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2023-11-17 16:08:38 +01:00
<p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Runic_letter_laukaz.svg"><img src="../img/runes/laguz.svg" alt="Laguz rune" title="Laguz rune"></a></p>
<p>Traditional meaning: water</p>
<p>Meanings when upright:</p>
<li>use of magical energy</li>
<li>sexual tension</li>
<li>manifestation of desire</li>
<li>creation of magical illusions/glamours</li>
<li>bending the will of others</li>
<p>Laguz can be useful for:</p>
<li>manipulating magical energy</li>
<li>shifting one's awareness to other layers of reality</li>
<li>bending people to your will</li>
<li>feeding/creating a magical illusion</li>
<p>Anglo-Saxon rune poem:</p>
<blockquote>Lagu byþ leodum langsum geþuht,<br>gif hi sculun neþan on nacan tealtum<br>and hi sæyþa swyþe bregaþ<br>and se brimhengest bridles ne gym[eð].</blockquote>
<blockquote>The ocean seems interminable to men,<br>if they venture on the rolling bark<br>and the waves of the sea terrify them<br>and the courser of the deep heed not its bridle.</blockquote>
<p>Norwegian rune poem:</p>
<blockquote>Lo,gr er, fællr ór fjalle<br>foss; en gull ero nosser.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A waterfall is a River which falls from a mountain-side;<br>but ornaments are of gold.</blockquote>
<p>A modern poem:</p>
<p>"I've always found it strange<br/>
that, in hypotheticals<br/>
of you losing control and going feral,<br/>
you always imagine your draconic form.<br/>
Not the one, the chaotic, proven to,<br/>
when lost control, cause massive harm.<br/>
What's up with that, Lethe?<br/>
I mean,<br/>
I'm not saying I want either to happen,<br/>
but you're so focused on one<br/>
that you discount the other's chances."</p>
<p>I... I don't know, in all honesty.<br/>
I have no concrete answers to give,<br/>
no easy explanation that will relieve.</p>
<p>I guess because...<br/>
in the former form I'm slender and elegant,<br/>
and maybe I associate it with intelligence,<br/>
and so I'm more likely to retain<br/>
some semblance of myself amidst the insane?</p>
<p>Because part of the fantasy<br/>
is you managing to rescue me?</p>
<p>I know you said<br/>
you wanted to spend<br/>
your whole life at my side,<br/>
but I don't want you here if to you<br/>
this is just another sacrifice,<br/>
if you're throwing away your happiness<br/>
just to keep the worlds in safety and bliss-</p>
<p>"That's... not what I meant at all.<br/>
I just want us to be prepared<br/>
in case you ever come under the thrall<br/>
of another evil-seeking god.<br/>
You <i>eat</i> gods, you know. Are you aware?<br/>
With your tail you reave whole worlds to shreds<br/>
and suck souls dry until there's nothing left.<br/>
If you must be in the hands of someone,<br/>
let those hands be mine,<br/>
who has loved you since what feels like<br/>
the beginning of time<br/>
You trust me, don't you?<br/>
To not put you through hell?"</p>
<p>Of course. I trust you with all that I am<br/>
even after my very last death knell.<br/>
I think, if I should ever go feral,<br/>
it should be in the form that forgets the least<br/>
so you can bring me back to sanity<br/>
with the utmost of ease.<br/>
After all, I think I'd like to remain<br/>
an (arch)angel for the rest of my days<br/>
since only then do I have the hands,<br/>
the face, the voice to say:</p>
<p>"I love you."</p>