Gradation 2022-05-24 *** I kept my promise to you, Jett. I toed the path until the end. Pushed aside the branches that fell on the cracking path and found detours around those whose bark I could not form a painless grasp. Through the flood zones I trode in puddles and in gasping leaps and for those to traverse too deep found a different way home. The path is bordered now with dandelions and violet slips I cannot name. So many friends have come and gone, but here you and I remain. I'm waiting here, Jett. Just like I was a year ago, holding my hands high and with sore throat pleading to the sky: "Here I am! Here my vessel resides! Take me home. I've fought the fight." I've fought the fight. I've won the war. And, Jett, I want to fight no more. I see no point to compete with those who I'd rather broker peace, rather never see ever again, rather watch disappear on the wind. I'll wait here. And I'll wait here until you're ready, until of this departure you have no more fear, until I hear you singing my name like a hymn. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander