Birdgazing 2022-04-09 *** I locked eyes with a robin this morning, sitting outside my bedroom window perched on one of the branches of the bush that was once a tree, cut down in fear, still adamant to grow. I thought of you, helpless in bed, maybe snoring, maybe silent as a hush, and how I wished I could be there to your exhausted body take care. For I gave you everything I had to give for you to claim your future back under one condition: that, at the end, you live. You burnt every candle down, dissolved every bathtime bomb, spent every rainy day stash I had, even accepted my blood. I wish it hadn't taken this for you to finally accept you were the Equinox, the harbinger of balance, all along. When I'm with you, I feel like I've been born anew. My mistakes no longer imposing weight, the past's pain all washed away. Or about to be reborn, invalid, palliate, you gently taking care of me until arrives my death date. Your touch is so tender, my love, healing, magic, sunlight. You know I'd do anything for you. So let me nurse you back to life. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander