[Desktop Entry] Categories=Network;InstantMessaging;GTK;Chat; Name=Gajim GenericName=XMPP Chat Client Comment=A fully-featured XMPP chat client #Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon! Keywords=chat;messaging;im;xmpp;bonjour;voip; Exec=gajim %u #Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! Icon=org.gajim.Gajim StartupNotify=false X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true Terminal=false Type=Application MimeType=x-scheme-handler/xmpp; Actions=StartChat;ShowNextPendingEvent; [Desktop Action StartChat] Exec=gajim --start-chat Name=Start a new chat #Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! Icon=org.gajim.Gajim [Desktop Action ShowNextPendingEvent] Exec=gajim --show-next-pending-event Name=Show next pending event #Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! Icon=org.gajim.Gajim