Kubla Clam 2020-12-13 *** the ink is not yet dry on my face or my brush as the wind whistles and judges how well I have painted this place. this city is suffocating this body too short; I should have foreseen before I passed through that portal so haughty. "work? pandemic? president? what the shell are you going on about? come on, let's go see what clothes are new." you're sitting on that bench. you pretend not to see me, absorbed in your phone. my twin hearts clench. my love will go unrequited. you apologize as you shake your head. you already have a boyfriend. one heart breaks over a plate of fries and the other expected nothing less. sirens blare in the distance far off, signaling to hide, and you take my arm, this dual-core machine I am on all threads as you pull me inside. there are storm clouds on the horizon, what used to run in my veins a million times the poison. [the moon pulses red](https://web.archive.org/web/20200711151636/https://countess-radfem.tumblr.com/post/622747210454564864/tjagbo-closer-than-ever-2020), the same color as the crown that weighs heavy on my head. the blood spills over the terraformed land, and for a second, I think myself brave enough to take your hand. but it's just another mess that cleans itself up in the end, no more harmful than my stomach's churning ketchup. the sky was already growing dark. too early: this exit I cannot halt. as slip away the last throes of this dream, I reassure myself that you wait on the other side of the screen for you are the soft sunrise I can't wait to see *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander