ADAMANTINE'S MANDATE 2024-01-01 *** before, in your grief, the heavens you beseech "direct my actions; the world I want's beyond reach" just remember all the men who ever deemed you "leech" between terror and wildfire's rage you oscillated unsure if in reach was your own liberation or if it was too much to hope for, craven call it patriarchal reversal, projection, but even bearing the blood of your mother's chaotic kin the world that you seek is one where you escape where theirs is one where they've made women their slaves your first reaction to this realization is to declare war: "I can't tolerate this lifelessness! I won't take it anymore!" but piles of generations stronger than you have tried that very same: but what if the men threw a war, and this time not a single gyne came? think about this year past, of all the blessings I bestowed when you stopped wasting all your energies on the fruitless hope that you could convince your parents through tears and self-abandonment to change and instead refocused on what you could do to circumvent you kept your promises to Luce: you got your high employment and now work from home in a self-sovereign apartment that you needed no help to acquire, no hand-holding, no debt so, considering this: instead of war, what if you made a world instead? like you wanted five years ago as you write this: a world free of coercion and sickness the likes of which can barely be imagined: as startling as you stand now compared to "just moved in"? you've got to remember: you've survived every "moid" who beseeched their god that you'd succumb to the void I'll be your shield: black, gold, adamantine if you'll still be my Anima Mundi *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander