novatore sang in the sun 2019-05-12 *** I am a strange and cursed poet delirious, destined, comprised of a million litle shards of light laying stabbed here, alone, abandoned, punishment for pursuit of a weird and perverse rite over-reliant on nuggets from days gone by what happened to the age where I used to so easelessly fly? tell me, my angel, the love of my life what do you make of this thing we call time? for an enigmatic sort of maelstrom has overtaken my heart and now I yearn for a world that does not exist, that I *know* does not exist, has never, will never in all of the atoms of my body and yet they call out to you burn in the depths of the night two ragged scars on the back of my chest sobbing for the fields in which we used to play the days away. I want to tell you a story of a girl named Lucine and the many exploits of hers which I've oft dreamed but the encore came out of left field for now I sit here among the tomatoes in my garden and revel in a world where such beautiful things can exist underneath my fingertips, lithe as my skin- despite the odds, are you and I kin? her arms would feel lithe, this goddess of mine, but I have the feeling I am proudly less than divine the final day approaches swiftly. I am nineteen now, and I must be brave. the time for hiding, cowering behind someone else is over; there can be no other way. damn it all! damn it all to the end! why do I persist in this place, for some semblance of "friend"? an expectation of returns on my dues? all you pitiful monsters want me to become a recluse! all these months I've wasted, collecting your facts while on everything I've ever loved, so relentlessly shat do you think me a pawn of some scripted fate? I can get around without references, even if it means I'll be late! stop looking, stop hiding, stop pretending you care. a perverse need to know, an addiction to hear-say. truthiness? *where?* if the world shall stand against me, and my right to exist as I am, then I shall stand against it in equal measure. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander