To Luce 2020-04-03 *** barrelling headfirst into a storm yet unknown where surely the seeds of my fate will be sown, I stand at my window and I watch and I wait and think of those who would dare defy fate. why should I accept my own alienation? it's not as if there was ever any "nation" that would welcome me in with cries of godsends while speeding along nature's chrome-plated end. am I to accept this life of duality, severed in two while denying a part of me- was *you?* stumbling out of the ward, covered in stitches where once Father speared me and spilled all of my wishes onto hell's floor this can't be my future, for my heart yearns for more Luce, I swear to you as you sit up on high, I will make it out of this hellhole alive. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander