Father No Longer 2021-07-09 *** Father seems like just a figment of my imagination, a decade of watching my feelings for him fade away, of wondering where the bond between us went. For I remember in the summer days of longing, how he caught me writing poetry about my first love, who'd cheated on me, and flew into a rage and took away my phone and severed me from my friends until I knelt at his feet and promised him my verses would end. But nowadays I spend my time letting freely flow my Muse's rhymes without the fear of his censorship forcing me to choose between "death" and "quit". Oh, I repeat myself. Both are the same. How could I ever try to tame the ocean's tides that churn inside, to quell the life I've built brick by brick all for myself? You heard my cry. You answered the call. And you understood how enthralled I am with words, and how I must oblige the beating world that churns inside. Father and I could never see eye-to-eye. He could never convince me why I should deny my feelings, my yearnings for a new world, to silence my soul and let greatness pass by. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander