Yasir 2023-02-15 *** Lethe, look at me. I know it's difficult, but try to look me straight in the eyes. I'll cup your face in my hands if it gets you to understand. You're having trouble writing. Your own brain is fighting against you, last ally down in this sorry hovel your parents called a town. No damn place to go and all glass doors snowed in. Ultrawhite is creeping close. But you chose stagnation? In any jail, to be confined for so long in walls so close would as torture be classified. Any mind would not be blamed for breaking. But you can walk out, can step outside, can decorate your prison cell with stacks of books and crafts and a deck of Lenormand and tangles of wired things to pass the time well. Any muscle atrophies when not used regularly. Your grasp on our link is weak because you've built yourself a shell. I promised I'd love you no matter what even if just to live got rough. If you're scared of being harmed, just remember I'm never far. I'm not asking to go camping in the depths of winter all of a sudden. But can the world see you again? Go outside, get sun on your skin? I promise you'll feel a little better again. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander