import logging logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG) allowed_exts=[ "tif","tiff", # TIFF "jpeg","jpg","pjpeg","pjpg","jpe", # JPEG "webp", # Webp # "wav","wave", # RIFF Wave "png","apng" # PNG (since 1.2) ] def backupMetadata(file): from PIL import Image, ExifTags logging.debug(f"loading file {file}") img = logging.debug("file loaded. getting exif") img_exif = img.getexif() full=[] if img_exif is None: logging.warning("Could not load EXIF Data... Either something happened with Pillow, the file disappeared, or you don't have access to the file. Try running verbose!") break else: logging.debug("loaded tags") for key, val in img_exif.items(): logging.debug(f"for key:'{key}', val:'{val}' in img_exif.items()") if key in ExifTags.TAGS: logging.debug(f"{key} is known exif tag! ({ExifTags.TAGS[key]})") full.append({ 'tagName': str(key), 'realName': str(ExifTags.TAGS[key]), 'value': str(val) }) else: logging.warning(f"{key} is an unknown exif tag!") full.append({ 'tagName': str(key), 'realName': None, 'value': str(val) })"writing backup data") import json #import tempfile #temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+') #json.dump(full,temp,sort_keys=True) with open(f"{file}.exif_backup.json.xz",'w+b') as bfile logging.debug(f"writing to {bfile}") import lzma bfile.write(lzma.compress( bytes(json.dumps(full,sort_keys=True)), format=FORMAT_XZ, check=CHECK_SHA256, preset=9 )) logging.debug("wrote backup data")"backup done!") def writeTags(file,tags): from PIL import Image exif = image.getexif() if artist in tags: if type(tag.artist) == str: exif[0x013b] = tags.artist elif tags.category == "deviantart": exif[0x013b] = tags.artist.username if title in tags: exif[0x0010e] = tags.title if description in tags: exif[0x9286] = tags.description