# Copyright (C) 2018 Marcin Mielniczuk # Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Hörist # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from typing import Any from typing import List from typing import Tuple from typing import Optional import sys import weakref import logging import math import textwrap import functools from importlib import import_module import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from functools import wraps from functools import lru_cache try: from PIL import Image except Exception: pass from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import Pango from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf import nbxmpp import cairo from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.common import i18n from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common.helpers import URL_REGEX from gajim.common.const import MOODS from gajim.common.const import ACTIVITIES from gajim.common.const import LOCATION_DATA from gajim.common.const import Display from gajim.common.const import StyleAttr from gajim.common.nec import EventHelper as CommonEventHelper from .const import GajimIconSet from .const import WINDOW_MODULES _icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() if _icon_theme is not None: _icon_theme.append_search_path(str(configpaths.get('ICONS'))) log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gui.util') class NickCompletionGenerator: def __init__(self, self_nick: str) -> None: self.nick = self_nick self.sender_list = [] # type: List[str] self.attention_list = [] # type: List[str] def change_nick(self, new_nick: str) -> None: self.nick = new_nick def record_message(self, contact: str, highlight: bool) -> None: if contact == self.nick: return log.debug('Recorded a message from %s, highlight; %s', contact, highlight) if highlight: try: self.attention_list.remove(contact) except ValueError: pass if len(self.attention_list) > 6: self.attention_list.pop(0) # remove older self.attention_list.append(contact) # TODO implement it in a more efficient way # Currently it's O(n*m + n*s), where n is the number of participants and # m is the number of messages processed, s - the number of times the # suggestions are requested # # A better way to do it would be to keep a dict: contact -> timestamp # with expected O(1) insert, and sort it by timestamps in O(n log n) # for each suggestion (currently generating the suggestions is O(n)) # this would give the expected complexity of O(m + s * n log n) try: self.sender_list.remove(contact) except ValueError: pass self.sender_list.append(contact) def contact_renamed(self, contact_old: str, contact_new: str) -> None: log.debug('Contact %s renamed to %s', contact_old, contact_new) for lst in (self.attention_list, self.sender_list): for idx, contact in enumerate(lst): if contact == contact_old: lst[idx] = contact_new def generate_suggestions(self, nicks: List[str], beginning: str) -> List[str]: """ Generate the order of suggested MUC autocompletions `nicks` is the list of contacts currently participating in a MUC `beginning` is the text already typed by the user """ def nick_matching(nick: str) -> bool: return nick != self.nick \ and nick.lower().startswith(beginning.lower()) if beginning == '': # empty message, so just suggest recent mentions potential_matches = self.attention_list else: # nick partially typed, try completing it potential_matches = self.sender_list potential_matches_set = set(potential_matches) log.debug('Priority matches: %s', potential_matches_set) matches = [n for n in potential_matches if nick_matching(n)] # the most recent nick is the last one on the list matches.reverse() # handle people who have not posted/mentioned us other_nicks = [ n for n in nicks if nick_matching(n) and n not in potential_matches_set ] other_nicks.sort(key=str.lower) log.debug('Other matches: %s', other_nicks) return matches + other_nicks class Builder: def __init__(self, filename: str, widgets: List[str] = None, domain: str = None, gettext_: Any = None) -> None: self._builder = Gtk.Builder() if domain is None: domain = i18n.DOMAIN self._builder.set_translation_domain(domain) if gettext_ is None: gettext_ = _ xml_text = self._load_string_from_filename(filename, gettext_) if widgets is not None: self._builder.add_objects_from_string(xml_text, widgets) else: self._builder.add_from_string(xml_text) @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _load_string_from_filename(filename, gettext_): file_path = str(configpaths.get('GUI') / filename) if sys.platform == "win32": # This is a workaround for non working translation on Windows tree = ET.parse(file_path) for node in tree.iter(): if 'translatable' in node.attrib and node.text is not None: node.text = gettext_(node.text) return ET.tostring(tree.getroot(), encoding='unicode', method='xml') file = Gio.File.new_for_path(file_path) content = file.load_contents(None) return content[1].decode() def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self._builder, name) except AttributeError: return self._builder.get_object(name) def get_builder(file_name: str, widgets: List[str] = None) -> Builder: return Builder(file_name, widgets) def set_urgency_hint(window: Any, setting: bool) -> None: if app.settings.get('use_urgency_hint'): window.set_urgency_hint(setting) def icon_exists(name: str) -> bool: return _icon_theme.has_icon(name) def load_icon(icon_name, widget=None, size=16, pixbuf=False, scale=None, flags=Gtk.IconLookupFlags.FORCE_SIZE): if widget is not None: scale = widget.get_scale_factor() if not scale: log.warning('Could not determine scale factor') scale = 1 try: iconinfo = _icon_theme.lookup_icon_for_scale( icon_name, size, scale, flags) if iconinfo is None: log.info('No icon found for %s', icon_name) return if pixbuf: return iconinfo.load_icon() return iconinfo.load_surface(None) except GLib.GError as error: log.error('Unable to load icon %s: %s', icon_name, str(error)) def get_app_icon_list(scale_widget): pixbufs = [] for size in (16, 32, 48, 64, 128): pixbuf = load_icon('org.gajim.Gajim', scale_widget, size, pixbuf=True) if pixbuf is not None: pixbufs.append(pixbuf) return pixbufs def get_icon_name(name: str, iconset: Optional[str] = None, transport: Optional[str] = None) -> str: if name == 'not in roster': name = 'notinroster' if iconset is not None: return '%s-%s' % (iconset, name) if transport is not None: return '%s-%s' % (transport, name) iconset = app.settings.get('iconset') if not iconset: iconset = 'dcraven' return '%s-%s' % (iconset, name) def load_user_iconsets(): iconsets_path = configpaths.get('MY_ICONSETS') if not iconsets_path.exists(): return for path in iconsets_path.iterdir(): if not path.is_dir(): continue log.info('Found iconset: %s', path.stem) _icon_theme.append_search_path(str(path)) def get_available_iconsets(): iconsets = [] for iconset in GajimIconSet: iconsets.append(iconset.value) iconsets_path = configpaths.get('MY_ICONSETS') if not iconsets_path.exists(): return iconsets for path in iconsets_path.iterdir(): if not path.is_dir(): continue iconsets.append(path.stem) return iconsets def get_total_screen_geometry() -> Tuple[int, int]: total_width = 0 total_height = 0 display = Gdk.Display.get_default() monitors = display.get_n_monitors() for num in range(0, monitors): monitor = display.get_monitor(num) geometry = monitor.get_geometry() total_width += geometry.width total_height = max(total_height, geometry.height) log.debug('Get screen geometry: %s %s', total_width, total_height) return total_width, total_height def resize_window(window: Gtk.Window, width: int, height: int) -> None: """ Resize window, but also checks if huge window or negative values """ screen_w, screen_h = get_total_screen_geometry() if not width or not height: return if width > screen_w: width = screen_w if height > screen_h: height = screen_h window.resize(abs(width), abs(height)) def move_window(window: Gtk.Window, pos_x: int, pos_y: int) -> None: """ Move the window, but also check if out of screen """ screen_w, screen_h = get_total_screen_geometry() if pos_x < 0: pos_x = 0 if pos_y < 0: pos_y = 0 width, height = window.get_size() if pos_x + width > screen_w: pos_x = screen_w - width if pos_y + height > screen_h: pos_y = screen_h - height window.move(pos_x, pos_y) def restore_roster_position(window): if not app.settings.get('save-roster-position'): return if app.is_display(Display.WAYLAND): return move_window(window, app.settings.get('roster_x-position'), app.settings.get('roster_y-position')) def get_completion_liststore(entry: Gtk.Entry) -> Gtk.ListStore: """ Create a completion model for entry widget completion list consists of (Pixbuf, Text) rows """ completion = Gtk.EntryCompletion() liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, str) render_pixbuf = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() completion.pack_start(render_pixbuf, False) completion.add_attribute(render_pixbuf, 'icon_name', 0) render_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() completion.pack_start(render_text, True) completion.add_attribute(render_text, 'text', 1) completion.set_property('text_column', 1) completion.set_model(liststore) entry.set_completion(completion) return liststore def get_cursor(name: str) -> Gdk.Cursor: display = Gdk.Display.get_default() cursor = Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(display, name) if cursor is not None: return cursor return Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(display, 'default') def scroll_to_end(widget: Gtk.ScrolledWindow) -> bool: """Scrolls to the end of a GtkScrolledWindow. Args: widget (GtkScrolledWindow) Returns: bool: The return value is False so it can be used with GLib.idle_add. """ adj_v = widget.get_vadjustment() if adj_v is None: # This can happen when the Widget is already destroyed when called # from GLib.idle_add return False max_scroll_pos = adj_v.get_upper() - adj_v.get_page_size() adj_v.set_value(max_scroll_pos) adj_h = widget.get_hadjustment() adj_h.set_value(0) return False def at_the_end(widget: Gtk.ScrolledWindow) -> bool: """Determines if a Scrollbar in a GtkScrolledWindow is at the end. Args: widget (GtkScrolledWindow) Returns: bool: The return value is True if at the end, False if not. """ adj_v = widget.get_vadjustment() max_scroll_pos = adj_v.get_upper() - adj_v.get_page_size() return adj_v.get_value() == max_scroll_pos def get_image_button(icon_name, tooltip, toggle=False): if toggle: button = Gtk.ToggleButton() image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) button.set_image(image) else: button = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) return button def get_image_from_icon_name(icon_name: str, scale: int) -> Any: icon = get_icon_name(icon_name) surface = _icon_theme.load_surface(icon, 16, scale, None, 0) return Gtk.Image.new_from_surface(surface) def python_month(month: int) -> int: return month + 1 def gtk_month(month: int) -> int: return month - 1 def convert_rgb_to_hex(rgb_string: str) -> str: rgb = Gdk.RGBA() rgb.parse(rgb_string) rgb.to_color() red = int(rgb.red * 255) green = int(rgb.green * 255) blue = int(rgb.blue * 255) return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (red, green, blue) @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def convert_rgb_string_to_float(rgb_string: str) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.parse(rgb_string) return (rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue) def get_monitor_scale_factor() -> int: display = Gdk.Display.get_default() monitor = display.get_primary_monitor() if monitor is None: log.warning('Could not determine scale factor') return 1 return monitor.get_scale_factor() def get_metacontact_surface(icon_name, expanded, scale): icon_size = 16 state_surface = _icon_theme.load_surface( icon_name, icon_size, scale, None, 0) if 'event' in icon_name: return state_surface if expanded: icon = get_icon_name('opened') expanded_surface = _icon_theme.load_surface( icon, icon_size, scale, None, 0) else: icon = get_icon_name('closed') expanded_surface = _icon_theme.load_surface( icon, icon_size, scale, None, 0) ctx = cairo.Context(state_surface) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, icon_size, icon_size) ctx.set_source_surface(expanded_surface) ctx.fill() return state_surface def get_show_in_roster(event, session=None): """ Return True if this event must be shown in roster, else False """ if event == 'gc_message_received': return True if event == 'message_received': if session and session.control: return False return True def get_show_in_systray(type_, account, jid): """ Return True if this event must be shown in systray, else False """ if type_ == 'printed_gc_msg': contact = app.contacts.get_groupchat_contact(account, jid) if contact is not None: return contact.can_notify() # it's not an highlighted message, don't show in systray return False return app.settings.get('trayicon_notification_on_events') def get_primary_accel_mod(): """ Returns the primary Gdk.ModifierType modifier. cmd on osx, ctrl everywhere else. """ return Gtk.accelerator_parse("")[1] def get_hardware_key_codes(keyval): keymap = Gdk.Keymap.get_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default()) valid, key_map_keys = keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval) if not valid: return [] return [key.keycode for key in key_map_keys] def ensure_not_destroyed(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._destroyed: # pylint: disable=protected-access return None return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper def format_mood(mood, text): if mood is None: return '' mood = MOODS[mood] markuptext = '%s' % GLib.markup_escape_text(mood) if text is not None: markuptext += ' (%s)' % GLib.markup_escape_text(text) return markuptext def get_account_mood_icon_name(account): client = app.get_client(account) mood = client.get_module('UserMood').get_current_mood() return f'mood-{mood.mood}' if mood is not None else mood def format_activity(activity, subactivity, text): if subactivity in ACTIVITIES[activity]: subactivity = ACTIVITIES[activity][subactivity] activity = ACTIVITIES[activity]['category'] markuptext = '' + GLib.markup_escape_text(activity) if subactivity: markuptext += ': ' + GLib.markup_escape_text(subactivity) markuptext += '' if text: markuptext += ' (%s)' % GLib.markup_escape_text(text) return markuptext def get_activity_icon_name(activity, subactivity=None): icon_name = 'activity-%s' % activity.replace('_', '-') if subactivity is not None: icon_name += '-%s' % subactivity.replace('_', '-') return icon_name def get_account_activity_icon_name(account): client = app.get_client(account) activity = client.get_module('UserActivity').get_current_activity() if activity is None: return None return get_activity_icon_name(activity.activity, activity.subactivity) def format_tune(artist, _length, _rating, source, title, _track, _uri): artist = GLib.markup_escape_text(artist or _('Unknown Artist')) title = GLib.markup_escape_text(title or _('Unknown Title')) source = GLib.markup_escape_text(source or _('Unknown Source')) tune_string = _('"%(title)s" by %(artist)s\n' 'from %(source)s') % {'title': title, 'artist': artist, 'source': source} return tune_string def get_account_tune_icon_name(account): client = app.get_client(account) tune = client.get_module('UserTune').get_current_tune() return None if tune is None else 'audio-x-generic' def format_location(location): location = location._asdict() location_string = '' for attr, value in location.items(): if value is None: continue text = GLib.markup_escape_text(value) # Translate standard location tag tag = LOCATION_DATA.get(attr) if tag is None: continue location_string += '\n%(tag)s: %(text)s' % { 'tag': tag.capitalize(), 'text': text} return location_string.strip() def get_account_location_icon_name(account): client = app.get_client(account) location = client.get_module('UserLocation').get_current_location() return None if location is None else 'applications-internet' def format_fingerprint(fingerprint): fplen = len(fingerprint) wordsize = fplen // 8 buf = '' for char in range(0, fplen, wordsize): buf += '{0} '.format(fingerprint[char:char + wordsize]) buf = textwrap.fill(buf, width=36) return buf.rstrip().upper() def find_widget(name, container): for child in container.get_children(): if Gtk.Buildable.get_name(child) == name: return child if isinstance(child, Gtk.Box): return find_widget(name, child) return None class MultiLineLabel(Gtk.Label): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Gtk.Label.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.set_line_wrap(True) self.set_line_wrap_mode(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR) self.set_single_line_mode(False) class MaxWidthComboBoxText(Gtk.ComboBoxText): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Gtk.ComboBoxText.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._max_width = 100 text_renderer = self.get_cells()[0] text_renderer.set_property('ellipsize', Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) def set_max_size(self, size): self._max_width = size def do_get_preferred_width(self): minimum_width, natural_width = Gtk.ComboBoxText.do_get_preferred_width( self) if natural_width > self._max_width: natural_width = self._max_width if minimum_width > self._max_width: minimum_width = self._max_width return minimum_width, natural_width def text_to_color(text): if app.css_config.prefer_dark: background = (0, 0, 0) # RGB (0, 0, 0) black else: background = (1, 1, 1) # RGB (255, 255, 255) white return nbxmpp.util.text_to_color(text, background) def get_color_for_account(account: str) -> str: col_r, col_g, col_b = text_to_color(account) rgba = Gdk.RGBA(red=col_r, green=col_g, blue=col_b) return rgba.to_string() def generate_account_badge(account): account_label = app.get_account_label(account) badge = Gtk.Label(label=account_label) badge.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) badge.set_max_width_chars(12) badge.set_size_request(50, -1) account_class = app.css_config.get_dynamic_class(account) badge_context = badge.get_style_context() badge_context.add_class(account_class) badge_context.add_class('badge') return badge @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def get_css_show_class(show): if show in ('online', 'chat'): return '.gajim-status-online' if show == 'away': return '.gajim-status-away' if show in ('dnd', 'xa'): return '.gajim-status-dnd' # 'offline', 'not in roster', 'requested' return '.gajim-status-offline' def scale_with_ratio(size, width, height): if height == width: return size, size if height > width: ratio = height / float(width) return int(size / ratio), size ratio = width / float(height) return size, int(size / ratio) def load_pixbuf(path, size=None): try: if size is None: return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(str(path)) return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale( str(path), size, size, True) except GLib.GError: try: with open(path, 'rb') as im_handle: img = Image.open(im_handle) avatar = img.convert("RGBA") except (NameError, OSError): log.warning('Pillow convert failed: %s', path) log.debug('Error', exc_info=True) return None array = GLib.Bytes.new(avatar.tobytes()) width, height = avatar.size pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_bytes( array, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, width, height, width * 4) if size is not None: width, height = scale_with_ratio(size, width, height) return pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR) return pixbuf except RuntimeError as error: log.warning('Loading pixbuf failed: %s', error) return None def get_thumbnail_size(pixbuf, size): # Calculates the new thumbnail size while preserving the aspect ratio image_width = pixbuf.get_width() image_height = pixbuf.get_height() if image_width > image_height: if image_width > size: image_height = math.ceil( (size / float(image_width) * image_height)) image_width = int(size) else: if image_height > size: image_width = math.ceil( (size / float(image_height) * image_width)) image_height = int(size) return image_width, image_height def make_href_markup(string): url_color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-url', StyleAttr.COLOR) color = convert_rgb_to_hex(url_color) def _to_href(match): url = match.group() if '://' not in url: url = 'https://' + url return '%s' % ( url, color, match.group()) return URL_REGEX.sub(_to_href, string) def get_app_windows(account): windows = [] for win in app.app.get_windows(): if hasattr(win, 'account'): if win.account == account: windows.append(win) return windows def get_app_window(name, account=None, jid=None): for win in app.app.get_windows(): if type(win).__name__ != name: continue if account is not None: if account != win.account: continue if jid is not None: if jid != win.jid: continue return win return None def open_window(name, **kwargs): window = get_app_window(name, kwargs.get('account'), kwargs.get('jid')) if window is None: module = import_module(WINDOW_MODULES[name]) window_cls = getattr(module, name) window = window_cls(**kwargs) else: window.present() return window class EventHelper(CommonEventHelper): def __init__(self): CommonEventHelper.__init__(self) self.connect('destroy', self.__on_destroy) # pylint: disable=no-member def __on_destroy(self, *args): self.unregister_events() def check_destroy(widget): def _destroy(*args): print('DESTROYED', args) widget.connect('destroy', _destroy) def check_finalize(obj, name): weakref.finalize(obj, print, f'{name} has been finalized')