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Super Smash Bros. 4 (3DS)

Dark Pit but she's the color of the bisexual pride flag

Goes over slot 3 (c02/h02)

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, JETT! I LOVE YOU!! Thank you for loving me back.

It's great fun to abuse the gradient tool in GIMP, don't you know? My only complaint is the colors didn't come out as... bold as I wanted.

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Robin (female) but she's the color of the bisexual pride flag

Goes over slot 2 (c01/h01)

"Lethe, I'm sensing a pattern..."

I just think it's a nice color scheme, okay?

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Palutena's pink alt but now her hair is pink too

Goes over slot 2 (c01/h01)


Protip: in GIMP, the "colorize" tool works better than the "change hue" tool.

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