an old bunk house built for two 2020-01-23 *** your love is a rain-soaked roof sheltered and framed by trees as proof that the forest still sees you as one of its own the throned cabin you rest upon you've been vacant of human attention for years and your water pipes have dried up, and so have your tears vines laced with emerald, envy creeping up your spine choking the life and the love that I used to call mine your mouth opens, inviting inside the animals seeking shelter to hide but the mold has settled deep in your bones so the animals leave, disgusted; you sit there alone eventually the rot will reach your mind too and not even sun's gentle touch will be able to soothe, outstretched in good grace with gentle cleansing in tow, the corpse of a heart that once so violently glowed *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander