"XMP Manipulator for gallery-dl" import logging logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG) allowed_exts=[ "html", "htm", "xhtml", "xht", # HTML "tif", "tiff", # TIFF "jpeg", "jpg", "pjpeg", "pjpg", "jpe", # JPEG "jp2", "jpf", "jpx", "jpm", "mj2", # JPEG 2000 "png", "apng", # PNG "gif", # GIF "mp3", # MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 Layer III "mp4", "m4a", "m4p", "m4b", "m4r", "m4v", # MPEG-4 "mov", "qt", # Apple QuickTime .mov "pdf", # PDF "webp" # WebP ] # def backupMetadata(file: str, outputFileExt: str = "xmp_backup.json.xz") -> bool: # """Exports XMP metadata inside of a file. # Parameters # ---------- # file : str # Location of the file relative to the working directory. # outputFileExt : str, optional # The suffix used for the backup file. By default, the output file will be formatted as such: # .xmp_backup.json.xz # Returns # ------- # bool # True, if operation was successful. # False, if operation failed. # """ # from libxmp.utils import file_to_dict # import json # with open(f"{file}.xmp_backup.json.xz",'w+b') as bfile # logging.debug(f"writing to {bfile}") # import lzma # bfile.write(lzma.compress( # bytes(json.dumps(file_to_dict(file),sort_keys=True)), # format=FORMAT_XZ, # check=CHECK_SHA256, # preset=9 # )) # logging.debug("wrote backup data") # logging.info("backup done!") def backupMetadata(file): import pyexiv2 data = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(file) data.read() full = [] for key in data.xmp_keys: full.append([ key, data[key].raw_value ]) with open(f"{file}.xmp_backup.json.xz",'w+b') as bfile import lzma, json bfile.write(lzma.compress( bytes(json.dumps(full)), format=FORMAT_XZ, check=CHECK_SHA256, preset=9 )) # def writeTags(file: str, tags: dict) -> bool: # """Writes XMP tags to file taking the info.json file as a dict. # """ # from libxmp import XMPFiles, consts # xmpfile = XMPFiles(file_path=file,) # if artist in tags: # if type(tags.artist) == str: # xmp.set_property(consts.XMP_NS_DC, u'creator', tags.artist.decode('unicode-escape')) def writeTags(file, tags): import pyexiv2 xmptags = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(file) xmptags.read() if artist in tags: if type(tag.artist) == str: xmptags['Xmp.dc.creator'] = tags.artist elif tags.category == "deviantart": xmptags['Xmp.dc.creator'] = tags.artist.username if title in tags: xmptags['Xmp.dc.title'] = tags.title if description in tags: xmptags['Xmp.dc.description'] = tags.description if date in tags: xmptags['Xmp.dc.date'] = tags.date from ..misc.getpub import getPub xmptags['Xmp.dc.publisher'] = getPub(tags) del getPub keywords=[] keywords.append(tags.category) if tags in tags: for item in tags.tags: if item not in keywords: keywords.append(item) if tags.category == 'deviantart': from ..category.deviantart import makeKeyWordList for item in makeKeyWordList(tags): if item not in keywords: keywords.append(item) elif tags.category == 'furaffinity': from ..category.furaffinity import makeKeyWordList for item in makeKeyWordList(tags): if item not in keywords: keywords.append(item)