the tomb 2016-06-04 *** standing in a graveyard, soaked in the rain staring at my former lover, who buried me with a rose in my hands and a kiss full of pain I will look at things that I don't want to see and what repulses me the most is him gawking at my soul with his gloved hands twisted into a knot and undoubtedly a lie on his parted lips "Do you think that the universe fights for souls to be together?" he whispers the rain continues falling, pooling at his feet maybe he shouldn't have worn that suit to the graveyard today "Some things are too strange to be coincidences." "I have become the universe," I snap back shards of my voice piercing his chest cavity "I have died and lost myself among the stars, drifting among galaxies you could only ever dream of reaching." *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander