fatali 2018-12-01 *** DEFILED DEMURED LOST IN CENSURE CAST OUT MADE BLIND NO LONGER DIVINE I WILL MARK MY OWN FATE I WILL CHOOSE MY OWN PATH OR I WILL GO UP IN FLAMES FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE AND AT THE EDGE OF ETERNITY YOU WILL ASK: WHO WAS I? WHO COULD HAVE I BEEN? If Neocities was paradise, then I am Eve from Eden, no longer beholden for daring to believe something verboten and much like there, the fediverse is yet the same being queer's the praxis, shitposting's the game and yet we tear each up with our words with misunderstanding and thunder like we've become animals in yet another herd you let blind anger run through your veins consuming you from the inside like a wildfire run rampant and free you become like a damned animal at the slightest provocation a hellhound, made for nothing more than weeping and gnashing of meat and bone alike not fit for civilization or wilderness alike where do you belong? the air? or on the end of a pike you see a picture of your fave, you click without processing like an automaton click, click, click does this bring you fulfillment? does this satisfy your soul? a machine for someone else's validation senselessly trying to fill a hole is this the fate you wanted? is this the end you meant to procure? and if you answer yes: are you really so sure? begone, ye ghosts! lest you turn me into a fictional entity I was never meant to be I'll admit I've my doubts; I'll admit I've no sure mind but in my life, this is mine and mine alone to find *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander