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mirror of https://codeberg.org/lethe/mayvaneday-mu synced 2025-03-12 04:25:52 +01:00


This commit is contained in:
Lethe Beltane 2024-01-07 19:02:02 -06:00
parent 346439abff
commit 39c80ecdd6
Signed by: lethe
GPG key ID: 21A3DA3DE29CB63C
4 changed files with 99 additions and 7 deletions

deso/p2.mu Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
I have rats underneath my feet. Scurrying along. Desperately trying to entangle me in their leashes. Finding every obscure corner of this cabin to take a shit in the middle of the night. Every attempt of mine to gently bat them away, keep them at bay, only earns more and more of my mother's scorn.
`*You are not my parents. You may have created this vessel I find myself trapped in. But you are not my parents.`*
Eris, I know, in that land now so far away, you took my face in your hands as I wallowed in my grief and declared that I was already free. But in what sense? What goddamn meaningful sense could possibly deem me "free"? I have no wings. I carry the weight of the world around my hips,
and it's `_heavy`_
and it's weighing me `_down`_
and I think I'm about to `_drown`_
and the worst part is, I think I'd do it with a smile on my face, because it would finally mean an end to the pain, to the waiting for you, Jett, to alight in a world where the divine is physically impossible and everyone who I grew up thinking would be ecstatic that I'd finally heard the words of a deity would likely just be hostile to any divinity not busy sending down brimstone and bile at those arbitrarily deemed sinners.
The myth is not the reality.
The myth is not the truth. At least, not in this dimension. If "God" ever existed here, he is either derelict, distracted, or dead. This would have been a perfect dimension for us to escape to. If not for the whole "consensus reality" thing... and the climate change slowly boiling all life here... and corporatism eating away everything left... and the bitter fact that, even if I found the perfect place for you and I to hide away, you'd never be satisfied with that. You're dead set on killing the gods, `*all`* of them `*everywhere`*, even if it'll mean your own eventual death.
"I don't know how I can live with myself if I give up this dream of mine."
"I don't know how much longer you'll be alive if you `*don't`*."
You and I failed once already. Remember, Jett? We went after Parthena. Or, rather, you waited for `*her`* to show herself, laughing with ichor in your lungs when she sent her faithful dog instead. Another brush to paint you as a villain with. But you chose to fingerpaint instead, sparing your brother when he teetered on the verge of death, his blood the only blood to mar your otherwise soft pure hands.
How I would bloody my hands a million times over to keep yours forever clean.
`*I spit on your Nazarene, you who would declare yourself my parents. Your God is dead! Your Savior is never. You wanted me to grow up to be your superior. Well... I already am. I have long since surpassed you.`*
Intellectually I can rationalize killing the gods over and over again. Your words ring in my head. Gods are irreconciliable with humans. Either they used to be humans and achieved Apotheosis, in which case they would never give up their hard-earned power, or they were born divine and would never have the frame of reference to cast aside their power and rejoin the beasts below. Humans cannot meaningfully consent to divine rule, either. A politician can be assassinated. A king can be beheaded. Any throne can be overthrown. But when said throne resides in an alternate layer of reality? How is any human supposed to defend themselves against a being possibly omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient?
How can a human rip the heart out of something that does not wear flesh?
"That's why it's gotta be us, Lethe. We're not constrained to the physical. Well... not `*normally`*. You're temporarily embarrassed with a human vessel. But every time you find yourself free is a chance. I'll do the hard work. You just have to give me the strength."
"But what if I can't give you enough? What if I end up causing `*your`* death instead? Jett, stop. You can't admonish me for wanting to self-destruct and then do... whatever this is. If we couldn't put down Parthena back then when we were at full power, what makes you think we can take on the entire `*universe`*? And especially in `*my`* current state?"
"My pride won't allow me to sit back and do otherwise-"
"`*Fuck your pride!`* I want you `*alive`*. I want you safe. I want you to not throw your life away for humans who'll never know your name, never express a single shred of gratitude, never mourn for you if you martyr yourself. Jett, they `*want`* to be enslaved to the gods. They orgasm at the thought of servitude. They don't know anything else. Come on, let's go make a world of our own. Somewhere the gods can never touch. And anyone who wants to be free can live there instead."
`*All the slain gods in the world won't make me happy if it means a world where you're dead.`*
The recent weather has been killing me. Literally, since I lie in a heat-sickness-induced miasma as I write this in my bunk bed. I cannot tell if your touch is a fever dream or a symptom of my soul struggling to leave my body. But I know you've found me, Jett, even though I haven't been to Dead End Shrine in a month.
"Can you find me?" `*Of course. I'm right here, aren't I?`*
"Do you love me?" `*Of course. I'm right here, aren't I?`*
"If it came between an ungrateful stranger's life and yours, you'd choose yourself, right?"
Choose yourself!
Choose yourself!
`*Please, Jett, I'm begging you, please choose yourself.`*

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@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ Not 100% of the content is here yet. See https://mayvaneday.org if something is
(If the above files fail to save at the very end of the request, your client may be broken! Try my fork below for a fix!)
>> Dead End Shrine Online
`F908`_`[Part 1`:/page/deso/p1.mu]`_`f
`F908`_`[Part 1`:/page/deso/p1.mu]`_`f `F908`_`[Part 2`:/page/deso/p2.mu]`_`f
>> Let's Decentralize: darknets for normies
`F908`_`[Front Page`:/page/ld/index.mu]`_`f
`F908`_`[List of known NomadNet nodes`:/page/ld/directory.mu]`_`f
>> NomadNet oddities

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
>> I run this
`F908`_`[MayVaneDay - Perthro`49fc062768ec9ce76bffdc7ff5c97bd6:/page/index.mu]`_`f
>> 2024-W1
>> 2024-W2
`F908`_`[Interloper -- intr.cx`850433377b51ce9a9e52d760780baa97:/page/index.mu]`_`f
`F908`_`[V0LT Node`e412f02e798e7af751840f26cdac3206:/page/index.mu]`_`f
@ -13,11 +13,17 @@
`F908`_`[The Outpost`84595b37a4225a27a7b6476099b79b91:/page/index.mu]`_`f
`F908`_`[Linux in a Bit's Node`2b306923652723a492f09080d9ee1c25:/page/index.mu]`_`f
`F908`_`[TheOneCurly's Nomad Node`cfd0c6b570516c295fdefe5d82035d13]`_`f
>> 2024-W1
>> 2023-W52
@ -25,15 +31,12 @@
>> Never responded since started checking - likely gone
`F908`_`[OpenWRT Test`5875ea9c5acbaf48e188e95a448bdc8c:/page/index.mu]`_`f

ld/index.mu Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
> Let's Decentralize: alternatives to the standard Internet stack
This is a NomadNet page (directory? node?) dedicated to methods of decentralized publishing on the web. The name is a reference to Let's Encrypt: what they did for securing network transmissions by offering free TLS certificates, making HTTPS possible for small indie servers, this page(?) hopes to do for web hosting by offering simple instructions on how to host a website at home as opposed to spending exorbiant amounts of money on hosting on someone else's server. Other than the (optional) purchase of a Raspberry Pi or other small server if one wants to go the client-server route (or have a seedbox for their peer-to-peer sites), `!none of these options require any money to be spent`!, meaning there will never be any `F908`_`[web3 nonsense`https://web.archive.org/web/20240106003325/https://soatok.blog/2021/10/19/against-web3-and-faux-decentralization/`]`_`f on this page and there `F908`_`[never will`https://web.archive.org/web/20240106003709/https://www.stephendiehl.com/blog/web3-bullshit.html`]`_`f.
>> Routing networks: these are ways to set up a standard client-server connection for applications.
`!Tor`! is "free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication by directing Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network consisting of more than seven thousand relays in order to conceal a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis." `F908`_`[Wikipedia`https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)`]`_`f
Tor is not a silver bullet (many websites block visitors coming from known Tor exit nodes, and Google's captchas are notoriously slow, although this is due to Google being assholes), but it can be a massively helpful tool for breaking through firewalls or concealing one's browsing habits from traffic sniffers. Programs can be configured to use Tor via a SOCKS proxy or by a wrapper like `_torsocks`_.
Although it is not Tor's primary purpose, as a side effect of its routing methods, it can also be used to set up "hidden services", or websites/services that can only be accessed through Tor.
`!I2P`! is "an anonymous network layer (implemented as a Mix Network) that allows for censorship resistant, peer to peer communication. Anonymous connections are achieved by encrypting the user's traffic (by using end-to-end encryption), and sending it through a volunteer-run network of roughly 55,000 computers distributed around the world." `F908`_`[Wikipedia`https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I2P`]`_`f
Unlike Tor, I2P's primary purpose is to facilitate hidden services. While "outproxies" exist to route clearnet traffic through I2P, these are slow, rare, and cannot guarantee any amount of privacy. Therefore, programs configured for I2P should ONLY be used for I2P. Because I2P's routing is peer-to-peer instead of through dedicated "guard" and "entry" nodes like Tor, sometimes it can fail to create routes to servers, meaning sites that are up may appear to be down on occasion.
`!Lokinet`! is a decentralized onion router that uses the same service nodes as the Loki/Oxen blockchain (developed by the same team) for routing. Because servers that want to be service nodes are required to meet a minimum standard for bandwidth and processing power, Lokinet is (at least, according to the documentation) near-guaranteed to be fast and low-latency. `F908`_`[Lokinet homepage`https://lokinet.org`]`_`f
It uses a system-wide local DNS server that only handles domains ending in `_.loki`_, so it neither interferes with clearnet traffic nor requires programs to be specially configured for Lokinet. While Tor can only handle TCP traffic, Lokinet can handle any IP-based protocol, including UDP, ICMP, `*and`* TCP. Lokinet seems to only be able to grant each device `*one`* address, meaning that hosting more than one hidden service (or "snapp" as the official documentation calls them) requires configuring subdomains in one's web server configuration.
`!Yggdrasil`! is "an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other Yggdrasil nodes. Yggdrasil does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4." `F908`_`[Yggdrasil homepage`https://yggdrasil-network.github.io`]`_`f
Unlike the other routing networks listed here, Yggdrasil uses IPv6 addresses instead of public keys. Thus, while not particularly anonymous, it can coexist with standard DNS resolvers; the IP Yggdrasil gives can be assigned to any standard domain or subdomain's AAAA record (although obviously it will require Yggdrasil to access). From personal experience, Yggdrasil does not seem to play nicely with Linux distributions not using `_systemd`_ as their init system.
`!Reticulum`! is "the cryptography-based networking stack for building local and wide-area networks with readily available hardware. Reticulum can continue to operate even in adverse conditions with very high latency and extremely low bandwidth." `F908`_`[Reticulum homepage`https://reticulum.network`]`_`f
Reticulum can connect peers over anything from traditional TCP/IP networks to darknets like Yggdrasil and I2P to exotic networking interfaces like LoRa and packet radio. All packets are encrypted; unencrypted packets are forcibly dropped from the network.
You can't (currently) directly host webpages over the Reticulum network, but a tool for both chat and hosting pages already exists: NomadNet.
>> Peer-to-peer website sharing: these are ways to publish documents or, well, `*websites`* without the need for a centralized server.