You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
831 B

1 year ago
alerts_privacy_instance = "Despite %s being geared towards user privacy, this instance might not respect such values..."
interactions_adv_aboutx = "About $"
interactions_basic_about = "About"
interactions_basic_cancel = "Cancel"
interactions_basic_no = "No"
interactions_basic_okay = "OK"
interactions_basic_search = "Search"
interactions_basic_yes = "Yes"
interactions_choose_tp_acceptnew = "Accept"
interactions_searcharea_hint = "Search query"
locale_en_native = "English"
locale_en_this = "English"
meta_project_desc = "a super lightweight and privacy-centered search engine!"
meta_project_name = "super tiny search"
misc_stslogohover = "sts logo"
region_br = "Brazil"
region_ca = "Canada"
region_us = "United States"
results_found = "found %n results"
results_foundonlyone = "found 1 result"
results_none = "no results found"