diff --git a/gophermap b/gophermap
deleted file mode 100755
index 8002309..0000000
--- a/gophermap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-iWelcome to MayVaneDay Studios!	
-iThis gopherhole is under construction.	
-iI haven't decided yet if I am going to struggle with keeping both versions (Gopher/Gemini and HTTPS) in sync or succumb to the Parthena Directive.	
-iI'm not happy with Gopher's lack of encryption, but Mozilla's recent (as of September 2020) mass firing leads me to believe HTTP/S is on its deathbed.	
-iIn the meantime, here's a half-made gopherhole.	
-ibefore, in your grief, you declare	
-i"my time on this earth is done; I have no more need for air"	
-ijust remember how you swore to with your own hands the heavens tear	
-0- "earthbound"	poetry/e/earthbound.txt
-1Books	books
-1Poetry	poetry
-0Identity & Contact	identity.txt
-0My GPG key	public.gpg
-0My GPG key (old)	public.gpg.old
diff --git a/identity/index.html b/identity/index.html
index 0c84690..f32443c 100755
--- a/identity/index.html
+++ b/identity/index.html
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Hash: SHA512
-as of 2021-10-12:
+as of 2021-12-25:
 I have full administrative control of the following domains and their subdomains:
 - - mayvaneday.art
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ I have full administrative control of the following domains and their subdomains
 - - aytolis.city
 - - letsdecentralize.org
 - - deadendshrine.online
-I no longer own the domain "cetra.club". Anyone who buys this domain in the future is not me. The clearnet version of "marusu's hole" is now at "mars.mayvaneday.org".
+- - beltane.email
 the following ZeroNet "zites" are mine, and I have sole access to the private keys:
 - - 1MeeJWbbQHArbqD6UUHSjh9EVycvnTUBFa (MayVaneDay)
@@ -49,20 +48,18 @@ The following Freenet sites are mine, and I have sole access to the private keys
 - - USK@NXLolHtxd-LrJ2JvE6qulMUL2g5QNaIV8yXhKO9UonY,hLlv0NAH-aJJIQv3duulegWKR3yNbvIrfinvva1R1T8,AQACAAE/letsdecentralize/-1/ (Let's Decentralize)
 - - USK@3igGCjaVr8BNYRhuRka8BA50089XeH-uOq1~m8FZ5KQ,pzggo6unfI9aZTSYJvimOyFFuQAQwrPYxpnbHN8k~L4,AQACAAE/deadendshrine/-1/ (Dead End Shrine Online)
-my email address(es) is (are):
+My current email addresses are:
+- - lethe@beltane.email
+- - vane@beltane.email
+The following addresses will forward to the above:
 - - vanevander@mayvaneday.art
 - - vanevander@mayvaneday.org
-- - BasedDepartment@letsdecentralize.org
 - - lethe@deadendshrine.online
 Do not email me to tell me how to run my website.
-These are my (active) ZeroNet IDs:
-- - moriposting@zeroid.bit
-- - letheposting@zeroid.bit
-- - claude@zeroid.bit
-and finally, my GPG public key is:
+Finally, my GPG public key is:
@@ -98,16 +95,15 @@ Ipzl6ecL3upkGrfo0MVNDVcpFiq1t7kh81pi
 I previously published a different key. I am having problems with it, so I have edited the original to disable the expiration. Please use the older one until further notice.
diff --git a/services.html b/services.html
index 55ebe53..5bf729f 100644
--- a/services.html
+++ b/services.html
@@ -1,13 +1,46 @@
+	table, th, td {
+		border: 1px solid black;
+	}
 <p>A completely plain page because I'm lazy as shit.</p>
+	<thead>
+		<tr>
+			<th>Name / Clearnet</th>
+			<th>I2P</th>
+			<th>Tor</th>
+			<th>Yggdrasil</th>
+		</tr>
+	</thead>
+	<tbody>
+		<tr>
+			<td>RSS-Bridge</th>
+			<td></td>
+			<td></td>
+			<td><a href="http://[200:c844:eea:d37:1ac1:a6c2:1528:e921]">[Yggdrasil]</a></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+			<td><a href="https://pixelfed.letsdecentralize.org">Pixelfed</a></td>
+			<td></td>
+			<td></td>
+			<td></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+			<td>IPFS Gateway</td>
+			<td><a href="http://f2vwzlz5wm3x2tbhzfwtay4wnxxfa37tlzmchhdsicicnewq2eya.b32.i2p">[I2P]</a></td>
+			<td></td>
+			<td></td>
+		</tr>
+	</tbody>
-	<li><a href="http://viridiv2ddgusgecnljnlo7bgymcah3dnlkrhudcj5mxiqbmaca7boad.onion">CommaFeed</a> over <b>Tor</b>: RSS feed reader</li>
-	<li><a href="https://pixelfed.letsdecentralize.org">Pixelfed</a>: federated image sharing</li>
-	<li><a href="https://post.letsdecentralize.org">Pleroma</a>: federated microblogging</li>
-	<li><a href="https://nitter.mayvaneday.org">Nitter</a>: Twitter proxy</li>
 	<li><a href="https://zeronet.link">zeronet.link</a>: clearnet to ZeroNet link redirector</li>
 	<li><a href="https://gogs.letsdecentralize.org">Gogs</a>: Git hosting</li>
 	<li><a href="https://duckling.mayvaneday.art">Port</a> with <b>self-signed certificate</b>: Gopher/Gemini to HTTP proxy</li>
 	<li><a href="https://rssbridge.mayvaneday.org">RSS-Bridge</a>: RSS feed creator</li>
 	<li><a href="https://linx.mayvaneday.org">Linx</a>: simple file upload and pastebin</li>