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2025-03-05 21:29:08 +01:00
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2025-03-05 21:29:08 +01:00
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2025-03-05 21:29:08 +01:00
<h1>At least ten books by women about autism</h1>
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<td>I Overcame My Autism and All I Got Was This Lousy Anxiety Disorder</td>
<td><a href=",Cw3l7abvGW4wBDZvOTS1KWwyY2713239RfoQrvmVteM,AAMC--8/I%20Overcame%20My%20Autism%20and%20All%20I%20Got%20Was%20Thi%20-%20Sarah%20Kurchak.epub">Sarah Kurchak</a></td>
<td class="snippet">So maybe I am a frustrated artist seething at taller poppies, but I'm also a heartbroken human who feels lonelier every time I see another example of how the only thing I've ever been good at still isn't what other people want from me. That it's only embraced when people who aren't like me create fake mes and share them with each other. That it was never a bridge at all, but another way for them to close ranks.</td>
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<td>Unmasking Autism</td>
<td><a href=",yIxOCfzx2aAQaM748k5KegWcttb6tDPYPMZh7e8bU1I,AAMC--8/Unmasking%20Autism_%20Discovering%20the%20New%20Face%20-%20Devon%20Price.epub">Devon Price</a> <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20230216065932/https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2022-04-07/the-transgender-proud-autistic-psychologist-who-believes-we-have-autism-all-wrong" title="Transgender man (female)">[?]</a></td>
<td class="snippet">Many of the effective treatment plans that do assist Autistic adults involve making sure our health care, housing, and other material needs are also being met, in addition to ensuring we are plugged into a network of supportive people.</td>
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<td>The Awesome Autistic Guide to Being Proud</td>
<td><a href=",E2U-o-zaWZunRjxe3Xf8ORoP87KINO5Pai1OAdm8TK4,AAMC--8/The%20Awesome%20Autistic%20Guide%20to%20Being%20Proud%20-%20Tanya%20Masterman.epub">Tanya Masterman</a></td>
<td class="snippet">Autistic people often communicate a bit differently from non-autistic people. We might be direct and say what we think, and some people think that is being rude (it's not, it's just different communication). Or we might share similar stories about ourselves when a friend tells us about something - that's our way of saying, 'I understand how you feel'. But some people think that's us making everything about ourselves (it's not, it's just a different way of sharing feelings).</td>
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<td>Odd Girl Out</td>
<td><a href=",VUK2odB2eYt8etR5-qmLheJas1wFtfjJoYKqD4ttXMw,AAMC--8/Odd%20Girl%20Out_%20My%20Extraordinary%20Autistic%20Li%20-%20Laura%20James.epub">Laura James</a></td>
<td class="snippet">"What do you feel if I surprise you with a new gray sweater? And God help me if it's not gray."<br>"It makes me feel overwhelmed," I say. Tim looks at me and says nothing. I think he wants more from my answer. "I think it's because I haven't had time to accommodate the idea of this particular sweater into my life. It's different when I buy it myself because in the shop, I will have considered how it will fit with my other gray sweaters."</td>
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2025-03-05 21:29:08 +01:00
<td><a href=",wH9h0r4WQfVNVaDeD~iEAW6F0E8ivMi~tCKzHDEvdrE,AAMC--8/Aspergirls%20-%20Rudy%20Simone.epub">Rudy Simone</a></td>
<td class="snippet">Aspergirls do not thrive under scrutiny, if it has just the slightest bit of hostility in it. Whether from our peers or teachers, if we are looked at with an unfriendly, intimidating, or threatening eye, we fold. Alone, we are talented, graceful, witty, and smart, but under such circumstances we curl up like hedgehogs.</td>
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<td>The Autistic Brain</td>
2025-03-05 21:29:08 +01:00
<td><a href=",-bFR3-Dt3U~CRdzfx-0r0VdsqKAH7fEP3jebpOyBiS4,AAMC--8/The%20Autistic%20Brain%20-%20Temple%20Grandin.epub">Temple Grandin</a></td>
<td class="snippet">"In the case of brain trauma," Schneider says, "we're looking at a break in one of these cables." Not so in autism. There, he said, "we're looking at an anomalous growth pattern, be it genetic, be it developmental, et cetera, within that process."</td>
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<td>All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum</td>
<td>Kathy Hoopman</td>
<td class="snippet">When life gets too much for them, they might have a meltdown, which they don't do on purpose, can't control and feel terrible about afterwards... Autistic people may have a very advanced vocabulary, but then they get little words all mixed up or misunderstand what people say.</td>
2025-03-05 21:29:08 +01:00
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<td>Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate</td>
<td>Cynthia Kim</td>
<td class="snippet">...there is an element of serendipity to special interests that makes the experience of finding a new passion much like falling in love. Special interests tend to find us, rather than the other way around. I have no idea what has drawn me to many of my special interests over the years. Most are things that I have an intense but inexplicable fascination with.</td>
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<td>Navigating Autism</td>
<td>Temple Grandin</td>
<td class="snippet">You wouldn't want to live in a house without consistent, appropriate levels of electrical connection. Your world would feel undependable, unpredictable, and unsafe. This is how it can feel for a person with autism.</td>
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<td>Sex, Sexuality and the Autism Spectrum</td>
<td>Wendy Lawson</td>
<td class="snippet">Difficulties with fantasy and theatrically based imagination could mean that for some individuals with ASD maintaining 'romance' 'motivation' and 'spontaneity' in their relationships will need effort. They might not even notice when it is missing or why it should be useful in the first place. Some individuals with ASD have said that they are visual thinkers and have strong visual imaginations. I believe for many of us this will mean the need to stay focused upon 'reality' based imagined images of 'Other' and possible obsessions with a person, personage and/or aspects of a person. The fact that so many NT people use fetishes, photographs, films, the Internet etc. etc. to flog their imaginations and promote sexual arousal seems to argue against NT imagination being so much more adequate in this specific area...</td>
<p><a class="button" href="#moids">&gt; Show books by men too?</a></p>
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<p><a class="button" href="#">&gt; Aahh! Never mind!</a></p>
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<td>Steve Silberman</td>
<td class="snippet">...efforts to eradicate autism from the gene pool could put humankind's future at risk by purging the same qualities that had advanced culture, science, and technological innovation for millennia.</td>
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<td>Autism for Adults</td>
<td>Daniel M. Jones</td>
<td class="snippet">You will never sink as long as you know you have something to work toward. Remember that everything we do is simply a way to figure out what works. If you feel like you are failing at something, just know that it was a test that proves that way wasn't the right way for you and it's time to use another way.</td>