4chan.md acronym.md axiom_of_choice.md bbs.md capitalism.md chess.md fizzbuzz.md function.md game_of_life.md hyperoperation.md just_werks.md lrs.md math.md procgen.md randomness.md rights_culture.md robot.md rust.md soydev.md turing_machine.md Date: Tue Dec 12 02:53:34 2023 +0100 devuan.md ```