a garden in the corner of a gym 2020-01-16 *** the presiding queen rules over her patch of concrete resentful of the hole in her chest, woefully incomplete and her knees and shoulders have betrayed her too many times so she sits on her patch and looks down on us from up high a coercive building made of ancestors' malice she watches the children as she sips from chalice contorting their bodies in impossible ways but no empathy resides in her stony gaze all bow down at the command of a robotic voice programming the class to believe they have no choice to bend, extend, repeat, give false confession rear ends in the air, youthful limbs ready for inspection rain's cold air banished, air stuffy and hot a door to freedom bolted shut and locked maybe, if we lift these weights on the count of ten we will lift ourselves straight up to heaven *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander