a smearing of galaxies 2019-12-31 *** my dream is to take you out for long days in the city in little dessert shops we can be found hiding curled up in the corner under a blanket, legs intertwined how cursed that it's my passions I can barely define wasting light in the evenings in the hot tub of someone slipping into each other's curves in the center of the sun as all the other stars in the galaxy fall into place around us please, my love, teach me the meaning of lust curtains close, sun sets, trapped in a frost giant's heart taunting shadows of futures that rip us apart I ask you to promise me tomorrow; you shake your head and refuse for who knows if tomorrow's the next thing that we'll lose my hands clench the steering wheel as your breath slowly weakens half-frozen exhales like deep-shining beacons past is immutable, changing nevermore but I am the worst keeper of my very own lore *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander